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      Human RightsFreedom Of ExpressionEuropean Court of Human RightsDefamation
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Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi, Birleşmiş Milletler İnsan Hakları Evrensel Bildirgesi'nin kabul edilişinin 71. yıl dönümünde, 10 Aralık İnsan Hakları Günü'nde, 1 Kasım 2017 tarihinden bu yana tutuklu bulunan, iş insanı, sivil toplum... more
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      Human RightsEuropean Court of Human RightsTurkish Constitutional CourtRight to Liberty
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      The Right to a Fair TrialTurkish Constitutional CourtConstitutional ComplaintRight to be present in court and to know the case against you
Özet: Bu çalışmada, Anayasa Mahkemesi'nin bireysel başvuru kararları kapsamında vermiş olduğu geçici tedbir kararları bütüncül olarak ele alınmış ve sistematik olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmada metot olarak arama, Anayasa... more
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      Turkish Constitutional CourtBireysel BaşvuruIndividual Application
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      Constitutional LawHuman Rights LawHuman RightsEuropean Convention of Human Rights
In the historical process that is relating to constitutional jurisdiction, individual application procedure to constitutional courts has emerged due to the need of the protection of fundamental rights. Before this procedure, the... more
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      Constitutional LawTurkish Constitutional CourtIndividual Application
ÖZ/TR : Eşitlik ilkesi ve bu ilkenin koruduğu hukuki menfaatin olumsuz ifadesi olan ayrımcılık yasağı, herkese eşit muamele yapılmasını, insanlar arasında ayrım yapılmamasını amaçlayan temel ilkelerdir. Demokratik toplumların temel yapı... more
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      Non-discriminationSexual OrientationEuropean Court of Human RightsLGBTQI Human Rights
Bu çalışmada Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasa Mahkemesinin tarihi; olaylar, kişiler ve kararlar üzerinden ele alınmıştır. Öncelikle anayasa yargısının anayasacılık fikri içerisindeki önemi ve Dünyada anayasa yargısının gelişimi... more
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      Constitutional LawComparative Constitutional LawJudicial reviewTürk siyasal hayatı, siyaset bilimi, siyaset sosyolojisi
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      AİHSAnayasa MahkemesiTurkish Constitutional CourtBireysel Başvuru
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      Consitutional LawTurkish Constitutional LawTurkish Constitutional Court
Çocuğun üstün yararı, çocuk haklarına ilişkin uluslararası insan hakları düzenlemelerinin ortaya çıkışıyla birlikte, bedensel, zihinsel, ekonomik ve sosyal bakımdan güçsüz ve dezavantajlı gruplardan biri olan çocukları ilgilendiren her... more
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      Children's RightsTurkish Constitutional LawChildren's Best InterestsTurkish Constitutional Court
“Milliyetçilik-Atatürk Milliyetçiliği” ve “Türk” kavramları, 1924 Anayasasından itibaren tüm anayasalarda yer almıştır. Bu kavramları kapsayıcı ve genişletici yorumlamak yerine indirgemeci ve dışlayıcı bir perspektif getiren yaklaşımlara... more
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      Constitutional LawNationalismMilliyetçilikAnayasa Hukuku
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      Human Rights LawEuropean Court of Human RightsFreedom of AssemblyTurkish Constitutional Law
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      Public AdministrationTurkeyRegional developmentModern Turkey
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      Judicial reviewDemocratic LegitimacySerdar GülenerTurkish Constitutional Court
Individual access to constitutional courts has recently attained prominence as an effective tool of human rights protection and it is viewed as an example of the broader phenomenon of transfer of constitutional ideas from a point of... more
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      Comparative Constitutional LawEuropean Convention of Human RightsConstitutionalismEuropean Court of Human Rights
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      Constitutional LawECHRAİHSDignity of the Human Person
Sentences of life imprisonment without the possibility of release (irreducible life sentences) have been found to be inhumane and degrading by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). Nevertheless, they continue to be imposed and... more
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      VinterTurkish Constitutional Courtlife imprisonment in TurkeyIrreducible Life Sentences
After the year 2011, it began the quest for a new constitution to be held in Turkey. In this framework, it was aimed to create a consensus text in terms of various conflict points in the society. Although areas of constitutional conflict... more
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      Constitutional LawHuman RightsConstitutionalismConstitutional Conflicts
Conference on Individual Application to Constitutional Court as a System to Protect Human Rights at National Level, held by the Turkish Constitutional Court and the Council of Europe, Antalya, November 27-28, 2014. (Turkish)
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      Constitutional LawEuropean Court of Human RightsTurkish Constitutional Court
In order to bypass the 10% electoral threshold, a significant number of independent candidates stood for election in 2007 parliamentary elections in Turkey. Having occurred, these independent candidates came upon deprivation of particular... more
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      Political ParticipationPolitical PartiesHuman RightsDemocratic Theory
The Turkish Constitutional Court is often described as an agent of the raison d'etat. Although a number of judgements confirm this assessment, by shifting the focus from result to process the article reveals that judicial decision-making... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical TheoryJudicial reviewConstruction
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      Empirical Legal ResearchLogit & Probit modelsJudicial BehaviorConstitutional Courts