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      PharmacyBusiness ManagementTrinidadE_commerce
“Speak Out” against injustices is the doctrine that guides Feroza Rose Mohammed, a woman many know simply as Rose. It is this belief that brought her the glare of publicity and created a storm of controversy in October 2007, when she... more
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      IslamIslamic feminismTrinidadRose Mohammed
Guillermo de Saint-Thierry, teólogo y místico del siglo XII, se ha servido de la metáfora del amor esponsal para hacer referencia a la reciprocidad entre el hombre y Dios, camino de la conformacion de la creatura a su Creador. Este... more
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      PneumatologyTrinidadGuillaume de Saint-Thierry
Il capitolo approfondisce l'idea che lo studio della Trinità è necessario per conoscere chi è l’uomo. Più approfondiamo il mistero del Dio Trino, più capiremo chi è l’essere umano e qual è il suo destino eterno. L'uomo è creato a immagine... more
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      AnthropologyTheologyTrinityTrinitarian Theology
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      AgronomyAgricultureTrinidadDrought and Heat Tolerance
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      HinduismAnthropologyFolkloreReligious Pluralism
The Roman Catholic Church in Trinidad arrived with the Spanish colonists from the early 16th century, and remains the nominally largest Christian group. At the time of writing, it constituted about 25% of the population roughly equivalent... more
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      PentecostalismRoman CatholicismTrinidadSpiritual Baptists
Urolithiasis is a common worldwide problem with high recurrence. This review covers forty four (44) families starting from alphabet A to L and includes Bignoniaceae (05) Juglandaceae (01) plant used globally in different countries. The... more
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      American LiteratureLatin American StudiesRomanian HistoryNatural Products
This paper challenges the widely-accepted view that politics in Trinidad and Tobago is driven by ethnic rivalry between the country’s Africans and Indians, or ‘ethnic politics’. The paper demonstrates how this interpretation distorts the... more
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      Ethnic StudiesRace and EthnicityEthnic and Racial StudiesAfrican Diaspora
This book-length (263 pages) document is the result of my research into two key sources of information on landowners in Trinidad from 1782 to 1822. - The first key source of information is a comprehensive list of landowners and... more
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      Land tenureTrinidadTrinidad and TobagoTrinidad & Tobago
Publicado como «Trinidad, Iglesia y eucaristía en el Documento de Múnich (1982) del diálogo ortodoxo-católico», Liturgia y espiritualidad (2020/8-9) 494-506.
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      TrinidadIglesia CatólicaIglesiaEucaristía
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      ReligionLatin American and Caribbean HistoryReligion and PoliticsAfrican Diaspora Studies
San Agustín de Hipona expone acerca de la creación y en ella hace presente al Dios cuya esencia es ser Uno en tres personas distintas pero iguales en perfección que son el Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo. Dicha Trinidad ha quedado como... more
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      TeologiaTomás de AquinoJoseph RatzingerSan Agustín de Hipona
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      TrinidadHistoria AdventistaElena G. De WhiteIglesia Adventista
El presente trabajo constituye una explicación del Tratado de la Trinidad de Santo Tomás de Aquino en la Suma de Teología. Siguiendo el orden del Aquinate, el presente trabajo se divide en cuatro grandes partes: las Personas divinas en... more
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      TrinidadDiosTeologia dogmaticaSanto Tomás De Aquino
“Troubled genius” was how Ivar Oxaal referred to Dr. Rudranath Capildeo in a sensitive essay portrait, “Fragments of a Life” published in 1968. The phrase seems fitting, but Rudranath Capildeo’s story, successes, and failures are more... more
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      Political SociologyComparative PoliticsCaribbean StudiesCaribbean Politics
In this piece, we collectively continue, and greatly expand on, emerging discussions surrounding diasporic tensions between South Asian and Indo-Caribbean communities in Toronto, cultural appropriation, and the consumption of... more
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      Popular CultureSouth Asian StudiesGender and SexualityRace and Ethnicity
La humanidad de Cristo desde el punto de vista bíblico, tema 1 de 3 sobre la humanidad de Cristo, parte de una serie de 11 temas sobre la persona de Jesucristo en la Biblia.
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      ReligionTheologySystematic TheologyBiblical Studies
Analise da doutrina da Trindade à luz dos escritos do Antigo Testamento.
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      TrinityTrinity (Theology)TrinidadTrindade
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      TrinityTrinitarian TheologyTrinity (Theology)Teologia
En el judaísmo, las representaciones figurativas de Dios estaban prohibidas. A Dios nadie lo había visto jamás, y además existía el peligro de la confusión con los ídolos de los pueblos vecinos. Sin embargo, los cristianos desde los... more
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      IconographyTrinityByzantine IconographyTrinity (Theology)
El amor conyugal está llamado a ser reflejo del Amor esponsal que se encuentra inserto en el seno trinitario. Los esposos, por el vínculo sacramental, forman una sola carne, una unidad de cuerpo y espíritu. Como unidad, son llevados a la... more
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El apóstol Pedro amonesta a los subpastores: "Apacentad la grey de Dios que está entre vosotros, teniendo cuidado de ella, no por fuerza, sino voluntariamente; no por ganancia deshonesta, sino de un ánimo pronto; y no como teniendo... more
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      TrinidadElena G. De WhiteEspíritu Santo
En este trabajo de clase estudio la primera mención de la palabra “trinidad” en la literatura cristiana, así como ver si la temprana concepción de Dios y de esa “trinidad” que éste padre apologista de la segunda mitad del siglo II d.C.... more
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      PatristicsEstudos sobre Patrística (Cristianismo Primitivo)TrinidadGreek Apologists
Es común ver en los pizarrones a la Trinidad representada por un triángulo. Sin embargo, cuando el profesor avanza enunciando las proposiciones del Dogma, la imagen del triángulo manifiesta sus límites. Es cierto que cualquier dibujo, o... more
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      TheologyTrinityTrinitarian TheologyDogmatic theology
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      HinduismLatin American and Caribbean HistoryCaribbean HistoryCaribbean Studies
El estudio examina los artefactos o muebles del santuario y su relación con la tercera persona de la Trinidad, el Espíritu Santo. Asimismo, el autor toma especial consideración en el símbolo del aceite y la ceremonia del ungimiento y... more
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      TrinidadSantuarioEspíritu SantoDoctrina Bíblica
A menudo el término hebreo "elohim" (אלוהים) suele interpretarse como un término que denota "pluralidad de personas", debido a que literalmente este término puede traducirse como "dioses," dando como posibilidad a la interpretación de... more
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      Hebrew BibleEarly ChristianityTrinityBible
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      ChristologyEllen G. WhiteTrinidadHermenéutica
Traditional games like kabaddi, gulli danda, luha/lohar, eka buka, guli danda, wrestling and stick-fighting, brought by indentured immigrants from India to the Caribbean, have now almost disappeared. They were played on the long voyages... more
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      FolkloreSports HistoryIndian CultureGames
In the late 1990s, a new musical genre emerged in Trinidad called ragga soca. Ragga soca is described as the product of blending Trinidad's indigenous soca music with Jamaican dancehall. One peculiarity of ragga soca is the borrowing of... more
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      SociolinguisticsTrinidadCreole linguisticsSoca
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      Postcolonial StudiesCaribbean LiteratureCaribbean StudiesPostcolonial Literature
Tal es el proceso cósmico, repetido en la evolución humana: "como arriba, así es abajo." La Trinidad espiritual del hombre, hecha a semejanza de la divina, tiene que exhibir las divinas características; y así encontramos en él el Poder... more
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      TeosofíaTrinidadCristianismo PrimitivoAnnie Besant
The nature of identities in terms of gender, ethnicity, culture and nation has been the subject of significant academic debate, particularly in postcolonial and feminist studies. In order to address the ways in which the contemporary... more
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      FeminismIndo-Caribbean CultureTrinidadCaribbean Feminisms, Sexualities, Politics and Indo-Caribbean identities
In 2010 and 2011, female students at my field site in southern Trinidad experienced ‘mass possessions’ that closed down the secondary school. While Pentecostal-charismatic Christians figured African traditions (particularly ‘Obeah’) as... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican PhilosophyLatin American and Caribbean HistoryPolitical Theory
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      African Diaspora StudiesAfrican Religion in Africa and the DiasporaAfrican DiasporaAfro-Caribbean History
Para reconocer la recepción de la teología trinitaria de Rahner en El Dios de Jesucristo, de W. Kasper, presento el lugar sistemático que éste le asigna a la doctrina trinitaria en el conjunto de la teología. Luego, expongo la... more
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      PersonaTrinidadaxioma fundamental
The word ‘democracy’ too often has been used to justify actions which seriously contradict the democratic ideal. We wish to help restore a real, practical meaning – and value – to the word and the concept of ‘democracy’ because it is... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical PhilosophyDemocratic TheoryDemocratization
The presentation gives a broad sweep of the Indo-Muslim community covering: (a) Planting the seeds: migration patterns of Muslims during the indenture (b) Germination and growth: establishment of structures (c) Flowering: expressions... more
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      Indian IndentureTrinidadMuslimsIndo-Muslims of Trinidad
La filosofía de Jean-Luc Marion aborda la temática de la alteridad apropiándose de la categoría de rostro y operando sobre ella una torsión conceptual que produce tres figuras. Nuestro trabajo se propone, por un lado, sistematizar los... more
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      Jean-Luc MarionTeologiaFenomenologíaTrinidad
El 11 de octubre de 2012, con motivo del cincuenta aniversario de la apertura del Concilio Vaticano II, comenzaba el año de la fe, promulgado por Benedicto XVI. Con el mismo, el Santo Padre intenta dar un renovado impulso a la misión de... more
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      TeologiaTeologíaTrinidadTeologia Sistemática
Chapter 7 of the book "Selected Issues and Problems in Social Policy: Studies in Caribbean Public Policy," edited by Deryck R. Brown is presented. It traces the emergence and the decline of the Left in Trinidad and Tobago. It also... more
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryPolitical TheoryCaribbean HistoryCaribbean Studies
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      TrinityWolfhart PannenbergTrinidad
Hoy en día, la mala comprensión de la Trinidad, de la divinidad de Cristo y de la persona del Espíritu Santo, tanto en el Antiguo como en el Nuevo Testamento, ha suscitado un pensamiento anti-trinitario en algunos movimientos cristianos.
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      TrinidadTeologia Sistemática
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsIndian Diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)
During the past few decades global ocean levels have been rising and the rate of increase is projected to accelerate in the future. Some of these increases in oceanic levels are inherit with the evolutionary processes of our planet.... more
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      Physical GeographyEarth SciencesEnvironmental ScienceGeophysics
Over 147,000 Indians were brought to Trinidad between 1845 and 1917. While there is consensus on the broad patterns of the demographic and social characteristics of these labourers, there is a limited focus on interrogating the same... more
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      Nineteenth CenturyIndian IndentureTrinidadMuslims
The countries of the Commonwealth Caribbean are all self-governing, determining their own futures. But some 40 years after gaining independence from Britain, the question remains whether these countries are truly democratic and whether... more
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      Constitutional LawComparative PoliticsPolitical PhilosophyDemocratic Education