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      HistoryArchaeologyMediterranean archaeologyPilgrimage and travel to the Holy Land
In Luke 5:1-11, the Bible describes a miraculous event. Peter and his fishing partners caught so many fish that both of their boats started to sink. 1 We wanted to know the economic impact to Peter and his partners from this catch of... more
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      Gospel of LukeRoman fishing and fish processingAncient FishingRoman Fishing
Wachsmann, S., 1990. Ships of Tarshish to the Land of Ophir:  Seafaring in Biblical Times. Oceanus 33(1): 70-82.
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      Phoeniciansthe Sea Peoples, XIX - XX Dynasty in Egypt, the Hittites, the Late Bronze Age in the Eastern MedittaraneanPhilistinesAncient Seafaring
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      ArchaeologyRoman HistoryNew TestamentEarly Christianity
Wachsmann, S. and et al. 1990.  The Excavations of an Ancient Boat from the Sea of Galilee (Lake Kinneret).  Atiqot 19. Jerusalem, Israel Antiquities Authority.
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      ChristianityArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMaritime Archaeology
Wachsmann, S., 1988. The Galilee Boat:  2,000-Year-Old Hull Recovered Intact. Biblical Archaeology Review 14(5): 18-33.
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      Maritime ArchaeologyHistory of ChristianityEarly ChristianityNautical Archaeology
Wachsmann, S., 2015.  Understanding the Boat from the Time of Jesus: Galilean Seafaring. Jerusalem, Carta.
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyEarly ChristianityGalilee in early roman timeSea of Galilee
Archaeology dissertation about the historical and archaeological background of the ancient Biblical city of Magdala (Taricheae)
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      HistoryArchaeologyArchaeology of Ancient IsraelEarly Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyLate Antique Art and ArchaeologyAncient MosaicsRoman houses
This article presents the context and reading of a previously unpublished milestone found close to the northeastern shore of the Sea of Galilee. The reading revealed that the milestone is dated to the reign of Maximinus Thrax. The context... more
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      Roman EpigraphyRoman roadsHellenistic Roman and Byzantine Archaeology in the Land of IsraelRoman Near East
Wachsmann, S., K. Raveh and O. Cohen, 1987. The Kinneret Boat Project:  Part I.  The Excavation and the Conservation of the Kinneret Boat. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 16: 233-245.
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMaritime HistoryNautical ArchaeologyAncient Shipwrecks
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyArchaeology of Ancient IsraelIsrael/PalestineSecond Temple Judaism
The chapter summarizes current knowledge on fish biology in Lake Kinneret. Nineteen native fish species belonging to six families populate the lake. Three of these species are endemic to the lake and four other species are endemic to the... more
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      FisheriesBiomassFisheries ManagementFish Biology
The authors present the results of four years of investigation (2016-2019) in their search for Bethsaida-Julias. They bring historical, geographical, and archaeological evidence to argue that Khirbet el-Araj should be considered the... more
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      Byzantine churchesBethsaidaGalileeSea of Galilee
Sedimentation is a major process for removal of particulate material from the water column and important determinant accounting for the stability of aquatic ecosystems. Gross sedimentation rates (GSR) in Lake Kinneret (Israel), regularly... more
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      Phytoplankton EcologyCyanobacteriaDinoflagellatesZooplankton ecology
During 2017, the third season of excavations at Kursi Beach, a yellow/amber glass disc-shaped pendant was found in Area D, at Tel Kursi. The pendant bears a stamped design on one side, showing a standing figure of the goddess... more
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      Archaeology of Ancient IsraelAncient Glass AnalysisEarly Byzantine ArchaeologyPendants
Fifty-two (52) stone tools (henceforth ST) were found at Ein Gev excavations of the Japanese Mission headed by A. Tsukimoto, S. Hasegawa and T. Onozuka. They were divided into four categories: ground stone tools (GST; n=42), devices... more
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      Ground Stone TechnologyIron Age IsraelArameansSea of Galilee
During the excavations at el-Araj, on the northern edge of the Sea of galilee, a site which was suggested as one of the candidates for the identifications of Betsaida/Julias, an Early Roman period layer was discovered, including evidence... more
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      New Testament and Christian OriginsSecond Temple PeriodGalileeJosephus Flavius
Fish are at the top of aquatic food webs impacting on other biota. Removal of fish by fishing, or stocking the lake with desired fish species has the potential to modify fish populations (their size/age structure, abundance and biomass)... more
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      Fisheries ScienceFisheriesFisheries ManagementFish Biology
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      Early ChristianityAncient Near EastGlass (Archaeology)Ancient Glass
Abstract. Despite several studies have focused on the past bio-sedimentary response of the Mediterranean coastal areas to ancient seaport activities, only few geoarchaeological and palaeoecological data are available on strictly... more
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      GeochemistryGeoarchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Syro-Palestinian archaeology
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      Ground Stone TechnologyArameansSea of GalileeGround Stone Analysis
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      Jewish StudiesIsrael StudiesIsrael/PalestineJewish History
Wachsmann, S., 1997.  Shfifonim.  In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Near Eastern Archaeology. V.) E. M. Meyers, ed. New York, Oxford University Press: 27-28.
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArchaeology of Ancient Israel
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      History of architectureLebanon, Syria, Israel and Palestine (History and Archaeology)Tower HousesIron Age Israel
Scarcity of natural shelters, and on-shore winds, prevailing on the Sea of Galilee, endangered water craft operating on the lake. Several droughts during the 1990s resulted in exceptionally low lake-levels. Consequently wide areas of the... more
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      Underwater ArchaeologyAncient ChristianityCostal and marine ArchaeologyMagdala
The relationship between the instantaneous mortality rate (Z) and the instantaneous change in length-frequency distribution of organisms per unit of animal size (μL) takes the following form: Z = μLk(L∞ − L) + k, where k and L∞ are... more
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      Fisheries ScienceFisheriesBiologySociology of Fisheries and Aquaculture
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      ArchaeologyAncient HarborsGalileeMagdala
Wachsmann, S., 1986. Shfifons—Early Bronze Age Anchor-Shaped Cult Stones from the Sea of Galilee Region. In Thracia Pontica III (Troisième symposium international, Thème génerale "Les Thraces et les colonies grecques, VII-V s.av.n.é.,"... more
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyAncient Near EastNautical Archaeology
Wachsmann, S., K. Raveh and O. Cohen, 1986.  Ginosar, Ancient Boat.  Hadashot Arckheologiyot (Archaeological Newsletter) 88: 6-7. (in Hebrew).
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      Ancient Near EastNautical ArchaeologyAncient ShipwrecksEarly Christian Archaeology
The interrelationships between man and his environment are an evolving and fascinating field of research that is aided by the vast fields of knowledge nowadays. Direct evidence concerning the physical foundation of the area joins biotic... more
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      Human impacts on ancient environmentsSea of Galilee
Wachsmann, S., 1997.  Galilee Boat.  In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Near Eastern Archaeology II. E. M. Meyers, ed. New York, Oxford University Press: 377-379.
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      ArchaeologyEarly ChristianityNautical ArchaeologyRoman Period
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      Early ChristianityGalilee in early roman timeSea of Galilee
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      Marine ArchaeologyShipwrecksSubmerged settlementsSea Level Changes In the Sea of Galilee
Scarcity of natural shelters, and on-shore winds, prevailing on the Sea of Galilee, endangered water craft operating on the lake. Several droughts during the 1990s resulted in exceptionally low lake-levels. Consequently wide areas of the... more
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      Maritime and Underwater ArchaeologyAncient harbours and anchoragesSea of Galilee
Fifty two (52) stone tools (henceforth ST) were found at Ein Gen and were divided into four categories: ground stones (henceforth GS; n=42), devices cut in stone blocks (n=2), stone objects (n=8) and raw material (n=1). This report... more
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      Ground Stone TechnologyIron Age IsraelGround stone toolsArameans
A tombstone of the Byzantine period (fifth-sixth centuries CE) was discovered during recent conservation work in the bathhouse of the Early Islamic palace of al-Ṣinnabra at Tel Bet Yeraḥ/Khirbat al-Karak in the Jordan Valley. The stone... more
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      Greek EpigraphyPilgrimage and travel to the Holy LandEarly Byzantine ArchaeologyArchaeology of Israel
Workshop “Tales from the garbage. Excavation, methodology and pottery processing of the dumping deposits in the Near East from the Roman to the Islamic period”.
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      Material CulturePotteryRoman Common WareGalilee
Wachsmann, S., 2009.  Ships and Seafaring in the New Testament.  In The New Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible S-Z. Vol. 5. K. D. Sakenfeld, ed. Nashville, Abington Press: 237-239.
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyNew TestamentBiblical Archaeology
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      Underwater ArchaeologyAncient ShipwrecksShipwrecksUnderwater Cultural Heritage Management
Post-graduate Archaeological School of the Universities of Trieste, Udine and Venice Ca' Foscari (SISBA); Scuola Interateneo Di Specializzazione In Beni Archeologici Università Di Trieste, Udine  e Venezia Ca’ Foscari
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      ArchaeobotanyRoman Palestine (Archaeology)Harbour ArchaeologyGalilee in early roman time
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      ArchaeologyNew TestamentEarly ChristianityNautical Archaeology