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This book addresses current developments concerning the interpretation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) on the part of international courts and tribunals. It does so from different perspectives, by focusing... more
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      Treaty InterpretationUnclos 1982
This chapter examines the domestic origins of the canons of construction used in treaty interpretation. It shows that these canons typically draw on domestic principles for statutory and contractual interpretation. Section I surveys... more
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      EffectivenessTreaty Interpretationcanons of interpretation
This book deepens the study of the law of treaties by offering specific solutions to current legal problems. It provides a high-level theoretical and practical approach, touching upon all major current issues of the law of treaties. It is... more
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      Comparative LawConstitutional LawInternational RelationsInternational Tax Law
The chapter explores the historical background to plurilingual treaty-making as well as the practice of the PCIJ and ICJ to the interpretation of plurilingual treaties. The chapter includes a detailed examination of Article 33 of the... more
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      MultilingualismSources of LawJudicial PrecedentInternational Court of Justice
The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Genocide Convention) was adopted by the General Assembly sixty-five years ago. Following the Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust, the Genocide Convention’s primary... more
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      Genocide StudiesSocio-legal studiesInternational PoliticsTreaty Interpretation
Spacefaring activities are currently undertaken by more actors than before, including private companies, and projects have become oriented towards long-time presence not only in outer space, but including on the surface of celestial... more
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      Public International LawInternational Space LawOuter Space LawTreaty Interpretation
The proliferation of International Investment Agreements (IIAs) and treaty-based investment arbitration has raised concerns over the extent to which IIAs are actually fair and are able to balance the interests of foreign investors and... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentPublic International LawInternational Investment LawTreaty Interpretation
In the current legal landscape, it is possible to craft policy that combats drug abuse and drug harms, protects human rights, and complies with international drug control law in good faith, by regulating the recreational uses of cannabis... more
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      International RelationsRegulatory ComplianceInternational LawCompliance
In the context of the current negotiations of the ‘asylum package’ and considering the existing regulation on the administrative detention of asylum seekers in EU law, this contribution aims to identify the legal difficulties that would... more
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      European LawHuman RightsRefugee StudiesInternational Human Rights Law
International investment law is in transition. Whereas the prevailing mindset has always been the protection of the economic interests of individual investors, new developments in international investment law have brought about a... more
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      European LawSustainable DevelopmentArbitration LawEuropean Foreign Policy
This chapter explores the relationship between international human rights law and international humanitarian law in the targeting of members of armed groups in non-international armed conflicts. It attempts to flesh out points of... more
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      Human Rights LawInternational LawHuman RightsInternational Humanitarian Law
This paper seeks to clarify the confusions regarding the relationships between international human rights law and international humanitarian law, the principle of equality of belligerents, and the use of the term “should” in treaties.... more
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      International LawRefugee StudiesInternational Human Rights LawArmed Conflict
International cultural heritage-related disputes rarely entail uniquely cultural issues. These disputes — just like any other international dispute — may involve questions relating to other branches of the law. The case of the Crimean art... more
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      Treaty InterpretationReturn and Restitution of Cultural Propertiesnon-recognition obligationUNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property
The purpose of the present Thesis is to examine the principle of evolutionary interpretation and its connection to the option of a "special meaning" introduced in Article 31.4 VCLT. The analysis initiates with some general remarks on the... more
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      Public International LawLegal interpretationTreaty InterpretationCustomary International Law
Arguably, sovereignty, as understood in the Lotus Case, does not foreclose the possibility of international trade law’s renovation through a constitutional interpretation. The article identifies this possibility through the epithet of... more
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      International LawPublic International LawDeveloping CountriesWTO law
If law is a social construct, the product of interactions between individuals and other legal persons, then it is not surprising that we are drawn to describing law or specific legal instruments in the same way we do those legal persons.... more
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      International LawAutopoiesisLaw of the SeaTreaty Law
Il saggio intende mettere in luce la complessità degli organi di controllo nel diritto internazionale e le loro funzioni, al fine di chiarire il valore delle pronunce del Comitato europeo dei diritti sociali (Comitato europeo o CEDS) per... more
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      International Human Rights LawTreaty InterpretationPemasangan Kabel RJ45Human Rights Treaty Bodies
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights has consistently adopted a universalist approach to treaty interpretation, reflected in its evolutive interpretation of the American Convention on Human Rights. An overview of the most important... more
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      International Human Rights LawInterpretationTreaty InterpretationInter-American Court of Human Rights
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsInternational Human Rights LawEuropean Convention of Human Rights
Academic analysis of pronouncements of human rights treaty monitoring bodies has tended to focus on their contribution to the promotion of human rights in domestic jurisdictions, particularly to convey the desire of scholars to see more... more
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      Legal interpretationTreaty InterpretationInternational Treaty LawUnited Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies
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      International Human Rights LawInter-American Human Rights SystemTreaty InterpretationInter-American Court of Human Rights
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      International LawPublic International LawTreaty LawU.S. Defense Policy
The principle of contemporaneous interpretation provides that the terms of a treaty shall be interpreted as they were understood at the time of the conclusion of the treaty. The principle of evolutionary interpretation, on the other hand,... more
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      Public International LawInternational Dispute SettlementLaw of TreatiesTreaty Interpretation
While treaties can be notoriously difficult to amend by formal means, they must nevertheless be adapted over time in order to remain useful. Herein lies the role of subsequent practice as a key tool for treaty change. Subsequent practice... more
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      Environmental LawInternational LawHuman RightsLaw of the Sea
The adoption of the 2008 Rotterdam Rules in six equally authentic language versions has presented the maritime community with an issue that it has not (knowingly) previously encountered, namely the issue of the interpretation of... more
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      Translation and InterpretationCarriage of Goods by SeaRotterdam RulesTreaty Interpretation
Intertemporal Linguistics in International Law examines and offers an overdue solution to a specific problem central to the resolution of an ever increasing number of international legal disputes: how to interpret a treaty with terms that... more
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      Historical LinguisticsHuman Rights LawInternational LawLegal Theory
International intellectual property regime is one of the most problematic legal regimes in international economic law. Although its establishment goes back to more than one hundred years ago, it can not be argued that it is stable and... more
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      WTOTreaty Interpretation: International intellectual property rightsTRIPS Agreement
The role of regional organisations in dispute settlement for states is very instrumental to the resolution of inter-state disputes and human-rights related disputes. This paper will highlight the interaction between state sovereignty and... more
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      International RelationsHuman Rights LawInternational Dispute SettlementTreaty Interpretation
International investment cases show the frequent use of good faith arguments by both investors and respondent states. These cases also illustrate how parties and tribunals tend to conceptualize the good faith principle which has become an... more
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      Public International LawTreaty InterpretationInternational Investment Law and Investment Treaty Arbitration
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      Treaty InterpretationInterpretation of Treaties by Domestic Courts
The object and purpose is usually perceived as referring to one notion, the purpose that a norm is aimed to serve. This paper, however, argues that for interpretation in light of the object and purpose, first, the purpose that can be... more
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      International LawLegal TheoryRonald DworkinTreaty Interpretation
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      Double Taxation Treaty, Interpretations of Double Taxation TreatiesTreaty Interpretation
On 3 June 2013, countries united to sign the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) in an effort to combat illegal arms transfers and also regulate legal arms transfers between countries. The ATT provides an unprecedented regulatory framework which... more
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      International Law3D printingInternational institutionsArms Control and Disarmament
The cornerstone of international law in providing stability in international relations is the sovereign equality of States, and both the Responsiblity to Protect and the Landlocked States clash with this bedrock of international law. The... more
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      Law of the SeaHumanitarian InterventionTheories of SovereigntyEthnic Conflict and Civil War
This post analyses the doctrinal contributions of the “Norstar” Judgement to both freedom of navigation (Article 87(1)(a) of UNCLOS) and exclusive flag state jurisdiction (Article 92(1) of UNCLOS). The post concludes with a brief... more
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      Law of the SeaJurisdictionTreaty InterpretationITLOS
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      International Investment LawInternational Investment ArbitrationNAFTATreaty Interpretation
While the topic of this chapter may appear out of place in an edited volume on 'evolutionary interpretation', intertemporal linguistics in fact drills down directly into the epicentre of the evolutionary interpretation debate. In this... more
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      International LawLegal TheoryPublic International LawLinguistics
International lawyers and courts consider the principle of systemic integration to be a potential answer to difficulties arising from the fragmentation of public international law. This article questions the application of this approach... more
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      Human Rights LawPublic International LawInter-American Human Rights SystemLaw of Treaties
My dissenting opinion of the Interim Award on Jurisdiction in the PCA Case No. 2013-34 Venezuela US SRL v Venezuela. It relates to the applicability of the MFN Clause to establish jurisdiction
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      International LawInternational Investment ArbitrationTreaty InterpretationMFN clause
Le mur – à la fois « mur-objet » et « mur-mot » –, et plus précisément le mur-frontière, étant le « signe de » quelque chose, les outils de la sémiotique et de la sémantique peuvent être sollicités. Toute édification d'un mur-frontière... more
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      International LawSemiotics of LawTreaty Interpretation
Az Európa Tanácsnak (ET) az emberi lény emberi jogainak és méltóságának a biológia és az orvostudomány alkalmazására tekintettel történő védelméről szóló, Oviedóban, 1997. április 4-én kelt egyezménye a bioetika nemzetközi jogi... more
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      BioethicsHuman RightsEuropean Court of Human RightsEuropean consensus
International lawyers and courts consider the principle of systemic integration to be a potential answer to difficulties arising from the fragmentation of public international law. This article questions the application of this approach... more
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      LawHuman Rights LawHuman RightsPolitical Science
Article 31 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties calls for consideration of the ordinary meaning as the starting point in the process of interpretation. Although the linguistic concept of ordinary meaning is founded on the idea... more
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      LawPublic International LawInternational Court of JusticeHistory and Theory of International Law
Older men and women have been identified as facing many human rights violations, yet provisions protecting this category are scattered over a large number of highly diverse instruments. Notwithstanding increased calls for a global binding... more
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      European Convention of Human RightsInterpretationElderlyEuropean Court of Human Rights
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      Traditional Ecological KnowledgeSomaliaMarine and Fisheries PolicyEcosystem-Based Fisheries Management
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      ArbitrationPublic International LawSocial Science Research NetworkTreaty Interpretation
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      International LawHuman RightsLegal interpretationInterpretation
Different interpretations of the terms under the dispute settlement clause in Turkey-Turkic state BITs have recently caused conflicting decisions rendered by investment tribunals. To be more precise, the tribunal in Kılıç regarded this... more
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      LawInternational LawInternational ArbitrationArbitration
This article presents a methodological critique of the interpretation, increasingly popular after Hassan v UK, that Article 5(1) ECHR allows the internment of prisoners of war or civilians in international armed conflicts according to... more
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      International Human Rights LawInternational Humanitarian LawArmed ConflictLegal interpretation