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The unlawful annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation has again revealed the weakness of international law and the lack of a practical mechanisms that could have deterred such a violation. The course of events in Ukraine sparkled by... more
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      The Politics of Kaliningrad: A Borderland Region of the Russian FederationKaliningrad Oblast
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      Urban HistoryMemory StudiesEast PrussiaPostwar period of Soviet History
Восточная Пруссия глазами советских переселенцев. Первые годы Калининградской области в воспоминаниях и документах / ред. Ю.В. Костяшов. — 3-е изд., доп. и испр. — Калининград : Изд-во «Калининградская книга», 2018. — 364 с. — ISBN... more
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      Soviet HistoryRussian HistoryHistory of Everyday LifeEast Prussia
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      The Politics of Kaliningrad: A Borderland Region of the Russian FederationKaliningradPolish-Kaliningrad relationsKaliningrad Oblast
Staipsnyje analizuojama galimos Karaliaučiaus (Kaliningrado) dalies prijungimo prie sovietų Lietuvos istorija, aiškinama eiga, priežastys nulėmusios sprendimus.
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      Soviet HistoryKaliningradKaliningrad OblastKaraliaučius
From the geopolitical point of view, the Kaliningrad Oblast, due to its exclave location, has become an area of strategic importance. Its strategic nature has been steadily increasing with the successive enlargements of the European Union... more
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      GeopoliticsTrainingArmed ForcesRussian Federation
Illustrated history of amber and its mining (under CC-BY-SA-4.0 license). ISBN 978-5-7164-0721-3 / Янтарная книга: история янтаря и янтарной отрасли. 70 лет Янтарному комбинату / Wissenschaftlich-populaere Darstellung unsere Information... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryPaleontologyMedieval History
Knygoje pateikta lietuvinikų politinių nuostatų raidos glausta analizė XVIII - XX amžių dokumentuose bei to laikotarpio žemėlapiuose, vaizduojančiuose Mažąją Lietuvą. Vertinama žemėlapių įvairovė, ypatumai ir valstybių vykdytos politikos... more
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      HistoryGeographyCartographySoviet History
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      Russian StudiesEconomic GrowthThe Politics of Kaliningrad: A Borderland Region of the Russian FederationForeign Direct Investment ( FDI )
This thesis, presented here, establishes a precedent between the works of these characteristics wroten in the Department of Modern and Contemporary History. First, because it is a work of very novel thematic, not only in our academy, but... more
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      HistoryEconomicsPolitical ScienceBaltic Sea Region Studies
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      Cross-border cooperationPolish-russian relationsPolish DiasporaKaliningrad
Über einen Anschluss des Königsberger Gebietes in den Nachkriegsjahren des Zweiten Weltkriegs an Litauen schwirren schon lange Gerüchte herum. Die Einen fluchen auf Litauens Kommunisten, die angeblich einen Anschluss großer Teile... more
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      Cold WarThe Politics of Kaliningrad: A Borderland Region of the Russian FederationPost-World War II historyKaliningrad Oblast
ENG Knives-daggers represent one of the most spectacular and highly specialised Migration Period weapon forms in the south-eastern region of the Baltic Sea Basin : in the territory of modern West Lithuania and in the Kaliningrad region... more
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      Iron Age (Archaeology)Iron AgeGreat Migration periodKnives
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      Baltic archaeologySettlement & Landscape researchArchaeology of East PrussiaKaliningrad Oblast
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      The Politics of Kaliningrad: A Borderland Region of the Russian FederationKaliningradPolish-Kaliningrad relationsKaliningrad Oblast
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      SchwertKaliningrad OblastOstpreussenWikinger
Moscow's policy towards the Kaliningrad Oblast has been increasingly consistent in recent years. Its main objective has been to further tighten its grip on the region and its links to mainland Russia in the political, social and economic... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyThe Politics of Kaliningrad: A Borderland Region of the Russian FederationKaliningradRussian policy in the Arctic region, relationship between Russia and the Baltic states.
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      Great Migration periodVölkerwanderungszeitArchaeology Of The Migration Period And The Early Middle AgesWest Baltic Tribes prior to northern crusades
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      Border StudiesCross-border cooperationBorderlands StudiesBorders and Frontiers
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      Cross-border cooperationPolish-russian relationsKaliningradPolish-Kaliningrad relations
Рассмотрен процесс формирования и конкуренции разных дискурсов о довоенном прошлом нового советского края, ставшего в 1946 г. Калининградской областью. Показано, как почти тотальное господство официального дискурса, отличающегося... more
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      East PrussiaKaliningrad OblastKönigsberg
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      Cross-border cooperationEU-Russia relationsKaliningradPolish-Kaliningrad relations
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      Cross-border cooperationPolish-russian relationsPolish DiasporaKaliningrad
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      The Politics of Kaliningrad: A Borderland Region of the Russian FederationKaliningradEast European Security Policy towards Russia, Turkey and Midle Eastern countriesKaliningrad Oblast
The paper characterises the several-decades-long process of rehabilitation of the prewar cultural heritage in the Kaliningrad. After the northern part of the former East Prussia (Königsberg, and since 1946, the Kaliningrad Oblast) had... more
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      Identity and heritage of Historical CitiesEast PrussiaKaliningrad Oblast
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      Cross-border cooperationEU-Russia relationsKaliningradPolish-Kaliningrad relations
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      Border StudiesCross border cooperationBorder RegionsBorders and Borderlands
Nowhere else but in Königsberg everything went "upside down" in 1945. Prussia once again changed its owner, its language, and its ... population. It became important to the Soviet science to show its superiority over the German... more
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      Ancient PrussiansOld PrussiansOld Prussian settlementEast Prussia
Рассматриваются общественно-политические настроения жителей Калининградской области в первое послевоенное десятилетие и факторы, способствовавшие формированию у них "оборонного сознания".
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      Soviet HistoryKaliningrad Oblast
This article sets out to analyse the Polish-Russian agreement on small border traffic in the context of relations between the European Union and the Russian Federation. The analysis focuses on the role of the Kaliningrad region of the... more
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      European Foreign PolicyEU-Russia relationsKaliningradPolish-Kaliningrad relations
By virtue of history and geographical position Kaliningrad Oblast occupies very specifi c place on geopolitical map of Europe. Historical experience suggests that in many respects this tiny “Russian Island” engrained into the heart of... more
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      SecurityHistory of the Baltic Sea RegionKaliningrad Oblast
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      Border StudiesCross-border cooperationThe Politics of Kaliningrad: A Borderland Region of the Russian FederationBorder Regions
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      Modern PoetryGerman PoetryEast PrussiaKaliningrad Oblast
Рассмотрены особенности формирования образов Восточной Пруссии и Калининградской области в региональной литературе периода социалистического реализма.
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      Socialist RealismEast PrussiaKaliningrad Oblast
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      Perception of SpaceEast PrussiaHistory of Memelgebiet and Prussian LithuaniaKaliningrad Oblast
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      Identity (Culture)East-Central European HistoryRegional identityEast Prussia
This article sets out to analyse the Polish-Russian agreement on small border traffic in the context of relations between the European Union and the Russian Federation. The analysis focuses on the role of the Kaliningrad region of the... more
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      European Foreign PolicyEU-Russia relationsKaliningradPolish-Kaliningrad relations
The Kaliningrad oblast’ of the Russian Federation is unique area in East-Central Europe from the point of view of development of cooperation between the European Union and the Russian Federation as well as geopolitical conditions of... more
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      International SecurityBaltic Sea Region StudiesEU-Russia relationsKaliningrad
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      Landscape ArchaeologyBaltic Sea Region StudiesIron Age (Archaeology)Iron Age
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      Cross-border cooperationPolish-russian relationsKaliningradPolish-Kaliningrad relations
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      Cross-border cooperationPolish-russian relationsKaliningradPolish-Kaliningrad relations
The end of the Second World War brought a new legal, political and spatial order to the territory of former East Prussia. The political, demographic and economic area was divided between Poland and the Soviet Union as a result of the... more
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      Historical memory and Identity studiesKaliningradPolish-Kaliningrad relationsKaliningrad Oblast
The aim of the research was to determine the conditions of international security in Central and Eastern Europe resulting from the functioning of the Kaliningrad region as an important factor of international relations in this part of... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsGeopoliticsConstructivismInternational Security
What may the moment of territorial repossession and resettlement reveal to us about the practice of modern statehood? This paper discusses several key aspects of the Soviet occupation and incorporation of East Prussia in 1945–49: its... more
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      Human GeographyForced MigrationState SpaceIntercultural Dialogue and Cross Cultural Encounters
“At the Press Conference of Dr. Heinrich Groth on the Occasion of Resigning from His Leadership Position (Moscow, Russia, December 20, 1993).” Translated and edited by Eric J. Schmaltz. The original German source: “Zur Pressekonferenz... more
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      TransnationalismMigrationPost-Soviet RegimesEurasia
На основе осмысления опыта изучения истории малых городов Калининградской области и с учётом характера развития урбанистической истории даётся оценка перспектив исследования прошлого малых городов Калининградской области (северной части... more
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      Urban HistoryEast PrussiaKaliningrad Oblast
The issue of migration of fishermen from the Curonian Lagoon has not been a subject of detailed research. The purpose of this paper is to present mechanisms behind migration of fishermen from the Curonian Spit based on methodology of... more
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      DemographyHistorical DemographyEarly Modern HistoryFisheries
«Пруссия» в Калининграде. Когда лопочут пушки и опускается железный занавес - музы замолкают. И в этом смысле, история музея «Пруссия» может быть для нас поучительна. "Prussia" in Kaliningrad. While the cannons roar, the Muses stay... more
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      Ancient PrussiansOld PrussiansEast PrussiaArcheology of East Prussia