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“Riso limpo de fortes dentes tratados a fumo e cinza, da inefável doçura daquela moça irradiava-se contudo estranha energia, inexplicável mistério. Do contrário, a esbeltez de seu porte endoidaria irremediavelmente os homens, para a quase... more
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      HistoryHistory of ReligionReligious congregations and monastic ordersMessianism
SINOPSE DO LIVRO “Riso limpo de fortes dentes tratados a fumo e cinza, da inefável doçura daquela moça irradiava-se contudo estranha energia, inexplicável mistério. Do contrário, a esbeltez de seu porte endoidaria irremediavelmente os... more
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      História e Cultura da ReligiãoHistoriaSociologia da ReligiãoReligião
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      História e Cultura da ReligiãoHistoriaSertãoCatolicismo Popular
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      Companhia De JesusProfetismoMessianismoPadre Antonio Vieira
In: Visions, Prophecies and Divinations. Early Modern Messianism and Millenarianism in Iberian America, Spain and Portugal. Edited by Luís Filipe Silvério Lima Ana Paula Torres Megiani. (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2016) * Proof copy*
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      Cultural HistoryPortuguese and Brazilian LiteratureEarly Modern HistoryPortuguese History
גרשם שלום -- תולדות התנועה השבתאית // History of the Sabbatian Movement was the first attempt by one of the giants of scholarship on Jewish mysticism, Gershom Scholem (1897-1982), to present a comprehensive picture of Sabbatianism as a... more
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      ReligionHistoryEuropean HistoryIntellectual History
This article examines the references to Messiah bar Ephraim in the Targums, and concludes that the Targumic Tosefta to Zech. 12.10, where Messiah bar Ephraim is vanquished, and Targum Pseudo-Jonathan to Exod. 40.9-11, where he is the... more
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      Hebrew BibleEarly Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Bible TranslationRabbinics
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      Portuguese HistoryJesuit historyVisions And DreamsSebastianism
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      GnosticismHistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Comentarios a la parashat de la semana integrando los escritos de los midrashim y el Talmud con los escritos del Nuevo Testamento
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      Jewish - Christian RelationsMessianic Jewish TheologyMessianismoMessianic Judaism (Yeshua Believers)
Abstract. Tractate Suk. 52a/b features the earliest known references by name to Messiah ben Joseph, a figure who appears throughout rabbinic literature. An examination of these talmudic references suggest that this figure was established... more
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      Hebrew LiteratureJewish StudiesTheologyHebrew Language
En este documento presento tres conferencias que giran alrededor de la declaración de Yeshua en Mateo 16:18-19: “Y yo también te digo que tú eres Pedro, y sobre esta roca edificaré mi iglesia, y las puertas del infierno no prevalecerán... more
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      Jewish - Christian RelationsMessianismMessianic Jewish TheologyMitología, teología, historia de las religiones
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      New TestamentApocalypticismOld Testament ProphecyOld Testament
One of the more astounding books produced by Bratslav Hasidism is Liqquṭei tefilot (1822–1827), composed by R. Nathan Sternhartz of Nemirov, which established a whole new genre in Bratslav literature. This article discusses the book's... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsHistoryIntellectual History
O presente estudo é uma nova tentativa de interpretação do movimento messiânico-milenarista de Pau de Colher que ocorreu no município de Casa Nova, sertão da Bahia, entre os anos de 1934 e 1938. O movimento guarda vínculos estreitos com a... more
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      History of ReligionAnthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimagePopular Culture and Religious Studies
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      Companhia De JesusProfetismoMessianismoPadre Antonio Vieira
Resumo: A pesquisa buscou compreender se a ideia messiânica denominada de " Messianismo sofredor " , possivelmente, teve relação com o Jesus histórico. A hipótese levantada ocupou-se de investigar se no tempo de Jesus existiria alguma... more
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      ChristianityNew TestamentHistory of ChristianityEarly Christianity
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksHistory of Reading and WritingCensorship (History)Sebastianism
When in 1500 the Portuguese commander Pedro Álvares Cabral, headed for India, landed at an uncharted coast in the South-western Atlantic, he and his crew claimed the land for the Portuguese king, Manuel I, and named it after the Holy... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryCatholic Missionary HistoryIberian Studies
In questo breve elaborato scritto, ho cercato di analizzare due delle tematiche proposte nell’opera curata da Gerardo Cunico, "Attualità e prospettive del ‘principio speranza’": l’opera fondamentale di Ernst Bloch. Il testo in questione... more
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      EthicsMoral PhilosophyGershom ScholemErnst Bloch
Jonatan Meir, “The Politics of Printing the Book Sefer Likutei Tefilot" This essay discusses one of the more astounding books produced by Bratslav Hasidism – Likutei Tefilot, composed by R. Nathan Sternharz of Nemirov between 1822 and... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsHistoryIntellectual History
השכלה ואזוטריקה בגליציה: כתביו הגנוזים של אליקים המילזאהגי
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      Critical TheoryReligionHistoryIntellectual History
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsAuthorship AttributionEschatology and ApocalypticismMessianism
La recherche “changements et continuités dans le réseau de la voirie du “Contestado” : une approche de la formation territoriale dans le sud du Brésil” présente une analyse de la région du “Contestado”, basée sur la tríade: réseau,... more
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      ReligionReligion and PoliticsRailway TransportPeasant Studies
Initially written in Greek and published in the Greek monthly ‘Trito Mati’ – ‘Third Eye’ (February 1992), before my adhesion to Islam, under author’s name ‘Cosmas Megalommatis’, successively translated by me in French and published in... more
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      British LiteratureCultural HistoryCultural StudiesGerman Studies
Declarar que a literatura brasileira possui obras que dialogam com o Gótico pode parecer, a priori, um disparate. O contrassenso deriva, sobretudo, da compreensão que os estudos literários brasileiros têm da tradição gótica, comumente... more
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      Gothic LiteratureGothic StudiesRegionalismMessianism
Oltre alla rinascita dell'interesse per l'ebraismo e per il cattolicesimo delle origini, si affermava in Germania e nella Heidelberg d'inizio secolo la ricerca di una prospettiva diversa dall'individualismo europeo, e dal... more
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      PhilosophyMessianismoPrima Guerra MondialeHeidelberg
1 Enoch 90.37-38 feature a messianic white bull and a nagar. Following a discussion of interpretational cruces, this article concludes that the latter represents the aurochs. A comparison is made with Deut. 33.17 in which the same two... more
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      Jewish StudiesOld Testament TheologyQumranic StudiesOld Testament
Gershom Scholem, Be-ikvot Mashiah, Jerusalem 1944 גרשם שלום, בעקבות משיח, ירושלים תש"ד Numbered bibliophile edition of 125 copies Forthcoming דפים לדוגמא מתוך ספר אודות ד"ר משה שפיצר והוצאת ספרי תרשיש Tarshish Book Exhibition... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsIntellectual HistoryCultural Studies
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Visions, Prophecies and Divinations is an introduction to the vast and complex phenomena of prophecy and vision in the Spanish and Portuguese Empires. This book is dedicated to the study of the millenarian and messianic movements in the... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of ReligionPortuguese HistoryIberian Studies
Habah Messianism: Lectures by Prof Israel Bartal, Prof. Rachel Elior, Dr. Alon Dahan

המשיחיות בחב"ד: שלוש הרצאות
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryEastern European Studies
Il contesto è quello del dibattito sulle nozioni di "teologia politica" e "katéchon", in rapporto all'attuale fase di crisi economica e sociale che colpisce o tallona paesi un tempo ricchi come quelli europei. Molti vedono questo come uno... more
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      Carl SchmittFilosofía PolíticaCapitalismoZoroastrismo e Cristianismo
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      HistorySociologyNew TestamentApocalypticism
מבוא לספרו של גרשם שלום, תולדות התנועה השבתאית, ירושלים ותל אביב תשע"ח, עמ' 43-9
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      ReligionHistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
Fica cada vez mais difícil contar essa história, que pretendia fosse memorialística. Comecei com o título, o que já é mau sinal. “O alcoólatra pede desculpas e cai”, escrevi com orgulho e mostrei a vários amigos. Um deles, mais afoito,... more
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O artigo é uma nova tentativa de interpretação do movimento messiânico-milenarista de Pau de Colher que ocorreu no município de Casa Nova, sertão da Bahia, entre os anos de 1934 e 1938. O evento guarda vínculos estreitos com a atuação de... more
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      Historia SocialHistória e Cultura da ReligiãoHistoriaCatolicismo Popular
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      Metodología y Teoría de la Investigación SocialReligiãoMessianismoMilenarismo
Grande parte dos conceitos agambenianos se dão na forma de pares categoriais. Zoé e bíos, língua e fala são alguns exemplos. Importa desmontá-los e encontrar seu centro vazio. Deste modo, o filósofo constrói sua crítica à cultura e à... more
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      HistoryGiorgio AgambenTempoMessianismo
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      HistoriaMessianismoPráticas PenitenciaisHistória do Medo
A proposta deste artigo é analisar a gestação de um movimento social de cunho religioso em Pau de Colher, no município de Casa Nova, interior da Bahia, na década de 30, e o seu impacto político nas relações de força durante os anos de... more
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      History of ReligionPopular Culture and Religious StudiesHistory of ReligionsPopular/Folk Catholicism
In data 22/03/04 si è svolto, presso la Fondazione Basso, un seminario sul tema del biopotere in Michel Foucault; l’organizzazione dei lavori è stata curata da Giacomo Marramao ed Antonio Negri e, tra gli altri, sono intervenuti Giorgio... more
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      Giorgio AgambenMichel FoucaultAntonio NegriNiklas Luhmann
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      ApocalypticismDead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Qumranic StudiesEschatology and Apocalypticism
In my paper, I intend firmly to criticize Taubes' interpretation of Benjamin's Theology as a modern form of Gnosticism (Benjamin as a modern Marcionit). In a positive way, I sustain rather the thesis that Benjamin's Messianism is in close... more
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      AestheticsWalter BenjaminPhilosophy of HistoryMessianism
A democracia triunfou grandemente e vacilou persistentemente. Na atualidade, ela é vista mais como um problema com o qual nos debatemos, do que como uma solução evidente da qual partimos. É uma trivialidade dizer que ela está em crise e é... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryPolitical HistoryDemocracy
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      Jewish StudiesTalmudRabbinicsRabbinic Literature
La parution de la traduction française du dernier livre de Gian Luca Potestà, Le dernier messie. Prophétie et souveraineté au Moyen Âge (Belles ­Lettres, 2018), issu de conférences que l'auteur avait prononcées à l'occasion d'une... more
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      ApocalypticismEschatology and ApocalypticismApocalypticism In LiteratureApocalyptic Eschatology
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      Philosophy of HistoryJacques DerridaDerridean DeconstructionMessianism
A proposta do artigo é analisar a natureza e o percurso evolutivo de três conceitos essenciais para o campo da História das Religiões e das Religiosidades: Messianismo, Milenarismo e Catolicismo Popular. A investigação será concentrada no... more
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      Historia SocialHistória e Cultura da ReligiãoCatolicismo PopularMessianismo
The problem is that many interpreters insufficiently account for the literary context of the Samaritan Parable of Luke 10:30–35, which leads to misunderstanding the parable. Redaction critical textual relationships (cultural literary... more
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      GnosticismNew TestamentTextual CriticismJewish Mysticism