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A summary of over a decade of surveys and excavations at the site of a previously unknown Roman period settlement at the southern end of Margary's RR14 road from London at Bridge Farm, Nr. Barcombe Mills, Lewes, East Sussex, England.... more
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      GeophysicsRoman PotteryRoman roadsRoman coins
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      HistoriographyRoman buildingsHistoriografíaFloridablanca
El Dos de Mayo de 1808 los dos alcaldes ordinarios de Móstoles, Andrés Torrejón y Simón Hernández, firmaron un bando o proclama que llamaba al levantamiento contra los soldados franceses que el emperador Napoleón había ido... more
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The text outlines shortly the Circus Maximus history, from antiquity to the twentieth century, when a part of the ancient building’s hemicycle was discovered and restored. After, it was neglected and invaded by self-vegetation, so that... more
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      Roman buildingsArchitetture per gli spettacoliRoman ArchaeologyCircus Maximus
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      Archaeology of Roman PannoniaCanabae legionisAquincumRoman buildings
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      Ancient Craftmanship (Archaeology)Roman town-planningRoman urban craftsRoman buildings
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      Medieval ArchaeologyAqueductsRoman MosaicsRoman buildings
Οι αρχαιολογικές ανασκαφές, οι οποίες διεξήχθησαν στο πλαίσιο των εργασιών κατασκευής της Μικρής Περιμετρικής Οδού Πατρών έφεραν στο φως πλήθος αρχαίων καταλοίπων, που εμπλούτισαν σημαντικά τις γνώσεις μας για την τοπογραφία της Πάτρας... more
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      AqueductsRoman buildingsRoman aqueducts and water supplyBalneum