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Questo libro ha in sé due oggetti di indagine. Da una parte l’osservazione della distrettuazione politica dell’Emilia orientale e dell’organizzazione della sua rete di popolamento; dall’altra, l’analisi dell’articolazione della società,... more
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      HistorySocial SciencesMedieval HistoryItalian Studies
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      ArchaeologyPublic ArchaeologyValuesMedieval rural settlement
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      HistoryGeographyMedieval rural settlementMedieval Rural Settlement
Målet med denne artikel er – med udgangspunkt i Sydvestjyske Museers udgravninger i Esbjerg Kommune – at arbejde på tværs af periodeskellet imellem forhistorie og middelalder til fordel for et mere kontinuitetsbåret blik på det agrare... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval rural settlementLate Iron Age (Archaeology)Viking Age
The ‘Landscapes of (Re)Conquest’ project investigates the dynamics of medieval frontier societies in South-west Europe through the lens of the cultural landscape. It compares diverse regional borderlands in Spain, created by successive... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyMedieval Studies
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      Medieval ArchaeologyLate AntiquityMedieval Rural Settlement
The archaeology of the rural settlement of medieval East- and South Norway is reviewed and it is concluded that not only is tha material very slender but it is unlikely with the present ruling paradigma that it is going to increase.... more
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      ArchaeologyCultural HeritageMedieval StudiesHeritage Conservation
Nel 2017 il Laboratorio di Antropologia dell’Università di Bari intraprendeva l’indagine antropologica dei resti scheletrici medievali del cimitero della chiesa del Barsento (Noci, BA), recuperati in seguito a diversi scavi archeologici... more
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      PaleopathologyLate Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval Rural SettlementSkeletal markers of occupational stress
A traves de los casos de algunos yacimientos recientemente excavados en la Comunidad de Madrid trataremos de exponer la complejidad del proceso formativo de los primeros asentamientos altomedievales de caracter aldeano. Aprehender la... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval rural settlementHousehold ArchaeologyVisigothic Spain
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      ArtMedieval urban historyMedieval Church HistoryUrban Studies
This report presents the results of a programme of rchaeological excavation of 32 1m2 ‘test pits’ in the Cambridgeshire village of Meldreth carried out in summer 2013. The programme was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) through... more
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      ArchaeologyPublic ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryAnglo-Saxon Studies
espanolLa investigacion llevada a cabo en la region del Alto Mondego durante los ultimos cinco anos ha permitido la identificacion de la estructura del poblamiento rural altomedieval, que comienza ahora a ser estudiada. Los datos... more
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      GeographyMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval rural settlementMedieval Rural Settlement
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      Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval rural settlementLate Medieval ArchaeologySettlement archaeology
This report presents the results of a programme of archaeological excavation of 23 1m2 ‘test pits’ in the Bedfordshire village of Shillington carried out in summer 2013. The programme was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) through... more
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      ArchaeologyPublic ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryAnglo-Saxon Studies
This report presents the results of the West Wickham Big Dig programme of excavation of eighteen 1m2 archaeological ‘test pits’ in the Cambridgeshire parish of West Wickham in summer 2013. The excavations were funded by a Heritage Lottery... more
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      ArchaeologyPublic ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryAnglo-Saxon Studies
The present contribution, on the basis of a reconstruction of Antique and Medieval cultural landscapes, proposes the analysis of a Central-Western area of Sardinia embracing the Southern ridge of the Montiferru volcanic mountain chain.... more
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologySardinia (Archaeology)Late Antique Archaeology
RESUMO Este artigo apresenta os resultados da intervenção arqueológica do sítio de Barradas (Odiáxere, Lagos, Portugal). Os vestígios de um assentamento do Neolítico Final/Calcolítico e de uma provável necrópole romana foram fortemente... more
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      ArtIslamic ArchaeologyCeramics (Art History)Medieval rural settlement
This paper reports on the third year of the University of Cambridge Higher Education Field Academy (HEFA) project which combines education and outreach with the archaeological investigation of currently occupied rural settlemcnts (CORS).... more
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      Public ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryAnglo-Saxon StudiesLandscape Archaeology
Traditional historiography about border space in central Iberian Peninsula has developed a conception of organised around some communication routes, a few cities, towers and castles. However, if we reduce the scale of the study we will... more
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      GeographyArchaeologyIslamic ArchaeologyMedieval History
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      GeographyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval rural settlementIslamic Sicily
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      Medieval rural settlementMedieval settlementMedieval Rural SettlementMedeival Landscapes
Dixon, The medieval peasent building.. 187-200 The medieval peasant building in Scotland: the beginning and end of crucks Das mittelalterliche Bauernhaus in Schottland: Der Beginn und das Ende der Krümmlingsbauten Début et fin de... more
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      Vernacular ArchitectureMedieval rural settlementMedieval Rural Settlement
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      ArchaeologyHumanitiesArtEarly Medieval Archaeology
Résumé/Abstract: Établi en surplomb d'une vallée encaissée, l'habitat du «Mesnil» à Plomb se développe au cours de deux phases, l'une attribuée aux IX eX e et la seconde aux XI e-XII e siècles. Ces aménagements... more
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      ArtEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval rural settlementMedieval Rural Settlement
General introduction to the Devroey 'Festschrift: includes Jean-Pierre Devroey's intellectual portrait, with a summary of his contribution to the field of Medieval and Rural History/ Introduction générale du volume... more
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      Economic HistoryArtMedieval HistoryRural History
Alongside the Morava, the border river between Austria and Slovakia, a significant historico-cultural area developed from the Prehistory on. Fertile soil pandered to the procession of formation of settlements. Good transportation routes... more
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      ArchaeologyHigh Middle AgesMaterial Culture StudiesTextile Archaeology
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      Medieval HistoryLandscape ArchaeologyMedieval StudiesMedieval Historiography
This report outlines a geophysical survey of the medieval settlement site of ‘Torpel Manor’ in Bainton CP, in the City of Peterborough. The work was conducted as part of a programme of archaeological research being undertaken on the site... more
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      Early Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)Archaeological GeophysicsCastlesJohn Clare
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      GeographyEnvironmental HistoryMedieval rural settlementNatural Resources Use
À Villers-le-Bouillet, au lieu-dit “Lohincou”, la fouille exhaustive d’un site du Haut Moyen Âge a livré les vestiges traditionnellement associés aux occupations rurales de cette période (fosses, fossés, empreintes de poteaux, cabanes... more
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      GeographyHigh Middle AgesArchaeobotanyAgrarian Studies
Cuatrovitas (Bollullos de la Mitación) es un despoblado situado en el Aljarafe sevillano. concretamente en el término municipal de Bollullos de la Mitación. This is a deserted medieval village that preserve an Almohad mosque converted... more
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      ArtMedieval rural settlementSpainMedieval Rural Settlement
Few medieval rural settlements have been identified or excavated in Scotland. The site at Springwood Park survived in a ploughed field and was identified by scatters of medieval pottery. Excavation revealed only part of the settlement, a... more
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      Medieval rural settlementMedieval Rural Settlement
Defining the Midlands is a challenge because it is an area which is mostly lacking clear geographical divisions and its boundaries have consequently been drawn along different lines depending on frames of reference. Here, however, ‘the... more
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      Medieval HistoryLandscape ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval Archaeology
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      Medieval HistoryLandscape ArchaeologyMedieval StudiesMedieval Historiography
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      Medieval HistoryArchaeobotanyMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval rural settlement
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      Medieval StudiesBalkan StudiesSettlement PatternsSettlement Geography
Información del artículo Apuntes sobre la genealogía política de aldeas y granjas altomedievales.
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      Peasant StudiesEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval rural settlementSilex
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      PhilosophyMedieval HistoryLandscape ArchaeologyMedieval Studies
This report presents the results of the ‘Dig and Sow’ programme of excavation of twenty-nine 1m square archaeological ‘test pits’ in the Essex parish of Clavering in spring 2012. The excavations were part of ‘On Landguard Point’ an arts... more
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      ArchaeologyPublic ArchaeologyAnglo-Saxon StudiesLandscape Archaeology
This compelling new study forms part of a new wave of scholarship on the medieval rural environment in which the focus moves beyond purely socio-economic concerns to incorporate the lived experience of peasants. For too long, the... more
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      SociologyArchaeologyPeasant StudiesMedieval rural settlement
Het Fries-Groningse kustgebied vormt een van de rijkste archeologische landschappen van Nederland. Het bestond oorspronkelijk uit vruchtbare kweldergebieden: een weids en boomloos landschap waarin het goed boeren was, mits men voldoende... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyArtSettlement PatternsSustainable Building Design
RefDoc Bienvenue - Welcome. Refdoc est un service / is powered by. ...
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      ArtMedieval HistoryArchaeobotanyMedieval Archaeology
Résumé/Abstract: Établi en surplomb d'une vallée encaissée, l'habitat du «Mesnil» à Plomb se développe au cours de deux phases, l'une attribuée aux IX eX e et la seconde aux XI e-XII e siècles. Ces aménagements... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval rural settlementMedieval Rural SettlementArchéologie médiévale
In questo primo contributo sugli scavi alla Montagna della Ganzaria (sito presso il quale si è lavorato nell’ambito del progetto “POR 2000-2006 Montagna della Ganzaria”), si analizza la documentazione materiale proveniente dallo scavo... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryCultural Heritage
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      Medieval HistoryArchaeobotanyMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval rural settlement
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      Medieval HistoryArchaeobotanyMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval rural settlement
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      Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval rural settlementMedieval PotteryMedieval numismatics
On se propose ici d'installer un nouvel objet de recherche, la forme radioquadrillée des terroirs non planifiés, non exclusivement médiévale, et, par conséquent, de relever toutes les ambiguïtés de la modélisation... more
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      Medieval HistoryLandscape ArchaeologyMedieval StudiesMedieval Historiography