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The work focuses on private international law methods used in order to guarantee «the best interests of the child» in each decision concerning children (article 3 CRC). The a. tries to show how, and to what extent, «the best interests of... more
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      Conflict of LawsChildren's Best Interests
Forensic psychology is the intersection of psychology and the law. Forensic psychologists are skilled in discerning a variety of behaviors and assessing criminality for the criminal justice system. Forensic Psychologists follow Ethical... more
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      Informed ConsentRelease of Client InformationConfidentialityChildren's Best Interests
This bench book focuses on the legal rights and options for immigrant children who have been abused, abandoned, or neglected by at least one of their parents. Many of these children find themselves before the judiciary in state court... more
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      Child abuse and neglectImmigrationImmigration LawChildren's Best Interests
The purpose of this document is to provide background information about the condition of autistic children/adult in Bangladesh. The background information contained in this document are taken from objective sources such as reputable... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersReportCountry of origin informationChildren's Best Interests
In der vorliegenden Arbeit, die sich auf Deutschland, Österreich und Italien iVm der Judikatur des EGMR konzentriert, möchte man beleuchten, inwieweit und in welche Richtungen die Rechtsprechung Bezug auf Kindeswohlerwägungen nimmt, um... more
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      Children's RightsItalyGermanyChild
Der Beitrag nimmt die rechtlichen und politischen Regulierungen von Nähe- und Fürsorgeverhältnissen in sogenannten Regenbogenfamilien zum Ausgangspunkt für die Erörterung der Frage, wie und welche familialen Lebensweisen... more
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      LGBTQ studiesQueer KinshipPolitics of Affect, Feeling and EmotionChildren's Best Interests
This article considers the inclusion of the best interests of the child standard in the family law regimes of Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, as well as its implications for our understanding of families in the Gulf region.... more
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      Islamic LawComparative LawMuslim Family LawChild Law
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      Child custodyShared ParentingJoint CustodyChildren's Best Interests
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    • Children's Best Interests
Interview with Judge Marie-France Carlier, Family Courts of Namur and Dinant (Belgium) on the implementation of a model of cooperation "Judge, lawyers, parents, mediators and specialized actors" within the Dinant Family Court: a... more
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      Family LawJudicial ReformFamily mediationDivorced families
This is a chapter in Elizabeth Brake and Lucinda Ferguson (eds), Philosophical Foundations of Children's and Family Law (OUP 2018). This chapter's argument stems from the premise that legal language should speak for itself. The... more
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      Family LawLegal TheoryChild LawChildren's Rights
L’a. esamina le questioni che insorgono in materia di trascrizione nel registro di stato civile italiano di un atto di nascita formato all’estero a seguito di gestazione per altri: dopo un confronto tra la disciplina dell’accordo di... more
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      Surrogate MotheringSurrogacyStatusDiritti Umani
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      Constitutional LawChild protectionHuman RightsLegal Theory
Calls for a harm threshold to mediate the best interests test have gained momentum following the case of Charlie Gard. This chapter considers normative and empirical claims made by proponents of the harm threshold. While I accept that the... more
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      Children and FamiliesShared decision makingMedical Ethics & LawChildren's Best Interests
La Bioetica generalmente denominata “laica” si presenta spesso come "nuova etica del vivere e del morire", o più brevemente "Bioetica della qualità della vita", affermando che non è la vita in quanto tale (l’essere) ad avere valore ma la... more
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      BioethicsQuality of lifeEuthanasiaBioetica
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      Medical LawChildren's Best Interests
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    • Children's Best Interests
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    • Children's Best Interests
The results are publishes in a chapter of the book “Human Rights in Child Protection”, edited by Asgeir Falch-Eriksen and Elisabeth Backe-Hansen. The findings reveal significant differences between countries with regard to the... more
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      Child protectionHuman RightsChildren's RightsChildren's Best Interests
Awarding prospective loss in a death of a child
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      Civil LawChild LawChildren's Best Interests
Los trabajos aquí contenidos dan cuenta, en consecuencia, de una suerte de desplazamiento progresivo del eje de las relaciones parento-filiales: desde la potestad o poder paterno, hacia el ejercicio equitativo y permanente —entre padres y... more
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      Constitutional LawFamily LawComparative Constitutional LawChild protection and family law
Cette recherchée, réalisée pour le compte de l'Observatoire de l'Enfance, de la Jeunesse et de l'Aide à la Jeunesse, s’est centrée sur les décisions concernant le droit des enfants à la vie familiale, en général, et plus spécifiquement... more
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      SociologyChildren and FamiliesChildren's Best Interests
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    • Children's Best Interests
This is Chapter 1 of Children, Autonomy and the Courts: Beyond the Rights to be Heard (Daly, 2018). This chapter proposes that, although CRC Article 12 focuses on ‘hearing’ children in proceedings about their best interests, instead the... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodHuman Rights LawInternational LawChild and adolescent mental health
Esta propuesta busca identificar tales limitaciones y sugerir avenidas para el reconocimiento y protección de los derechos constitucionales de la niñez, de un modo coherente con los compromisos internacionales de Chile en materia de... more
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      Constitutional LawHuman RightsChildren's RightsAutonomia
The European Union is increasingly concerned with private international law instruments regarding, directly or indirectly, children. The UN Convention on the rights of the child (art. 3) and the European Charter of Fundamental Rights... more
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      Human RightsJurisdiction and Enforcement of Foreign JudgmentsChildren's Best Interests
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      Comparative ReligionComparative LawConstitutional LawCivil Law
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      Human Rights LawChildrens RightsChildren's Best InterestsJudicial Application of Child Rights
במאמר זה נטען כי הרטוריקה הרווחת במשפט הישראלי יוצרת את האשליה שהמשפט הישראלי מציע הגנה מקיפה וממשית מפני כל פגיעה בשלום הילד, ושטובת הילד היא שיקול מכריע בענייניו. לאמיתו של דבר לא מוצעת לילד אלא הגנה חלקית בלבד, בעיקר מפני אנשים בסביבתו... more
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      Child protectionSocial RightsChild LawSocial Justice
This document aims to outline the complex issue of the adopted person’s right, born from anonymous birth, to know their biological origins. The last is contrary to a woman's right to give birth in complete anonymity.
 The... more
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      SpagnaMediacion FamiliarDiritto ComparatoPost-Adoption Behavior
The concept of the ‘best interests of the child’ is both pivotal in family law and yet essentially contested. This paper reflects on the concept's position within a number of longer-term histories – of the jurisprudence surrounding child... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodFamily LawNorbert EliasChildren's Best Interests
Preventive newborn male circumcision has been at the center of scientific debate for many years. The reason for promoting preventive newborn male circumcision, is the reduction of the incidence of UTIs (in the first six months of life),... more
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      Male CircumcisionPreventionNewbornChildren's Best Interests
This paper analyses the relevant case-law of the Supreme and Constitutional Courts of Germany, Austria and Italy with regard to surrogate motherhood and the rights of the child. After a brief overview of the legal regimes in the three... more
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      Comparative LawChild DevelopmentSurrogate MotheringItaly
Las contradicciones que el desarrollo de las técnicas de reproducción asistida provocan sobre los ordenamientos jurídicos tienen en la gestación subrogada su máximo exponente. A la mater­nidad tecnológica no la ha acompañado una adecuada... more
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      Human DignitySurrogate MotherhoodChildren's Best InterestsMaternidad subrogada
The increase of divorce rate in western societies entails that family law must consider the welfare of children from divorced parents as one of its priorities. The judiciary recognizes that going to court to solve family disputes is... more
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      Collaborative Family LawFamily mediationAlternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)Children's Best Interests
The work moves from the consideration of some cases - those of Alfie Evans, Charlie Gard, Isaiah Haastrup and Fabiano Antoniani (c.d. DJ Fabo) - all concerning end-of-life issues, to reflect on the related case law in the light of... more
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      Constitutional LawThe Right to HealthAssisted SuicideRight to Life
La Guía de Recomendaciones para Profesionales que trabajan con menores que migran solos, colaboración entre el Observatoire de la Migration de Mineurs (Migrinter) y la Universidad de Zaragoza está en línea en su version española:... more
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      Social WorkSociology of Children and ChildhoodChildren and FamiliesMigration
The standard of the patient's best interests is the main bioethical standard used in the decision-making process that involves incompetent patients (i.e. neonatology, pediatric patients and incompetent adults). This standard has been... more
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      Children's Best InterestsPediatrics BioethicsOrdinary and Extraordinary TreatmentsThe principle of therapeutic proportionality
In several recent decisions on cases concerning the international abduction of minors the European Court of Human Rights set the requirement of an «in-depth examination of the entire family situation» in order to comply with Article 8... more
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      Fundamental RightsChild AbductionChildren's Best Interests
Contributo che parte dalla disamina del parere del Garante sul decreto del Ministro dell'Interno 31 gennaio 2019 per tratteggiare le problematiche relative al diritto al lecito e corretto trattamento dei dati personali per chiudere con un... more
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      PrivacyPERSONAL DATA PROTECTIONData ProtectionPrivacy and data protection
The best interests standard has endured a sustained critique both from bioethics, and recently from those drafting the United Nations Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). At the heart of these critiques is a focus... more
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      Decision MakingBest InterestsChildren's RightsHarm Principle
Greece has recently amended its legislation on medically assisted reproduction , extending the conditions under which surrogacy can be practiced and introducing one of the most liberalised regime of surrogacy in Europe. The aim of this... more
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      Constitutional LawMedical LawComparative Constitutional LawBiolaw
Children's vulnerability gives rise to duties of justice towards children and determines when authority over them is legitimately exercised. I argue for two claims. First, children's general vulnerability to objectionable dependency on... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityChildren and FamiliesParentingFamily
On what basis should we judge whether a parent’s medical decision for their child is morally acceptable? In a recent article, Johan Bester attempts to answer this question by defending a version of the Best Interest Standard (BIS) for... more
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      BioethicsMedical EthicsAutonomyChildren's Best Interests
Surrogacy is a widespread practice for childless parents. Surrogacy laws vary widely from State to State. Some States require genetic parents to obtain a jurisdictional order to have their names on the original birth certificate, without... more
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      Human Rights LawInternational LawHuman RightsPublic International Law
This article sheds light on the socio-legal implications of the dissolution of “mixed” marriages. By analyzing two legal cases decided by Israeli shari‘a and civil courts, the article shows how such dissolution transforms the map of... more
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      Socio-legal studiesMixed MarriagesChildren's Best InterestsIslamic Family Law and Shari'a Courts
Il presente lavoro prende in considerazione la recente pronuncia della Corte di Strasburgo sul noto caso Charlie Gard evidenziando gli aspetti critici emersi in ordine al diritto di autodeterminazione e alla rappresentanza genitoriale... more
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      Children's Best InterestsMaternità surrogataCharlie Gard
The essay deals with the reconstruction of the main pronouncements of the Constitutional Court relating to the regulation of medically assisted procreation (law n. 40/2004). In particular, the analysis focuses on the two latest rulings... more
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      Constitutional LawSurrogacyDiritto CostituzionaleMedically Assisted Procreation and Biotechnology
Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Pravni Fakultet, Porodično pravo I, 2. godina studija, seminarski rad
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      Family LawChildren's Best InterestsLaw of Parents and Children