3/2020 vol. 30 by Security and Defence Quarterly
Security and Defence Quarterly, 2020

Security and Defence Quarterly, 2020
This article addresses the question of willingness to defend one's own country and a similar noti... more This article addresses the question of willingness to defend one's own country and a similar notion of resistance, should Latvia, Lithu-ania and Estonia be attacked. The study principally relies on quantitative data from a dedicated nationally representative survey across all three countries. The data acquired thereof reaffirm findings from previous studies concluding that the highest level of willingness to defend one's own country is in Estonia, while it is lower in Latvia and in Lithuania. Asked if and how respondents would resist in case of an attack, more willingness to resist either non-violently or violently was expressed by respondents in Lithuania, ahead of the number of willing to do so in Estonia and more so in Latvia. Demographic background of the respondents visualized and discussed in the article provides further nuances of both research questions. While situation with the willingness to defend Estonia is relatively comfortable, this should not be treated as a reason for complacency. There is still room for progress within some groups of the society. Meanwhile, valuable lessons could be drawn for policies of Latvia and more so of Lithuania to avert some of the less flattery trends identified in this study.

The information war is beginning to play a dominant role in international relations. It is import... more The information war is beginning to play a dominant role in international relations. It is important because it occurs intensively in peacetime and determines the results of international clashes. This article aims to identify offensive elements in Russian theoretical and doctrinal views on the role and content of the information offensive in international relations. To meet this aim, a comparative analysis of research studies, documents and official statements was carried out. The study sets out to investigate how Russia assesses the usefulness of the information offensive for conducting international policy. The study revealed that the information war and information warfare in modern conditions in the Russian scientific debate occupy a prominent place. Regardless of the declared defensive nature of the Russian information offensive, both the scientific and doctrinal views emphasise the value of the information offensive for conducting international policy. Russia takes the information offensive in international relations very seriously and treats it as one of the main forms of international confrontation. This has serious consequences for countries close to Russia as it creates a new threat to their national security in peacetime.

The aim of this study is to indicate the roots of armed conflicts based on an analysis of a varie... more The aim of this study is to indicate the roots of armed conflicts based on an analysis of a variety of theoretical approaches. The methodological framework for this research is Kenneth Waltz's concept of analytical levels' causes of armed conflicts: (1) the level of individual; (2) the level of the state; (3) the level of the international system. The armed conflicts are also generated by the nature of state regime and society, security dilemma mechanism, diversity between economic development, and rapidly growing population. The anarchy of the international system causes war, particularly due to the imbalance of power, power transition , challenging the hegemonic state by a rising power. The author presents a proposition of systematizing roots of armed conflicts and highlight the need for starting a discussion about developing approaches for the analysis of the roots of modern armed conflicts. The author highlights the need for starting a discussion about developing approaches for the analysis of the roots of modern armed conflicts. The starting point for discussion is introduced the concept of primary and supplementary approaches.

Compulsory military service has become very rare over the last 30 years, in the western world. In... more Compulsory military service has become very rare over the last 30 years, in the western world. In the past, most countries considered military service as a socialisation platform, given the fact that most of the population was recruited and military units were a "meeting point" for different cultures-because of that the service then was functional as a social integrator. The current research studied changes in social attitude during compulsory military service in Israel, where the society is considered to be essentially divided around ethnical and national issues. This study is based on an analysis of the attitudes of 3200 internet questionnaire participants via social networks in Israel, followed by a U-test of the collected data. Half of the participants were high-school students (average age 17) and half of them discharged soldiers (average age 23). Analysis of the results reveals significant evidence: discharged soldiers tend to be more tolerant then high-school students with regard to other cultures and ethnic origins. A discharged IDF soldier is less afraid of security threats and considers budget prioritisation towards social welfare to be more important than security challenges. These findings show that compulsory military service can still be effective as a social integrator, even in the post-modern world where countries are dealing with migration issues and ethno-national tensions.

The aim of the article is to present the characteristics of airstrips used by Polish and allied a... more The aim of the article is to present the characteristics of airstrips used by Polish and allied aircraft during military operations in Chad and Afghanistan. The main goal is to examine their organisation and the management of air traffic by Polish ATC staff as well as to answer the question: How did Polish controllers plan the air operation? Answers to this question were sought through empirical and theoretical research. The theoretical methods were a study of literature (analysis, synthesis, abstraction , generalisation, interpretation, analogy and comparison). The empirical method-"opinion poll" took the leading role, which used different techniques conducted in a tested environment to gather the data (interviews with experts and an ex post facto experiment). Consequently, the article looks at the method of planning and preparing air operations and the rules of air traffic organisation in the area of responsibility of Polish controllers. The selected issues discussed herein include the rules of airspace segmentation, the adopted air traffic control solutions and the landing zone infrastructure used. All in all, the experience discussed herein constitutes valuable information regarding air traffic security and may prove helpful in organising landing zones and preparing air personnel for future operations conducted by Polish and allied Military Contingents at home and abroad.

The overall goal of the paper is to address the phenomenon of security culture. The conducted res... more The overall goal of the paper is to address the phenomenon of security culture. The conducted research was focused on analysing the possibilities of influencing the shaping of security culture by looking at the role of family. The study is based on a review of theories and published research about security culture and family. The aim of the paper is to answer the following research questions: What is security culture, what elements make up its structure and what role does family play in shaping it? The research methods were based on the classical theoretical methods used in security sciences and included an analysis of literature and scientific articles with the use of synthesis, abstraction and generalisation. Security culture is a category that characterises every security entity. Its structure consists of both basic and detailed elements such as: values, norms, attitudes, actions, cooperation and activity, reasonable openness, wise trust and risk. Based on the literature research, it can be stated that the basic outline of security culture is shaped during childhood and school years. It is shaped mainly in the family and in educational institutions. The research shows that the high level and appropriate nature of security culture can have a positive impact on the security of subjects and their environment , while the unfavourable form of security culture will have the opposite effect. The conducted research reveals that the role of the family in shaping security culture among children is indisputable and very significant and it should not be overestimated.
2/2020 vol. 29 by Security and Defence Quarterly

The article explores the peacekeeping activities of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slova... more The article explores the peacekeeping activities of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia and the characteristics of their activities on the African continent. The paper examines the African peacekeeping missions carried out by Visegrád countries. The study uses comparative scientific literature and analysis of statements released by these governments and other papers and studies related to the African peacekeeping missions. In addition, I used my own experience from my previous African peacekeeping/peace support missions, and the lessons learned from other African operations published in my previous book about Hungarian peacekeeping missions. In summary, of the Visegrád states with differing levels of training and equipment, Poland was the most active in peace operations in Africa and in the lead, followed by the Czech Republic and Hungary, while Slovakia was the least involved in the African continent. This trend is, moreover, in line with the involvement of the above countries in Africa to date. Although these states cooperate in several areas, this is not the case for African peace operations, although cooperation in this area would be important. The research examines the background to the activities of the V4 countries in peace operations in Africa. The study is particularly important in view of the fact that, for a number of reasons (migration, terrorism), the V4 countries are preparing for greater engagement in Africa, one area of which is peace-support operations.

The work focuses on the controversy about technological progress and unlimited access to all kind... more The work focuses on the controversy about technological progress and unlimited access to all kinds of energy acquisition, storage and distribution. It suggests a formula for energy acquisition and usage which embraces issues of peace and war, social conflicts, and stability determined by access to energy conditioned by the state of the climate of our planet. The question is how will an interdisci-plinary combination of progress and future implementation of technologies influence energy security of states and social entities, their natural environment, up to 2030 and beyond? The methods used in the work rely on a non-linear approach to disruptive technologies combined with empirical verifiability of scientific progress in the field of energy acquisition and use. They are reinforced with drivers taken from development scenarios gained through technological development in quantum mechanics, molecular biology, and computational techniques. The result is a conceptual approach to energy acquisition and distribution for states, their communities and individuals regardless of whether the technologies are "civil" or "military" in their essence. The recalled disruptive technologies shape factors of social development and create conditions for human existence and the natural environment that influence the security of states and social entities. The development of automation and robotics, digital transformation, biotechnologies and cognitive science creates new energy security for states, social entities and the natural environment. Technologies for the generation, processing and distribution of energy create an almost unlimited perspective of reconfiguration of existing forms of life and their safety.

The overall objective of the research is to summarize tactical considerations, resulting from ter... more The overall objective of the research is to summarize tactical considerations, resulting from terrain and weather analysis, to support the preparation, planning and execution of subterranean operations. The study used the Grounded Theory for collection, analysis, and systematic treatment of data. The main data sources for the study consisted of purposive sampling from operations in subterranean systems and lessons learned from them. Two new sub-variables are now proposed to be included in terrain and weather variable from mission analysis model for subterranean operations: Subterranean system's location and accesses and subterranean system features. The key to finding subterranean systems is through terrain analysis, physical ground search, operational indicators , and intelligence products. The analysis of the features of the subterranean system and its mapping is critical for developing courses of action. Forces must be trained and equipped to manoeuvre and combat at short distances and poor visibility conditions. Surface access points and command and control bunkers usually are assessed as key terrain. Obstacles placed at intersections are excellent ambush sites. Accessing sophisticated structures requires specific techniques and equipment. Inside the subterranean systems, existing angles, barriers, walls, cavities, stairwells and other objects provide cover and concealment. Water can make it impossible to build subterranean systems, place obstacles, or even use them; droughts can "create" new avenues of approach. Clouds and fog difficult the detection of subterranean systems. The terrain and weather analysis model, the characteristics, and the tactical considerations presented, all combined, support the preparation, planning, and execution of operations in subterranean systems.

The purpose of the article is to analyse Operation "Olympic Games" including, in particular, to i... more The purpose of the article is to analyse Operation "Olympic Games" including, in particular, to indicate the political background to the activities aimed at preventing the development of Iran's nuclear programme, and to examine the preparation and conduct of the operation, the involvement of the US and Israeli intelligence services, and the use of intelligence methods and sources. An equally important objective is to indicate the real consequences of the cyberattack with the Stuxnet virus. In the research process, a critical analysis of literature in the field of Intelligence Studies and source materials (including legal acts, strategies, reports, and other official studies of the entities forming the US Intelligence Community) was carried out. The example of Operation Olympics Games shows that complex cyber-sabotage operations resulting in the destruction of critical infrastructure on a large scale require the involvement of numerous state resources and advanced cyber activities, and the use of many different methods and intelligence sources. Thus, strong states with well-developed intelligence capabilities are much more capable of effectively using cyber-sabotage on a large scale.

The aim of this paper is to analyse the meaning, role and place of values in the life of a soldie... more The aim of this paper is to analyse the meaning, role and place of values in the life of a soldier. Furthermore, the article explores the issues of soldiers' ethical standards and types of behaviour which can be found in the modern army. It outlines that they are strongly influenced by the local culture. As a result of everyday performance, every individual makes assessments, i.e. formulates different opinions according to a specific criterion and assigns them a significant place in the hierarchy of values. In the light of this theory, the article examines the hierarchy of values and the norms of behaviour that occur in the lives of cadets. The paper uses The Rokeach Value Survey as well as The Kruskal-Wallis test by ranks. Using these two methods, the author analyses his own questionnaires to compare the value system of Polish Air Force University students. The main findings state that cadets have a permanent system of values. Moreover, they share similar judgments concerning different behaviour. Regardless of the course year, goals and values related to their homeland and family seem to be of the greatest importance. The overall findings of the paper show a great number of similarities in the cadets' value system. It is recommended that the future research should focus on examining students of other Polish military universities in order to check if they respond differently. The results obtained may be helpful in the process of young soldiers' upbringings taking into consideration the moral figure among military school graduates.

With the changing technology, humanity has reached Industry 4.0 starting from the steam engine. W... more With the changing technology, humanity has reached Industry 4.0 starting from the steam engine. With these developments, human resources in the organisations need to store and process data. A new application that enables digital human resources to easily access its data is cloud computing. The aim of this article is analyse how cloud technologies affect human resources management in Turkey. A descriptive method was used in this paper to explain the concept of digitalism in the discussed area and analyse the relationship between cloud system and digital human resources management. Data was drawn from the scientific and professional literature documents on this subject. Many organisations do not have enough knowledge about cloud computing in Turkey. There are also concerns about cloud systems security and economic equilibrium of companies. It is predicted that companies that adopt this technology will have a more efficient and comfortable human resources process and become more prosperous. Organisations should work for the development of human resources management system by digitising it. Organisations whose number of employees is increasing day by day, face problems, but they can handle this situation through the careful implementation of cloud computing. Cloud systems provide organisations with benefits such as storage capacity and easy access to data anytime and anywhere.
1/2020 vol. 28 by Security and Defence Quarterly

The subject of the study are space threats-Near-Earth Objects (NEO) and Potentially Hazardous Ast... more The subject of the study are space threats-Near-Earth Objects (NEO) and Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHA). The research methods employed in this article included the classic theoretical methods used in security sciences and a practical method-a quantitative study of social media. At present, space threat studies aim to resolve the terminological confusion related to NEOs, to determine current and potentially hazardous space objects and estimate the potential threats from them. The research is also expected to come up with two methods for estimating NEO threats, the Palermo and Torino scales. The practical result is to evaluate the public mood regarding NEO threats. Studies have shown that certain active space objects are capable of reaching the Earth's surface and colliding with human-made in-space objects and devices, such as communication satellites. Should this happen, it could cause substantial social damage and destabilise state security, particularly if elements of critical infrastructure of the state were to be affected. Continuous monitoring of NEOs may play a central role in the provision of security. Furthermore, the public should be kept abreast of the threats.

The goal of this study is to explore the components of defence strategies faced by society in its... more The goal of this study is to explore the components of defence strategies faced by society in its information environment, and how these strategies are interrelated. This qualitative in-depth case study applied past research and empirical evidence to identify the components of defence strategies in a society's information environment. The data collected was analysed using the Grounded Theory approach and a conceptual framework with the components of defence strategies and the relationships between these components was developed using the Grounded Theory. This study shows that the goal of politically and militarily hostile actors is to weaken society's information environment, and that their operations are coordinated and carried out over a long time period. The data validates past studies and reveals relationships between the components of defence strategies. These relationships increase confidence in the validity of these components and their relationships, and expand the emerging theory. First, the data and findings showed 16 interconnected components of defence strategies. Second, they showed that the political, military, societal, power, and personal goals of the hostile actors carrying out cyber operations and cyber attacks are to weaken society's information environment. Third, they revealed that cyber operations and cyber attacks against networks, information and infrastructures are coordinated operations, carried out over a long time period. Finally, it was revealed that the actors defending society's information environment must rapidly change their own components of defence strategies and use the newest tools and methods for these components in networks, infrastructures and social media.

In the era of cyber threats and incidents related to the issue, secure communication for applicat... more In the era of cyber threats and incidents related to the issue, secure communication for applications in critical circumstances responds to the growing need in Europe, where the use of commercial services is becoming insufficient. One solution that fulfils security needs is to provide accessible and reliable services based on space segment resources that are government controlled. The aim of the paper is to investigate Governmental Satellite Communication (Govsatcom), which is the first such large initiative to strengthen and increase the security and defence of the community of European countries. Furthermore , the paper discusses some implications related to the demand for this type of satellite communication and describes the engagement of the main involved institutions i.e. the European Space Agency, European Defence Agency, and European Commission, especially elaborating the PACIS projects running under ESA umbrella, which are one of the main preparatory actions for the IV EU Space Programme. Considerations about future relations between related parties and Poland's possible engagement and the kind of benefits it would deliver are also considered. The paper leads to a conclusion that the future EU space programme creates a proper environment for cooperation between community members and delivers an opportunity to use safe and secure satellite communication for members who cannot afford to have their own capabilities.

Although they became vocal in May and June 2019, due to attacks taking place in the G... more Objectives:
Although they became vocal in May and June 2019, due to attacks taking place in the Gulf of Oman, attacks against oil tankers are a century old problem. Because of their size and the cargo tankers appear to be easy targets. The main objective of the paper is to analyze effectiveness of different modes of attacks against oil tankers that have been undertaken since widespread use of oil has begun.
A comparative case-study approach was adopted to evaluate the effectiveness of different modes of attacks against oil tankers over the long-term, namely, the last century. It briefly reviews destructiveness of three anti-tanker campaigns during both World Wars. Subsequently they are compared with two post-1945 sets of attacks that happened in the Persian Gulf region – the Tanker War of 1980s and the 2019 attacks.
The scale of damages inflicted by attacks against oil tankers is varied. The experience of both World Wars shows their effectiveness. However, post-1945 events do not provide confirming evidence. The main difference is scale of hostile activities applied against tankers.
These are not characteristics of tankers that make them easy targets but political conditions (war/peace state of international system) that enable application weapons and tactics of different scale of destruction.

Critical infrastructure plays a key role in ensuring national security of a state, du... more Objectives:
Critical infrastructure plays a key role in ensuring national security of a state, due to important functions thereof in military, economic, and public administration sectors. The destruction, damage, failure or other deprivation of critical infrastructure of its operational capabilities constitutes a direct threat to the structural and personal security of the state.
The research methods and techniques implemented in the research process itself primarily hinge on critical analysis of acts of law and organisational and competence-related documents, subject-matter literature, synthesis and inference in order to reach the formulated objectives based on efficiency criteria.
The main findings indicate that critical infrastructure is perceived as a set of systems which exerts a substantial impact on the security of the state and, obviously its residents. The results advocate for a reflection that critical infrastructure embraces a number of facilities which appear to be remarkably diverse. They are buildings, structures, installations, equipment and services which, integrally, form cohesive systems which allow proper functioning of a given state. It is the state whose role is just to supervise and coordinate whereas the operators of critical infrastructure are the ones who are to protect it.
The overall findings of this paper present the notion that safeguarding critical infrastructure is a task of crucial importance to national security of a state and, therefore, it would be worth reconsidering the intensification of rules which apply to the infrastructure of the national security and its efficient functioning.
5/2019 vol. 27 by Security and Defence Quarterly

Objectives: Tourism has become one of the main economic sectors of the 21st century. Today, touri... more Objectives: Tourism has become one of the main economic sectors of the 21st century. Today, tourism is facing various security threats such as terrorism, crime and potential armed conflicts, and the most common security threat to tourism is crime. The aim of this paper is to analyse how crime affects security in tourism and to describe the consequences of crime for tourism.
Methods: A descriptive method was used in this paper to explain the concept of security in tourism and to analyse the relationship between tourism and crime. The data was drawn from the scientific and professional literature and policy documents on this subject.
Results: The impact of crime on tourism can be seen on two levels: the macro and micro levels. The impact of crime on the macro level refers to its effects on society in general, on the social community or tourist destination, and the impact of crime at the micro level refers to the effects of crime on individuals. The most significant impact of crime on a tourist destination is the negative image of the destination, resulting in reduced tourist demand. The impact of crime on the micro level is evident in the influence on the behaviour and attitudes of tourists, and their decision to visit or revisit a destination where criminal incidents happen.
Conclusions: Crime can have a very negative impact on tourism and security in tourism can not be taken for granted, so it is necessary to make significant efforts to ensure a safe environment for tourists. In order to prevent crime and to create a safe environment for tourists, it is necessary to ensure the cooperation all stakeholders involved in tourism: the tourism industry, local community, national authorities, police and state agencies.
3/2020 vol. 30 by Security and Defence Quarterly
2/2020 vol. 29 by Security and Defence Quarterly
1/2020 vol. 28 by Security and Defence Quarterly
Although they became vocal in May and June 2019, due to attacks taking place in the Gulf of Oman, attacks against oil tankers are a century old problem. Because of their size and the cargo tankers appear to be easy targets. The main objective of the paper is to analyze effectiveness of different modes of attacks against oil tankers that have been undertaken since widespread use of oil has begun.
A comparative case-study approach was adopted to evaluate the effectiveness of different modes of attacks against oil tankers over the long-term, namely, the last century. It briefly reviews destructiveness of three anti-tanker campaigns during both World Wars. Subsequently they are compared with two post-1945 sets of attacks that happened in the Persian Gulf region – the Tanker War of 1980s and the 2019 attacks.
The scale of damages inflicted by attacks against oil tankers is varied. The experience of both World Wars shows their effectiveness. However, post-1945 events do not provide confirming evidence. The main difference is scale of hostile activities applied against tankers.
These are not characteristics of tankers that make them easy targets but political conditions (war/peace state of international system) that enable application weapons and tactics of different scale of destruction.
Critical infrastructure plays a key role in ensuring national security of a state, due to important functions thereof in military, economic, and public administration sectors. The destruction, damage, failure or other deprivation of critical infrastructure of its operational capabilities constitutes a direct threat to the structural and personal security of the state.
The research methods and techniques implemented in the research process itself primarily hinge on critical analysis of acts of law and organisational and competence-related documents, subject-matter literature, synthesis and inference in order to reach the formulated objectives based on efficiency criteria.
The main findings indicate that critical infrastructure is perceived as a set of systems which exerts a substantial impact on the security of the state and, obviously its residents. The results advocate for a reflection that critical infrastructure embraces a number of facilities which appear to be remarkably diverse. They are buildings, structures, installations, equipment and services which, integrally, form cohesive systems which allow proper functioning of a given state. It is the state whose role is just to supervise and coordinate whereas the operators of critical infrastructure are the ones who are to protect it.
The overall findings of this paper present the notion that safeguarding critical infrastructure is a task of crucial importance to national security of a state and, therefore, it would be worth reconsidering the intensification of rules which apply to the infrastructure of the national security and its efficient functioning.
5/2019 vol. 27 by Security and Defence Quarterly
Methods: A descriptive method was used in this paper to explain the concept of security in tourism and to analyse the relationship between tourism and crime. The data was drawn from the scientific and professional literature and policy documents on this subject.
Results: The impact of crime on tourism can be seen on two levels: the macro and micro levels. The impact of crime on the macro level refers to its effects on society in general, on the social community or tourist destination, and the impact of crime at the micro level refers to the effects of crime on individuals. The most significant impact of crime on a tourist destination is the negative image of the destination, resulting in reduced tourist demand. The impact of crime on the micro level is evident in the influence on the behaviour and attitudes of tourists, and their decision to visit or revisit a destination where criminal incidents happen.
Conclusions: Crime can have a very negative impact on tourism and security in tourism can not be taken for granted, so it is necessary to make significant efforts to ensure a safe environment for tourists. In order to prevent crime and to create a safe environment for tourists, it is necessary to ensure the cooperation all stakeholders involved in tourism: the tourism industry, local community, national authorities, police and state agencies.
Although they became vocal in May and June 2019, due to attacks taking place in the Gulf of Oman, attacks against oil tankers are a century old problem. Because of their size and the cargo tankers appear to be easy targets. The main objective of the paper is to analyze effectiveness of different modes of attacks against oil tankers that have been undertaken since widespread use of oil has begun.
A comparative case-study approach was adopted to evaluate the effectiveness of different modes of attacks against oil tankers over the long-term, namely, the last century. It briefly reviews destructiveness of three anti-tanker campaigns during both World Wars. Subsequently they are compared with two post-1945 sets of attacks that happened in the Persian Gulf region – the Tanker War of 1980s and the 2019 attacks.
The scale of damages inflicted by attacks against oil tankers is varied. The experience of both World Wars shows their effectiveness. However, post-1945 events do not provide confirming evidence. The main difference is scale of hostile activities applied against tankers.
These are not characteristics of tankers that make them easy targets but political conditions (war/peace state of international system) that enable application weapons and tactics of different scale of destruction.
Critical infrastructure plays a key role in ensuring national security of a state, due to important functions thereof in military, economic, and public administration sectors. The destruction, damage, failure or other deprivation of critical infrastructure of its operational capabilities constitutes a direct threat to the structural and personal security of the state.
The research methods and techniques implemented in the research process itself primarily hinge on critical analysis of acts of law and organisational and competence-related documents, subject-matter literature, synthesis and inference in order to reach the formulated objectives based on efficiency criteria.
The main findings indicate that critical infrastructure is perceived as a set of systems which exerts a substantial impact on the security of the state and, obviously its residents. The results advocate for a reflection that critical infrastructure embraces a number of facilities which appear to be remarkably diverse. They are buildings, structures, installations, equipment and services which, integrally, form cohesive systems which allow proper functioning of a given state. It is the state whose role is just to supervise and coordinate whereas the operators of critical infrastructure are the ones who are to protect it.
The overall findings of this paper present the notion that safeguarding critical infrastructure is a task of crucial importance to national security of a state and, therefore, it would be worth reconsidering the intensification of rules which apply to the infrastructure of the national security and its efficient functioning.
Methods: A descriptive method was used in this paper to explain the concept of security in tourism and to analyse the relationship between tourism and crime. The data was drawn from the scientific and professional literature and policy documents on this subject.
Results: The impact of crime on tourism can be seen on two levels: the macro and micro levels. The impact of crime on the macro level refers to its effects on society in general, on the social community or tourist destination, and the impact of crime at the micro level refers to the effects of crime on individuals. The most significant impact of crime on a tourist destination is the negative image of the destination, resulting in reduced tourist demand. The impact of crime on the micro level is evident in the influence on the behaviour and attitudes of tourists, and their decision to visit or revisit a destination where criminal incidents happen.
Conclusions: Crime can have a very negative impact on tourism and security in tourism can not be taken for granted, so it is necessary to make significant efforts to ensure a safe environment for tourists. In order to prevent crime and to create a safe environment for tourists, it is necessary to ensure the cooperation all stakeholders involved in tourism: the tourism industry, local community, national authorities, police and state agencies.
Methods: Empirical and theoretical research methods were utilised in the study. The research data, obtained from a review of source materials, was subsequently subjected to examination through analysis, synthesis and comparison.
Results: The methods of warfare of the 21st century are likely to reflect the technological evolution of the modern age. Considering the present-day trends, it is very likely that our technology-driven lives will transform people into hybrids of biological organisms merged with the technological environment, integrated with the body. Therefore, hostile action against human soldiers could be taken on three major levels: the biological organism, the mass communication technology integrated into the body, and the mental level-both in the conscious and the subconscious sphere. The study into how the soldier's mental sphere can be influenced to anticipate and shape behaviour may contribute to further research on the third level impact on enemy soldiers.
Conclusions: The conclusions formulated in this analysis may carry significant implications for work on an innovative methodology of future warfare, accounting for the technological progress in the next decades of the 21st century, and a methodology for countering future military threats.
Methods: The study employed social media analytic tools to analyze social media data published on Facebook and Twitter qualitatively and quantitatively in the period from 1 March to 10 June 2019.
Results: Social Media is used during emergencies by various actors for different purposes: emergency services use it to broadcast weather alerts and situational updates; authorities communicate weather alerts and offer assistance; mass media outlets share up-to-date information ; individual users connect and share their experiences of the disaster as well as express political views; organizations spread general comments, situational updates and political comments.
Conclusions: Despite several drawbacks, such as the chaotic spread of messages, their unreliability and the politicization of the news-feed, social networking sites support disaster management. Therefore, they should be incorporated as an additional communication channel during emergencies.
Methods: In order to achieve the aim of this paper and solve the main research problem, the following research methods will be applied: method of analysis, synthesis and method of conclusion.The empirical methods facilitate examination of processes with the aim of drawing conclusions. The article uses a research method such as observation.
Results: Strategic culture is not a dogma or a camera through which we can look into the past or the future. It is a tool useful for understanding how and what the circumstances are in which a country defines appropriate measures and goals to achieve its goals regarding security.
Conclusions: Strategic culture can help us to understand the real cultural identity of a particular entity (such as a country or an organisation) and its role in the system of international relations in a better way. Therefore, it can contribute to a better understanding of security policy implemented by the entity and, what is more, an analysis of strategic culture can lead to a better understanding of the opponent's strategic behaviour on the basis of how the opponent defines victory, defeat, loss and suffering.
Methods: To supplement empirical data with qualitative observation, the methodology applies the case study and observation method. Considering assistance in conflict termination as a dependent variable, the methodology evaluates the case study of Executive Outcomes in Sierra Leone and, to impose a framework for observation, deconstructs that case with seven independent variables: competence, effectiveness, flexibility, field cooperation with conventional forces, cost efficiency, impact on military and the state-to-PMC balance.
Results: The methodology indicates what factors were prevalent in effective conflict management and what indicators entailed challenges. The results advocate for the competence, flexibility, effectiveness and cooperation with armed forces to be deemed conclusive in positive PMC engagement, whereas the cost efficiency, impact on conventional military and the state-to-PMC balance require improvement.
Conclusions: Since governments have continued to be hesitant (justified either by financial, geopolitical or social incentives) towards overseas military operations where asymmetric warfare is taking place, PMCs stepped in to fill the security void. Therefore, this paper argues that PMCs are here to stay; however, the literature hasn't rigorously explored the subject matter to determine whether indicators of success and failure exist to evaluate the PMC outcome. This paper also precipitates natural outgrowth in the scholarship by composing the benchmark that synthesises relevant data.
Methods: The paper examines the Palestinian 'Great March of Return' as a background for the development of a new Hamas' tactic and briefly describes the chronology of arson terrorism in the context of other hostilities at the Gaza-Israeli border. The study focuses on the two following questions: why are the kites and balloons useful for the current goals of Hamas and how do the Israelis respond to this new threat? The study uses comparative scientific literature and document analysis, the analysis of statements released by the Israeli authorities and the Israeli media reports related to the arson attacks.
Results: The main findings include the role of simple, non-lethal weapons in spreading fear for terrorist purposes and the advantages of turning everyday-use materials into weapons in a situation where there is limited access to regular arms. The second part of the study deals with the effects of arson attacks on the Israeli side of the conflict and the countermeasures undertaken in the Gaza Periphery. The author concludes that airborne arson attacks pose a serious threat to advanced Israeli defence systems, solely because of their primitive and unpredictable character.
Conclusions: The overall findings of this paper present the threat of arson terrorism in the context of an asymmetric conflict. Keywords: Israel, Gaza Strip, arson terrorism, incendiary devices, asymmetric warfare
METHODS: The aim is to analyse the content and rhetoric within these resources to learn how those producing these materials view Baltic security developments and their viewpoints on how the U.S. and its allies should respond to these developments focusing on increasing Russian regional assertiveness.
RESULTS: The author provides interpretations of Baltic security developments, Russian Baltic policy, and U.S. and NATO responses to these developments in materials produced by U.S. civilian and military policymakers and multinational scholarly analysis. Includes performance assessments of U.S. programs including the European Deterrence Initiative and potential Russian military activity in the Baltics as reflected in varying reports by the U.S. Government, military, and multinational public policy research institutions.
CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, the author recommends that U.S. and NATO countries recognize a new Cold War exists with a revisionist Russia and also advocates continuing NATO military exercises, upgrading civilian and military infrastructure protection, and enhancing U.S. and allied preparedness. The author also urges ongoing and candid dialogue between NATO and Russia to keep this situation from erupting into war. Insists the U.S. and its allies adroitly
METHODS: Achieving the formulated goal will be possible by answering the question: Why does Russia strive to rebuild its status of global superpower and what actions does it undertake as part of its policy? This question is the main research problem, taken up by the authors. In order to solve the indicated problem, theoretical methods will be used in the form of: source and literature criticism, analysis, synthesis and inference.
RESULTS: Nobody denies that Russia is still one of the largest countries in the world. Nonetheless, it is much smaller and weaker than the USSR. By means of assertive, not to say aggressive and anti-western politics it demands to be recognised as a superpower eligible to decide on the international order. However, in the contemporary world, superpower status is to a much smaller extent decided by territory.
CONCLUSIONS: The foundations of the Russian superpower status are weak, and the popular anti-western narrative is not conducive to strengthening the Kremlin's position internationally.
METHODS: Authors used theoretical methods of research. The article presents research findings with regard to the organization and operation of security systems in civil air transport. At the article, the authors focused on air terrorism and security system in the airport.
RESULTS: The presented results of the study are not limited only to the theoretical aspects of terrorism. Authors also characterize organizational and technical undertakings that have already been implemented into security systems in aviation by national and intergovernmental institutions, responsible for its protection.
CONCLUSIONS: Regardless of the form of air terrorism and applied means, an important issue is a fact that every attempt to intercept an aerial asset is attractive for terrorists, due to the fact that each time it causes not only damage or destruction of the machine itself and the death of passengers, but it is also a real threat to airport infrastructure, installations and urban residents. In addition, the events are accompanied by high-profile media coverage.
METHODS: This work is predominantly based on an analysis of available literature: scientific articles, legal acts and the results from the survey research conducted by specialist institutions, in particular, the Polish Central Statistical Office.
RESULTS: On the basis of the analysis, it appears that it is the current Polish social structure that constitutes the major problem in the context of the insufficient personnel numbers in the Polish Armed Forces. The current state of this structure is below the expectations and needs of the Polish Army, mainly due to the lack of young people with special technical education. The earnings in the private sector by far outweigh the remuneration levels offered in the military, which effectively deters young people from undertaking service for the benefit of state security.
CONCLUSIONS: The research material presented in this work reflects on the current state and the aggravation of an important social problem-the deficiency of manpower in the Polish Armed Forces. It has been shown that apart from the financial background and the quantities of the personnel appointed to military service, it is its quality-in the aspect of special technical education-that is yet another crucial condition.
METHODS: 36 speeches about Russia by U.S. Presidents George Bush and Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden from 2001 to 2017 were used in the analysis. The U.S. grand strategy classification framework was used as the tool for coding and classifying different foreign policy elements in these speeches to identify different approaches towards Russia.
RESULTS: The content analysis allowed nine stages in U.S. policy towards Russia from 2001 to 2017 to be identified. The most significant shift during this period was in 2014 when, after Russia's aggression in Ukraine, U.S. strategy towards Russia shifted from liberal internationalism towards primacy.
CONCLUSIONS: Ideas of liberal internationalist and increasingly primacist grand strategies do influence U.S. foreign policy towards Russia. The grand strategy classification framework offers a valuable tool for analysing, classifying and identifying different foreign policy stages in U.S foreign policy towards Russia.
METHODS: In the course of the research, the following theoretical research methods were used: analysis, synthesis, abstraction and generalisation.
RESULTS: It has been proved that due to the great involvement of Polish aviators, the operational capacity of the medical service system was restored in a short period of time, benefitting from the prewar experience and from other dynamically developing countries of Western Europe. The historical facts had a crucial influence on the present make-up of the Aviation emergency Medical Service.
CONCLUSIONS: The formation currently owns modern aircraft and equipment compliant with the global standards of the HEMS helicopter emergency Medical Service.
METHODS: The methods used in the study consist of in-depth going qualitative research and analysis of Western journals as well as an investigation and translation of primary Chinese sources.
RESULTS: Each cooperation effort and security partnership between China and the analysed partners means that the defence capabilities of one player will affect those of the other. This is a matter of concern for those who are currently in a position that relies on the import of military and intelligence equipment from stronger actors, as such a relationship may provide easier access and leverage for giants such as China to influence their domestic foreign policy and security agendas.
CONCLUSIONS: The results of the study shed light on the ongoing relevance of the question: is it possible to find space in which actors can achieve their own security objectives that is beneficial for the development of their defence industries without challenging the foreign policies of one another? Can competition between China and the actors it interacts with be conducted primarily in the political and economic field, with security relations only focusing on peaceful imports and exports instead of an arms race? One may only speculate.
Globalization, open borders and population movements, especially from war torn countries, have brought a new set of chances and challenges to every modern state. Since its accession to the European Union in 2004, Poland has been experiencing a steady transformation from a country producing emigrants to a destination country for a growing number of immigrants. The aim of the article is to discuss the impact of immigration on policymaking at the national level with emphasis on the legal status of immigrants and integration policy issues. Furthermore, the paper aims to initiate scientific discussion on migration integration policy and a complex system of migration policy and management.
The study uses critical analysis of secondary sources: literature and sectoral policies in areas such as the labour market, education, and welfare pointing out benefits offered to immigrants.
The analysis presents immigration integration policies and practices adopted and implemented in Poland.
The research leads to the conclusion that the number of immigrants in Poland will significantly increase by 2030. Therefore, it is urgent to develop comprehensive migration management system in Poland, which will regulate the status of immigrants paying close attention to resolving integration policy issues.
EU Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) that encompasses 29 nations is gaining momentum. The aim of this study is to acknowledge ongoing developments in EU CSDP and define their impact for Lithuanian defence and security policy.
Comparative scientific literature and document analysis method was used throughout this study. Article firstly reviews a path of EU CSDP developments, outlines roles and responsibilities of EU structures and examines current activities in CSDP framework with the focus to Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO). Second part is devoted to consider Lithuanian’s role in current EU CSDP context, to outline decisions that Lithuanian authorities made to implement new PESCO initiative.
Study reveals that: CSDP remains adaptive framework for EU; established procedures ensure CSDP is in compromise with all of nations; PESCO initiative signals positive outcomes while reinforcing idea of “EU Strategic autonomy”. Furthermore it was indentified that: approved National Security Strategy backs current EU initiatives; PESCO could provide flexible response options without duplicating NATO’s efforts; national participation in PESCO initiatives will enable improvements in cyber security and will enable rapid access for possible EU and NATO troops deployments; participation in PESCO negotiation phase reached given political aims to seek more extensive projects and position nation within core members of EU.
Lithuanian policies’ shift for deeper engagement in CSDP is likely shaped by recognition that strategic trans-Atlantic partnership is not certain anymore, as well as UK role at post-Brexit period as 3rd party.
Undertaking to determine scientifically substantiated conditions for the functioning of destabilising forces and methods for countering them in contemporary operations fits in the broad scope of security.
This paper reports the results of the study that employed survey methodology to investigate the matter of destabilising forces in order to provide the contribution to the current body of literature in the field.
Recently published scientific and non-scientific studies in Polish and English on destabilising forces, despite the semantic differences, refer to a large extent to the problem of acting and combating such groups. The paper puts forward a series of conclusions and proposals with the intention of inspiring the critical evaluation and to encourage substantive polemics in the pages of specialist scientific periodicals.
This material may serve as the basis for further detailed research into destabilising forces – the subject that is not only a pressing current issue, but above all a prospective area for research as part of the security sciences.
Throughout this research, we discussed the concept of vulnerability and methodologies and processes for its assessment in critical infrastructures due to a terrorist threat. The research focused on the development of an analysis model, exploring a multi-criteria decision method, in order to limit the risks to the maximum extent possible.
Through a qualitative research methodology, in which we applied an analysis model based on the Threat and Infrastructure dimensions and their respective factors, we verified that the vulnerability of a critical infrastructure consists in the probability of the success of an attack, conducted by a threat - properly identifi ed, characterised, analysed and categorised - against an infrastructure with certain characteristics, which value is defi ned by the user and aggressor’s point of view.
The construction of an algorithmic model for vulnerability assessment, complemented by tools to support the calculations and records, allows, through a rational, scientific and algebraic process, a qualitative analysis of factors to be transformed into measurable and quantifi able values, whose algebraic operation integrates them into a final result that expresses, as a percentage, the degree of vulnerability of a critical infrastructure facing a terrorist threat.
Since RMC opened its doors in 1876 to the fi rst 18 cadets, there have been a number of studies that have examined the RMC program and that have been the catalyst for positive change. Th ese pivotal moments in history have been indispensable for RMC to remain relevant and continually improve. Of late, there has been a significant amount of attention placed on RMC again, defi ning another pivotal moment in RMC’s history that has become the catalyst for change once again. In October 2016, the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS), General Jonathan Vance, initiated a Special Staff Assistance Visit (SSAV) to ensure the high standards expected of RMC are upheld and the Auditor General (AG) of Canada, Mr. Michael Ferguson, completed an audit of the ROTP at RMC, the results of which were presented to Parliament in November 2017.
Many changes are already in place, but there is more work to do. With a look at governance, the four-pillar program and the call for change, this paper outlines what steps RMC has and will be taken to posture this ‘university with a diff erence’ for success for years to come.
The study is conceptually based on Holton’s Holistic HRD Research and Evaluation (1996), Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behaviour (1991), Watkins and Marsick’s model of learning organisations (1993, 1996) and Meyer and Allen’s (1991) concept of organisational commitment.
The study will be developed using a mixed strategy (quantitative/qualitative), applying a hypothetical-deductive and inductive reasoning, in which a longitudinal research design with a transversal component will be followed. The data collection for the empirical study will be done through a questionnaire, individual semi-structured interviews and discussion groups about the results.
Starting from the presentation of recent data about these issues in Italy, considered as a good example of a liberal democracy country, the article is set to discuss their social and political consequences, focusing in particular on the so-called “NIMBY syndrome”, its development and the strategies elaborated by public and private actors to cope with it.
The first part of the article defines the precise role of this intervening variable as military interventional precedents are researched. This task is conducted by defining the general understanding of interventional initiatives, revealing structured assumptions of the neoclassical realist theory, and reconsidering the role of the strategic culture within that theoretical framework.
The second part of the article shifts the attention to supportive empirical considerations regarding the strategic culture and perception of operational ideas – two specifi cally highlighted neoclassical realist assumptions. The article discloses that Western strategic culture is a changing intervening variable with a different level of permissiveness. A changing continuum of permissiveness is implied by interventional experiences that shape perception of the structural environment and dictate preferences for the power scale of interventional decisions. From this, the level of the structural environment’s permissiveness is defined. This permissiveness is associated with capabilities for implementing political objectives without further escalations of military power. Once the systemic environment becomes more permissive, the possibility of activating military intervention of various force-escalation becomes more conceivable.
Today, identifi ed threats and challenges to national security, and thus to the security of the state, evoke the need to participate in preparing all components of the defence system of the state. The management of state defence is a very complex process, requiring a properly prepared system to function reliably in times of peace, but also in times of crisis and war. Its role is to integrate individual elements of the defence system into a uniform and efficient whole.
Effective defence activities and ensuring the security of its citizens and all its assets are the core activities of the state. The defence area of the state is now comprehensive in nature and is of interest to the entire apparatus of state power.
The aim of the article is to present the role of the defence infrastructure in the life of the state, its relation to national security and an attempt to identify the defence infrastructure of the state, taking into account the key state infrastructure.
This paper analyses the genesis of ballistic missile defence and what its development tendencies are. The article contains a presentation of the essence of the US Ballistic Missile Defence System, as well as its history and suspended programmes. The concept of multilayered defence has been outlined, as have the technical details of the system’s components and its location and operational status.
The findings made on 14 January 1992 during the visit of the Minister of Defence of Ukraine, Colonel Konstantin Morozov, to Poland should be regarded as the beginning of contemporary military contacts with Ukraine. In formal terms, the legal basis for cooperation was the agreement on this matter, signed on 3 February 1993 in Kiev. In its framework, both parties agreed to develop, inter alia, training and training-operational cooperation. It was intended to be implemented through contacts between units stationed in the border regions, transferring the main effort to the lower levels of command.
The article is based on the example of logistics support for the Polish contingent in Kosovo. In the light of the above, the aim of the article is to identify and estimate the situation of military logistics. The research problem is as follow: What are the biggest determinants of logistics processes in military area?
The study consists of an introduction discussing education in military classes, the methodology of the research and the characteristics of the students as well as a preliminary assessment of the curriculum in military classes. The summary includes answers to the posed research problems and conclusions for further study based upon them.