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Sous le règne de l'empereur Auguste, vers 22 av. J.-C., apparut à Rome un genre dramatique nouveau dont le succès, fulgurant et durable, résiste aujourd'hui encore à l'analyse historique. Ses acteurs, des danseurs solistes accompagnés... more
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      DanceAncient Greek and Roman TheatreRoman Pantomime
Paper on a little funerial altar from Laus Pompeia (now in the Ambrosiana Library), representing the pantomime Teocritus Pylades performing in two different costumes. The paper examines the history of the image of the pantomime, its... more
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      Roman DramaPantomimeRoman SculptureRoman Art
Popular Spectacles in Rome from the Late Republic to the Early Imperial Age. The aim of the present contribute is to provide an outline of the theatralical forms in Rome during the first century BC, collecting literary texts with... more
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      PapyrologyGreek EpigraphyLatin EpigraphyMime
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    • Roman Pantomime
‘No one knows so little of Homer, so as not to know that the best of the heroes are parasites’ (Par. 44). This bold claim comes from Simon, an interlocutor in a dialogue by the second century CE author Lucian of Samosata, titled De... more
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      HomerSecond SophisticPlutarchAncient Greek Rhetoric
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      Latin LiteratureGreek TragedyGreek ComedyHellenistic Literature
The different kinds of theatrical performance have grown up in the western cultural tradition from dance.Dance and voice make the actors' body protagonist, underlining the visual nature of theatrical art, even when playwrights compose... more
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      Dance StudiesPhenomenology of the bodyHoraceAristotle's Rhetoric and Poetics
This paper investigates the mythological wall paintings decorating the room known as the tablinum in atrium houses at Pompeii and Herculaneum. Scholars have considered the tablinum part of the “public” section of the house and have linked... more
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      Greco-Roman MythologyGraeco-Roman Mosaics and Wall PaintingsRoman theatersPompeii and Herculaneum
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      The sociology of ancient spectacleHellenistic TheaterRoman PantomimeAncient Mime
two bronze inscription from Halaesa (Sicily), of the Augustan age, testify to the involvement of more than 800 priests of Apollo. The international net of Apollonian priests is mirrored by Propertius and other poets, who mention... more
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      Roman ReligionAncient Greek and Roman TheatreArchaeology of Roman ReligionGreek Sicily
Review of  Enrico Magnelli (ed.), Ps.-Luciano, Ocypus. Introduzione, edizione critica, traduzione e commento. Alessandria, Edizione dell'Orso, Serie "Ellenica" 2020, pp. IX-152.
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      Textual CriticismLibaniusGreek and Roman Imperial LiteratureAncient Greek Tragedy and its Reception
Anahtar Kelimeler: Zeugma • Theonoe • Leukippe • Mozaik • Pantomime • Mozaik yazıtları Özet: Bu makale Zeugma'da bulunmuş Theonoe olarak bilinen mozaiğin üzerinde daha önce fark edilmemiş bir yazıtla birlikte, mozaikte yeralan diğer bir... more
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      Ancient MosaicsRoman PantomimeZeugmaRoman Archaeology
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      Ancient Greek and Roman TheatreAncient Greek and Roman ArtRoman theatersRoman Amphitheater
Διαδικτυακή Διάλεξη στο πλαίσιο του μαθήματος της Επ. Καθηγήτριας, κ. Ιωάννας Παπαδοπούλου, την Τετάρτη 20 Ιανουαρίου 2021
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      MimePantomimeRoman PantomimeGreek and Roman Mime
The essay deals with a refined dancer-actor, the Cilician mime Pilade, underlining the ideologic importance of the stone-made theatres in the Augustean Rome and the meaning of " repertory " .
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      Hellenistic and Roman theatreRoman PantomimePilade di Cilicia
The subject of this article is the monumental tomb of the pantomime artist Krispos which is found the necropolis area of the ancient Heraclea Pontica city and which is protected in the garden of the Karadeniz Ereğli Museum. 19 line Greek... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek TragedyTheatre StudiesTheatre History
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      Ancient Greek DanceRoman theatreRoman PantomimeRoman Theater
Our purpose here is to examine why Lucian of Samosata in The Dance and Libanius in On Behalf of the Dancers consider that tragedy and dance are related, what elements they share and how these authors understand tragedy as spectacle,... more
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      Greek TragedyLibaniusAncient Greek DanceRoman Pantomime
Popular Spectacles in Rome from the Late Republic to the Early Imperial Age. The aim of the present contribute is to provide an outline of the theatralical forms in Rome during the first century BC, collecting literary texts with... more
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      Roman EpigraphyMimeRoman theatreRoman Literature
The aim of this paper is to offer an analysis of the Christian intellectual perspective of choreutic gesture, putting forward the hypothesis that by regulating dancing, late antique bishops became spokesmen for an anthropology of gesture... more
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      ChristianityDance StudiesPlatoEarly Christianity
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      Roman HistoryArt HistoryPlatoAristotle
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      Ostia (Archaeology)Hunting (Human Animal Relations)Ancient Greek and Roman TheatreGladiators
In the eighteenth century the neoclassical reflection on the artwork as an imitation of nature translates into the necessity of a radical reform for the choreutical art, which must recover a dramaturgical meaning. The practical model to... more
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      European EnlightenmentRoman PantomimeBallet and DanceJean-Georges Noverre
Short paper on three statues now in the collection of the Museo Archeologico of Milano. They were discovered in Caesarea Maritima by the Italian archaeological mission in the sixties. The hand with a pantomime mask belongs to a statue of... more
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      Hellenistic Roman and Byzantine Archaeology in the Land of IsraelPantomimeRoman SculptureRoman Art
This article aims to show the close link between the representation of Trajan’s deeds in Pliny the Younger’s Panegyric and those of Augustus as described in the Res gestae. The analysis, developed through an in-depth reading of the most... more
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      LucanGolden-Age poetryPliny the YoungerLivy
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      NarratologyTransmedial NarratologyDance and Music in the Ancient WorldRoman Pantomime
In this paper we aim to analyze an inscription regarding an anonymous pantomime, Ann. épigr. 1956, 67, whose importance for our understanding of the organization of pantomime shows in the Antonine and Severan period in Rome as well as in... more
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      Ancient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesTheatre Studies
The paper combines the rich information on the different forms of theatre in Late Antiquity.
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      Late AntiquityAncient Greek and Roman TheatreAncient Greek DanceRoman Pantomime
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      Roman HistoryArt HistoryArt TheoryAnimation
Throughout the Vitae XII Caesarum references to theatrical performances and the relation between performers and principes are constant. The abundance of anecdotal information is one of the defining traits of ancient biography and, thus,... more
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      Latin LiteratureRoman HistoryPopular Culture and Religious StudiesRoman Drama
Il rinvenimento di una nuova iscrizione onoraria per il pantomimo L. Aelius Aurelius Apolaustus, con evidenti tracce di erasione del nome, permette di identificarlo con certezza con l'Apolaustus fatto uccidere da Commodo verosimilmente... more
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      Latin EpigraphyDamnatio MemoriaeRoman Pantomime
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      DanseRoman PantomimeOvid Metamorphoses
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      PantomimeRoman PantomimeMedieval Dance Studies
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      ChristianityHistoryAncient HistoryEuropean History
Alcestis barcelońską oraz centon Alcesta można bez przesady uznać za najważniejsze przykłady wykorzystania mitu o Alcestis w literaturze łacińskiej, przynajmniej jeśli ograniczymy się do tekstów zachowanych do naszych czasów, a nie tych... more
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      Late Latin LiteratureGenre studiesManuscript StudiesTexts and transmission
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      Dance StudiesNarratologyHistory of DanceAncient Greek and Roman Theatre
Gérard de Nerval rattachait directement le théâtre d'ombres aux atellanes latines : « Aussi bien Caragueuz lui-même n'est-il autre que le Polichinelle des Osques, dont on voit encore de si beaux exemplaires au musée de Naples ». Un... more
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      Greek ComedyTheatre StudiesLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryRomanticism
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      Roman HistoryArt HistoryArt TheoryAnimation
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      Roman DramaMimeVirgilRoman Pantomime
Ovid’s Metamorphoses, as scholars have demonstrated, can be read in dialogue with Roman pantomime dance, and the tale of Echo and Narcissus is one of its most ‘pantomimic’ episodes. While others have focused on the figure of Narcissus in... more
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      Latin LiteratureGreek Lyric PoetryOvidKinesthetic Empathy
A part of the 10th book of Apuleius’s Metamorphoses, often defined as his liber de spectaculis, is devoted to a description of a pantomimic spectacle. Set in a theater in Corinth and narrated by Lucius the ass, this performance relates... more
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      ApuleiusRoman North AfricaClassics, Ancient Novel, ApuleiusRoman Pantomime
Ovid’s Metamorphoses is enriched in many respects by reading it in dialogue with Roman pantomime dance, a distinctively chameleonic art form in which a single, silent dancer enacts many roles in quick succession (see e.g. Ingleheart 2008,... more
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      Sexual ViolenceGender and SexualityOvidRoman Pantomime
It is undeniable that in late antique literature, next to long hexametric compositions, there is a strong tendency toward miniaturization, and indeed within various narrative forms. At the same time, most such poems, despite their minor... more
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      Late Latin LiteratureGenre studiesManuscript StudiesTexts and transmission "Dans le texte de Ruth Webb, nous découvrons tout un pan disparu de notre histoire des représentations, avec la danse de l’Antiquité, car de... more
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      Dance and Music in the Ancient WorldRoman Pantomime
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      LibaniusRoman ComedyVitruviusTertullian
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      AraucariaRoman PantomimeAncient MechanicsUniversidad de Sevilla
This paper presents a new discovery on the Theonoe Mosaic from Zeugma and reassesses its evaluation in mythical and architectural context. This discovery pertains to two inscriptions found on the mosaic: Βά⌈κ⌉χαι and [-]..κε|[κ]α̣ρμέ|νη,... more
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      Ancient MosaicsRoman PantomimeZeugmaRoman Archaeology