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The visual devices used by Tony Blair and George Bush to get themselves elected and maintain power, come not from modern times, but a world that is thousands of years old. How Art Made the World ventures back to the creation of Stonehenge... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural History
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      Julius CaesarOctavianus AugustusOctavianMark Antony
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      Roman HistoryCaesar (Classics)Hellenistic and Roman Asia MinorAugustus
This examination of C. Duilius (consul in 260 BCE) and his achievements consists of a series of linked hypotheses, each suggested by direct evidence for Duilius' activities and contextualized by near-contemporary precedents (wherever... more
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      Ancient HistoryMaritime ArchaeologyLatin LiteratureRoman History
A book about Greeks and Italians at Ephesus. Read the abstract on PDF. From 18th August 2016 on.
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      Greek HistoryRoman HistoryOnomasticsIdentity (Culture)
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      Roman HistoryRoman RepublicCiceroRoman Army
Discussion about the official title of P. Vedius Pollio in Asia about 31/0-29 or 30-25 BC : procurator, praefectus or praefectus, before becoming procurator, perhaps the first procurator of Asia ?
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      Greek EpigraphyLatin EpigraphyRoman provincial administrationRoman Epigraphy
La recente, importante edizione della stele di Cornelio Gallo a Philae, oltre a raggiungere conclusioni pressoché definitive su questioni specifiche suscitate dal prezioso monumento, sgombrando il campo da radicati pregiudizi, rinnova il... more
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      ClassicsRoman HistoryLatin EpigraphyClassical philology
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      Invented TraditionsAugustusHerculesOctavian
A revised version in L. Driediger-Murphy and E. Eidinow (eds.), Ancient Divination and Experience, OUP, 2019.
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyDivinationImperial Rome
An "Alexandrian" encomiastic epigram in honor of Augustus (Supplementum Hellenisticum 982), "Aevum Antiquum" 11 (1998), 255-344 Contents: 1) Papyrological evidence. Hypothesis on the period and on the circumstances of the composition... more
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      PhilologyClassicsGreek LiteratureRoman History
Übersetzung Latein-Deutsch der "Res gestae divi Augusti" - der Taten des göttlichen Augustus bzw. des Monumentum Ancyranum
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      Latin LiteratureRoman HistoryRoman EmpireAugustus
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureRoman HistoryLatin Language and Literature
Scholars usually assert that Salvidienus Rufus and Marcus Agrippa, two brilliant generals of Octavianus, were aspiring to the same position in his circle and that only after the execution of Salvidienus Agrippa became the first commander... more
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      Civil Wars (Roman Republic)Late Roman RepublicOctavianus AugustusCursus honorum
In: Matera M., Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski R. (eds.). ŚWIATOWIT Supplement Series C: Pontica et Caucasica, vol. I. The Crimea and the Northern Black Sea Coast in Archaeological Research 1956–2013 / Krym i północne wybrzeża Morza Czarnego w... more
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      Roman RepublicJulius CaesarSanctuaryLucius Cornelius Sulla
Octavian-Augustus, the coniuratio Italiae, imperium and the concept of dux.
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      Roman Army StudiesOctavianus AugustusOctavian
"Janvier 27 avant n. è. : sur les décombres de la défunte République, Octavien/Auguste posait les fondations du Principat. À ses côtés, fidèle entre tous, Mécène, appelé à devenir l’archétype du patron littéraire. Depuis les guerres... more
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      Cultural StudiesRoman HistoryAugustan PoetryLanguage and Power
The matter at issue of this article is golden and silver coinage of Marcus Agrippa during his governorship in Gaul in 38 BC. Comparison of this coinage with contemporary Italian bronze coins shows that the main ideological motive was... more
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      Roman numismatics and archaeologyAncient Roman NumismaticsRoman GaulRoman coins
After the Ides of March 44 BC Octavius goes to the political scene, at 19 years old. We follow the story of the Βίος Καίσαρος written by Nicolaus of Damascus, witnessing the rise of the young Caesar, from his stay in Apollonia (on March... more
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      Nicolaus of DamascusOctavianus AugustusOctavianNicolao Di Damasco
When we read Virgil's famous epitaph, we automatically give the phrase Calabri rapuere a figurative meaning. Based on a contextual study of the words Calaber and rapere, as well as an examination of the rhythmic structure of the epitaph,... more
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The article deals with the activity of Marcus Agrippa in 44-42 B.C.E., between the murder of Caesar and the battle of Philippi. In 44 he constantly stayed in contact with Octavian but did not stand out against the background of his... more
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      Civil Wars (Roman Republic)Battle of PhilippiTribunate, the PlebeianOctavianus Augustus
(also: Heldenschau). In Vergil's Aeneid, Anchises, like Aeneas, may be seen as a pattern of Augustus, as his survey of his progeny reflects Augustus' censorial activity (Augustus conducted his first census, without holding the office of... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreAncient HistoryMythologyRoman History
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
Les prêtresses d'Artémis appartenaient sans surprise à des familles de notables locaux. Différents types de documents, dont un roman antique, permettent la reconstitution des tâches des prêtresses. Octavien-Auguste procéda à une... more
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      Gender StudiesRomanisationArchaic GreeceAugustus
Le difficoltà e le contraddizioni tra le fonti sul processo di Gallo e le reazioni dei contemporanei alla sua morte lasciano intuire un clima politico difficile tra il 27 e il 26 a. C.: Ottaviano, dopo aver accettato un compromesso con il... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureRoman HistoryRoman Historiography
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      Gender StudiesCiceroAnthropology of KinshipMarriage Transactions (Anthropology of Kinship)
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
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      Roman HistoryAlexander the GreatAugustusRoman Imperial Ideology
The career of M. Licinius Crassus, son of Caecilia Metella and grandson of Crassus the triumvir, stopped suddenly after his military prowess in Macedonia. He is probably the last general of Rome having conquered the the spolia opima. He... more
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      OctavianM. Licinius Crassus JrSpolia OpimaSpoils
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      Ancient Greek and Roman ArtAugustusJulio-Claudian EmperorsRoman Sculpture
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsLatin LiteratureRoman History
In the last decades of the Roman Republic, Rome came very close to collapse. Augustus brought an end to the civil wars that were tearing the state apart. He did bring peace. But there are still many who see him as a monster and a tyrant.... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryRoman RepublicCivil Wars (Roman Republic)
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      Roman imperial cultEphesusEphesosOctavianus Augustus
Compte-rendu /Buchbesprechung / review of B. M. Kreiler, Statthalter zwischen Republik und Prinzipat, Frankfurt/Main, 2006
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      GovernanceAugustusMarcus AntoniusOctavianus Augustus
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      Apocalypticism In LiteratureMedieval RomanceBook of RevelationBiblical Exegesis
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      Civil Wars (Roman Republic)Bellum HispanienseRoman SpainJulius Caesar
The author examines the circumstances of the early youth of Octavian and Agrippa and the beginning of their friendship. Agrippa’s family was probably wealthy but its origin was quite humble, and Octavian’s lineage was not much higher; his... more
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      Civil Wars (Roman Republic)Late Roman RepublicOctavianus AugustusOctavian
Conference about results of thesis of Fr. Kirbihler, description of dea Roma and divus Iulius from 40-39 BC, and discussion about priestesses of Artemis (re)created by Octavian probably 31-29 BC.
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      AugustusGreek sanctuariesArtemisRoman imperial cult
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      Julius CaesarCisalpine GaulOctavianThe Triumviral Period (43 - 31BC)
As explained in the earlier parts of this work, I have always seen Augustus as a product of his time. In this final part of my 20,000+ examination of Augustus’ early career I look first at how, and why, Mark Antony repeatedly sought to... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyRoman RepublicCicero
Book review
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryRoman RepublicRepublican Rome
The author calls in question the theory prevailing in historiography according to which the result of Octavian’s marriage to Livia was his with the Republican nobility, the Claudii and the Livii above all. The marriage was accompanied by... more
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      AugustusLiviaOctavianus AugustusRoman aristocracy
Poetry thrives on hyperboles. And when it comes to express the idea of an indelible stain, what hyperbole would be more powerful than the inability of the "old Ocean" itself, with all its mass, to overcome such a blot? No wonder then if... more
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Cet article reconsidère quelques points de contact entre les romans en moyen anglais à rime caudale Octavian (dans ses rédactions septentrionale et méridionale) et Le bone Florence of Rome préservés dans des manuscrits du XVe siècle. Une... more
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      Middle EnglishChansons De GesteOld FrenchMiddle English literature and culture
Abstract of a conference about the official mission of P. Vedius Pollio, a knight friend of Octavius, who took some financial decisions about sanctuaries in the province of Asia as prefect or first procurator of Octavien in Asia. He was a... more
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      AugustusRoman imperial cultEphesusEphesos
The author argues that the political consequences of Octavian's marriage to Livia were only negative for him. Having divorced Scribonia he displayed his hostile disposition to Sextus Pompey too early and did not have enough time to... more
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      Civil Wars (Roman Republic)LiviaRoman ProsopographySextus Pompeius