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      SemioticsArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureClimate Change Adaptation
Unpublished BA thesis.

Portmann, Lara. 2015. The technological city and the rural idyll: A visual analysis of place in the representation of new media in mediatised stock images. BA thesis, University of Bern.
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      Social SemioticsVisual DiscourseStock ImagesDigital Discourse
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      Literary JournalismDiscourse AnalysisSemioticsAesthetics
This unit includes a set of activities to work in class the documentary Tres instantes, un grito by Chilean filmmaker Cecilia Barriga. The documentary shows three examples of public outrage in 2011 in three different places: the Plaza del... more
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      GlobalizationFilm StudiesTeaching of Foreign LanguagesOccupy Movement
The title of this paper invites the famous René Magritte's painting The Treachery of Images to suggest the basic thesis of this research. We can recognize Magritte's urge to warn and clearly distinguish the different ontological belonging... more
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      ClassicsPlatoStylisticsVisual Semiotics
CITATION DETAILS: Thurlow, C. (2017). “Forget about the words”? Tracking the language, media and semiotic ideologies of digital discourse: The case of sexting. Discourse, Context & Media. DOI:
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      Critical Discourse StudiesVisual CommunicationLanguage IdeologySexting
The paper aims to accommodate in the academic discourse, within the theory of response, ineffable concepts of exterioriation of the Liturgy through brickwork ornaments used at the apse as material sign of inner vision / prayer. These... more
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      Late Byzantine ArchitectureVisual DiscourseSt. Clement of OhridByzantine Brickwork
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyVisual StudiesVisual propaganda
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      Critical TheoryLiteracyVisual StudiesTeacher Education
Creative cognitive is a new research field that examines the cognitive process involved in constructing novel representations. It is further concerned with studying the role of such a process in generating new ideas, concepts and... more
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This study explores the socio-cognitive dynamics of the photographic representation of Afghan Refugees residing in Pakistan. It aims to reveal counter discursivity present in the images of Afghan refugees and... more
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    • Visual Discourse
The paper aims to accommodate in the academic discourse, within the theory of response, ineffable concepts of exterioriation of the Liturgy through brickwork ornaments used at the apse as material sign of inner vision / prayer.... more
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      Late Byzantine ArchitectureBrickworksVisual DiscourseSt. Clement of Ohrid
Luxury is a 913BE global industry spanning multiple categories according to the Boston Consulting Group, and it represents a major market worldwide, one that has registered a tremendous growth in the last decade. Brands have developed a... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMedia DiscourseLuxury BrandsOnline Discourse
Resumen: Lo audiovisual ha merecido poca atención en la investigación social, aún en campos de conocimiento especialmente “iconizado” donde las representaciones sociales se construyen fundamentalmente a partir de los discursos visuales... more
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      Visual SociologyAnti-RacismCommunication for Social ChangeVisual Discourse
The decorative programs of ancient Egyptian temples represent a rich source for the thoughts of the priestly and the ruling elites of Egypt. This is especially true regarding the speculations about the socio-religious role of the king. In... more
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      Discourse AnalysisVisual StudiesTemple decorationAncient Egyptian Art and Architecture
Qu’entend-on par péronisme dans un contexte de mobilisations intenses et d’enthousiasme révolutionnaire? Si pendant la proscription du péronisme, différents groupes récupérèrent les bases symboliques de sa période « classique »... more
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      Visual CultureVisual CommunicationVisual and Cultural StudiesPeronism
With this special issue, we aim to address visibility not just as a representation of the social, but as an aspect and element of social and cultural orders sui generis. The texts in this volume are dedicated to understanding the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisVisual SociologyVisual StudiesCritical Discourse Analysis
The present paper aims to examine the use of the persuasive rules in texts and images to determine the role of these visual modes in recalling or adding what they mention. Such a study helps set clearly which visual mode is much more... more
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      SemioticsPragmaticsSemanticsCognitive Linguistics
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      Visual AnthropologyWar StudiesCritical Discourse AnalysisWar on Terror
Considering the efforts to resolve the widespread societal phenomenon of violence against women, awareness-raising and the role of the media comprise one of the key targets by the most important international agreements to combat it. The... more
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      Violence Against WomenPreventionSexual and Gender-Based ViolenceAudio Visual Media
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      RepresentationCaribbeanVisual DiscourseNational Geographic
RESUMEN: A mediados del siglo XIX la Real Academia de San Carlos, el equivalente en la capital mexicana a la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, experimentó un fuerte impulso de renovación gracias, entre otras medidas, a la... more
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      Identity (Culture)Reception of the BibleBiblical Studies and Cultural StudiesVisual Discourse
Η παρούσα εισήγηση παρουσιάζει την εν εξελίξει εργασία (work-in-progress) της ελληνικής ερευνητικής ομάδας που συμμετείχε στο ευρωπαϊκό πρόγραμμα HORIZON 2020 CoHere (Critical Heritages. Performing and Representing Identities in Europe... more
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      Cultural StudiesGeographyCultural HeritageVisual Rhetoric
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      SemioticsVisual StudiesTourism StudiesVisual Anthropology
Buscamos avaliar a forte incidência que a discussão sobre imagens nos estudos comunicacionais sofreu de um discurso fortemente marcado pela predominância de categorias próprias ao campo das teorias da linguagem; reconhecendo este... more
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      PhilosophyVisual SemioticsIconicityPictorial Representation
Der Artikel verbindet Elemente der visuellen Diskursanalyse mit der kritischen Reflexion journalistischer Bebilderungspraxis in Bezug auf die (Re-)Produktion hierarchischer Differenzsysteme
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      Cultural StudiesVisual StudiesPolitical ScienceVisual Communication
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      Discourse AnalysisVisual DiscourseDiscourse Analysis, Multimodality,visual Social SemioticsAnaliza dyskursu
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      Art HistoryGenderBalkansVisual History
Ars Judaica 12 (2016): 9-22.
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      Jewish - Christian RelationsHebrew ManuscriptsVisual DiscourseMedieval Jewish Iconography
Considering the efforts to resolve the widespread societal phenomenon of violence against women, awareness-raising and the role of the media comprise one of the key targets by the most important international agreements to combat it. The... more
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      Discourse AnalysisVisual StudiesViolence PreventionGender Discourse
Paulauskas, Donatas. 2015. “Inverting Monstrosity: ACT UP’s Fight Against Scientific-Popular Discourses of AIDS.” Pulse: A Graduate Journal of History, Sociology & Philosophy of Science 3: 125-144. ISSN: 2416-111X.
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      Social MovementsQueer StudiesVisual StudiesHistory of Medicine
The aim of this article is to analyze the phenomenon of the eroticizing of seaside vacations in the visual discourse represented by ‘amusing’ postcards showing naked bodies. The author refers to theoretical findings concerning the eye of... more
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      Visual SociologyEroticismHistory of PostcardsSocjologia Wizualna
Othering begegnet uns nicht nur im geschriebenen Wort. Es kann sich ebenfalls in der Kombination von Bild und Text manifestieren. Wie wichtig eine Reflexion der Artikelbebilderung durch die Redaktion ist, mochte ich im Folgenden anhand... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual StudiesPolitical ScienceVisual Communication
Buscamos avaliar a forte incidência que a discussão sobre imagens nos estudos comunicacionais sofreu de um discurso fortemente marcado pela predominância de categorias próprias ao campo das teorias da linguagem; reconhecendo este... more
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      Visual SemioticsIconicityPictorial RepresentationVisual Discourse
This chapter aims to focus on the impacts of some particular fashion adverts which are breaking the prevalent ideas regarding 'the representation of men' on Bangladeshi youths of different ages and areas by making a survey on the youths... more
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      Gender StudiesMasculinityVisual DiscourseFashion Advertisements
Symposium 'Mathematics and Art', Annual Meeting of the German Mathematical Society, Sept. 2020
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      Cultural HistoryVisual StudiesStatisticsScience Communication
Nach den Anschlägen von 9/11 prägte der US-amerikanische Präsident George W. Bush mit ‚Axis of Evil‘ einen folgenschweren politischen Slogan, der die Länder Nordkorea, Iran und Irak des Terrorismus bezichtigte. Diese ‚Achse des Bösen‘... more
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      Middle East StudiesPostcolonial StudiesPoliticsIslam
This collection advances the study of context-dependent characteristics of argumentative discourse by examining a variety of media genres in which text and image (and other semiotic modes) combine to create meaning. The chapters have been... more
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      GenreVisual RhetoricMultimodal Discourse AnalysisVisual Discourse
[In Spanish: see below] Around the world millions of people suffer the consequences of financial and economic crisis; as well as the sovereign debt crisis: under impoverishment, unemployment and homelessness, by cuts in the social,... more
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      Aesthetics and PoliticsDocumentary FilmFinancial Crisis of 2008/2009Critical Visuality Studies
Thurlow, C. & Aiello, G. (2007). National pride, global capital: A social semiotic analysis of transnational visual branding in the airline industry. Visual Communication, 6(3), 305-344.
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      Cultural StudiesVisual StudiesVisual CommunicationSocial Semiotics