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Rekeningen van de opbrengsten van het verpachte en gecollecteerde weggeld, aanlegkosten, onderhoudsuitgaven en financieringslasten. Gemeenten Meerssen, Beek, Houthem (1779-1782) en de ontvanger-generaal van de barrière penningen in den... more
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      Economic HistoryPublic Finance18th CenturyLimburg
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      LimburgDutch language and culture
Distribution and ecology of the Water shrew (Neomys fodiens) in the Dutch province of Limburg. This article is a chapter from the Limburg mammal atlas.
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Dit proefschrift beschrijft de aard en plaats van religie in hedendaags Zuid-Limburg tegen de achtergrond van de veranderingen in de Nederlandse samenleving en de rooms-katholieke kerk sinds de Tweede Wereldoorlog.Bij de beschrijving en... more
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    • Limburg
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      LimburgCookingHistory of Cooking and Food CultureMaaseik
Na de Duitse capitulatie moesten duizenden Duitse militairen in West Europa onder geallieerd gezag achtergebleven mijnenvelden en munitie ruimen. Uiteindelijk ruimen ze in Nederland circa 1.378.000 mijnen, vinden circa 227 Duitse... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyContemporary ArchaeologyConflict Archaeology
Toen tekenaar Jan de Beijer in de zomer van 1740 van Roermond naar Maastricht reisde, maakte hij drie zichttekeningen van Maaseik. Eén van de Roermonderpoort (nu Eikerpoort), één van de Maastrichterpoort (nu Hepperpoort) en één van de... more
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      Art History18th Century Art18th CenturyLimburg
Verkleinde Familienamen in Noord-Limburg: Kleuskens, Litjens en hun voorgangers. Published in: Jaarboek 14 van de Vereniging voor Limburgse Dialect- en Naamkunde, p. 5–24.
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      Germanic linguisticsOnomasticsLimburgDeutsche Sprache
Voordracht Maaseik 17 oktober 2019
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Het nieuwe Vlaams regeerakkoord (2019-2024) spoort lokale besturen aan om een eigen onroerenderfgoedbeleid uit te tekenen. In dit artikel onderzoeken we of die lokale besturen daarvoor de juiste middelen ter beschikking hebben, door in te... more
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      Architectural HeritageChurch monumentsLimburgMonuments
At first sight, the area around Voerendaal may not seem interesting because of the many large-scale agricultural plots that have been created after the land consolidation. However, if you take a closer look, you will discover many small... more
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      Natural HistoryEcologyLimburgFlora
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      Viking Age ArchaeologyEarly Middle Ages (History)History of ArchaeologyLimburg
Countryside between Colonia Ulpia Traiana (Xanten) and Atuatuca Tungrorum (Tongeren): The Limburg Meuse Valley in the Roman Period. Wim Hupperetz The region of the Limburg Meuse valley (Middenlimburgse Maasdal) was during the conquest... more
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      Roman PotteryRoman rural settlementsRoman Provincial ArchaeologyLimburg
Book review and general remarks on Limburgian toponymy.
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At the end of the 1990s, the area between the villages of Stevensweert, Ohé and Laak was sacrificed for the excavation. The old layout disappeared, including the agricultural area, the Oude Maas and the Echterweerd. The location of the... more
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      Natural HistoryEcologyShallow lake ecologyLimburg
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      Stone Age (Archaeology)LimburgSurface SitesAmateur Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyLimburgDutch archaeology
The Maasnielderbeek is a lowland stream east of Roermond (Province of Limburg, The Netherlands). The stream is largely located in an old meander. of the river Meuse The part outside the city has largely been channeled and the part in the... more
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      Stream ecologyNatural HistoryLimburgFlora
In 1778 kregen de vier hoofdbanken (lokale besturen) in Staats-Valkenburg (Beek, Klimmen, Heerlen, Meerssen) van de Staten-Generaal toestemming om een ‘modicq weggeld’ te heffen van gebruikers ‘van de postweegen of heirbaanen loopende... more
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      Early Modern economic and social historyLimburgDutch HistoryHistory of limburg
Tussen 1133 en het midden van de veertiende eeuw zijn verschillende leden uit het ridderlijke geslacht van Tongeren gekend. Hoewel er amper sporen van hen terug te vinden zijn in Tongeren - ze beter gekend zijn als heren van Leut en... more
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      LimburgTongerenlokale geschiedenisGraafschap Loon
A brief exposé in Dutch of the history and the importance of the ancient and special book collections of the Stadsbibliotheek, the town library of Maastricht, founded in 1662; its holdings in ancient imprints are the largest of all still... more
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      Intellectual HistoryLibrary ScienceCultural HeritageAcademic Libraries
Saint Ursula was a king’s daughter (4th/5th century) who was murdered together with several virgins in Cologne. Possibly due to an interpretation error of the legend the cult changed to ‘Saint Ursula and the eleven thousand virgins’ in... more
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      Cult of SaintsSaints' CultsRelics (Religion)Belgian History
Ingeklemd tussen de autowegen N281 en A76 ligt het landgoed Terworm. Het middelpunt vormt kasteel Terworm. De Geleenbeek stroomt van oost naar west door het landgoed. De historie is zichtbaar en voelbaar op het Landgoed Terworm. Het... more
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      Natural HistoryEcologyLimburgFlora
In de winter van 1999 ben ik samen met mijn collega-archeoloog Yannick Raczynski- Henk in contact gekomen met Jean Pierre de Warrimont. Ik weet niet meer precies hoe dat contact tot stand kwam, maar ik weet wel dat we uitgenodigd werden... more
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyLimburgPaleolithicum
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyHistory of ArchaeologyLimburgDutch archaeology
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      Food HistoryLimburgMaaseik
Results of the Middle Palaeolithic excavation and field survey at Colmont-Ponderosa, Dutch Limburg, in 2001 (in Dutch)
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      PaleoanthropologyPaleolithic EuropeNeanderthals (Palaeolithic Archaeology)Middle Palaeolithic
Voordracht Maaseik 8 december 2016. "Het Maaseiker stadsarchief sedert Fredericus Malders"
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      ArchivesLimburgMaaseikMusea Maaseik
In this chapter the spatial context of three Merovingian cemeteries in the south of the Netherlands is introduced. The cemeteries of Sittard-Kemperkoul (excavated by the ROB in the 1980s) and Obbicht-Oude Molen and Stein-Groote Bongerd... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyMerovingian periodLimburgMerovingian Archaeology
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      Religious congregations and monastic ordersLimburgCatholic Church HistoryDutch Church History
Unpublished report (in Dutch) of the Colmont field project (Middle Palaeolithic excavation at Colmont-Ponderosa, Dutch Limburg, and field survey)
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      Paleolithic EuropeNeanderthals (Palaeolithic Archaeology)LimburgPaleolithic
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      PostcardsLimburgBirds of preyBirds
Over een vermeende vuistbijl uit Echt/Posterholt die uit Frankrijk afkomstig blijkt te zijn.
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyPalaeolithic ArchaeologyLimburgHandaxes
De Beegderheide is a small nature reserve west of Roermond (province of Limburg, The Netherlands). It is an old river dune complex, once used as a military domain and planted with coarse pine. The last twenty years it has been restored to... more
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      Natural HistoryEcologyLimburgFlora
In search of a Euregional identity of potential entrepreneurs 2 new Hofstede Minkov dimensions diverge from the 5 classical ones across Flemish, Dutch and German cultures
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      EntrepreneurshipEuropean StudiesGerman StudiesEducation
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      HistoryArchival StudiesArchivesLimburg
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      Archaeological Method & TheoryRoman VillaeDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Roman Pottery
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      Art HistoryArtMedieval StudiesHistory of Art
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      History of photographyLimburgMaaseik
High definition copy available on request.
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      HistoryArchivesHistory of Archives18th Century
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyLimburgRegionalLand Use
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      19th Century (History)LimburgParades and Processions19th Century Belgium
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      LimburgRegional identityCatholic Church HistoryDutch Church History
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      LimburgRoman Catholicism in literature and film
Momenteel bereiden we een inventaris voor van een veertigtal weinig bekende en nieuw ontdekte, voornamelijk neolithische hamers uit Belgisch Limburg en aangrenzende streken (Creemers et al. 2021, in voorbereiding). Behalve de... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyLate Bronze Age archaeologyIron Age Gaul (Archaeology)Stone axes (Archaeology)
RAPID INCREASE OF SEHIRUS MORIO IN THE DUTCH PROVINCE OF LIMBURG After two decades of absence, the bug Sehirus morio was rediscovered in Limburg in 2019. Then, in 2020, the species was found in large numbers near the village of... more
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      Natural HistoryHeteropteraLimburgCydnidae
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      Criminal Justice20th CenturyLimburgGeschiedenis
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      Mesolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyMesolithic/NeolithicHistory of Archaeology
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      Identity (Culture)Limburg
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      Art HistoryPrinting HistoryLimburgDevotional Images