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      HistoryAncient HistoryRoman HistoryArchitecture
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      ArchaeologyRoman HistoryRome, City ofRoman engineering
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In occasione della serie di manifestazioni, tenutesi in Modena fra il 1983 e il 1984, con il coordinamento scientifico di Carolyn Gianturco, sulla figura e l'opera di Alessandro Stradella e dei suoi forti legami con la corte estense, sono... more
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      Baroque MusicModenaEste FamilyArchitetture per gli spettacoli
The text outlines shortly the Circus Maximus history, from antiquity to the twentieth century, when a part of the ancient building’s hemicycle was discovered and restored. After, it was neglected and invaded by self-vegetation, so that... more
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      Roman buildingsArchitetture per gli spettacoliRoman ArchaeologyCircus Maximus
Brief account of the litterary, documentary and iconographic evidence for mime performances in Roman circuses.
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      DramaSpectacleLate AntiquityGraeco-Roman Egypt
In this paper we will analyse a specific group of African mosaics with images of venationes to be dated in the fifth century, when it most probably occurs, for the first time, a widespread adherence to new forms of amphitheatral... more
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      VenationesRoman Spectacle and EntertainmentAnimals in Roman spectaclesArchitetture per gli spettacoli
Apparati creati da G.P. Schor per i Colonna, in particolare per Maria Mancini (1661-1669 ca)
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Diffuso è l’equivoco fra due scomparsi teatri modenesi, il Teatro della Spelta e il Teatro Ducale Grande o di Piazza, sia per l’ubicazione nel medesimo blocco nord-occidentale del Palazzo Comunale, sia per la loro realizzazione nello... more
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      TeatroModenaStati Estensicommedia dell'arte, Duke of Modena
Vers la fin du XVe siècle Léonard est à Milan, à la cour des Sforza, Ludovic le More étant son commanditaire: pour lui, l’artiste réalise de nombreuses représentations à caractère politique, destinées souvent à corroborer la propagande... more
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      Political PhilosophyIconographyVisual propagandaRenaissance Studies