Recent papers in Laughter
In this investigation we extend and replicate previous findings from Author and colleagues (2019) that mothers of Latinx heritage laugh more than mothers of European heritage during their interactions, especially when they have... more
Latinx in the United States have greater life expectancy than other groups, in spite of their socioeconomic and psychosocial disadvantage. This phenomenon has been described as the Latinx health paradox. This investigation observed the... more
Objective We sought to examine perceived nervous reactions when first interacting with a particularly attractive person/potential romantic partner. From a theoretical standpoint, we cogitate on the possible adaptive nature of these... more
Objective We sought to examine perceived nervous reactions when first interacting with a particularly attractive person/potential romantic partner. From a theoretical standpoint, we cogitate on the possible adaptive nature of these... more
Etude de la figure de Baubô, notamment dand l'Orphisme, et tentative d'expiauer les sens de son *anasyrma*
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
- by Pierre Civil
Jedno od najvažnijih i najvećih dela italijanskog baroka, dugo neshvaćeno i osuđivano od strane kritike zbog neobičnih narativnih i metanarativnih postupaka, otkriva izuzetno dinamičan svet u kome se meša stvarno sa izmišljenim dok... more
In questo contributo ci proponiamo di analizzare il motivo del personaggio ridente nella novellistica tardomedioevale e rinascimentale, inteso come una strategia narrativa dell’autore, ovvero come un intervento... more
Capítulo do livro "Linguagens do Riso: Práticas Discursivas do Humor", organizado por Cellina Rodrigues Muniz e publicado pela Editora da Universidade Estadual do Ceará em 2017.
BACKGROUND Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the most common chronic gastrointestinal (GI) disorder. Patients with IBS usually suffer from anxiety and depression. A combination of psychological approaches and pharmacological treatments... more
This article will discuss conflict as a source of humour in the young adult novel Love or Death (1987) by Croatia's legendary author Ivan Kušan. In 1956 the first novel in the Koko series, The Mystery of Green Hill, was one of the... more
An essay published on the Tate Gallery website.
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
The author should restructure this statement "Chronic diseases are a significant public health issue globally and in Lebanon, where the economic situation exacerbates healthcare challenges" to convey better clarity as well as improved... more
In the midst of a sacralized society, the New Granada of the seventeenth century was a booming stage for colonial painting. With the provisions of the Counter-Reformation and Trent, European painting manuals, hagiographies and plates, all... more
This study examines Bektashi anecdotes in the context of relief theory, which is one of the theories of humour. The Bektashi anecdotes are analysed within the framework of the views of Sigmund Freud, the founder of modern psychology, who... more
Laughter is a marginal topic within educational research in general, as well as within philosophy of education in particular. Whenever this subject gets attention at all, it is commonly treated either as a didactic tool, the benefits or... more
Laughter is a marginal topic within educational research in general, as well as within philosophy of education in particular. Whenever this subject gets attention at all, it is commonly treated either as a didactic tool, the benefits or... more
In their monodies for the death of the sebastokrator Andronikos Komnenos in 1130, Michael Italikos and his pupil Theodore Prodromos included two different but equally moving ethopoiiai of the sea. Through an analysis of these texts, this... more
Many designs have been suggested for connecting absent loved ones using technology. This thesis focuses on a particular user group: 3-generation families, where some members are separated by a large distance. The aim of this study is to... more
Laughter is one of the most characteristic -and enigmatic-communicational traits of human individuals. Its analysis has to take into account a variety of emotional, social, cognitive, and communicational factors densely interconnected. In... more
The current study examines whether the fear of being laughed at (gelotophobia) can be assessed reliably and validly by means of a self-report instrument in different countries of the world. All items of the GELOPH (Ruch and Titze,... more
This paper examines the transformational features and usage of “winged phrases” – in this case quotations from Soviet films that have become catchphrases in spoken and written Russian – in the headings of articles from three Russian... more
In this article, we have chosen to observe the functioning of citational practices through the analysis of a corpus of articles published in satirical newspapers written in French and Romanian. In fact, satirical discourse most often... more
Cet article traite de l’utilisation des Écritures juives par le Nouveau Testament. L’un des aspects de cette utilisation passe par l’humour. Ceci correspond à l’histoire de la recherche qui aujourd’hui se consacre aux études sur l’humour... more
Presentamos el que, no sin polémica, se ha descrito como “primer tratado chino de retórica”: el «Guiguzi». Se trata de un texto inédito en castellano, atribuido a un pensador y educador cuya vida se sitúa a mediados del siglo IV a. C., en... more
L’une des caractéristiques de la culture postmoderne tient à l’articulation a priori paradoxale de la réflexivité et de la mise à distance ironique, permettant un travail de sape des hiérarchies traditionnelles et d’institutions... more
This thesis consists of a creative component, a novel, Death’s laughter and an exegetical essay, Crafting a novel. The novel centres on a true Nigerian story: a Pentecostal pastor, who died in a plane crash, was a government official... more
Summary: Purpose: To describe the etiology, characteristics, and clinical evolution of epilepsy in patients with gelastic seizures (GSs). Methods: Nine patients whose seizures were characterized by typical laughing attacks were observed... more
Introduction: Sleep disorders affecting 40 to 70% of older adults manifest sleep disorders. Compromised sleep detrimentally impacts older adults, leading to daytime sleepiness, heightened fall risks, and cognitive decline. Demonstrates... more
This study aims to think about the relation between laughter and politics. In the midst of this love-hate battle, we all understand Humor as a complex subject with various derivations that inhabits the present moment in a gracious state.... more
In what ways can Shakespeare be understood as grotesque? In popular usage, the term “grotesque” combines a description of styler and content as well as a feeling of confusion or disgust: it is both epistemology and phenomenology. There is... more
- by James Tink
La pratique de l'adaptation est un phénomène ancien qui correspond à une réalité culturelle d'une grande diversité, sous la forme de pratiques de réécritures multiples et d'artefacts sémiotiques non moins nombreux. Les recherches... more
Représenter le sacré dans le monde grec COLOMBE COUËLLE Au milieu d'un frais bosquet de myrtes, de fraîches jeunes filles chantent Aphrodite éléphantine. Le choeur est dirigé par une femme d'expérience…Aphrodite est pudique, nue, dans une... more
In analogy to the appreciation of humor, that of tickling is based upon the re-interpretation of an anticipated emotional situation. Hence, the anticipation of tickling contributes to the final outburst of ticklish laughter. To localize... more
Autour de l’année 1170, le dialogue entre les deux troubadours Giraut de Borneill et Raimbaut d’Aurenga apparaît décisif dans l’élaboration d’une théorie du style qui remet en question les présupposés formels et idéologiques du trobar... more
In this essay, written in 2013 for online circulation, I set out some political questions of interpreting art, drawing on Susan Hiller's definitions of a primary and a secondary audience, and make some claim for the agency of latent... more
La religion musulmane dans son courant majoritaire, le sunnisme, puise ses croyances et ses pratiques à deux sources scripturaires principales : le Coran et la Sunna ou tradition prophétique, constituée de dizaines de milliers de hadiths... more
SYNOPSIS A patient is reported with episodes of epileptic laughter, crying, and running occurring alone or in combination. He was found to have a discrete, well-circumscribed tumour of the left temporal lobe. The neurology of these... more
El texto Corporalidad y educación desde el posthu- manismo, coordinado por Fernando Torres García y Alfonso Luna Martínez, se deriva del conjunto de ponencias presentadas por el grupo de trabajo “La corporalidad en el campo de la... more
Exposure to laughter has striking effects on human listeners and may facilitate positive emotional and behavioural responses. The acoustic signal pattern of laughter vocalisations is particularly suitable to elicit these reactions.... more
P.P.Grzybowski, Śmiech życia i śmierci. Od osobistych historii po edukację do pamięci o okupacji, gettach i obozach koncentracyjnych, Oficyna Wydawnicza „Impuls”, wydanie 2 nowe - poprawione i rozszerzone, Kraków 2025, 291 s., ISBN... more
html Le numéro 29 de Synergie Algérie intitulé « Écritures humanistes, scientifiques et en devenir » offre une vue sur les études émergentes susceptibles de fournir une contribution significative à la thématique de l'écriture en tant que... more
In recent years, many readers and commentators have attempted to reconstruct Kant's critical system in architectonic or systematic ways. To this end, many have incorporated pre-Critical works while others have argued that any published or... more
Based on 495 minutes of audio-and video-recorded data from television variety shows, this paper intends to illustrate and discuss the pragmatic/interpersonal functions of laughter and smiling from an interactional linguistic perspective.... more
For permission to incorporate adapted portions of an essay first appearing in Early American Literature (volume 10, 1975) into my fourth chapter, I am grateful to the current publishers of that journal. Thomas Gibbs of the Redwood... more