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it's a Christian Scottish Mission to one of the holies cities of Judaism, Safed :))
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      Scottish HistoryHoly Land StudiesGalileeScottish Episcopal Church
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      GalileeHoly Places
Historical sources regarding Hellenistic-period Galilee are few and ambiguous and do not provide a clear picture about the identity of its population. Rich Hellenistic strata were uncovered at sites on the boarders of Galilee – mainly at... more
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      PhoenicianHellenistic Roman and Byzantine Archaeology in the Land of IsraelHasmonaean periodGalilee
Lessons in cultural learning and respect can be drawn from the meeting between Jesus and the Centurion in Capernaum related in Luke 7:1-10.
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      Intercultural CommunicationRoman EmpireLuke-ActsInterCultural Studies
In Luke 5:1-11, the Bible describes a miraculous event. Peter and his fishing partners caught so many fish that both of their boats started to sink. 1 We wanted to know the economic impact to Peter and his partners from this catch of... more
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      Gospel of LukeRoman fishing and fish processingAncient FishingRoman Fishing
The importance of Tiberias, capital of Galilee during the Roman and Late Antique periods, cannot be understated. From its founding by Herod Antipas in the early first century CE, Tiberias became a focal point for commerce, intellectualism... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyLate Antique ArchaeologyDomestic Space
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      Israel/PalestineLegal PluralismGalileePalestinian Sulha
This was the first-ever article to describe and analyze the possibility of a One-State Solution for Palestine/Israel from a Mizrahi positionality both in the Hebrew original and the English translation. Its composition -- like all of... more
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      Social MovementsRace and EthnicityEuropean Union CitizenshipWomen of Color Feminism
The 1948 War was one of the most formative events in both Israeli and Palestinian history. Recent years have seen a transformation in Israeli historiography relating to this war, with the emergence of three intertwined research... more
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      HistoryIsrael StudiesMiddle EastPalestinian Studies
The present article examines Jesus’ place in early Judaism. In a first step some common features of Second Temple Judaism are analyzed. On this basis, Galilee as the context of Jesus’ activity is looked at. It is argued that Jesus was... more
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      GalileeJesus and first century JudaismThe Historical JesusHistorical Jesus Studies
החל מהמאה ה-4 לסה"נ הפכה הנצרות לדת העיקרית בלבנט ולדת האימפריה בכלל. הביטוי הארכיאולוגי העיקרי של הדת הנוצרית הוא מבנה הכנסייה. מאות רבות של כנסיות מהתקופה הביזנטית נחקרו ונחפרו בלבנט מאז ראשית ימי המחקר הארכיאולוגי. מידע רב פורסם על... more
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      Early ChristianityByzantine ArchaeologyByzantine monasticismRegional Studies
""Dozens of mosaic floors were discovered in excavations conducted in Tiberias and its southern suburb, Hammat Tiberias, from the early 20th century to the present. These mosaics adorned the floors of both public and private buildings,... more
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      Early ChurchLate Antique ArchaeologyByzantine StudiesLate Antiquity
RE: Facades, illusions & ideological concepts created & promoted by ancient royalty out of necessity; effective creation of an alternate version of reality. It is only by knowing this information that the true nature of ancient texts may... more
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      ReligionChristianityGnosticismAncient Egyptian Religion
What made Jesus ‘news’? The key reason given in Mark and Matthew is that Jesus was an effective healer. In Q, likewise, Jesus fulfils John’s prediction of a Coming One who will baptize in Holy Spirit and fire by means of his healing... more
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      Historical JesusHistorical Jesus ResearchGalilee in early roman timeHistorical Studies
Wachsmann, S., 2015.  Understanding the Boat from the Time of Jesus: Galilean Seafaring. Jerusalem, Carta.
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
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      Eastern ChristianityHistory of MissionsAnglicanism (Anglicanism)Ottoman Empire
What is the relationship between Mizrahi feminism and Israeli ultranationalism? What is the relevance of gender justice activism to the 2014 Gaza War and Israel’s foreign policy? Wrapped in the Flag of Israel Second Edition examines... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial MovementsEthnic StudiesGender Studies
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyLate Antique ArchaeologyLate Antiquity
FLOOR DEPOSITS IN ANCIENT SYNAGOGUES Nili Ahipaz and Uzi Leibner Hoards containing hundreds or thousands of coins have been found under floors of various late antique synagogues.... more
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      ArchaeologyJewish StudiesJewish MysticismJewish History
Galilee has received attention far disproportionate to its size, because both the ministry of Jesus began in Galilee, and post-135 CE Judaism was centered there. This study maps the distribution of bronze coins found at some 250 sites in... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyEarly Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Archaeological Method & TheoryNumismatics
Author A.E. Medlycott presents an entirely new way to study the Apostle Thomas.  He reveals extraordinary details regarding the background of Aramaic documents. He opened new avenues for future research of Galilean teachings.
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      Biblical AramaicGalileeApostle Thomas
Esta entrevista trata da experiência de dez anos de escavação da cidade judaica de Magdala pela arqueóloga mexicana Dra. Marcela Zapata-Meza. Considera as contribuições arqueológicas que esse trabalho trouxe para a sociedade judaica do... more
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      ArchaeologySecond Temple JudaismBiblical ArchaeologyAncient Glass
The results of 7 seasons of excavations. Daily life of a Galilean town and the remains from the first battle in the Jewish war
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      Early Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Jewish HistorySecond Temple JudaismGalilee in early roman time
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Preliminary report on the oil-lamp production at ancient Shikhin, a Jewish village in Lower Galilee. The first discovery of an oil-lamp productiion center in Northern Israel
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      Ancient economyAncient JudaismGalilee in early roman timeGalilee
Archaeology dissertation about the historical and archaeological background of the ancient Biblical city of Magdala (Taricheae)
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      HistoryArchaeologyArchaeology of Ancient IsraelEarly Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)
Resumo: A pesquisa buscou compreender se a ideia messiânica denominada de " Messianismo sofredor " , possivelmente, teve relação com o Jesus histórico. A hipótese levantada ocupou-se de investigar se no tempo de Jesus existiria alguma... more
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      ChristianityNew TestamentHistory of ChristianityEarly Christianity
In the heart of the Lower Galilee lie the remains of Sepphoris, capital of the Galilee during long periods of antiquity. Both literary sources and archaeological finds indicate that the city’s population included pagans, heretics, and... more
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      Late Antique ArchaeologySecond Temple JudaismGraeco-Roman Mosaics and Wall PaintingsAncient Jewish History
A lo largo de su historia el Imperio romano tuvo que hacer frente a numerosas revueltas, debido al enorme territorio que controlaba. De entre los pueblos que las protagonizaron, los hebreos se contaban entre los que con mayor insistencia... more
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      Naval EngineeringReligionHistoryAncient History
In this article, we consider a recent proposal that Jewish settlement in eastern Galilee experienced a demographic crisis in the late third century and first half of the fourth century c.e. This proposal is based largely on pottery that... more
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      Jewish StudiesPottery (Archaeology)Late Roman PotteryGalilee
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      Hellenistic Roman and Byzantine Archaeology in the Land of IsraelBethsaidaGalileeSynoptic Problem, Marcan Priority, Q hypothesis
The Zuttiyeh specimen, discovered in Israel in 1925 by Francis A J Turville-Petre and initially described as a Neanderthal (Keith, 1927), is the most likely candidate Homo heidelbergensis from Western Asia since later studies have shown... more
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      PaleoanthropologyHuman EvolutionArchaeology of Ancient IsraelNeanderthals (Palaeolithic Archaeology)
Khirbet Wadi Ḥ amam is a Roman-period village located at the base of the cliffs of Mt. Nitai and above the gorge of Naḥal Arbel, two km west of the Sea of Galilee. In an attempt to shed new light on a number of topics concerning village... more
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      NumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Roman numismatics and archaeologyGalilee
A hoard of objects was found in 2008, buried under a floor pavement of a room in the Hellenistic administrative building at Tel Kedesh in northern Israel. The hoard consists of an Eros terracotta figurine, glass astragals and gaming... more
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      PhoeniciansHellenistic HistoryWomenTerracotta Figurines
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      ArchaeologyHellenistic HistorySecond Temple JudaismAncient numismatics (Archaeology)
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyLate Antique Art and ArchaeologyAncient MosaicsRoman houses
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      PapyrologyGalileeQ source (Synoptic gospels)
An archaeological syrvey of the cemeteries around Sepphoris (Zippori) the ancient Jewish Capital of the Galilee
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      ArchaeologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Ancient JudaismGalilee in early roman time
Titre de la communication
« Discourir est comme courir » : Galilée et la découverte de la vitesse dans la littérature scientifique
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      Galileo GalileiTorquato TassoGalileeKopernikus
A large number of small complexes dated to the Byzantine period were discovered in surveyes in Galilee and were identified as monasteries. This articl attempts to analize their distribution, function and place in the socio-economy of Late... more
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      ArchaeologyByzantine StudiesLate AntiquityGalilee
The archaeological dat of the transformation of the Galilee from pagan region into a Jewish region
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      Classical ArchaeologySecond Temple JudaismHellenistic periodGalilee in early roman time
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    • Galilee
Wachsmann, S., K. Raveh and O. Cohen, 1987. The Kinneret Boat Project:  Part I.  The Excavation and the Conservation of the Kinneret Boat. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 16: 233-245.
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMaritime HistoryNautical ArchaeologyAncient Shipwrecks
Bradley W. Root offers a thorough re-examination of the relevant literary and archaeological evidence for first century Galilee. Root argues that previous scholarship on Galilee has generally failed to make appropriate distinctions... more
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      Ancient HistoryJewish StudiesEarly Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Jewish History
Résumé : en 1894, Pierre Loti entreprend un voyage en Terre Sainte. À son retour, il publie une série de trois volumes intitulés Le Désert, Jérusalem et La Galilée. Quoique présentée uniquement comme un récit de voyage, cette trilogie est... more
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      Nineteenth Century Studies19th century FranceDiary StudiesTravel Literature
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureJewish Studies