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There is a long tradition to see museums and similar cultural displays as sites of knowing and selfeducation; and also as tools of political and ideological tuition, indoctrination indeed. The critical approach of new museology in the... more
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      Museum StudiesHistory of the SensesHistory of MuseumsExperience Design
"Like it or not, the current student body is composed mainly of students from the Millennial Generation. They are very different than previous generations in their relationship to higher education. Therefore, we must seek to understand... more
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      ArchitectureConstruction MaterialsHousingTactility and haptic learning
riflessione sull'epistemologia del Moderno e introduzione della metodologia del 'learning by design'
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    • Tactility and haptic learning
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to explore the habitual constraints and opportunities that affect how experienced clinicians learn new skills and, in particular, how new ways of teaching can influence these. Methods: We conducted... more
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      SurgeryTeaching and LearningEducationSociology of Education
In this article the problem of perception is highlighted from a philosophical, physiological and psychological point of view. The essay (second update) is followed by a list of publications, journals and websites about perception. The... more
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      Computer VisionPerceptionPhonologySensory Ecology
Resumen Desde hace un tiempo las interacciones con interfaces táctiles y la propagación de las tecnologías hápticas han dejado de formar un horizonte de futuro para ser parte del hojaldrado presente. De hecho, distintos autores se han... more
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      SemioticsCultural SemioticsHapticsSociosemiotics
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      Interaction DesignMaterialsTactility and haptic learning
From a triple perspective including travel writing studies, disability studies and gender studies, this essay addresses a corpus of works and letters by deafblind activist and political writer Helen Keller (1880-1968)-exploring both... more
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      Queer TheoryBlindnessQueer PhenomenologyTactility and haptic learning
The chapter follows the thread of design education and tactile pedagogies, focusing on a significant shift in the 1950s and 1960s by which the senses started to be treated as commodities, technologies, and infrastructures. These new... more
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      Tactility and haptic learningGyorgy KepesHistory of Art and Design EducationBruno Munari
What is the relationship between the ‘haptic’ and the ‘tactile’ when it comes to media? We might question whether there is such a thing as ‘haptic media’; in other words, is there a type of media that invite the attention of one modality... more
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      Computer ScienceNew MediaInteraction DesignInteractive and Digital Media
Am Fachdidaktikzentrum Digital Lehren und Lernen der PH Burgenland wird intensiv an der Entwicklung und schulischen Implementierung von Konzepten zur Vermittlung von CT im Besonderen und digitaler Kompetenz im Allgemeinen geforscht. In... more
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      3D printingComputational ThinkingTactility and haptic learning
Cosa ci fanno insieme le traduzioni in quadro tattile dei dipinti di Raffaello Sanzio, Antonio Allegri detto Correggio e di Michelangelo Merisi detto Caravaggio? Si sono chiesti i visitatori della mostra “Raffaello, Correggio,... more
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      Art HistoryAccessibilityArt and technologyTactile Perception
Los teléfonos celulares -particularmente los smartphones- se han convertido en los últimos años en el principal acceso a la información y en el dispositivo elegido para desempeñar multiplicidad de tareas en la vida cotidiana,... more
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      Tactility and haptic learningTablets, smartphones, online media and consumption.Students' perceptions
In this paper we investigate the influence of the location of vibrotactile stimulation in triggering the response made using two handheld joysticks. In particular, we compare performance with stimuli delivered either using tactors placed... more
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      RoboticsPerceptionHapticsMechatronics & Robotics
Editorial Introduction for Special Issue of New Media and Society, 'Haptic media studies'. _TABLE OF CONTENTS_ Editors’ Introduction: Haptic Media Studies David Parisi, Mark Paterson & Jason Archer _MANIFESTOS_ Making Analog: The... more
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      New MediaVideo GamesHuman-Computer Interaction for GamesHaptics
What is the relationship between the ‘haptic’ and the ‘tactile’ when it comes to media? We might question whether there is such a thing as ‘haptic media’; in other words, is there a type of media that invite the attention of one modality... more
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      New MediaInteraction DesignInteractive and Digital MediaHaptics