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Firearms were associated with 30, 136 deaths in the United States in 2003. Most guns are initially sold to the public through a network of retail dealers. Licensed firearm dealers are an important source of guns for criminals and gun... more
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      LawApplied EthicsSocial ResponsibilityCommerce
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      ViolenceMigrationUnited NationsPolice
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive ScienceNonverbal Communication
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      PsychologyCriminal JusticeViolenceRisk assessment
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      PsychologyTraumatic StressAdolescentCommerce
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This study examined whether a cognitive interview (CI) can counteract the effects of suggestive interviews involving forced fabrication. College students witnessed a filmed event and were later forced to fabricate answers to misleading... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLawCognition
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      MagicLatin EpigraphyOscanTheft
Stellungnahme von Rechtsanwalt Max Malkus, zu dem Antrag der Fraktion DIE LINKE, in der Öffentlichen Anhörung des Ausschusses für Recht und Verbraucherschutz des Deutschen Bundestages am 10. Dezember 2020. Containern von Lebensmitteln... more
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      Criminal LawHuman Rights LawProperty LawStrafrecht
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Geographical profiling is an investigative methodology sometimes employed by the police to predict the residence of an unknown offender from the locations of his/her crimes. The validity of geographical profiling, however, has not been... more
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      PsychologyLawPolicePopulation Dynamics
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysis And LiteratureHumansScience and Medicine in Literature
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      PerceptionAdolescentRole PlayingHumans
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      Business EthicsEthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityHospitality Management
The severity, certainty and celerity (swiftness) of punishment are theorised to influence offending through deterrence. Yet celerity is only occasionally included in empirical studies of criminal activity and the three deterrence factors... more
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      CriminologyCriminal JusticeDeterrenceCrime Science
In three experiments involving a total of 623 subjects, a series of slides was shown depicting a student in a college bookstore stealing a variety of items. Next, subjects read a narrative describing the event that contained some... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLogicVisual perception
Theft is one of the most common criminal behaviors and it is increasing day by day. It has become one of the never-ending problems of the world. In the USA alone, about 7000 cases of baggage theft are reported to Transportation Security... more
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      Computer VisionCNNTheft
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      MarketingPsychologyApplied PsychologyCriminal Law
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDecision MakingTheory of Mind
Study notes of PPC including a comparison between;

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      CriminologyCriminal LawComparisonTheft
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      PsychologyCriminal JusticeViolenceRisk assessment
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      Library ScienceVandalismTheft
As regards (incorporeal) movable goods, possession does (not) have the value of a title: Going back to the sources of a dogma concerning article 2279 of the Code Napoléon Classically, the possessors of incorporeal movable goods are... more
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      Intellectual PropertyLegal HistoryFrench LawEuropean Legal History
Übungsfall zu Fragen der Abgrenzung von Raub und räuberischer Erpressung, Täterschaft und Teilnahme sowie zum sog. "Tankbetrug".
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      Criminal JusticeProperty RightsProperty LawFraud
The present study deals with the elements of the Ḫabbātum, one of the groups that spread across Mesopotamia during the Old Babylonian Period (2003–1595 B.C.). The significance of this study reflects the fact that Ḫabbātum has received... more
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      Ancient Near EastOld Babylonian periodMesopotamiaOld Assyrian Karu/Colony Period in Anatolia
While the debate of the legitimacy of cryptocurrency has not been wrapped up yet, another question regarding the protection of such property has been raised: whether or not cryptocurrency can be stolen, jurisprudentially speaking? This... more
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      Criminal LawJurisprudenceCybercrimesProperty Law
Vorlesungsbegleitendes Skript für die Veranstaltung "Strafrecht III" zum Thema Anschlussdelikte: Die Hehlerei (§ 259 StGB)
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      Legal EducationProperty LawMoney LaunderingAnti-money laundering
Resumen ejecutivo del informe Homicidio Doloso • La variación interanual de las tasas de homicidio, muestran un leve descenso en la provincia de Córdoba, pasando de 3,3 homicidios cada 100.000 hab. en 2019 a 3 cada 100.000 hab. en 2020.... more
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      CriminologyCriminal LawHomicideTheft
The authors provide one of the first tests of whether justice has effects at implicit or subconscious levels. By manipulating justice in a laboratory experiment, they found that the activation of interdependent and individual... more
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      MarketingPsychologyApplied PsychologyPersonality
Theft was a common metaphor in antiquity to describe a poet’s appropriation and reuse of his models. Although the image could convey skill and subtlety, it was tarred with primarily negative connotations, akin to the modern conception of... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureLatin LiteratureMetapoetry
Ein kurzer Überblick über die Qualifikationstatbestände und Strafzumessungsregelungen des Diebstahls.
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      Criminal LawLegal EducationTheftProperty Crime
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Стаття присвячена класифікації та характеристиці типових слідчих ситуацій початкового етапу розслідування крадіжок нафти та нафтопродуктів із магістральних трубопроводів. На підставі аналізу поглядів науковців автором досліджено... more
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      InvestigationTheftметодика розслідування окремих видів злочинівслідчі ситуації
PHP Presentation on Piracy of software in today's present society
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Günümüz insan hakları telakkileri çerçevesinde İslam hukukunun hırsıza öngördüğü ceza, bazı çevrelerce ağır bulunmuş ve ilgili ayetteki “el kesme” lafzı farklı şekillerde te‟vîl edilmiştir. Ancak bu te‟vîllere veya bu te‟vîllere kaynak... more
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Anfängerhausarbeit im Strafrecht.
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      Criminal LawImmigrant DetentionFraudTheft
MÖ 9.- 6. yüzyıllar arasında Van Gölü çevresine konumlanan Urartu Krallığı’nın en önemli kalelerinden biri kuşkusuz Ayanis Kalesi’dir. Van şehrinin 35 km kuzeyinde, eski adı Ayanis bugünkü adı Ağartı olan köyün sınırları içerisinde... more
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The goal of this study is to analyze if a perceived risk of crime and social issues is supported by effective levels of empirical data. This study focuses on a vital case study, Italy that is one of the largest economies in Europe with... more
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      CriminologyEuropean StudiesImmigrationSexual Violence
Theft is one of the most common criminal behaviors and it is increasing day by day. It has become one of the never-ending problems of the world. In the USA alone, about 7000 cases of baggage theft are reported to Transportation Security... more
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      BusinessComputer VisionCNNTheft
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicinePlant BiologyDeveloping CountriesInternational Cooperation
In this article we re-examine an enquiry to the oracle of Dodona on a lead lamella found in 1959. The enquiry, which concerns the theft of some wool, has been repeatedly published, but surprisingly without a reliable text, a proper... more
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      Greek EpigraphyAncient Greek ReligionOracular practicesTheft
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceEmotionSocial Interaction
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceEating DisordersBehavior
Russia’s unprovoked war of conquest against Ukraine, launched on February 24, is being fought on multiple fronts. Beyond the conflict’s conventional military aspect and the information war, Russia has now been found to be unlawfully... more
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      Natural Resource ManagementAgricultureUkraineTheft
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Az államszocializmus alatti mindennapok értékvilágát egy sor antagonista kettősség jellemezte. Miként lehetett egy következetes értékvilágot, magatartásrendszert és gondolatrendszert kialakítani, fenntartani ilyen körülmények között? A... more
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      TheftState SocialismMoral Disengagement
SUMÁRIO: 1. Introducción. 2. Derivaciones actuales de la escuela clásica. 2.1 Teoría de la elección racional 2.2 Teoría de las actividades rutinarias. 3. La prevención situacional como forma de control del delito. 3.1. Qué es la... more
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      Penal LawTheftPolitica CriminalDelito de hurto
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAdolescentComorbidity