Papers by Miroslav Mitrovic
Vojno delo, 2017
Рад је део научно-истраживачког пројекта Института за стратегијска истраживања, "Хибридно ратовањ... more Рад је део научно-истраживачког пројекта Института за стратегијска истраживања, "Хибридно ратовање-искуства и перспективе".
Collection of papers 'SYM-OP-IS 2023', 2023
Ethno-national conflicts are a feature of the globalized security environment after the Cold War.... more Ethno-national conflicts are a feature of the globalized security environment after the Cold War. They especially marked the disintegration of the former communist multinational states. The conflicts created in this way have long-term destabilizing consequences for the regions and globally. They are difficult to resolve due to the specifics of the causes, initial events or processes, and participants (actors and participants). The paper deals with the determinants of ethnonational conflicts to optimize the model of their resolution. The paper offers models of analysis of conflict components and drivers of conflict. The modeling of the optimal solution was applied to the hypothetical model of the ethnonational intergroup conflict.

Vojno delo
Globalization and the development of information technology strongly influence international poli... more Globalization and the development of information technology strongly influence international politics and relations, increasingly transforming them according to the determinants of hard and soft power. This imposed and simplified binary context of the capability of states to influence others is the subject of discussions with a pronounced tendency to establish as clear a dichotomy as possible and a sharp division into hard and soft power. Attempts at quantitative and qualitative measurements of complex social indicators of soft power, however, are met with reasoned critical reviews. The validity of the criticism of measuring soft power is based on the author's subjectivity, the narrow niche of delegated indicators, the selective and subjective choice of determinants, etc. The main hypothesis of the paper is based on the premise of non-linearity of the overall development of states and the imposed division into the powerful and weak. The criticism is based on the defined criteria...

Security Science Journal, Dec 31, 2022
Strategic communication determines the communicative aspects of national soft power, and it is an... more Strategic communication determines the communicative aspects of national soft power, and it is an integral part of the national security structure of a modern state. Russian military thought makes a substantial deviation from the term "strategic communication", defining and applying the communicative contents of soft power by the terms "information security" and "information warfare". Russian understanding uses these forms of strategic communication in a constant struggle for supremacy and control of all information domains. Thus, Russia declares a permanent state of war in the information sphere. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the Russian scientific and operational approach to the interpretation of strategic communication, the article provides insight into Russia's basic idea and genesis of information warfare. By reviewing strategic documents and applied organisational forms, the paper contributes to understanding the vital level of strategic communication on the applied aspects of national security of the Russian Federation. The article elaborates application forms of the Russian's concepts of information security and information warfare, information operations, and psychological operations. Paper offers a case of Russia's information warfare toward Serbia. Conclusively, Russia is very active in an informative sphere in international relations, which should have in mind in the relations with that power.

Vojno delo, 2022
Globalization and the development of information technology strongly influence international poli... more Globalization and the development of information technology strongly influence international politics and relations, increasingly transforming them according to the determinants of hard and soft power. This imposed and simplified binary context of the capability of states to influence others is the subject of discussions with a pronounced tendency to establish as apparent a dichotomy as possible and a sharp division into hard and soft power. Attempts at quantitative and qualitative measurements of complex social indicators of soft power, however, are met with reasoned critical reviews. The validity of the criticism of measuring soft power is based on the author's subjectivity, the narrow niche of delegated indicators, the selective and subjective choice of determinants, etc. The main hypothesis of the paper is based on the premise of non-linearity of the overall development of states and the imposed division into the powerful and weak. The criticism is based on the defined criteria imposed by the "leaders" of opinion, powerful and influential states, which project them in accordance with their potential and achieve soft power at the same time. By analyzing the theoretical framework of the interpretation of the phenomenon of soft power, the paper contributes to the establishment of its correlation with the factors of hard power. Moreover, analyzing the results of earlier research, by comparison, and by modeling, it contributes to the criticism of the sustainability of the universal approach to soft power. Furthermore, by critically considering the existing implemented methods of measuring soft power, with the summary of the proposed wider, more objective models, the paper provides a contribution to the basics of the projection of the soft power of a small state.

Security Science Journal, 2022
Strategic communication determines the communicative aspects of national soft power, and it is an... more Strategic communication determines the communicative aspects of national soft power, and it is an integral part of the national security structure of a modern state. Russian military thought makes a substantial deviation from the term "strategic communication", defining and applying the communicative contents of soft power by the terms "information security" and "information warfare". Russian understanding uses these forms of strategic communication in a constant struggle for supremacy and control of all information domains. Thus, Russia declares a permanent state of war in the information sphere. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the Russian scientific and operational approach to the interpretation of strategic communication, the article provides insight into Russia's basic idea and genesis of information warfare. By reviewing strategic documents and applied organisational forms, the paper contributes to understanding the vital level of strategic communication on the applied aspects of national security of the Russian Federation. The article elaborates application forms of the Russian's concepts of information security and information warfare, information operations, and psychological operations. Paper offers a case of Russia's information warfare toward Serbia. Conclusively, Russia is very active in an informative sphere in international relations, which should have in mind in the relations with that power.

Strategic communication is one of the expressions of the soft power and represents an instrument ... more Strategic communication is one of the expressions of the soft power and represents an instrument in the political and security achievement of national interests. One of the strategic communication forms is lobbying. Potential lobbying of foreign policy is significant, as it could bе realized through direct military intervention for support of interest group goals. The paper presents gained results of interest representation of Albanian interest groups regarding U.S. foreign policy as support of the achievement of the separatists' goal in the form of the Republic of Kosovo. Using content analysis and conclusions synthesis, the paper presents results that indicate effective and productive effects of applied interest representation strategy. It is a suggested that base of common interest should focus on political, economic and security interests, and institutional preconditions for effective lobbying of U.S. institutions. Conclusions indicate that organized and strategically planed...

Vojno delo
Strategic communication is an expression of the state soft power, which expresses its strategic c... more Strategic communication is an expression of the state soft power, which expresses its strategic commitments, supports the state influence on the international scene and enables a more favourable status in providing national interests. It is the subject of strategic studies of all developed countries that strive to achieve their interests in international relations. It also represents a systemic approach to crisis response, as well as support to managing crisis and conflicts. A synergistic approach to the accomplishment of national interests and support in crisis management and post-conflict relations is the basis of the idea of this paper. Its general framework is based on the analysis of the genesis of the Kosovo-Metohija conflict from the general historical, sociological and cultural basis of the relations between Serbs and Albanians in the territory of the southern Serbian province. Furthermore, the paper deals with the aspect of strategic communications within the Kosovo-Metohij...

Стратешка комуникација је један од израза меке моћи и представља инструмент у остварењу националн... more Стратешка комуникација је један од израза меке моћи и представља инструмент у остварењу националних интереса у политичком и безбедносном смислу. Један од стратешких комуникационих облика је лобирање. Потенцијално лобирање спољне политике је значајно, јер може да доведе и до директне војне интервенције за подршку циљевима интересних група. Рад представља резултате лобирања албанских интересних група у вези са спољном политиком САД за подршку остваривању циља албанских сепаратиста у Србији зарад формирања независне Републике Косово. Употреба анализе садржаја и путем синтезу закључака, добијени резултати указују на ефективне и продуктивне стратегије лобирања, а предложена база заједничког интереса, јесу политички, економски и безбедносни интереси, као и постојање институционалних предуслова за ефикасно лобирање америчких институција. Закључци указују на то да су потенцијали организованог и стратешки испланираног приступа лобирању институцијама САД изузетно велики и могу донети значајне резултате страни која лобира. Кључне речи: стратешка комуникација, етничке интересне групе, лобирање, спољна политика САД, Косово.

Baština Journal, 2022
Strategic communication is one of the expressions of the soft power and represents an instrument ... more Strategic communication is one of the expressions of the soft power and represents an instrument in the political and security achievement of national interests. One of the strategic communication forms is lobbying. Potential lobbying of foreign policy is significant, as it could bе realized through direct military intervention for support of interest group goals. The paper presents gained results of interest representation of Albanian interest groups regarding U.S. foreign policy as support of the achievement of the separatists' goal in the form of the Republic of Kosovo. Using content analysis and conclusions synthesis, the paper presents results that indicate effective and productive effects of applied interest representation strategy. It is a suggested that base of common interest should focus on political, economic and security interests, and institutional preconditions for effective lobbying of U.S. institutions. Conclusions indicate that organized and strategically planed lobbying approach to U.S. institutions can bring very good results.

trategic communication is an expression of the state soft power, which expresses its strategic co... more trategic communication is an expression of the state soft power, which expresses its strategic commitments, supports the state influence on the international scene and enables a more favourable status in providing national interests. It is the subject of strategic studies of all developed countries that strive to achieve their interests in international relations. It also represents a systemic approach to crisis response, as well as support to managing crisis and conflicts. A synergistic approach to the accomplishment of national interests and support in crisis management and post-conflict relations is the basis of the idea of this paper. Its general framework is based on the analysis of the genesis of the Kosovo-Metohija conflict from the general historical, sociological and cultural basis of the relations between Serbs and Albanians in the territory of the southern Serbian province. Furthermore, the paper deals with the aspect of strategic communications within the Kosovo-Metohija security issue. The chronological overview shows the development of the conflict in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, as well as the key activities of strategic communication caused by those events. The examples of strategic communication that are key in defining the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija have been singled out. On the basis of the analysis of the state of the discussed problem, the preconditions that can be said to represent the basis for establishing the communication environment of the Kosovo-Metohija security issue are listed. In conclusion, a general framework of the strategic communication of the Kosovo-Metohija security issue is proposed, through an adapted media, public diplomatic, negotiation and representation strategy. Such a framework of strategic

Kvalitativno komparativna analiza je metoda koja nalazi primenu u studijama društvenih nauka, pre... more Kvalitativno komparativna analiza je metoda koja nalazi primenu u studijama društvenih nauka, pretežno kod zapadnih autora. Radovi zasnovani na ovoj metodi doprinose objektivizaciji rezultata u velikom broju društvenih nauka i disciplina. U radu je prikazana mogućnost korišćenja metode više vrednosne kvalitativno komparativne analize (Multi-Value Quality Comparative Analyses - mvQCA) u objektivizaciji rezultata analiza društvenih fenomena i pojava. Pored predstavljanja primenjenih modela, izvršeno je modelovanje primene navedene metode u slučaju uporedne analize odbrambenih sposobnosti država. Rad doprinosi razumevanju mvQCA i potencijala njene upotrebe u okviru strateških analiza i procena.(Qualitative comparative analysis is a method used in social science studies, predominantly by Western authors. Papers based on this method contribute to the objectification of results in a numerous of social sciences and disciplines. The paper presents the possibility of using the Multi-Value Qu...

Social Science Research Network, Nov 1, 2018
Contemporary geopolitical events indicate that modern conflicts are nonlinear, hybrid and asymmet... more Contemporary geopolitical events indicate that modern conflicts are nonlinear, hybrid and asymmetric. Furthermore, this environment points to a tendency towards displacing the conflicts arena from the classic milieu of very conventional battlefields to the non – convectional arena. Also, critical national infrastructure became a likely primary operational goal of the unconventional opponents. Those characteristics further lead to the necessity of contemporary conceptual analysis of the acting indication of asymmetric security threats and hybrid warfare operations and their impact on national critical infrastructure. Namely, we bear witness that states and non-state actors mostly practice unconventional forms of conflict based on interest positioning. Common notion of contemporary security paradigm with general unconventional forms of threatening is defined as the hybrid security concept. In the scope of critical national infrastructure, hybrid security coercions are an acting form of asymmetric security threats. In the article, the author aims to contribute to answering the following questions: What is hybrid warfare and where is its link with asymmetric security threats? Which part of the Critical National Infrastructure is most vulnerable to asymmetric threats? How to develop the prevention and effective Hybrid anti - measures? The analysis which is offered in the paper is accomplished by using a broad base of scientific and expertise literature, as well as actual indicators related to the situation of the Republic of Serbia regarding Hybrid forms of endangering national critical infrastructure.

Wschodnioznawstwo, 2021
The National Security Strategy is one of the state’s critical documents, which sublimates the kno... more The National Security Strategy is one of the state’s critical documents, which sublimates the knowledge of the security environment, possible forms of endangerment, and the proposed guidelines for ensuring the security of a nation. Dynamic processes in the geopolitical global, and regional environment, globalization of forms and content of possible security breaches, continuous arms race, and the dominant changed hybrid physiognomy of war are dominant vectors of influence on a national security strategy of every nation. In 2019, the Republic of Serbia adopted its recent National Security Strategy. The paper analyzes the declared foreign policy determinants of Serbia’s national security strategies, intending to critically oppose them with current threats to Serbia’s s national security. Based on the comparative method and analysis of current documents, with respecting the political and economic reality, the paper provokes the proposed priorities with possible development trends while...

Corporate Political Activities (CPA) and Corporate Public Relations (CPR) are both non-marketcomm... more Corporate Political Activities (CPA) and Corporate Public Relations (CPR) are both non-marketcommunication strategies that effect market positioning, brand strength and the business success of acompany. In this study, the use of CPA and CPR by several companies are analyzed based on their economicand brand strength metrics, which confirms the hypothesis that use of these strategies has a positive impacton their market position and brand stability. Using the Multi-Value Comparative Quality Analysis (mvCQA), theresearch strives to measure the synergistic influence of CPA and CPR on a company’s performance. Buildingon the existing literature for the uses and implementation of mvCQA, this research reinforces the role mvCQAplays in delivering quality and comparative findings of correlation between CPR and CPA toward marketstrength. This study confirms that the synergy between CPR and CPA improves corporate strategicdevelopment. It is inferred that CPR and CPA maintain non-linear correlat...
Vojno delo, 2021
The paper elaborates the concept and significance of media policy and implements it to the Serbia... more The paper elaborates the concept and significance of media policy and implements it to the Serbian Armed Forces. The importance of the media in the security sector at national and international level is analyzed and the need for good media representation of the Serbian Armed Forces is emphasized in order to support the public for important decisions concerning military and security issues. The concept of strategic communications and their relationship with the media policy that the Armed Forces should develop as one of the instruments of soft power, which is of interest not only to this system, but also to the state and society, has been presented. Moreover, the main elements are presented, whose fulfillment would create conditions for the establishment and conduct of an adequate media policy as an instrument of soft power.

Proceedings of the 5th IPMA SENET Project Management Conference (SENET 2019), 2019
Strategic communication is one of the expressions of state power and represents an instrument in ... more Strategic communication is one of the expressions of state power and represents an instrument in the political and security achievement of national interests. Contemporary conflicts have a form of hybrid acts in the area of usage of information based on the media and Internet. The main goal of strategic communication is to influence the public opinion changing cultural values and adjustment of the political system through the "reprogramming" of the political culture. Listed offensive activities could strongly effect on national defence and security capabilities, influencing on mind of population. Paper describes conceptual correlation among the strategic concept of communication operationalised in project management with psychological behaviour influence in cyberspace. Paper offers modeling of the project approach to designing of strategic communication in the scope of the contemporary digital era. The paper analyses Internet contents on social networks through aspects of possible influence on behaviour and attitudes of the target public, as an object of strategic communication project management.

Vojno delo, 2018
t will be no mistake to say that the region of the Balkans is the site with 'good soil' for confl... more t will be no mistake to say that the region of the Balkans is the site with 'good soil' for conflicts. A significant number of scholars, who have analyzed the nature of conflicts in the Balkans, recognized the 1990s wars as religious conflicts. Others point out that the nature of these conflicts is based on ethnic and ethno-nationalist reasons. Taking into account the complex character of the "Balkans powder keg", it could be said that both views are correct. But then again, each of these conflicts had (and has) certain differences that support the thesis by which this particularly sensitive issue must by analyzed with exclusive respect for the role of religion. Namely, the role of religion is prominent and significant in almost all Balkan conflicts inspired by ethno-nationalist ideas and passions. In this regard, the main objective of this paper is to emphasize the socalled 'hybrid' character of the Balkans antagonisms and conflicts, which have extremist-religious and ethno-nationalist components at the same time.
Papers by Miroslav Mitrovic