Traditional Arts
Recent papers in Traditional Arts
Fifth International Conference on Analytical Approaches to World Music : Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. June 28, 2018.
Abstract: This article examines the involvement of senior citizens in the traditional arts in Japan. In these arts, elderly practitioners command respect from their audi-ences and students for their long years of training and experience.... more
Traditional Indian Architecture continues to evoke emotions, sentiments and imaginative responses, in much the same manner, as our engrossing and enduring stories. With an aim to understand the abstract notions of architectural... more
La pintura en el Perú se remonta a la época prehispánica, en la que se utilizaban distintos soportes y colorantes de origen mineral, vegetal y animal. Con la llegada de los españoles, se produce la propagación de la pintura y otras artes... more
GLASS-BEADS IN THE TRADITIONAL UKRAINIAN GARMENTS (the typology issue) This article is dedicated to the typological sorting of the components of traditional Ukrainian folk garments, made with the use of glass-beads. Such components... more
Considering the role of four national organisations, Museums Galleries Scotland, Historic Environment Scotland, Creative Scotland and TRACS (Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland) in developing Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding and... more
This article offers an interpretation of the wayang kulit (Malay shadow play) as a type of traditional art, in which the art forms are conceived within the broader cosmology derived from religious tradition. To this end, it focuses on... more
ARTISTIC BEADWORK IN UKRAINIAN FOLK ART: ORIGIN AND TRADITION DEVELOPMENT. This paper researches the origin and establishment of the artistic beadwork tradition in Ukraine. The ancient artistic practice is first and foremost connected... more
Menjelaskan mengenai tradisi sisingaan yang biasa dilakukan saat iring-iringan khitan. Dilengkapi dengan iringan musik, kostum, dan makeup yang diperlukan.
Mudiyettu: a traditional ritual theatre of Kerala arouses compelling emotions like fear, terror and finally bliss in the hearts of every spectator. This art cum ritual narrates the legend of Bhadrakali and Darika, popular all over Kerala... more
Extended audio visuals in the form of film and television are popular; Scroll paintings are another form of entertainment that combines audio and visual media. It is a lovely custom to combine the singing version of the story with the... more
"Los ceramistas tradicionales del Perú, a la tecnología prehispánica, incorporaron durante la Colonia técnicas. En la costa norte Simbilá y Chulucanas se ponen en práctica el paleteado, el uso de labradoras y el negativo. Cajamarca era... more
Firozabad is the largest producer of glass bangles in the world. The tradition of bangle making in Firozabad provides a great opportunity to the people of the city to work in their hometown, and for me to know the culture of diverse India... more
El artículo presenta una breve historia de la panadería tradicional en el Perú destacando en el siglo XX las variantes regionales de pan según sus denominaciones, tamaños, formas, sabores, consistencias y significados van de acuerdo con... more
Olena Fedorchuk. On glass-beads in decor of traditional folk clothes of Bukovinians: typological peculiarities (expeditions on problemsof art at 2007 and 2008) In the paper are considered glass-beads ornamentations anddecorated with... more
Sanat eğitimi, asırlar içinde tecrübe edilerek genel kabul görmüş birtakım alıştırmaların tekrarıyla başlayıp basitten karmaşığa doğru ilerleyen bir seyir izler. Hat eğitiminde bu safhalar müfredât ve mürekkebât meşkleri olarak... more
Yurtdışı Müzelerde Desenli Kazan Derisinin Örnekleri Ünlü Tatar çizmeleri ve desenli Kazan derisinden yapılan diğer ürünler 19.yüzyılın tâ başında hem Rusya’da hem de yurtdışında koleksiyonların objesi olmuştur. Çeşitli yurtdışı... more
La vestimenta surge como una necesidad de protección y abrigo. Con el tiempo se convierte en un elemento identitario entre los grupos huma¬nos. La trayectoria histórica de la vestimenta en el Perú tiene larga data. En la época... more
Materi Laju Reaksi disampaikan pada peserta didik jenjang SMA kelas XI semester ganjil. RPP ini mengacu pada kurikulum 2013 yang telah disahkan oleh pemerintah.
Islamic calligraphy includes many traditions within itself. The tradition of Ijazatnamah and signature (ketebe), which is the subject of the end of the one-to-one education (temeşşuk) process, are the basic structures that ensures the... more
Karya Adiluhung Pendorong Ekonomi Lestari: Menguak Spiritualitas dan Simbolisme dibalik Seni Tenun Ikat Pewarna Alam Sumba Timur, is a report resulting from a participatory study with a group of 'tenun ikat' artisans from the Kambera... more
La cestería en el Perú data de tiempos precolombinos y es en la actualidad una actividad bastante extendida a lo largo de la costa peruana. El presente artículo nos presenta un amplio panorama, de la producción de tejidos en fibra... more
Le courant de pensée métaphysique et universaliste initié par René Guénon (1886-1951) a influencé, jusqu’à nos jours, plusieurs penseurs, qui ont postulé l’idée d’un art traditionnel, fondé sur une tradition symbolique, une esthétique... more
Despite being one of the most influential forms of Japanese Buddhism, the Pure Land tradition, and notably its impact on the development of Japanese cultural history, has often been overlooked outside Japan. Taking into account recent... more
Traditional arts, which are considered fundamental components of cultural memory within society, will be a primary focus of this thesis as we examine the preservation and adaptation of these forms in the modern world. Through examination... more
Die Kazaner Ornament-Leder Ornamentierte Lederstiefel waren bei den Wolga-Tataren im Laufe von vielen Jahrhunderten die populärste Art des traditionellen Handwerks. Schon die Vorahnen der Tataren – die Wolga-Bulgaren – beschäftigten... more
In this new and revised edition of Chartres and the Birth of the Cathedral, the reader is guided as a pilgrim through the noble sanctuary that is Chartres and the lofty intellectual and spiritual ambiance that conceived the marvel that is... more
Geleneğin çatık kaşlı din anlayışı, sanatı estetik bir güzellik olarak ortaya koymayı tevhid ve vahdet karşıtı bir unsur gibi görmüş, ancak buna antitez olarak içerisinde ahlaki önermeleri ve değerleri barındıran estetik ürün ortaya... more
The designer from urban India has a very responsible and significant role to play in the revival of this country’s traditional arts and crafts. In my professional journey covering diverse medias of expression and communication, I had soon... more
The following study intends to present the basic, historical and procedural principles of the traditional Tibetan painting, thangka. This objective is justified by the lack of studies in Portuguese on the subject. Although it is... more
مشاركة في ملتقى الشارقة لفن الخط العربي، الطبعة الثامنة، التي كانت تحت شعار (جوهر) ، تمت طباعة المقالة مع مجموعة مقالات شاركت في الندوة العلمية الموازية لأعمال البينالي 2018.
Text was finished in 2003. Paintings are done in oil and acryl, and were finished in 2004.
El Instituto Oaxaqueño de las Artesanías (IOA), es el organismo estatal que se encarga de la promoción de la actividad artesanal en el Estado de Oaxaca. Recibe financiamiento del Fondo Nacional para el Fomento de las Artesanías... more
Özet- Doğayı taklit etmek (mimesis), sanatçı ile alımlayıcı arasında bir duygu aktarım mekanizması olmak gibi sanatın özüne dair tartışmalar devam ede dursun, sanat; sanatçı ile sanatçı arasındaki etki zinciriyle beraber süregider.... more
The creative impulses of a culture give rise to a rich world of myths, legends and folklore- stories of gods and goddesses, heroes and heroines and other mythological themes. The colourful world of the traditional arts and crafts is a... more
Книга представляет собой каталог выставки, проходившей в Казанском Кремле в апреле 2013 года. Каталог содержит статьи об искусстве каллиграфии, миниатюры, тезхиба и эбру. На турецком, русском и английском языках. Идея и координация... more
Türk Dünyasında Dericilik Sanatı 2. Uluslararası Sempozyum Bildirileri. Kazan, 19-20 Eylül 2014 Доклады II. Международного симпозиума «Художественная обработка кожи у тюркских народов» Казань, 19-20 сентября 2014 года Proceedings of the... more
This paper introduces a new field of study - systematic geomusicology. I start by summarizing the correspondences between the properties of physical objects and the attributes of music structures. Then I present the evidence that... more
":چکیده در ابتدای این مقاله سعی شده است تا به تعریفی دقیق از خمره سفالی از نظر ادبی، لغوی، فنی و همچنین از منظر کارشناسان صنایع دستی آورده شود. سپس انواع تکنیکهای ساخت خمرههای سفالی و تزیینات آنها شرح داده شده است. همچنین با استناد به... more
‘Art Arcane’ a group display that showcases the diversity of Pakistani art in the contemporary scenario collaboration of twenty-two emerging and prolific artists, who are working in diverse artistic genre mediums and concepts, reveals... more