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Цифровые технологии меняют современное общество, скорость и масштаб изменений возрастают, что вызывает необходимость для права реагировать на происходящие процессы и перестраиваться в соответствии с новыми реалиями. Трудовое право как... more
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      Employment LawEmployment RelationsDigital TechnologyLabour Law
Modern challenges require us to rethink the definitions of work, rest and break time and reflect them in existing legislation. Legislation existing today does not ensure full regulation and definition of working time. It is a must for the... more
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      Civil LawHuman RightsCivil RightsLabor
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      Business and ManagementLabor
The St. Louis Regional Information Technology Labor Market Report delivers insights and analysis of Information Technology (IT) skills and competencies most in demand by St. Louis area employers to help answer the question: What does... more
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      Information TechnologyLabor EconomicsTechnologyEducation and Labor Markets
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      Business and ManagementLaborUnemployment InsuranceCross Section
The aim of the research was to examine and analyze the relationship between social and demographic variables and respondents' opinions on the relationship of managers to the organization and other employees. Also the aim was exploring the... more
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      Human Resource ManagementLaborOrganisational cultureGeert Hofstede’s “Model of Cultural Dimensions”
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      Resource AllocationPublic sectorInformal EconomyTrade Liberalization
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      Business and ManagementLabor
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Artigo publicado no livro O Mundo do Trabalho -- volume I, organizado por Grijalbo Fernandes Coutinho, Hugo Cavalcanti Melo Filho, Jorge Luiz Souto Maior e Marcos Neves Fava
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      Labor Law (Law)LaborRight to strikeJurisprudência
Through an ethnography of the C4 Rice Project's sorghum experiment in the Philippines, this article analyzes particular practices in experimental rice fields and how rice researchers understand their work through specific material... more
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      AnthropologyAnthropology of SciencePosthumanismComputer Networks
In Coconut Colonialism, Holger Droessler examines the Samoan response through the lives of its workers. Ordinary Samoans—some on large plantations, others on their own small holdings—picked and processed coconuts and cocoa, tapped rubber... more
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      Pacific Island StudiesGlobal JusticeLabor MigrationCapitalism
What is the political theorist to make of self-characterizations of Silicon Valley as the beacon of civilization-saving innovation? Through an analysis of "tech bro" masculinity and the closely related discourses of tech icons Elon Musk... more
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      TechnologyMasculinitySilicon ValleyLabor
Edited by Erika Polson, Lynn Schofield Clark, and Radhika Gajjala, this companion, brings together scholars working at the intersection of media and class, with a focus on how understandings of class are changing in contemporary global... more
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      Media StudiesWorking ClassesGlobal mediaHistory of Middle Classes
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSociologyEconomic SociologyEconomics
Labor productivity of Vietnamese economy in general and Vietnamese construction industry in particular is low in comparison with other countries. There are many reason causing this low productivity in Vietnam. Boosting labor productivity... more
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In her 1990 text “homeplace (a site of resistance),” bell hooks argues that for black women throughout history, the making of home cannot be extricated from the struggle against racism and forging of community. This paper explores how... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsMedia StudiesSelf and Identity
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      Technology and SocietyLaborGig Economy
A first-of-its-kind study of the working-class culture of resistance on the Honduran North Coast and the radical organizing that challenged US capital and foreign intervention at the onset of the Cold War, examining gender, race, and... more
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryCold WarHondurasLabor
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsCollective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Sociology of SportLabor Economics
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      Business and ManagementLabor
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Across media, the consistent themes Mladen Stilinović (1947–2016) explored in his art were existential and political: language, economy, pain, and death. This essay focuses on the artist’s related, decades-long engagement with the notion... more
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      PhotographyYugoslaviaConceptual ArtLabor
Proper management of resources in construction projects can yield substantial savings in time and cost. As construction is a labor-intensive industry, this paper focuses on labor efficiency and how this can be measured as accurate as it... more
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      Civil EngineeringQuality ManagementProject ManagementLean Construction
Nestled in the Himalayan foothills of Northeast India, Darjeeling is synonymous with some of the finest and most expensive tea in the world. It is also home to a violent movement for regional autonomy that, like the tea industry, dates... more
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      Environmental GeographyEconomic GeographyPolitical EcologySociology of Food and Eating
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      European UnionSexual HarassmentBusiness and ManagementLabor
Introduced into every session of Congress from 1923 to 1972, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) met steady, organized resistance on its ultimately failed political journey that ended in 1982, just three states shy of ratification. For many... more
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      RhetoricWomen's RightsEqual Rights AmendmentLabor
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      Business and ManagementLabor
Book chapter in WORK, SOCIETY, AND THE ETHICAL SELF Chimeras of Freedom in the Neoliberal Era, available from Berghahn Books Rather than accept formal commodity-like contractual definitions... more
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      ContractsEconomic AnthropologyGift ExchangeLabor Migration
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      Collective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Labor EconomicsAnthropology of DisabilityEquality and Diversity
"Fiilî Grevler: Bir Eşik Atlama Fırsatı"
Alpkan Birelma ile Son Günlerdeki İşçi Eylemleri Üzerine Söyleşi
Emre Bayın (Söyleşi)
8 Şubat 2022 Salı
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsStrikes (Late 20th Century)Labor MovementsLabor
Changing our relation to the environment in a democratic way implies questioning models and methods of socioecological relations-including work relations. This article critically discusses the notion of a "just transition" toward... more
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      Political EcologyTrade unionismAxel HonnethClimate Justice
RESUMO Este artigo demonstra os pontos de articulação entre o Direito do Trabalho e as reflexões sobre o trabalho humano propostas na Doutrina Social da Igreja. Parte do contexto da revolução industrial em fins do século XIX, contexto em... more
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79 The current legislation and the agreement between the parties are the basis for the legal regulation of labor relations. In fact, in Georgia, there are frequent cases when overtime work performed by an employee is not remunerated by... more
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      LawCivil LawContractsHuman Rights
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      Political TheoryCultural LandscapesLandscapeHannah Arendt
During the years 1848-1917, religious leaders in San Francisco, California responded to prostitution in a variety of ways. Protestant leaders sought to address causes of prostitution and to "reform" prostitutes. Catholic leaders attempted... more
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      ReligionGender StudiesSexualitySocial Activism
It’s no secret that the 1% exercises enormous control over the US government. While this control is usually attributed to campaign donations and lobbying, Levers of Power argues that corporate power derives from control over the economic... more
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      Political SociologySocial MovementsPolitical EconomyWorking Classes
Assyrian imperialism is closely associated with the practice of mass deportation. This practice has been explained by recourse to many different motivations. But can we hope to pinpoint the logic informing deportation rather than merely... more
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      HistoryHebrew BibleAssyriaAssyrian Empire
This paper questions the binary of material and immaterial labor in the information era. Instead, we propose a “circuits of labor” model, a holistic framework that helps connect various concepts and traditions in the study of labor and... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaDigital MediaChina
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      Human Resource ManagementBusiness and ManagementLabor
... The Hampden Community Archaeology Project (HCAP) is a public archaeology project in a former textile mill neighborhood in Baltimore, Maryland. ... Our research project, the Hampden CommunityArchaeology Project, begins and ends as a... more
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      Philosophy and Religious StudiesLabor
The digital revolution has not only transformed multiple aspects of social life – it also shakes sociological theory, transforming the most basic assumptions that have underlain it. In this timely book, Ori Schwarz explores the main... more
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      Social NetworksPower (social)Social CapitalSymbolic Interaction
The Arab revolutions of 2011 promised to usher in the greatest democratic transformation since 1848, but in the end, almost all the uprisings failed spectacularly. To understand this defeat, this essay seeks to reintroduce a class... more
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      NeoliberalismLaborArab Spring (Arab Revolts)Political Economy and History
Über das Buch Seit Jahren wird unter der Überschrift Digitalisierung über den sozioökonomischen Strukturwandel und die Zukunft der Arbeit diskutiert. Die Aussagen der Forschung bleiben allerdings oftmals unverbunden und widersprüchlich.... more
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      Economic SociologyIndustrial SociologySociology of WorkIndustrial Relations
Conclusion The research on the exit-voice hypothesis, both in the United States and abroad, shows convincingly that most of the variance in the negative union effect on job satisfaction can be accounted for by job quality, industrial... more
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      Industrial RelationsOrganizational CommitmentJob SatisfactionWork Environment
Structural adjustment and market liberalization policies of the past 15 years have accelerated deagrarianization in sub-Saharan Africa. Peasant producers have veered away from production of traditional export crops and commercial staple... more
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      Development StudiesRuralAfricaAfrican American Studies
საქართველოს მოქმედი კანონმდებლობის თანახმად, გამოსაცდელი ვადით დადებული შრომითი ხელშეკრულების შეწყვეტისას დამსაქმებელზე არ ვრცელდება მთელი რიგი ის ვალდებულებები რაც საქართველოს შრომის კოდექსით გათვალისწინებულია ჩვეულებრივი შრომითი... more
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      Civil LawContractsHuman RightsPrivate law
In this article, I examine the codification of an Italian work-related illness caused by mobbing, a type of psychological harassment that emerged at the moment neoliberal policies transformed Italy's historically protectionist labor... more
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      Medical AnthropologyNeoliberalismHealthItaly
This research paper will be an analysis of the differences of language, cultural and historical barriers between the third and fourth generation descendants of the Californios and the Mexican Revolution immigrant refugees in the 1900’s to... more
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      HistorySocial TheoryChicano StudiesLatin American Studies