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      Regional ScienceTheory of SpaceSocial SpaceRegional Analysis Methods
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    • Regional Analysis Methods
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    • Regional Analysis Methods
Kutatási Zárójelentés, ELTE Regionális Földrajzi Tanszék-VÁTI, 2002
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      Regional InequalityRegional Analysis Methods
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      Economic HistoryChinese social historyPopulation of ChinaRegional Analysis Methods
A tanulmánykötet szerzői: Nemes Nagy J (szerk.), Zsom B, Vida ZsV, Lőcsei H, Pénzes J, Kiss JP, Gyuris F, Czaller L, Farkas MB, Izsák É, Gyimesi Z, Gyapay B, Szabó P, Kovály K, Bottlik Zs, Kőszegi M, Berki M, Tagai G, Jakobi Á, Ónodi Zs
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      Regional developmentSocial SpaceRegional Analysis Methods
Accurate estimation of basin discharge has been discussed by the experts in various construction projects and this important issue has considerable influence on the design of the required structures and their cost. Basin discharge can be... more
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      Experimental MethodsRegional Analysis MethodsGeographic Information Systems (GIS)Justin method
Paesaggi - Capitolo 7: L'URBANISTICA E I PAESAGGI Il settimo capitolo segna lo sviluppo delle riflessioni che sono state ispirate dagli incontri con i ricercatori archeologici, che hanno spronato costantemente a mettere in discussione non... more
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      Landscape EcologyGeologyLandscape ArchaeologyUrban And Regional Planning
The major areas of specialization assessment cover for example export, R&D expenditure, employment rate, high-tech products (e.g. patents). Many measures indicated in the subject literature for specified areas cannot be currently... more
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      European UnionRegional developmentRegional EconomicsFuzzy Clustering
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      Economic GeographyTurkeyStructural AnalysisRegional Analysis Methods
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      MarketingTourism ManagementEnglandUnited Kingdom
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      Regional developmentInnovation and Creativity (Business)Regional Analysis MethodsSmall and medium sized firms and international competitiveness
Kadınların işgücüne katılımları, bir ülke için sürdürülebilir büyüme ve kalkınmayı sağlayan en önemli etkenlerden biridir. Kadınlar anne olmaları durumunda, hayat boyu edindikleri tecrübeleri gelecek nesillere yansıtabilme imkanına sahip... more
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      Labor EconomicsWork and LabourLogit & Probit modelsRegional Analysis Methods
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      Regional developmentRegional EconomicsRegional Analysis Methods
La existencia o no de convergencia en la evolución de las economías regionales en España es una cuestión ampliamente estudiada en la literatura especializada. El instrumento normalmente utilizado es el Producto Interior Bruto per cápita,... more
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      PovertySocial InequalityRegional Analysis Methods
Every society is shaped by its culture, and Music and the Arts are at the heart of these developments. From the Pharaonic Era to the modern day Arab Republic of Egypt, the Arts have influence all aspects of Egyptian civilization. Singing... more
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      Cultural StudiesPolitical SociologyEgyptologyMusic
In this study, we show how internationalization and foreign-owned firms influence synergies in the regional innovation systems of Hungary. We first distinguish three innovation system functions (knowledge exploitation, knowledge... more
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      Human GeographyEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsEconomic Geography
Through the monthly data of 71 meteorological stations of the North Pacific Watershed in northwest Mexico, the annual trends of nine temperature variables were estimated using the non-parametric Mann-Kendall test and the Q Sen’s slope... more
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      Climate ChangeNorthwest MexicoRegional Analysis Methods
Fiatal Regionális Kutatók Fóruma
Kecskemét, 2006. november 30.
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A variety of statistical methods for meteorological adjustment of ozone have been proposed in the literature over the last decade for purposes of forecasting, estimating ozone time trends, or investigating underlying mechanisms from an... more
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      Multivariate StatisticsSpatial AnalysisEnvironmental MonitoringTrend Analysis
Az Észak-Magyarországi régió munkaerő-piaca természetesen országos viszonylatban sem tekinthető jelentősnek, de az elmaradott térségeknek (a lisszaboni folyamatnak megfelelően) kiemelt figyelmet kell fordítanunk a regionális... more
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      Labour EconomicsRegional Analysis Methods