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Substance misuse is influenced by multiple genetic and environmental factors. Recent research has identified a number of potential genetic markers of risk and those associated with drug reward substrates show particular promise. The... more
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      GeneticsPsychologyRiskMolecular Genetics
The mechanisms that drive normal B cell differentiation and activation are frequently subverted by B cell lymphomas for their unlimited growth and survival. B cells are particularly prone to malignant transformation because the machinery... more
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      Molecular GeneticsSignal TransductionDiffuse Large B-Cell LymphomaB Lymphocytes
High-risk screening Urine Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry LC-MS/MS MPS I MPS II, MPS VI Biomarker Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPSs) are complex storage disorders caused by specific lysosomal enzyme deficiencies, resulting in the... more
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      Molecular GeneticsAdolescentChildYoung Adult
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      GeneticsCognitive ScienceMagnetic Resonance ImagingTurkey
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      NeurochemistryMolecular GeneticsMedicineMice
Diego Wyszynski has done an admirable job of assembling a collection of reviews of various aspects of the etiology and treatment of oral clefts. This 500-page monograph is divided into three sections: "Basic Principles" (embryology,... more
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      BiologyMolecular GeneticsBiological SciencesMedical and Health Sciences
Background: The bacterial luciferase (lux) gene cassette consists of five genes (luxCDABE) whose protein products synergistically generate bioluminescent light signals exclusive of supplementary substrate additions or exogenous... more
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      Molecular BiologyEnvironmental HealthMolecular GeneticsGene expression
Terpenes and sterols are complex molecules synthesized by equally complex biosynthetic pathways. Recent progress in using the tools of genetics, molecular genetics and genetic engineering to dissect triterpene metabolism in the cytosol,... more
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      GeneticsAgronomyMolecular BiologyCarbon
Cystic fibrosis is the most common autosomal recessive potentially lethal hereditary disease. The disease is caused by mutations in the CFTR gene of the transmembrane peptide. CFTR, functioning as a cAMP-dependent chlorine channel,... more
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      BiochemistryGeneticsMolecular BiologyBiology
Research 13 (1): 920-925 (2014) DNA barcoding bat biodiversity in Malaysia documented taxa considered candidate species but currently lacking formal taxonomic status. This study confirms the high diversity of bats within Peninsular... more
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      GeneticsMolecular EvolutionMalaysiaBiodiversity
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      Molecular GeneticsLipidsChildSequence alignment
Superior inbred clones selected in S 1 families can integrate an individual reciprocal recurrent selection program in sugarcane by eliminating the genetic load of the population and exploring superior hybrid combinations. Molecular... more
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      GeneticsMolecular Genetics
This study evaluated the mutagenicity and antimutagenicity of inulin in a chromosomal aberration assay in cultures of the meristematic cells of Allium cepa. The treatments evaluated were as follows: negative control-seed germination in... more
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      GeneticsMolecular GeneticsDNA damageMolecular Biology and genetics
This work examines the cellular localization of holocarboxylase synthetase (HCS) and its association to chromatin during different stages of development of Drosophila melanogaster. While HCS is well known for its role in the attachment of... more
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      Drosophila melanogasterMolecular GeneticsGene expressionAntibodies
Plant seeds that have high phytate content are used as animal feed. Phytases, enzymes that catalyze the breakdown of phytate into inorganic phosphorus and myoinositol phosphate derivatives, have been intensively studied in recent years... more
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      PhylogeneticsBiotechnologyMolecular GeneticsAquaculture
Recent enhancement of the pool of known molecular markers for avocado has allowed the construction of the first moderately dense genetic map for this species. Over 300 SSR markers have been characterized and 163 of these were used to... more
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      GeneticsHorticultureAgricultural BiotechnologyMolecular Genetics
Advances in molecular genetics have opened opportunities to enhance strategies for genetic improvement of pigs by directly selecting on genes or chromosomal regions that harbor genes that affect traits of interest. In this paper, we... more
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      GeneticsPerformanceMolecular GeneticsGene Mapping
A molecular approach, based on the detection of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) large subunit genes, was applied to investigate the distribution and diversity of autotrophic bacteria in groundwater systems. DNA... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyMicrobiologyPhylogeneticsGroundwater
Cancer develops secondary to genetic and epigenetic changes of multiple genes. The overall 5 year survival rate of cancer is less than 50%. The main reason of this poor outcome lies in the technical limitations of the methods used for... more
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      GeneticsGenomicsComplementary and Alternative MedicineMolecular Genetics
Three hundred and sixty-eight strains of aerobic, endospore-forming bacteria which included type and reference cultures of Bacillus and environmental isolates were studied. Overall similarities of these strains for 118 unit characters... more
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      MicrobiologyMolecular GeneticsMultidisciplinaryMethods
Tumbleweeds (Salsola species, section Kali) are road side and rangeland pest plants throughout the 48 contiguous states in the US. Three described tumbleweed species and two undescribed Salsola taxa occur in California. The known species... more
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      Flow CytometryBiological invasionsMolecular GeneticsGenome Size
The present review summarizes the current state of knowledge about the genetics of pain-related phenomena and illustrates the scope and power of genetic approaches to the study of pain. We focus on work performed in our laboratories in... more
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In 2003, an international working group last reported on recommendations for diagnosis, response assessment, and treatment outcomes in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Since that time, considerable progress has been made in elucidating the... more
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      HematologyGeneral PracticeClinical TrialCancer
Rapid and prolific shoot regeneration via direct organogenesis was induced from leaf explants of Patchouli, Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth., an aromatic plant of immense industrial value, on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with... more
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      GeneticsMolecular GeneticsEssential OilIndustrial Crops
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      GeneticsMolecular GeneticsAbiotic StressBiological Sciences
Cryptic species of the digeneans, Cercaria batillariae (Heterophyidae) and an undescribed philophthalmid, were detected using polymerase chain reaction-based restriction fragment-length polymorphism methodology and sequence analyses.... more
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      MicrobiologyZoologyGene FlowMolecular Genetics
Exotic plants often face different conditions from those experienced where they are native. The general issue of how exotics respond to unfamiliar environments within their new range is not well understood. Phenotypic plasticity has... more
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      GeneticsEcologyMolecular GeneticsPhenotypic Plasticity
The alpha 2-adrenergic receptors (a 2 -AR) mediate physiological effects of epinephrine and norepinephrine. Three genes encode a 2 -AR subtypes carrying common functional polymorphisms (ADRA2A Asn251Lys, ADRA2B Ins/Del301-303 and ADRA2C... more
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      GeneticsGenetic EpidemiologyHuman GeneticsGenomics
and Introduction Abstract In the choice betvveen male or developrnent !s genetically determined. either testis ar ()vary, This by genes that hm',jrl been disc;()Vefed knockout experiments in mice. The pathvvay is better knovvn thi:'m the... more
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      Molecular BiologyMedical GeneticsMolecular GeneticsBiological Sciences
Substrate reduction therapy (SRT) is considered to be a potential therapeutic option for juvenile GM2 gangliosidosis (jGM2g). We evaluated the efficacy of SRT in jGM2g, assessing neurological, neuropsychological and brain magnetic... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingTreatment OutcomeEnzyme InhibitorsTransmission Electron Microscopy
In atomic force microscopy, the tip experiences electrostatic, van der Waals, and hydration forces when imaging in electrolyte solution above a charged surface. To study the electrostatic interaction force vs distance, curves were... more
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      BioinformaticsImmunologyMolecular BiologyBiotechnology
PROEFSCHRIFT Ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam op gezag van de rector magnificus Prof. Dr. P.W.c. Akkermans M.A. en volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties. De openbare verdediging zal... more
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      GeneticsMolecular GeneticsDNA damageDNA repair
Urogenital birth defects are one of the common phenotypes observed in hereditary human disorders. In particular, limb malformations are often associated with urogenital developmental abnormalities, as the case for Hand-foot-genital... more
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      GeneticsHuman GeneticsMolecular GeneticsBone Morphogenetic Proteins
When Princess Augusta and Lord Bute, followed by Sir Joseph Banks and King George III, started gathering plants at Kew, conservation on the site can be said to have begun. Although the primary motive then was to assist the expansion of... more
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      HistoryEvolutionary BiologyConservationPlant Biology
Eight isolates of Sclerotium rolfsii from four strategically geographical sites of Bangladesh were characterized and their cultural properties like average linear mycelial growth, colony colour, colony consistency, growth pattern and... more
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      Molecular GeneticsGenetics and Plant BreedingPlant Pathology
A joint evaluation of all animals, uses all additive genetic relationships uses all data on all animal jointly It works as a linear model (correcting different effects for each other), jointly estimates animal effects and fixed effects... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringGeneticsAnimal ScienceConservation Biology
New insights into the phenomenon of systemic acquired resistance have been gained in recent years, by the use of techniques in molecular genetics and biology that have replaced the largely descriptive approach of earlier work. The... more
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      Plant BiologyTobaccoEcologyMolecular Genetics
The genus Podocnemis comprises six living species, including P. erythrocephala (irapuca -red-headed river turtle). Data are available concerning the reproductive biology of the species of the genus Podocnemis, but little is known about... more
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      GeneticsBrazilRiversMolecular Genetics
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a neurotrophic factor, which is important for neuronal survival, development and synaptic plasticity. Accumulating evidence suggests that epigenetic modifications of BDNF are associated with the... more
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      GeneticsGenetic EpidemiologyHuman GeneticsGenomics
Introduction Mowat–Wilson syndrome is a congenital syndrome caused by a defect of the transcriptional repressor ZFHX1B (SIP1) gene on the chromosome 2q22–q23. The genotype–phenotype analysis confirmed that ZFHX1B deletions and mutations... more
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      Molecular GeneticsIntellectual DisabilityMental RetardationCase Report
Aim The aim of this study was to resolve the evolutionary history, biogeo-graphical barriers and population histories for sister species of wrasses, the African Coris (Coris cuvieri) in the Indian Ocean and Red Sea, and the Yellow-tail... more
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      Marine BiologyConservation BiologyPhylogeographyPopulation Genetics
KEYWORDS Recurrent pregnancy loss; immunity; pro-inflammatory cytokines; homogenous samples ... ABSTRACT It is a well-known fact that pro-inflammatory cytokines exert an adverse effect on conceptus and result in pregnancy failure and... more
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      Human GeneticsPolymorphismGene regulationMolecular Genetics
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      ParasitologyMolecular GeneticsMedical parasitology
Currently, molecular diagnosis of haemophilia A and B (HA and HB) highlights the excess risk-inhibitor development associated with specific mutations, and enables carrier testing of female relatives and prenatal or preimplantation genetic... more
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      AlgorithmsMolecular GeneticsMolecular DiagnosticsNext generation sequencing
Background: The Elaeis oleifera genetic materials were assembled from its center of diversity in South and Central America. These materials are currently being preserved in Malaysia as ex situ living collections. Maintaining such... more
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      Population GeneticsPlant BreedingMolecular Genetics
Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs), which constitute a significant part of the human genome, might have a serious impact on primate evolution. Over a hundred insertions of HERV-K(HML-2) family members distinguish the human genome from... more
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      Information SystemsGeneticsHuman Endogenous RetrovirusesGenomics
Plant breeders have used disease resistance genes (R genes) to control plant disease since the turn of the century. Molecular cloning of R genes that enable plants to resist a diverse range of pathogens has revealed that the proteins... more
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      BiotechnologyScienceMolecular GeneticsMultidisciplinary
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      LebanonMolecular GeneticsAdolescentChild
The fungus Mycosphaerella fijiensis is the causative agent of black sigatoka, which is one of the most destructive diseases of banana plants. Infection with this pathogen results in underdeveloped fruit, with no commercial value. We... more
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      GeneticsBrazilMolecular GeneticsMolecular Biology and genetics
Рассмотрены концептуальные положения молекулярной биологии, важнейшие признаки формирования индивидуальных признаков живого организма, молекулярные процессы, лежащие в основе функционирования нервной системы человека, его психики,а также... more
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      PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyBehavior GeneticsMolecular Genetics