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English has spread worldwide and everyone knows about English. But, not everyone can understand English just like walk in the park. That is why there's a translation. Translation lets everyone knows the information and knowledge form the... more
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FEMALE TRANSLATOR, MALE TRANSLATOR THE STORY OF TWO TEXTS AND SEVERAL TRANSLATIONS The present paper undertakes the problem of gender differences in the choice of translation techniques. It has been hypothesized, on the basis of the... more
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      Translation StudiesGender in TranslationTranslation and InterpretationTranslation
Interlingual subtitling was singled out for this research, as it is the common mode used to translate English films intended for an Arabic audience in most Arab T.V channels. However, this form of audiovisual translation is often prone to... more
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      TabooTranslation StrategiesTaboo languageTaboo Words
The manual contains theoretical material and assignments envisaged by the course "Essentials of technical translation" for university students of linguistics and translation departments. Structurally, the manual consists of seven sections... more
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      English for Specific PurposesTranslation StudiesContact LinguisticsLexicology
The Harry Potter series poses particular problems for translators, and their translations raise many questions for us. Do translators aim to produce a text that has the same effect as the original or one that familiarizes children with... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryHarry PotterChildren's literature in Translation
This dissertation comprises a translation technical study of the Septuagint version of the book of Jeremiah (Jer LXX) conducted for the purpose of characterizing the translation. The last two centuries of scholarship on Jer LXX have... more
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      SeptuagintOld Testament Textual CriticismHebrew, Greek, SeptuagintThe book of Jeremiah
El objetivo de este trabajo es el análisis y comparación de la traducción del humor audiovisual en el doblaje. El trabajo se basa en un material audiovisual que recoge el primer episodio de la primera temporada de la serie estadounidense... more
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      HumorAudiovisual TranslationDubbingTRANSLATION TECHNIQUES
Before arriving at speech and writing, the first men developed communication by signs, sounds and mimics. This development took place in different places, in different times, between more or less distant groups. This favored the birth of... more
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      History of TranslationTRANSLATION TECHNIQUESTypes of TranslationTranslation Methods
DEMJANOVÁ Ester: Translation techniques in Recursive translation. [BACHELOR THESIS]. – PAVOL JOZEF ŠAFÁRIK UNIVERSITY IN KOŠICE. FACULTY OF ARTS; DEPARTEMENT OF BRITISH AND AMERICAN STUDIES. – Supervisor: Prof. dr hab. Grzegorz A.... more
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      Translation theoryTRANSLATION TECHNIQUESTranslation ProceduresRecursive Translation
"Nonequivalence" and cultural context in specialised translation. Translation techniques in the case of so called non-equivalent expressions in the form of borrowings point to foreignness, expose it, emphasise it, but by doing so they... more
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      Translation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsApplied LinguisticsRussian Language
Interpretation plays a role of a paramount significance in sending and receiving messages between people all over the world. It is also of vital significance in international conferences, symposiums and workshops where the meaning must be... more
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      Translation StudiesProverbsTranslation theoryTRANSLATION TECHNIQUES
Indra Setiawan. 2017. Translation Techniques Analysis of Moana's Utterances in "Moana" Movie Subtitle. English Study Program. Dian Nuswantoro University. Advisor : Dr. Raden Arief Nugroho, S.S., M.Hum. Keywords : Moana, Translation... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslationTRANSLATION TECHNIQUES
El presente volumen, que ve la luz en un momento histórico en el que los Estudios de Traducción ya se encuentran prácticamente asentados como disciplina independiente, pretende dar a conocer las herramientas y técnicas necesarias para la... more
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      Translation StudiesLiterary translationTRANSLATION TECHNIQUESTranslation Tools
Indra Setiawan. 2017. Translation Techniques Analysis of Moana's Utterances in "Moana" Movie Subtitle. English Study Program. Dian Nuswantoro University. Advisor : Dr. Raden Arief Nugroho, S.S., M.Hum. Keywords : Moana, Translation... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslationTRANSLATION TECHNIQUES
In the second half of the 17th century, the translators of the Russian Ambassadorial Chancery had to translate a large number of books. Among them, the equestrian books by Antoine de Pluvinel from the 1620s stand out: Maneige Royal and... more
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      German-Russian translationTRANSLATION TECHNIQUESNewspaper Translations Into Russiantranslators at the Ambassadorial Chancery
(Abstract in Finnish) Tutkielman tavoitteena on arvioida Emanuel Tovin ehdottamaa teoriaa Septuagintan Jeremian kirjan (Jer LXX) kahtiajaosta, jota kirjallisuudessa kutsutaan nimellä “translator-reviser theory.” Arviointi suoritetaan... more
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      SeptuagintSeptuaginta TextThe book of JeremiahSeptuagint, LXX
Over the years, many scholars and researchers have been interested in finding out what happens in translator's mind during the translation process. Similarly, instructors and students in the field of translation are interested to... more
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      Computer ScienceTranslation StudiesLanguage TestingTranslation Problems
This paper is a detailed catalogue of a selection of late Sassanid period incantation bowls containing biblical verses in Hebrew and Aramaic that were believed to have an apotropaic function.
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      Hebrew LanguageHebrew BibleAramaicBible Translation
Selected translation difficulties in didactics of translation Abstract: This article is devoted to the applicative issues involved in the didactics of translation of specialised texts. The author conducted an experiment which help to... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsApplied LinguisticsTeaching of Foreign LanguagesTeaching Translation
Manner of motion represents a translation problem, especially between languages that belong to different typological groups, since their users (in this case mainly authors and translators) address the semantic component of Manner in... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsCognitive LinguisticsTranslation universalsTRANSLATION TECHNIQUES
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      Translation StudiesArtLegal and Economic TranslationTraducción
This paper presents a series of examples revealing some significant aspects about the technique of the Greek translation of Ephrem’s mēmrā on Niniveh and Jonah (Syriac text by Edmund Beck, 1970; editio princeps of the Greek text by... more
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      Greek LiteratureTranslation StudiesPatristicsByzantine Studies
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Русская аннотация. Статья посвящена курантам (обзорам иностранной прессы) 1720-х гг. В центре внимания авторов – работа переводчиков Коллегии иностранных дел по отбору для курантов информации из поступавших в коллегию по почте газет.... more
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      Vesti-KurantyPeter the GreatTRANSLATION TECHNIQUES
This study explores the techniques and socio-cultural norms of the Greek Septuagint (LXX) translation corresponding to Hebrew Psalms 146-150. The literature review covers scholarly contributions from Translation Studies and Septuagint... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Translation Studies
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      TabooTranslation StrategiesTaboo languageTaboo Words
Work by Lubna Hassan, submitted to Prof. Hisham A. Jawad at Qatar University in 2016, analyzing the translation techniques used in the Egyptian movie إشاعة حب (The Agony of Love) produced in 1961. [Original Work: Please do not use or... more
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      Translation StudiesEnglish Arabic TranslationAudiovisual TranslationQatar
A fixed expression is a combination of words that has a stylistic value. The meaning of a fixed expression should be understood from the whole parts and cannot be identified from each of the constituent separately. This study aimed to... more
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      TranslationMadame BovaryTRANSLATION TECHNIQUES
The aim of this paper is to analyse from a semantic and pragmatic point of view several translation techniques applied in translated texts to solve the semantic vagueness conveyed by lexical stereotypes in contemporary French. Starting... more
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      DerivéTRANSLATION TECHNIQUESLexical StereotypesFrench-Spanish translation
This paper examines the salience of Manner-of-motion and its translation in a multilingual corpus of graphic novels, with the dual aim of further investigating the role of visual language in Slobin’s Thinking-for-translating hypothesis... more
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      Comics and Graphic NovelsVisual LanguageManner of Motion VerbsTRANSLATION TECHNIQUES