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Given the role of entrepreneurship in developing the advanced industrial countries and developing countries are also seeking to prove a broad new wave of entrepreneurial organizations that are needed to achieve this important role and... more
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      Sugar industryOrganizational Support
To cite: Ademci, E., Gundes, S. (2018) Review of Studies on BIM Adoption in AEC Industry, 5th International Project and Construction Management Conference (IPCMC) Proceedings, p.1046 -1055, N. Cyprus, 16-18 Nov. Abstract In recent... more
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      AdoptionBuilding Information ModelingBuilding Information Modeling (BIM) (Architecture)Literature Review
The most common definition of Leadership is that leaders attempt to influence the behavior of their followers. While leaders influence their subordinates, it has been noted that leaders do so along with their perceived organization... more
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      LeadershipSocial Exchange TheoryOrganizational Supportfive leadership practices,
Work engagement is one of the critical factors at an organization, so considering some factors such as leadership styles and organizational support is important. Lack of attention to these factors can lead to undesirable environments for... more
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      LeadershipWork EngagementOrganizational Support
This paper investigates the relationship between perceived organizational support (POS) and perceived supervisory support (PSS) with turnover intentions based on social exchange theory. The paper also examines the role of employee’s... more
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      Employee TurnoverPsychological CapitalTurnover IntentionPerceived organizational support
This study investigates the effect and interaction of various factors on the motivation of the postgraduate trainees in the hospitals to work. It also aims to highlight the importance of certain factors that could influence the motivation... more
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      Organizational SupportMotivation to WorkSupervisor SupportJob Value
In recent times, organization have been striving to achieve excellence in relation to the effectiveness and efficiency of employees. The behavior of individuals can help organizations to achieve this goal. It has been noted by several... more
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    • Organizational Support
This study extends the literature by utilizing a three-component organizational commitment measure to identify ways for managers to drive salesperson effort. Using social exchange theory and survey data from industrial salespeople, an... more
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      MarketingTrustOrganizational CommitmentJob Satisfaction
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      Human Resource ManagementOrganizational Citizenship BehaviorEmployee engagementHuman Resources
The purpose of this study was to investigate the antecedents and consequence of job crafting in the context of education sector and high-power distance societies, such as Indonesia where most people seem hesitant to seize on job crafting... more
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      Job Crafting (Organizational Behavior)Job EngagementEarly Childhood Teacher EducationPrimary School Teacher
In the last three decades, the security issues have been raised in the state of the Punjab (Pakistan) which ultimately leads to the breakdown of the country's economy. However, the purpose of this paper is to determine the effect of the... more
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      PLS (Partial Least Squares) MethodsOrganizational PerformanceOrganizational SupportPolitical Interference
In this study, mediation role of subjective career success with regards to the relationship between perceived organizational support and intention to remain at work has been investigated. Research has been conducted on acade-micians... more
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      Career SuccessPerceived organizational supportIntention to StayOrganizational Support
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      ManagementHuman Resource ManagementHuman ResourcesBusiness Management
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the factors affecting implementation of green procurement programs in the manufacturing industry in Kenya. The objectives of the study were: To find out the effects of organizational support on... more
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      Organizational Supportgreen procurement supplier selection
Özet Bu çalışma ile algılanan örgütsel destek, örgütsel adalet algısı, öz kendilik değerlendirmesinin psikolojik sermayenin öncülleri olup olmadığı araştırlmıştır. Bu kapsamda çalışmada çalışanların; örgütsel destek algılarının psikolojik... more
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      Organizational JusticeOrganizational SupportPositive Psychological Capitalself-worth evaluation
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      Organizational BehaviorNursingJob stressOrganizational Support
The goal of period and financial efficiency in course development and delivery has fueled the fast growth about e-learning in corporate training. However, past research have shown that efficiency does not always imply training efficacy,... more
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      E-learningEffectivenessOrganizational SupportFlow and Learning
Organizational support has become an increasingly important issue for organizations to become more productive and reaching targets. Members of the organization provide a significant contribution to the extent they feel they are supported... more
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      Organizational BehaviorConscientiousnessOrganizational Citizenship BehaviorAltruism
The main aim of this study is to determine how citizenship behaviors may be shaped in the Armed Forces. The presented study is by far the first that thoroughly examines connections between all aspects of organizational climate (OC),... more
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      Political ScienceOrganizational Citizenship BehaviorOrganizational ClimateOrganizational Support
Organizational citizenship and organizational identification concepts are those, which are supposed to increase the employee’s commitment and productivity. Thus, these are being cited much nowadays. Researchers noted that as the... more
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      Organizational BehaviorBusiness ManagementOrganizational IdentificationModerating and Mediating Effects
The COVID-19 pandemic forced many organizations to abruptly introduce remote working, without an accurate analysis of organizational processes and employees' expectations about work flexibility. Thus, remote working has been... more
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      Organizational Supportchallenges of working remotelyRemote Working/Teleworking/Work From Home
ÖZ Bu çalışmada, psikolojik sermayenin ve örgütsel desteğin işe yabancılaşma üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca psikolojik sermaye ile işe yabancılaşma arasında örgütsel desteğin aracılık rolüne bakılmıştır. Bu amaçla, Ankara ilinde... more
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      Organizational BehaviorPsychological CapitalWORK ALIENATIONÖrgütsel Davranış
Organizational support has become an increasingly important issue for organizations to become more productive and reaching targets. Members of the organization provide a significant contribution to the extent they feel they are supported... more
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      Organizational BehaviorPsychologyConscientiousnessOrganizational Citizenship Behavior
This research aims to examine the relationship between organizational support perceptions and self-efficacy levels of employees, who are employed in the logistics sector, and carried out in order to determine employees’ perceptions of... more
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      Self-EfficacyLogistics IndustryOrganizational Support
The COVID-19 pandemic forced many organizations to abruptly introduce remote working, without an accurate analysis of organizational processes and employees' expectations about work flexibility. Thus, remote working has been... more
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      Organizational Supportchallenges of working remotelyRemote Working/Teleworking/Work From Home
ÖZ İş doyumunun performansa etkisinde mutluluğun rolünü araştırmayı amaç-layan çalışma, pozitif örgütsel davranış alanında güncel bir araştırma ko-nusu olan mutluluğun çalışan performansına etkilerini ortaya çıkarmayı ve bu etkilerini... more
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      Job SatisfactionPerformanceIntellectual CapitalHappiness at Work
This study examines the relationship between types of Prosocial Organizational Behavior (POB) and  organizational factors, which are exchange-based and the personal factor that is self-enhancement is a personality trait that promotes the... more
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      ManagementHuman Resource ManagementHuman ResourcesPsychological Well Being
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      Self EfficacyLogistics IndustryOrganizational Support
Loyalty and dedication workers have towards their organization are known as the organizational commitments of the workers. Such professional commitment is influenced by many factors. The main purpose of the study is to identify the... more
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      Work Family BalanceOrganizational CommitmentProfessional RelationshipsOrganizational Support
This study examines the relations of different organizational factors to organizational identification among expatriates in pre- (N= 97) and post-migration (N= 66) stages and in a longitudinal (N= 41) setting. In the pre-migration stage... more
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      Organizational PsychologySocial PsychologySocial IdentitySocial Justice
This research aims to examine the relationship between organizational support perceptions and self-efficacy levels of employees, who are employed in the logistics sector, and carried out in order to determine employees’ perceptions of... more
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    • Organizational Support
The main aim of this study is to determine how citizenship behaviors may be shaped in the Armed Forces. The presented study is by far the first that thoroughly examines connections between all aspects of organizational climate (OC),... more
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      Organizational Citizenship BehaviorOrganizational ClimateOrganizational Supportgood soldier syndrome
Intention to Leave (ITL) is defined as employee voluntary tendency to terminate employment in his/ him organization. Indeed, this intention might not occur really, but its effects can be seen in forms of absence, lassitude, and sabotage.... more
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      Job SatisfactionJusticeCommitmentIntention to Leave
Amaç- Bu çalışmanın amacı iş stresinin işe yabancılaşma üzerindeki etkisini ve örgütsel destek algısının bu etki üzerinde moderatör role sahip olup olmadığını incelemektir. Bir diğer amaç ise iş stresinin, işe yabancılaşmanın ve örgütsel... more
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      Work StressWORK ALIENATIONOrganizational Support
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      PsychologyHuman Resource ManagementStressBusiness and Management
The COVID-19 pandemic forced many organizations to abruptly introduce remote working, without an accurate analysis of organizational processes and employees' expectations about work flexibility. Thus, remote working has been implemented... more
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      Organizational Supportchallenges of working remotelyRemote Working/Teleworking/Work From Home