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The authors question whether the Supreme Court of Canada has a grander agenda in its formulation of Aboriginal Title in Tsilhqoti'n Nation v. British Columbia than that of merely ensuring financial utility. While private ownership... more
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      Indigenous PeoplesPublic LawPrivate and Property Law.Aboriginal Law
Nigeria depend greatly on oil and gas production to meet its revenue needs. Several initiatives are currently being gauged to diminish the high transaction cost of pipeline failures and the consequences on land rights' holders. Oil and... more
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      Contract LawLand LawPrivate and Property Law.
Este conteúdo está protegido pela lei de direitos autorais. É permitida a reprodução, desde que indicada afonte como "Conteúdo da Revista Digital de Direito Administrativo".A RDDA constitui periódico científico da FDRP/USP, cuja função... more
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      Human Rights LawAccessibilityInternational Human Rights LawTheory of Constraints
An essay in the Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society.
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      LawJewish LawJewish StudiesLand and Property Development
The quest for social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development, Agenda 2030, necessitates rapt attention to the rule of law in any country. Historical makings of the rule of law in any country are essential in... more
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      Human Rights LawViolence Against WomenGender and DevelopmentPrivate law
How to stay private and challenge attempts to make you public.
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      Human RightsSovereigntyPublic Private PartnershipsFreedom
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      Civil LawPrivate International LawComparative Private LawPrivate law
This article explores different understandings of reconciliation within the context of modern treaty making in British Columbia, focusing on the role of the BC treaty process in resolving the longstanding dispute between Aboriginal... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyCultural GeographyPolitical Geography and Geopolitics
Este artículo de investigación examina dos sentencias de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Colombia, como juez constitucional, bajo la Constitución Nacional de 1886, que defendieron el derecho a la propiedad privada frente a expropiaciones... more
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      Constitutional LawLegal HistoryPrivate lawConstitutional History
Two practical lessons, in Émile, aim to introduce the pupil to economics. The first one concerns the foundation of the right to property; the second one concerns trade and the social division of work. Both of these educational moments... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyGlobalizationLiberalism
El artículo estudia los fundamentos del derecho de propiedad y de su función social; lo que la filosofía clásica denomina "derecho natural". En un lenguaje actualizado, se explican sus principales lineamientos. Se logra así una visión... more
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      Property LawPropertySocialismoPrivate and Property Law.
Грузия прошла долгий и трудный путь за последние 30 лет. Это было связано, с одной стороны, с беспорядками 1990-х годов, а с другой - с выбором грузинского права - оставаться верным старым правилам или идти по пути европейского развития.... more
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      Comparative LawPrivate lawRoman Private LawPrivate and Property Law.
The quest for social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development, Agenda 2030, necessitates rapt attention to the rule of law in any country. Historical makings of the rule of law in any country are essential in... more
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      Human Rights LawLegal HistoryLegal EthicsPrivate and Property Law.
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      Latin American StudiesConstitutional LawCivil LawSocialism
The Czech courts do often deal with transportation matters. For example the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic decided on 28 March 2012 about the Scope of the CMR Convention. The court concluded that the Convention on the Contract for... more
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      Civil LawInternational RelationsInternational LawPrivate International Law
The conception of property is usually moulded upon diverting historical and political-philosophical frameworks. The current interest on the commons illustrates these divergences when they come up between a 'pure' public and a 'pure'... more
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      CommonsRepublicanismProperty RightsSocialism
Este trabajo pretende analizar la relación entre la concepción moderna de derecho de propiedad y las categorías de poder propuestas por Michel Foucault (soberanía, poder disciplinario y biopoder). Todo esto, dando cuenta de cómo a través... more
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      Property LawPhilosophy Of LawMichel FoucaultPrivate law
The Western Balkan countries of Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo are lag behind other European transition countries in terms of economic development and EU accession. Although these countries have... more
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      Intellectual PropertyLand and Property DevelopmentProperty LawSerbian
En la zona regada por el río Dulce en la provincia de Santiago del Estero se configuraron desde tiempos coloniales estancias indivisas habitualmente bautizadas con el nombre de su fundador. Algunos de estos “campos comuneros”,... more
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      Property RightsLegal HistoryAgrimensoresHistoria del Derecho
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      Private and Property Law.Income, property and wealth taxesPiketty
In diesem Beitrag werden ausgewählte Intentionale Gemeinschaften des Kommuja-Netzwerks in den Blick genommen. Einige dieser Gemeinschaften, die sich selbst als politische Kommunen bezeichnen, können als eine radikale, da... more
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      CommonsSubjectivitiesProperty LawCommon Property
presentation at the Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, November 22. 2019, Hamburg.
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      Korea (North and/or South)North Korea (politics and society)North Korean EconomyNorth Korea
The Hebrew Bible is a unique and remarkable source of ageless knowledge in many subjects. In addition to its theological and philosophical virtues, it contains many storylines about the history, customs, traditions, and laws in the... more
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      EconomicsTheologyAustrian EconomicsBiblical Studies
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      Real EstateCivil LawContract LawFamily Law