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Napjaink erőteljesen globalizált világában a globalizációval párhuzamosan megfigyelhető a helyi, autentikus értékek előtérbe kerülése. A jelentős vendégforgalmat vonzó, gazdag turizmuselméleti, szakirodalmi háttérrel rendelkező kulturális... more
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      TourismLake BalatonKastélyokVárak
A Balaton Kiemelt Turisztikai Térség fontos szerepet játszik hazánk turizmusában. A térség a kiemelkedő természeti értékei (Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park látogatóhelyei, Hévízitó, stb.) mellett kulturális örökségben is igen gazdag. Az... more
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      Lake BalatonBalatonkulturális turizmuskulturális kínálat
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      Regional developmentHungaryRegional GdpLake Balaton
„The appearance of settlements in the Balaton area is undergoing a drastic change. Mostly multi-level holiday resorts, composed of hotels and both privately and company-owned building complexes that embody a new holiday culture spring up... more
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      Tourism StudiesArchitectureTourism Planning and PolicyLandscape Architecture
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      Outdoor RecreationAdventure Sports and TourismWindsurfingLake Balaton
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      HistoryLocal HistoryCentral European historyPolitical History
Az 1957-es Balaton-környéki Regionális Tervvázlat társadalom- és szakmatörténeti szerepe révén kedvelt hivatkozási alap a hazai építész közéletben, miközben számos ellentmondás övezi mind a metodikáját, mind a regionális... more
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      ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureModern ArchitectureModernism
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      HistoryCultural HistoryMusic HistoryEthnic and Racial Studies
A Nemzeti Turizmusfejlesztési Stratégia alapján a minősített gyógyhelyek a hazai gyógyturizmus legfőbb helyszínei közé tartoznak, köztük dominálnak azok, amelyek gyógy- és termálvízre épülő szolgáltatásokat kínálnak. Hazánk... more
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      Health TourismLake BalatonBalatonegészségturizmus
A Balaton-part építéstörténetében visszatérő motívum a körülmények szorításában megoldást kereső építész elkötelezett és pragmatikus magatartása, mely a vízparti épületek kísérletező formáit is rendre áthatotta. Érdemes lehet áttekinteni... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryArchitectureRegionalism
A tanulmány célja a kerékpáros turizmus háttérterületeken való fejlesztésének megalapozása a Balaton turisztikai térségben; továbbá ennek kapcsán a kerékpározás iránti kereslet, a kerékpáros motivációk és attitűdök feltérképezése. A 2019... more
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      Cycle TourismLake BalatonBalatonkerékpáros turizmus
The Balaton region underwent a spectacular transformation in terms of urbanization over the past one hundred years, this necessitating the critical comparison of the various periods and applied architectural promote the future... more
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      ArchitectureCritical Regionalism (Architecture)Regional Planning/DevelopmentRegionalism
„Social origin and positions – as it is said at Lake Balaton – are left in the changing room with the clothes“. It especially concerned Lake Balaton in the 60s, where, in the spirit of consolidation after the revolution of 1956, wide... more
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      ArchitectureModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)Regional Planning/DevelopmentUrbanism
This study uses an innovative tourism product development approach, based on co-creation or customer involvement, related to Lake Balaton, a mass tourism-based destination in Hungary, from the point of view of the market segment of active... more
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      Sustainable Tourism DevelopmentLake BalatonSustainabilityCycling tourism
“Social origin and positions are left in the changing room with the clothes” – so it was said at Lake Balaton. This especially concerned Lake Balaton in the 1960s, where visitors from a wide range of social levels could relax together in... more
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      Modern ArchitectureUrban And Regional PlanningModenismArchitecture and Tourism
Socio-hydrology is the science of human influence on hydrology and the influence of the water cycle on human social systems. This newly emerging discipline inherently involves a historic perspective, often focusing on timescales of... more
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      HydrologyHistorical mapsPalaeohydrologyLake Balaton
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Late Bronze Age archaeologyHungaryLake Balaton
In diesem Beitrag werden zwei urnenfelderzeitliche Siedlungen anhand ihrer freigelegten Befunde vornehmlich aus siedlungsarchäologischen Hinsicht den Möglichkeiten gemäß untersucht, ergänzt mit einer zusammenfassender Beschreibung des... more
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      Urnfield CultureSettlement archaeologyLate Bronze AgeLake Balaton
My master thesis in teacher-program (2016-19)
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      PedagogyLiterary HistoryHungarian LiteratureLake Balaton
The social and professional role of the 1957 Balaton Regional Outline Plan became a reference within the Hungarian architectural community, despite its numerous contradictions in methodology and the contemporary planning history context.... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureCritical Regionalism (Architecture)Landscape Architecture
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      HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryLocal History
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      PhotosynthesisBenthic DiatomsLake BalatonPrimary Production
This study uses an innovative tourism product development approach, based on co-creation or customer involvement, related to Lake Balaton, a mass tourism-based destination in Hungary, from the point of view of the market segment of active... more
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      Sustainable Tourism DevelopmentLake BalatonSustainabilityCycling tourism
Absztrakt: A Balaton-part rekreációs célú hasznosításában már a század első felében megjelentek az átfogó regionális léptékű koncepciók, ami nemzetközi összehasonlításban is korai jelenségnek tekinthető. A tanulmány a regionális eszme... more
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      HistoryArchitectureCritical Regionalism (Architecture)Landscape Architecture
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesGeographyHuman Geography
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      Water resourcesDendrochronologyDendroclimatologyTree Ring, Dendrochronology, Climate Change
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEnvironmental ScienceHigh Middle Ages
At the End of the 5th millennium BC in the region of the Balkans and in the middle of the 4th millennium BC in the Carpathian Basin, the existence of fortified settlements ended. The question comes up whether this "collapse" of the tell... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyChalcolithic ArchaeologyPopulation DensityLake Balaton
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      Tourism StudiesModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Hungarian LiteratureTravel Literature
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      Urnfield CultureSettlement archaeologyHungaryLate Bronze Age
ARCHITEKTURA AND URBANIZMUS 50:(1-2) pp. 38-55. (2016)
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      HistoryArt HistoryArchitectureLandscape Architecture
Analizing the scandal taking place in the summer of 1840 in Balatonfüred, one of the famous thermal bath sites in Hungary at the time, the essay describes the underworld of a big town. József Román, a solicitor, made a complaint in 1843... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryUrban HistoryLocal History
Phytoplankton biomass is important to monitor in lakes due to its influence on water quality and lake productivity. Phytoplankton has also been identified as sensitive to environmental change, with shifts in the seasonality of blooms, or... more
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      Remote SensingAlgaePhenologyPhytoplankton
Abiotic heterogeneity of the littoral zone of Lake Balaton influences both horizontal and vertical distribution of macrophytes, but biotic differences could shape the nature of a community. Vertical and temporal (small timescale) biomass... more
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      Plant EcologyPhotosynthesisPlant MorphologyEcology of Submerged Macrophyte
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      GeographyTraditional MedicineIntangible cultural heritagePharmacognosy
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      GeographyArt HistoryArchitectureCritical Regionalism (Architecture)
This study uses an innovative tourism product development approach, based on co-creation or customer involvement, related to Lake Balaton, a mass tourism-based destination in Hungary, from the point of view of the market segment of active... more
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      Sustainable Tourism DevelopmentLake BalatonSustainabilityCycling tourism