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      Knights TemplarTeutonic KnightsHospitallersMilitary religious orders
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      Human RightsOmbudsmanHungaryVenice Commission
Az alábbi munkám során a Kárpát-medence, azon belül Szlovákia és Magyarország La Tène korának LT A2–C1 időszaka közti fibulaviseletével foglalkozom. A fibulaviseleti szokások problémakörének legfőbb kérdése, hogy hogyan nézett ki a kelták... more
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      ArchaeologyLate Iron Age (Archaeology)La Tene cultureFibulae
According to the Graeco-Roman zodiacs, the appearance of the full moon on the day of the autumnal equinox signified the moment in the astral myth of Osiris when the god was resurrected. The paper argues that the concise version of the... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyArchaeoastronomyAncient Egyptian Astronomy
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      Mongolian StudiesOld TurkicTurkologyMongolia
Abstract: In the article the Slavic Studies at the University of Szeged and at the University of Vienna are compared in the following aspects: fields of study that could be chosen, popularity of university fields, difficulties in language... more
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      Slavic StudiesUniversity of ViennaStudying and Working AbroadUniversity of Szeged
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      Student Achievement MotivationStudent Motivation And EngagementSelf EfficacyAspirations
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      Nomadic PeoplesManichaeismSogdianCosmogony
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      PhilosophyMedieval HistoryOnomasticsIranian Studies
Computer Science is a rather young discipline, and as usual with new disciplines, in its early stage there were important discussions about its aim, scope and methodology. Throughout these debates, it was claimed at different times that... more
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      Computer ScienceHistory Of ComputingPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy Of Mathematics
Thursday 9th Oct. at 6pm, by the classroom n. 3 of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Szeged, as part of the socalled "Oszi Kulturalis Fesztival", in the year of 50th anniversary of the publication of the book "One-Dimensional Man"... more
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      Critical TheoryHerbert MarcuseTheodor AdornoMax Horkheimer
Waldorf schools strive to create learning opportunities for well-rounded growth of the individual through the faculties of thinking, feeling and willing. Assessment, as perceived and practised in these schools, should in the first place... more
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      Alternative EducationPolitical ScienceElt MethodologyUniversity of Szeged
A tanulmány a digitális eszközöknek és médiumoknak az irodalomtanításra gyakorolt hatását vizsgálja. A vonatkozó nemzetközi szakirodalom áttekintésében az irodalomolvasás és a digitális kultúra közötti feszültséget és ugyanakkor... more
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      SociologyUniversity of Szeged
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      Mongolian StudiesOld TurkicTurkologyMongolia
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    • University of Szeged
La migración internacional Sur-Sur ha crecido significativamente en la última década y Chile es uno de los países receptores de la migración regional. Es así, que el número de los colombianos se multiplicó en los últimos 10 años... more
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      ColombiaPolitical ScienceChileMigración
The spread of COVID-19 has had radical impacts on the operation of higher education institutions. The University of Szeged, one of the leading universities in Hungary, Central Europe, adapted itself to the unprecedented pandemic situation... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSustainabilityUI GreenMetricUniversity of Szeged
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      Radnóti MiklósUniversity of Szeged
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    • University of Szeged
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      ICT in EducationWord associationUniversity of Szegedszóasszociáció
This study is an investigation into the characterisation of commercial activated charcoal, sawdust charcoal and rice husk charcoal as adsorbents for water treatment. The ground rice husk and waste sawdust collected, were sieved to obtain... more
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      ChemistryUniversity of Szeged
At the University of Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca), the links between teaching and research in pedagogy and psychology can be traced. The Institute of Pedagogy existed from the very beginning, the Institute of Pedagogical Psychology was... more
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      University of SzegedHistory of education in HungaryHistory of Psychology in HungaryUniversity of Kolozsvár
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      Modern Hungarian LiteratureRadnóti MiklósUniversity of Szeged
The collapse of communist economies in Eastern Europe and former Soviet Union, as well as their subsequent transition towards market economies, was arguably one of the most far-reaching economic events of the 20lh century. Pain accom... more
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      MacroeconomicsEuropean integrationCroatiaUniversity of Szeged
El estudio está dedicado al asunto del exilio checo y eslovaco en la España de la posguerra. Mediante el análisis del discurso de los principales representantes del exilio se analiza su reflexión sobre la España franquista y sobre la... more
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Ailios Aristeidés a második szofisztika egyik legsokoldalúbb prózaírója. Jelen kötetben az Athénához írt prózahimnuszának magyar fordítását tesszük közzé.
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      Second SophisticAelius AristidesAthenaUniversity of Szeged
The fragments of the lex municipalis Troesmensium – two almost intact bronze tablets – were found by illegal treasure-hunters in 2002 and were reclaimed by the Romanian state in 2015. The complete text with introduction, commentaries and... more
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      SociologyLatin EpigraphyRoman municipal administrationUniversity of Szeged
The perpetual burden of tuberculosis (TB) keeps drawing the focus of research on this disease. Among other risk factors (e.g., poor living conditions, malnutrition, smoking, HIV infection, etc.), being in close contact with a TB infected... more
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      MedicineUniversity of Szeged
A Szegedi Tudományegyetem Gendertudományi Kutatócsoportja által szervezett "Gender és szolidaritás" című konferencián 2018. 09. 21-én megtartott előadásban arról beszéltem, hogy hogyan jelenik meg a diszkrimináció a melegközösségen belül,... more
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      Gender StudiesStigmaGender and SexualityGay And Lesbian Studies
Public Lecture of György Fogarasi
(within the class "Krinò" Workshop of Thinking)
Tuesday, March 20th ('18)
4.30-6 p.m.
SZTE Faculty of Arts
Petőfi Sándor sgt. 30-34
classroom "szeminarium 9."
IV floor
Moderator: Federico Sollazzo
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      HistoryComparative LiteraturePhilosophyHistoricism
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      Biological AnthropologyPaleopathologyNeolithic ArchaeologySaharan Archaeology
A tanulmány a történetmesélés szerepét és a hősiesség fogalmát teszi vizsgálat tárgyává Farkas Franciska Levél Brad Pittnek (2019) című monodrámájában. Farkas Magyarországon sokat foglalkoztatott roma származású színésznő. Filmes és... more
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    • University of Szeged
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      MathematicsPure MathematicsUniversity of Szeged
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      OrthodonticsMedicineUniversity of Szeged
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      BiologyBacterial EndophytesUniversity of Szeged
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      SociologyMedieval HistoryProsopographyMedieval Church History
The paper discusses two anecdotes concerning the Hungarian court. The first anecdote is transmitted by Le Vite of Giorgio Vasari on Visino, a Florentine painter, and his adventure in the court of Louis II. The big-mouth Florentine almost... more
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      EngineeringItalian StudiesRenaissance HumanismHungarian Cultural Studies
A Sztálin halála utáni lassú enyhülésben a fokozatosan kiépülő és konszolidálódó Kádár-korszakban lehetőséget kínáltak a szocialista berendezkedést elfogadó, marxista – azaz a nem polgári – neveléslélektan felépítésére.E tényt támasztja... more
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    • University of Szeged
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      History of HungaryHungarian StudiesHungaryMagyarország