Interreligious Dialogue
Recent papers in Interreligious Dialogue
This paper examines the influence of Christianity in the formation of new Buddhism and the reformation agenda of traditional Buddhism during the first half of the twentieth century in Korea. By new Buddhism, I am specifically referring... more
The article presents the conception of interreligious dialogue developed by Abraham Joshua Heschel in his legendary text No Religion Is an Island. Then, it illustrates the Goshen-Gottstein who takes a step further in his explicating... more
This book explores the unique usage of pictorial art to undertake interreligious dialogue. It presents a practical guide to help educators learn and teach an effective and enjoyable interreligious dialogue within their academic settings.... more
Carnival versus Thélème: The Question of ‘Freedom’ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The best vantage point for understanding ‘transgressive sacrality’ as a universal phenomenon is the... more
Ubuntu is an African moral force and worldview that has held its primal societies peacefully together. It is interesting to observe that contemporary awareness of this concept in scholarship particularly associates Ubuntu with potentials... more
By the turn of the last century, secular political order had become so deeply rooted in the western societies that few would have predicted the return of religion as a socio-political force in today's globalised world. However, it must be... more
The Orthodox Church celebrated in Crete (2016) the "Holy and Great Council" in which a renewed and holistic approach on mission and evangelism was confirmed, in accordance to the challenges of the modern pluralistic and globalized... more
Why should Christians engage in interfaith dialogue with Muslims? Does Islam have anything to offer Christians? What is Islamophobia, and what should we do about it? These are just some of the questions addressed in Finding Jesus among... more
This conference was originally presented in French at the Dominican Roman Days July 2001. It is archived on the website of the Dominican's General Curia, Santa Sabina Rome. - Translated into English by Sr. Pascale-Dominique Nau.
Buddhist-Christian Encounter: A Visionary Approach. A Conference Inspired by Lynn A. De Silva (1919-1982) on the centenary of his birth
To be held at the Arch Abbey of St Ottilien, near Munich, Germany: 27 June – 1 July 2019
To be held at the Arch Abbey of St Ottilien, near Munich, Germany: 27 June – 1 July 2019
In this world, where there is a lot of difference and multitude, it is important not just to celebrate plurality, but also to make sure that the voices of the powerless and marginalised can be heart. Churches should consider their role... more
The article discusses the definition of inculturation of Christianity in the missionary activity of the Roman Catholic Church. With respect to the research methodology of the study of this definition, the author refers directly to the... more
This piece offers a Muslim perspective on the new interreligious engagement statement from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
In Jesaja 45 lijkt de profeet hard uit te halen naar de afgodendienaars. Zou je de tekst snel doorlezen, dan lijkt er een polariserend verhaal te worden gebracht. Alsof de Eeuwige Zich in nietsontziende woorden tegen de andere volkeren... more
The fourth edition of The Christian Theological Tradition provides students with essential theological knowledge of key persons and events of the Bible and the Christian faith, and of Christianity’s multifaceted encounter with Western... more
Nous vivons une ère de promotion de la « culture du dialogue ». Dialogue entre les Églises, dialogue entre les religions, dialogue entre les cultures, mais aussi dialogue social… La « culture du dialogue » s'est imposée au sortir de la... more
This research will examine the position of the Christian minority in the Muslim-majority society of Pakistan. There, religious others, in the spur of a moment, become second-class citizens - de facto unequal under the sharia law. As this... more
“Theologians do not compare to discover which religion is better, but to be illumined by the religious ‘Other,’ while remaining rooted in their own traditions.”
The correlation between religion, race, and culture lead to the establishment of human civilisation. Peoples from different background were able to have mutual understanding and develop harmonious society. Primarily, spiritual practices... more
While contemporary interfaith movements aim to unite the voices of the multiple faith traditions for confronting injustices and inequities, the emergence of religious extremist groups and multicultural societies pose challenges arising... more
The meek public reaction to the antisemitic murder of Sarah Halimi is indicative of a public unwillingness to acknowledge the threat of Muslim antisemitism in France. This is compared to the trial of Jewish historian Georges Bensoussan.... more
In this chapter I present two major divergent lines of thought that read European Islam differently, though this difference has hardly been problematised and remarked before, nor has it been put face to face in a scholarly debate. This... more
Review:Gavin D’Costa (ed.), The Catholic Church and World Religions: A Theological and Phenomenological Account’, Modern Believing, 55:3, pp. 314-7.
As Iron Sharpens Iron, So Does One Religion Sharpen Another...
Können Angehörige verschiedener Religionen gemeinsam einen Kultort nutzen? Wie funktionieren interreligiöse Dialoge? In zwei Reden verleiht die Autorin diesen Fragen anhand zweier kaum erforschter Beispiele aus der Spätantike historische... more
Between September 2013 and January 2014 I completed a small study of interfaith dialogue in Coventry, a small city in the Midlands region of England using a combination of interviews, participant observation and focus groups. From the... more
In this essay I would like to show how writing history by Jesuits historians changed in the last decades. For many years the Jesuit Historical Institute based in Rome published sources concerning history of this Catholic religious order.... more
Este ensayo estudia la emergencia de la conciencia ecológica contemporánea a la luz de los descubrimientos científicos y del debate generado en las cumbres internacionales sobre desarrollo sostenible. Sobre este trasfondo histórico, se... more
Studie se soustředí na problematiku mezikulturního a mezináboženského soužití a zkoumá, co v této oblasti může nabídnout teologie a její pohled na některé podstatné společenské otázky (obavy z proměn společnosti, kulturní a náboženské... more
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, due 2016 Explores the relationship and dialogue between religion and atheism, focusing upon Christian, Islamic, Buddhist and other, e.g. Pagan, traditions in their encounter with secularism and atheism. It... more
Co-edited with Elizabeth Harris and Shanthikumar Hettiararchi, Brill, Currents of Encounter Series, 2016
Recension du livre Le Christ juif: À la recherche des origines de Daniel Boyarin.
Science et Esprit, 67 no 1 Jan - Apr 2015, p 146-148
Science et Esprit, 67 no 1 Jan - Apr 2015, p 146-148
Interfaith groups can be fruitfully interpreted through a Durkheimian framework as moral communities gathered on the basis of shared values and ritualistic discourses. The function of the interfaith society is to generate social... more
Voor het vak Wereldgodsdiensten dienden wij een persoon die een aanhanger is van een andere religie dan het christendom (i.c. de islam, hindoeïsme, boeddhisme of jodendom) te interviewen. Daar ik al een aantal jaar leerkracht protestants-... more