Nuclear Engineering
Recent papers in Nuclear Engineering
This article examines how 'safety case' experts working on Finland’s nuclear waste repository project at Olkiluoto summoned, conjured, or channeled memories of Seppo—a deceased colleague whose ‘specter,’ as some put it, still ‘haunts’... more
Nuclear and thermonuclear weapons have been an anxiety factor for people for decades and generations. This paper's purpose is to reduce this anxiety by reducing the effect and efficiency of thermonuclear weapons by discussing on a... more
The proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is a prominent environmentally friendly alternative candidate to internal combustion engines in automotive applications. The recovery of the waste heat of light-duty diesel engines has been... more
We derive a microscopic version of the successful phenomenological hydrodynamic model of Bohr-Davydov-Faessler-Greiner for collective rotation-vibration motion of an axially symmetric deformed nucleus. The derivation is not limited to... more
Nuclear Power plants can be designed to withstand the strongest shaking in earthquakes but engineers need to know what these accelerations might be. Eight lines of investigation are identified for testing the seismic capability of the... more
This contribution demonstrates how the deposition rates from a flowing stream of coagulation-aged 'polydispersed' aggregated aerosols can be accurately predicted by systematically correcting results calculated for the hypothetical case of... more
Nuclear industry is in crisis and innovation is the central theme of its survival in future. Artificial intelligence has made a quantum leap in last few years. This paper comprehensively analyses recent advancement in artificial... more
This brief paper is to explain one of my ideas relating to deep space propulsion. This paper explains what I call the "Nuclear Thermal Pulsejet Engine" and how we can use vacuum of space to cool a small nuclear reactor down for future... more
INVAP uses computational tools to predict the behavior of the reactor to be built. Every new reactor needs increasingly detailed analysis from different points of view, as nuclear safety and fulfillment of user requirements (flux and... more
The history of humanity is closely intertwined with energy developments, from taming fire to splitting atoms, and few would argue against the centrality of electricity to modern life. However, despite the fact that pressures on achieving... more
The flow contraction through sharp-edged short orifices respectively the narrowest flow cross-section or the vena contracta has been measured for water, air and air/water mixture. The results demonstrate that the contraction in the case... more
The AP1000 is a standard design developed by Westinghouse and its partners for an advanced nuclear power plant utilizing passive safety features. The design has been certified by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission based on their review... more
• Atmospheric dispersion modeling for two credible accidents of the TRIGA Mark II research reactor in Kinshasa (TRICO II) was performed. • Radiological safety analysis after the postulated initiating events (PIE) was also carried out. •... more
Via decrement of mass of planets, we can send the entire planets to far space orbital allocations. We can convert physical matter into energy, it can either get irradiated to outer space, get transmitted back to Earth's potential energy,... more
Диссертации "Моделирование процессов перелома кинетики окисления и переориентации гидридов в циркониевых оболочках твэлов". Диссертация на соискание кандидата технических наук по специальности 05.14.03 "Ядерные энергетические установки,... more
This article extends previous efforts on genetic algorithms (GAs) applied to a core design optimization problem. We introduce the application of a new Niching Genetic Algorithm (NGA) to this problem and compare its performance to these... more
Csernobili üzemzavar és rendszerváltás - közreműködésem az Amerikai Egyesült Államokban az üzemzavar kivizsgálásában
Nuclear transmutation is a process in which conversion of one isotope into another isotope takes place as product of nuclear reactions. PyNE is nuclear engineering toolkit for python. In this paper simulation of transmutation is shown... more
Many different reactor systems have been proposed and some of these have been developed to prototype and commercial scale. Six types of reactor (Magnox, AGR, PWR, BWR, CANDU and RBMK) have emerged as the designs used to produce commercial... more
The Advanced Lead Fast Reactor European Demonstrator (ALFRED) is the 300 MWth pool-type reactor aimed at proving the feasibility of the design concept adopted for the European Lead-cooled Fast Reactor (ELFR) of Generation-IV, whose... more
The polar γ-ray radiography method was studied extensively, Gamma-ray from Ir-192 source was used to detect weld defects in the main gas pipeline extending from Khoms to Tripoli. Gamma-ray radiographic inspections were carried out... more
What happened, in the years leading up to Valentine's Day 2014, that made a canister of nuclear waste burst open and spew out fire underground at a US facility for the long-term disposal of radioactive military waste? According to one... more
PARAGON is Westinghouse's state-of-the-art code for two-dimensional lattice calculations. It is based on collision probability with interface current method and written entirely in FORTRAN 90/95 with dynamic memory allocation. As such,... more
This study provides an independent, outside-in estimate of the cost and schedule risks of nuclear waste storage projects. Based on a reference class of 216 past, comparable projects, risk of cost overrun was found to be 202% or less, with... more
One of the most complex cases for assessing the nuclear power plant safety is the evaluation of the response of the plant to an earthquake and calculation of the core damage frequency related with this. Plant level fragilities are... more
In this paper, an attempt has been made to systematically organize the research investigations conducted on clad tube failure, so far. Before presenting the review on the clad failure studies, an introduction to different clad materials... more
The major European electricity producers want to keep able to build new nuclear power plants and they believe 3rd generation LWRs would be the most adapted response to their needs in the first decades of this century. Producing a common... more
Analytical Study of Stuxnet Attacks on Iranian nuclear reactors . 1. Physical Weakness in industrial control systems in Iranian nuclear Bases. 2. Software Weakness and security in industrial control systems in Natanz nuclear Bases .... more
Using the microscopic de"nition of the Townsend coe$cient and based on theoretical considerations related to the physical behaviour of electrons in gases in conjunction with a set of empirical results, a semi-microscopic formula of /N,... more
Niebotyczne koszty cywilnej energetyki jądrowej nie powinny odżegnywać od inwestycji w bloki jądrowe w Polce. Kluczem do ich zrealizowania może być skorzystanie z dodatkowych, nieoczywistych źródeł finansowania. Największą ciekawostką... more
Magnetic Mirror Machine for magnetic confinement fusion
In the first decades of space exploration several concepts appeared for utilizing nuclear energy in space. However, only a few of them were developed into actual instruments. Radioisotope powered batteries and heating units have been... more
The purpose of this paper is to make radioactive risk more generally understandable.
Nükleer Enerji - FİZYON ve FÜZYON nedir? Teknolojisi ve Nükleer Enerji Tesis Tipleri ----
Nuclear Energy - What is FISSION and FUSION? Technology and Nuclear Power Plant types
Nuclear Energy - What is FISSION and FUSION? Technology and Nuclear Power Plant types
A radiation detector constructed of common household materials was developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) by Cresson H. Kearny and has been referred to as the Kearny Fallout Meter (KFM). Developed during the height of the Cold... more
An Internal Flood PRA involves scenarios in which a pipe rupture can result in the release of a large volume of water over a short period of time. Given the size of the flow rate and the available space available for water accumulation,... more
The consecutive, partly overlapping emergence of expert systems and then neural computation methods among intelligent technologies, is reflected in the evolving scene of their application to nuclear engineering. This paper provides a... more
W hile it is unmistakable that climate change mitigation must occur, it is less clear which particular strategies, infrastructures and practices offer the greatest potential in the energy sector. Pacala and Socolow argued more than a... more
Designing of an automated manufacturing process of Ball-pen by injection molding machine.
It is desired that a consistent and reasonable set of assumptions and methods be established in order to adequately evaluate various internal flood hazards without imposing excessive conservative treatments. Using a few basic kinematic... more
Thorium fuel cycle requires innovative, remote controlled and maintenance-free technologies due to the presence of 232 U and other hard γ-emitting isotopes with its main fissile constituent 233 U. Microwave heating, due to... more
ABSTRACT Interest in evaluation of reactor response and off-site consequences following beyond design basis accidents has significantly increased after Fukushima. MELCOR is an advanced computational aid that has been widely used and... more
Water chemistry of the Primary Heat Transport System (PHT) of CANDU – Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors profoundly influences the transport of corrosion products around the Heat Transport System (HTS), where they can be deposited as crud... more