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The monograph From Ambivalence to Hostility focuses on writings on Zionism published in the Arabic newspaper Filasṭīn (ʻPalestineʼ) in the pre-WWI period (1911–1914). It covers a broad range of subjects treated by the periodical including... more
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      Ottoman HistoryIsrael/PalestinePalestineOttoman Studies
Educating Palestine, through the story of education and the teaching of history in Mandate Palestine, reframes our understanding of the Palestinian and Zionist national movements. It argues that Palestinian and Hebrew pedagogy could only... more
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      Cultural HistoryEducationMiddle East StudiesNationalism
Russian commemoration book (pomyannik), dated to the early 20th c. discovered in Aceldama, Jerusalem, during the excavations of disturbed burials near the Greek Monastery of St. Onuphrius the Great. The original archaeological context of... more
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchFunerary ArchaeologyCommemoration and MemoryPilgrimage and travel to the Holy Land
Yusuf al-‘Isa was an early pioneer of modern journalism in Palestine which began to flourish during the second Ottoman constitutional period. During the years 1911–14 he worked as the editor-in-chief of the Arabic newspaper Filastin... more
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      Ottoman HistoryIsrael/PalestinePalestinian LiteratureLate Ottoman Period
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      Late Ottoman Period - PalestineCartography - PalestineJaffa HistoryOttoman Jaffa
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      Art HistoryIslamic ArchaeologyIslamic ArtSyro-Palestinian archaeology
The paper aims to offer a wide and dynamic overview of the development of the Melkite Catholic Church during the late Ottoman Empire up to extension of the Mandate system. The analysis will focus on detailing the relationship between... more
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      Near Eastern StudiesMiddle East StudiesMiddle East HistoryEastern Christianity
This article follows the transmutations of narratives, material structures and rituals focused on Mashhad Ḥusayn. It begins with the alleged discovery of the head of the martyred grandson of the Prophet by the Ismāʿīlī Fāṭimids at the end... more
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      Medieval HistoryIslamic StudiesRelics (Religion)Ismailism
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      Ottoman HistoryBaha'i studiesHadith StudiesVisions And Dreams
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      Israel/PalestinePalestineCultural EncountersInterreligious Dialogue
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      Ottoman HistoryIsrael/PalestinePalestineOttoman Studies
The Ottoman municipality of Jerusalem is a particularly good example of an institution which was shaped by the Tanzimat reforms and which in turn applied their spirit on the level of local government.
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      Late Ottoman Period - PalestineTanzimat reforms Ottoman EmpireLocal/Municipal governmentOttoman Jerusalem
The Beilis affair is one of many examples showing the dangerous consequences of fanaticism coupled with hatred and ignorance in conjunction with political interests and manipulation by the media. It also shows how fragile and insecure the... more
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      Ottoman HistoryIsrael/PalestineOttoman StudiesAnti-Semitism
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    • Late Ottoman Period - Palestine
Rich in historical details and artistic illustrations of the Near East and the Holy Land, the selected accounts of journeys and pilgrimages written by European and American Christians (Catholic and Protestant) provide numerous and broad... more
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      Middle East HistoryPostcolonial StudiesPilgrimagePalestine
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      Moses MendelssohnReform JudaismSecularismLate Ottoman Period - Palestine
This article explores the evolution of attitudes toward Zionism expressed by the editors of the Jaffa-based newspaper Filastin in the first years of its publication, 1911–1914. During this short time span, the opinions published by the... more
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      Ottoman HistoryIsrael/PalestinePalestineHistory of Palestine and Israel
The relatively short period at the turn of the year 1910–1911 was of profound importance for the development of political opposition to Zionism in Palestine and its neighboring Arab regions. During a period of about a year,... more
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      Ottoman HistoryMiddle East StudiesMiddle East HistoryIsrael/Palestine
Translating Late Ottoman Modernity in Palestine is the most comprehensive scholarly book on the late-Ottoman newspaper Filasṭīn. This book demonstrates the potential of newspapers to fill the gaps regarding our knowledge of crucial issues... more
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      Israel/PalestinePalestineLate Ottoman PeriodLate Ottoman History
The article presents the current understanding of the antiquities collections assembled by archimandrite Antonin Kapustin during his years as a head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem, in the decades 70–80-s of the 19th... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyAntiquarianismHellenistic Roman and Byzantine Archaeology in the Land of IsraelHistory of Archaeology
in Hebrew in: Research on the Magreb, Festscrift in Honor of Rabbi Prof. Moshe Amar, edited by Moshe Bar-Asher, Elimelch Weistreich and Shimon Sharvit, Ramat Gan: Bar Ilan University, 2018, pp. 286-307 ", בתוך: מ' בר-אשר, א' וסטרייך... more
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      International MigrationMoroccoLate Ottoman Period - PalestineSephardic Jews
The Appendix of "Petitioning the Sultan."
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      Ottoman HistoryMiddle East StudiesIsrael StudiesIsrael/Palestine
Table of Contents + Introduction of the Book:
Petitioning the Sultan: Protests and Justice in Late Ottoman Palestine. London: I.B.TAURIS, 2013 (346 pp. including tables and appendices).
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      Jewish StudiesOttoman HistoryIsrael StudiesIsrael/Palestine
in Hebrew
MeTuv Tiveria [The Best of Tiberias] 9, The Center for the Research of Tiberias (March 1994), pp. 42-58

מטוב טבריה 9, עמ' 42- 58
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      SynagoguesLate Ottoman Period - PalestineSephardic JewsEthnicity and Identity Politics
This article explores the relations between European Zionists, Sephardim, and Oriental Jews in late Ottoman Palestine by narrating the story of A. Yehudai, a Bulgarian Jewish teacher in the Sephardi community of Gaza in 1913. Reading... more
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      EducationIsrael/PalestinePalestineSephardic Studies
In recent years the study of national and civic identities in the later Ottoman period has revealed huge degrees of complexity among previously homogenised groups, none more so that the Jewish population of the Sublime State. Those Jews... more
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      Ottoman HistoryNationalismOttoman StudiesOttomanism
The first century inscription on relocation of the bones of the Judean King Uzziah was found by E.L. Sukenik in the Russian collection of antiquities in Jerusalem, in 1931. Recent archival finds help to establish the provenance of the... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyHellenistic Roman and Byzantine Archaeology in the Land of IsraelHistory of ArchaeologyJerusalem Archaeology
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      Abolition of SlaveryEconomic and Social History of the Ottoman EmpireOttoman History of PalestineLate Ottoman Period - Palestine
This article explores the endeavour to purchase a large tract called "the lands of as-Sirr" (Arab. aradi as-Sirr) by two prominent Gazans al-Hajj Sa´id Effendi ash-Shaww and Ahmad ´Arif Effendi al-Husayni. These lands were located in the... more
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      Ottoman HistoryIsrael/PalestineOttoman StudiesLate Ottoman Period
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      Tourism StudiesOttoman HistoryHistory of TourismOttoman Studies
in Hebrew in: Haim Saadoun (ed.), Algeria (series: Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries), Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East of Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi & the... more
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      ImmigrationSephardi/Mizrahi StudiesAlgeriaAliyah
in: Tania Reytan-Marincheshka (ed.), Migration, Communication & Home, Jewish Tradition, Change & Gender in a Global World, Sofia: LIK Publishing House, 2011, pp. 56-68
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      Gender StudiesLate Ottoman PeriodMaghreb studiesSephardi/Mizrahi Studies
Jewish Women in Pre-State Israel: Life History, Politics and Culture, edited by Ruth Kark, Margalit Shilo & Galit Hasan-Rokem
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      Gender StudiesInternational MigrationAliyahLate Ottoman Period - Palestine
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      David Ben GurionYoung TurksLate Ottoman Period - PalestineHebrew Press
Les réformes ottomanes du xix e avaient pour objet la modernisation de l'État dans un contexte de constitution des empires coloniaux par les puissances en voie d'industrialisation et d'émergence de mouvements nationaux. C'est le temps de... more
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      Ottoman StudiesTanzimatLate Ottoman Period - Palestine
Táto štúdia sa venuje analýze transformácie postojov arabských novín Filastín voči sionizmu pred prvou svetovou vojnou, ktorej až doteraz bádatelia nevenovali dostatočnú pozornosť. Noviny Filastín, vydávané od roku 1911 v prístavnom meste... more
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      Israel and ZionismOttoman History of PalestineLate Ottoman Period - Palestine
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      Holy Land StudiesOttoman History of PalestineJerusalem ArchaeologyHistory of Jerusalem
in Hebrew
in: Yoram Elmakias (ed.), Studies on Hebron, Kiryat Arba, 2013, pp. 86-100

תוך:  י' אלמכיאס ומוריה פרג'ון, יעוץ מדעי: י' רוזנסון, מחקרי חברון והודיה, דברי הכנס השני, קרית ארבע, תשע"ג, עמ' 100-86.
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      Maghreb studiesHebronLate Ottoman Period - PalestineSephardic Jews
in Hebrew This article analyzes a series of five nineteenth-century censuses carried out among the Jews of Eretz-Israel at the initiative of Sir Moses Montefiore. The terminology and methodology of the censuses are examined in depth in... more
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      GenealogyCensusLate Ottoman Period - PalestineSephardic Jews
The Holy Land has been an enduring magnet for visitors seeking to retrace the footsteps of biblical prophets, kings and saints and to glimpse the setting of events recorded in the Scriptures. This book offers a selection of over 350 early... more
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      PalestineOttoman EmpireEarly PhotographyPilgrimage and travel to the Holy Land
This report is dedicated to a Greek funerary inscription of Ioanes the Armenian, dated to the Byzantine period that was discovered in Jerusalem in the last third of the 19th century and was later lost. The only documentation of the... more
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      Armenian StudiesGreek EpigraphyFunerary ArchaeologyByzantine Archaeology
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      ReligionChristianityRace and EthnicityIsrael/Palestine
in Hebrew in: Haim Sa'adon (ed.), Jerusalem Neighborhoods, the Contribution of Oriental Jews to the Development of the City, Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute, 1996, pp. 61-78 בתוך: ח' סעדון (עורך), שכונות בירושלים, תרומתם של יהודי המזרח... more
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      Population GeographySettlement GeographyEthnic IdentityLate Ottoman Period
in Hebrew in: Tova Cohen & Shaul Regev, Women in the East, Women from the East, The Story of the Oriental Jewish Woman, Ramat Gan, Bar Ilan University Press, 2005, pp. 193-205 בתוך: ט' כהן וש' רגב (עורכים), אשה במזרח - אשה ממזרח,... more
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      Gender StudiesMigrationLate Ottoman PeriodJewish Women's History
in Hebrew
in: Immigrant Women in Israel, edited by Pnina Morag Talmon & Yael Atzmon, Jerusalem, Mosad Bialik, 2012,, pp. 9-42.

", בתוך: פ' מורג-טלמון וי' עצמון (עורכות), נשים מהגרות בישראל, ירושלים, מוסד ביאליק, תשע"ג, עמ' 42-9.
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      Gender HistoryInternational MigrationLate Ottoman Period - PalestineWidows and Widowhood
in: Marco Folin & Heleni Porfyriou (eds.), Controversial Heritage and Divided Memories from the Nineteenth Through the Twentieth Centuries, volume 2: Multi-ethnic Cities in the Mediterranean World: History, Culture, Heritage, Routledge... more
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      Human GeographySettlement GeographyJerusalemLate Ottoman Period - Palestine
The Holy Land has been an enduring magnet for visitors seeking to retrace the footsteps of biblical prophets, kings and saints and to glimpse the setting of events recorded in the Scriptures. This book offers a selection of over 350 early... more
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      ArchaeologyEarly PhotographyPilgrimage and travel to the Holy LandHistorical Studies
in Hebrew in: Jewish Women in the Yishuv and in Zionism, A Gender Perspective, edited by Margalit Shilo, Ruth Kark & Galit Hazan-Rokam, Jerusalem: Yad Itzhak Ben-Zvi, 2001, pp. 63-83, "בתוך: מ' שילה, ר' קרק וג' חזן-רוקם (עורכות),... more
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      International MigrationWomen and Gender StudiesAliyahLate Ottoman Period - Palestine
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      HistoryGender HistoryInternational MigrationSephardi/Mizrahi Studies