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      Criminal LawLGBT IssuesDiscriminationSexual Orientation & the Law
Tribune sur l'emprisonnement d'Anwar Ibrahim, p26
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      Religion and PoliticsMalaysiaSodomy Laws
Trois papes successifs, Alexandre IV, Urbain IV et Clément IV, ont fait mener six années durant une « affaire d’enquête » ("inquisitionis negocium") contre l'évêque de Rodez Vézian. Ce dernier était accusé devant leur justice, sans qu’il... more
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      HistoryCriminal LawCriminal ProcedureCriminal Justice
This is the introduction to my recent book, Sins against Nature: Sex and Archives in Colonial New Spain (Duke University Press, 2018), 1-24. In Sins against Nature Zeb Tortorici explores the prosecution of sex acts in colonial New... more
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      Queer StudiesQueer TheoryGender and SexualityHistory of Sexuality
For a complete performance recording see: A work for thee unaccompanied voices - male or female - that are low, medium, and high. Work premiered by Quince Ensemble in March, 2022. Text... more
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      MusicMusical CompositionAtheismComposition (Music)
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      Medieval sexualityHomosexualityLesbianismChurch and Homosexuality
Materials for the course "Polish Gay Literature & Social Change".
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      Polish HistoryHomosexualityChurch and HomosexualityMiddle Ages
Same-sex marriage is fast gaining acceptance in many Western countries. The Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Act 2014 (SSMPA) demonstrates Nigeria's stance on the issue. The Nigerian National Assembly hurriedly put together the law in order... more
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      Criminal LawHuman Rights LawHuman RightsDebate over Same-Sex Marriage
This thesis aims to analyse the transformation of Cypriots from ‘subjects’ to ‘citizens’. It discusses the process of how ethnic symbols have affected the national ‘belongingness’. It focuses on ‘Cyprioturkish’ national identity which... more
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      Masculinity StudiesGender and SexualityNationalismTurkish Nationalism
The article examines the symbolic importance invested in IPC 377, the recently read-down anti-sodomy law of the Indian Penal Code, by elite sections of the Indian LGBT movement. It critiques the conflation of various forms of violence... more
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      Social MovementsQueer StudiesLGBT IssuesIndia
In 2013, in Lim Meng Suang and Kenneth Chee Mun-Leon v Attorney-General and Tan Eng Hong v Attorney-General, the High Court of Singapore delivered the first judgments in the jurisdiction considering the constitutionality of section 377A... more
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      Criminal LawConstitutional LawLGBT IssuesComparative Constitutional Law
We want to analyze the sodomy prosecution, and its role as a political and social weapon in Modern Spain. After the promulgation of the VII Partidas of the King of Castile, Alfonso X, the nefarious sin takes a legal condition. The... more
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      Queer StudiesEarly Modern HistoryHistory of SexualityMedieval Crown of Aragon
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      Jewish - Christian RelationsJews in Medieval and Early Modern EuropeRoman InquisitionSodomy
A piece of literature can directly reflect current events in our society, and through the past, a student can make observations and suggestions about the future. As an example in my thesis, I explore the term ‘Passing’ and apply it... more
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      HIV/AIDSGender and SexualityMen's SexualityDiscrimination
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      HeresyGay and Lesbian HistoryHeresy and InquisitionRepublic of Venice
This article examines the legality of homosexual acts quantitatively in a cross-national perspective with a large sample of countries from 1972 to 2002. Employing path dependence as its theoretical framework, this work explains how... more
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      DiscriminationGay RightsGaysSodomy Laws
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      PreachingFranciscan StudiesLate Medieval HistorySodomy
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      LGBT IssuesHomosexualitySodomySodomy Laws
An article on the 2018 Indian Supreme Court judgment, Navtej Singh Johar & Ors that decriminalised homosexuality in India striking down section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, thus bringing to an end a 17 year-old litigation that began in... more
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      LGBT IssuesIndian LawLaw and SexualityHomosexuality
Fasıl 154 Ceza Yasası'nın hemcins ilişkileri 'suç' olarak düzenleyen ilgili maddelerinin kaldırılması ve dolayısı ile Kıbrıs'ın kuzeyindeki LGBTQ haklarının da dünya standartlarına yakınlaşmasını öngören ceza yasası değişiklik önerisi... more
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      Debate over Same-Sex MarriageCyprusSame-sex relationshipsSame-sex marriage
LGBT yaşamında değişen bir şey yok: Gizli yaşayan bahtiyar olur! Ovidius, uzun yıllar öncebene vixit qui bene latuit yani, " gizli yaşayan bahtiyar olur " diyerek yaşamda mutluluğun sırrını veriyordu. Kıbrıs'ı düşünerek mi söyledi... more
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      Nazi GermanyNazismLGBT StudiesLgbtq
Consequences of the spread of homosexuality on the demography of Europe. Church as an institution of protection against sodomy. Migration to Europe is a mistake of the world ruling elite
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      European HistoryDemographyEuropean StudiesHistorical Demography
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      Gender HistoryHistory of SexualityJewish HistoryItaly (Early Modern History)
« Le Seigneur dit : ‘La clameur contre Sodome et Gomorrhe monte, leur péché est immense. Je descendrai pour voir s’ils ont effectivement agi comme la clameur qui est venue jusqu’à moi l’indique, ou s’il n’en est pas ainsi, pour que je... more
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      HistoryCanon LawMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
En 1748, la Sala de Vizcaya inició un proceso contra Francisco Guerrero, un joven marinero malagueño que portaba un arma blanca. Su proceso judicial revela que el acusado había sido preso por un corso inglés, hecho prisionero en Irlanda,... more
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      Access to justice of ordinary citizens to lower courtsSodomy Laws
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      Masculinity StudiesGender and SexualityNationalismTurkish Nationalism
Криміналізація є ultimum remedium повноваженням держави уврегулюванні суспільних відносин, яка іманентно пов’язана знайсуворішими обмеженнями прав і свобод людини. Методологічною засадою криміналізації, що окреслює її змістовні межі, є... more
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      HomosexualityEquality and Non DiscriminationProportionality PrincipleSodomy Laws
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      Maritime HistoryLegal HistoryNaval HistorySodomy
What variables lead judicial and nonjudicial decision-making bodies to intro- duce policy change? In the theoretical framework proposed, the path- dependent nature of law has a differential impact on courts and legislatures. Likewise,... more
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      HistorySocial ChangeCivil LawSocial Policy
Reseña del número 41 Pablo Bedoya. Desenfrenada lujuria. Una historia de la sodomía a finales del periodo colonial. Medellín: Fondo Editorial Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas - Universidad de Antioquia y Centro Editorial... more
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      History of SexualityAncient HomoerotismBook ReviewsHistoria Colonial Nuevo Reino de Granada
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      Gay RightsSodomy Laws
I Congreso Internacional sobre la Aplicación de la Justicia Inquisitorial. Ciudad de México. Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia; Centro de Estudos... more
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      History of Roman CatholicismThe Spanish InquisitionSodomy LawsSpanish Empire In the Philippines
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      Naval HistoryBritish naval historySodomyHistory of Homosexuality