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Συστηματική ανάλυση και ερμηνεία των άρθρων 336 - 353 του Νέου Ποινικού Κώδικα για τις αξιόποινες πράξεις κατά της γενετήσιας ελευθερίας. Ο Νέος Ποινικός Κώδικας (2019) επέφερε σημαντικές αλλαγές στο σεξουαλικό ποινικό δίκαιο, με... more
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      Criminal LawSexual OffencesSexual Crime
The aim of this article is to review crime-scene examination and forensic investigation in sexual crimes, which have an important place among crimes against humanity. The application of forensic sciences starts at the crime scene, and... more
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      Forensic SciencesCrime Scene InvestigationSexual Crime
There is an ongoing debate on whether consumers of pornography pose a high risk for sexually aggressive behaviour. There have been few studies which have analyzed the association between the consumption of pornography and the subsequent... more
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      CriminologySex and GenderSexual BehaviourSexuality
(Eng) This paper grasps academic intentions of Bourdieu’s critical sociology, and discusses its practical feasibility. Bourdieu points out the academic error of “theoretical reason” common in both subjectivism and objectivism theory. He... more
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      EmancipationHabitusPierre BourdieuReflexive Sociology
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      Criminal LawCrimeSexual Crime
Pédophilie, viols, pédopornographie sur internet… Vous êtes consterné quand de tels faits émaillent l’actualité et vous vous dîtes : « mais comment on peut faire ça, à une femme, à un enfant ? » Cet ouvrage va vous aider à comprendre «... more
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      Criminal LawSexual AddictionAssessment of deviant sexual interestsSexual Crime
Whenever a sexual crime is committed in a gruesome manner it is generally mystified with psychological crime. Conversely, sexual crime and psychological crime are different in their action and commission. To understand the difference... more
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      PsychopathyCrimePunishmentIndian Penal Code
"Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts ist der Lustmörder eine kulturelle Ikone. Am rasanten Aufstieg dieser Figur sind Kriminologen, Psychiater und Literaten gleichermaßen beteiligt. In wissenschaftlichen und literarischen Fallgeschichten... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCriminologyGerman StudiesHumanities
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      HomicideEarly Medieval HistoryDeath PenaltyCrime
Evaluating patterns of sexual violence against young people across the world in the era of the #MeToo movement presents great opportunities for research and practice but also challenges. The aim of this article is to critically assess an... more
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      CriminologyPublic transportationGender Based Violence and Sexual HarassmentSexual Crime
Cinsel suç oranlarında son yıllarda büyük bir artış gözlemlenmeye başlanmıştır ve bu da çocuklara yönelik olan cinsel istismar konusu hakkında çeşitli çalışmaların yapılmasının gerekliliğini ortaya koymuştur. Bu çalışmanın amacı en güncel... more
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      PsychologyTraumaSexual Crime
Tout le monde sait que le crime est mauvais et que la société le condamne avec la plus grande rigueur. Il se retrouve, juste après l´infraction et le délit, au troisième rang des classes d´actes repréhensibles dont l´individu se rend... more
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      OxfamSexual CrimeCrimes sexuelsScandale sexuel
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      CriminologyPsychologySex and GenderSexual Behaviour
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      CriminologySex and GenderSexual BehaviourSexuality
RESUMEN En este artículo se pasa revista y se analizan los distintos factores que contribuyeron a la construcción de un discurso homofóbico por parte de la sociedad europea a partir del siglo XIII. Se centra la aten-ción especialmente en... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPolitical SociologySociology Of Deviance
This paper investigates how individuals perceive hyperbole in victim statements. Despite being one of the most commonly used literary tropes, the comprehension and cognition of hyperbole has been largely ignored in the psycholinguistics... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologySocial PsychologyEmotion
Le si moderne hachtag Balancetonporc fait écho à plusieurs situations que nous aurons l'occasion de décliner en trois vidéos : #Balancetonporc dans le village de Deir el-Médineh où habitaient les ouvriers qui construisirent et décorèrent... more
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      EgyptologyMythologyEgyptAncient Egyptian Magic
En este artículo se analiza la creación y reglamentación de dos grandes biobancos nacionales en la Argentina: el Banco Nacional de Datos Genéticos y el Registro Nacional de Datos Genéticos vinculado a delitos sexuales (1987-2017). El... more
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      GeneticsCriminal JusticeHuman RightsVictimology
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      CriminologyPsychologySex and GenderSexual Behaviour
Evaluating patterns of sexual violence against young people across the world in the era of the #MeToo movement presents great opportunities for research and practice but also challenges. The aim of this article is to critically assess an... more
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      CriminologyPublic transportationGender Based Violence and Sexual HarassmentSexual Crime
Comunicación presentada en el I Congreso Internacional de Diversidad Sexual y Género en la Educación, la Filología y las Artes.

Universidad de Sevilla, febrero de 2019.
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      CrimeGender and CrimeNovela policialLa novela policiaca
Abstract This paper investigates how individuals perceive hyperbole in victim statements. Despite being one of the most commonly used literary tropes, the comprehension and cognition of hyperbole has been largely ignored in the... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceSocial Psychology
Yazıda kimyasal kastrasyon uygulamasına ilişkin birtakım tespit ve açıklamalar ile, Türkiye'de 2016 yılında yürürlüğe giren yönetmeliğe ilişkin eleştirel bir inceleme yer almaktadır.
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      Sexual OffendersSexual CrimeChemical Castration
When rugby league star Blake Ferguson was arrested and charged with indecent assault in June 2013, for squeezing the vagina of a woman at a Cronulla night spot, the story made headlines around the country. It was the first sexual crime... more
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      Gender StudiesMedia StudiesSex and GenderGender and Sexuality
Evaluating patterns of sexual violence against young people across the world in the era of the #MeToo movement presents great opportunities for research and practice but also challenges. The aim of this article is to critically assess an... more
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      Public transportationGender Based Violence and Sexual HarassmentSexual CrimeMeToo-movement
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      SociologyCriminologyPolitical SociologySociology Of Deviance