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Panel 1 - Critique of history and history of critique with Christian Garland, Harry Cross & Matt Bolton

British Sociological Association (BSA), Durham University, 20th September 2017
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      Critical TheorySociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
El conjunto de trabajos contenidos en el presente libro, producidos entre el 2006 y el 2013, constituyen una provocativa propuesta discursiva desde la cual reconstruir críticamente al Derecho actual y repensarlo o, mejor aún, traspasarlo... more
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      Latin American StudiesJurisprudenceLatin American politicsCritical Legal Theory
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      MarxismCapitalismAntonio NegriOpen Marxism
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference,
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      Critical TheoryBusinessIndustrial And Labor RelationsInformation Systems
Presentation at The London Branch of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain,
University of London, Institute of Education,
22nd October 2014
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      PhilosophyEducationMarxismPhilosophy of Education
Dinerstein offers a much-needed critical review of the concept and practice of autonomy. Defining autonomy as either revolutionary or ineffective vis-à-vis the state does not fully grasp the commitment of Latin American movements to the... more
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      Social MovementsLatin American StudiesHopeArgentina
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      Critical TheorySocial MovementsEthicsFeminist Theory
(A könyv Tartalomjegyzéke, Az új globális konfliktus (1-22.) és A falak politikája (161-177.) című fejezete, valamint a Felhasznált irodalom) Amikor politikáról gondolkodunk, akkor általában a szegények és gazdagok, a hatalom és a nép,... more
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      GlobalizationPolitical TheoryPost-MarxismIdeology
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      Critical TheorySociologyCollective BehaviorPolitical Sociology
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      MarxismRevolutionsPost-MarxismJohn Holloway
This is an author-produced pre-publication PDF of a chapter accepted for publication on the 13t of March 2017 The citation for the accepted version should be as follows: Dinerstein, A. C., 2017. ‘John Holloway. The Theory of Interstitial... more
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      Critical ThinkingSocial movements and revolutionOpen MarxismJohn Holloway
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      Antonio NegriAutonomiaMultitudePhilosophie politique
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      EthicsAristotleTheodor AdornoJean-Luc Nancy
F*ck May 68, Fight Now: Exploring the Uses of the Radical Past from 1968 to Today Session 1: History is a Weapon June 8, 2018 Department of History, University of Liverpool... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryModern HistoryCultural History
"To what extent is it possible to situate Hardt and Negri’s thought? Are they best regarded as ‘anarchists’, ‘socialists’, ‘communists’, ‘marxists’, ‘leninists’, ‘postmarxists’ or ‘postanarchists’? Answering this question is no mere... more
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      MarxismAnarchismPost-MarxismRosa Luxemburg
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      MarxismSlavoj ŽižekNordic LiteraturesScandinavian Studies
Bu küçük kitap, dünyayı değiştirme mücadelesi için iyimser bir ufuk çiziyor. Kapitalizmin ve sermayenin “lüzumsuzluğunu” bilmenin büyük güveniyle… İnsan haysiyetinin çiğnenmesine isyan ederek… Sistemde çatlaklar açarak… Peşin... more
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      John HollowayAndrej Grubacic
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      JurisprudencePolitical PhilosophyHuman RightsPower (social)
Why Marxism? Why Marxist educational theory? Through addressing these questions, this paper proclaims the importance of Marxism as a theory that intellectually disrupts and ruptures capitalist society and its educational forms. With... more
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      SociologyEducationSociology of EducationMarxism
Article based on paper presented as part of Panel 24: ‘Looting, Refusing, Negating, Embodying’ ‘Critical Refusals’ Fourth Biennal Conference of the International Herbert Marcuse Society, University of Pennsylvania, 27-29th October... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryModern HistorySociology
This paper explores some contemporary issues and challenges facing those working in Adult and Higher Education and possible responses: - contexts and critiques of the ongoing neoliberalisation of both university and wider society -... more
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      Critical TheorySocial MovementsPopular EducationAdult Education
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      Critical TheoryHistorySocial TheoryPolitical Economy
Edited version of published paper presented at 'Is Black and Red Dead?' Conference, Centre for the Study of Social and Global and Justice (CSSGJ) University of Nottingham, 7-8 September, 2009... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEuropean HistoryModern History
RESUMEN La obra de John Holloway abarca cuatro décadas de desarrollo intelectual y compromiso con el cambio radical. Su trabajo se desarrolló en el contexto de la Conferencia de los Economistas Socialistas y fue fundamental para la... more
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      AutonomyTransnational Capitalist ClassOpen MarxismCse
In this working paper, I trace the mutations in political subjectivation in Greece through three important moments in the latest cycle of mobilisation: the December 2008 revolt, the square occupations of 2011, and the referendum of 2015.... more
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      Social MovementsAntonio NegriGreeceErnesto Laclau
Este artículo recorre la concepción de tres corrientes dentro del mainstream de la Sociología del Trabajo sobre la categoría trabajo. Se aborda la escuela regulacionista francesa, así como los catedráticos Juan José Castillo de España y... more
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      Critical TheoryLabor History and StudiesOpen MarxismSociología Del Trabajo
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      Critical TheoryOrganizational BehaviorHistoryEuropean History
The Party is once again the subject of sustained discussion among academics and popular movements. Jodi Dean’s most recent book, Crowds and Party, is an attempt to re-think the party form for contemporary politics after the experiences... more
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      Social MovementsPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryMarxism
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      Critical TheoryFinanceHistorySociology
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      Critical TheoryHistoryModern HistoryIntellectual History
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      Theodor AdornoAutonomist MarxismZapatistasJohn Holloway
Chapter from "Perspectives on Commoning: Autonomist Principles and Practices," edited by Guido Ruivenkamp and Andy Hilton, 25-63. London: Zed Books (2017)

Published under Creative Commons License (Attribution + Noncommercial)
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      CommonsAnarchismAntonio NegriAutonomist Marxism
Abstract: Occupy London came to life on October 15th, 2011, part of a global day of occupations, and represents one of the longest standing protest camps from the Occupy movement. Many have commented on the autonomist and anarchist... more
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      Social MovementsRadical GeographyAnarchismAnarchist Studies
Marx ve Kooperatifçilik Karl Marx, partisinin en önemli metinlerinden biri olan, 1850 Mart’ında yayınlanan, Kuruluş “Çağrısı’’nda kapitalizmin proletaryanın mutlak yoksullaşmasına değil göreli yoksullaşmaya doğru bir eğilim olduğunu... more
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      Rosa LuxemburgDavid HarveyCooperativesLenin
En el seno de la tradición marxista existen corrientes que, asumiendo la existencia de una presunta escisión entre las determinaciones «cuantitativas» y «cualitativas» de El capital, relega o desecha las primeras para centrarse en las... more
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      Antonio NegriMarxismoJohn HollowayWertkritik
Verschiedenste Ansätze innerhalb des Marxismus versuchen das „Dilemma der dringlichen Unmöglichkeit der Revolution“ zu lösen, indem sie die revolutionstheoretischen Konsequenzen einer Form- und Fetischtheorie des Sozialen als... more
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      Historical MaterialismOpen MarxismVitalismNew readings of Marx
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      John HollowayZapatismo
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    • John Holloway
Debates within critical educational theory and its relation to capitalism have often been heavily influenced by the tradition of critical social theory. For instance, Jürgen Habermas' (1984; 1987) communicative action approach has proven... more
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      Critical TheoryHigher EducationJurgen HabermasDeliberative Democracy
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      Critical TheoryMarxismHerbert MarcuseTheodor Adorno
Στο παρόν άρθρο ασχολούμαι με τη συλλογική δράση των «αγανακτισμένων» της Πλατείας Συντάγματος. Το ενδιαφέρον μου εστιάζει στον προσδιορισμό των επαναστατικών υποκειμένων και κατ’ επέκταση στον εντοπισμό της έκφρασης ενός επαναστατικού... more
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      Social MovementsPolitical PhilosophyWorking ClassesSocial Movement
Este artículo es una introducción de sólo dos de las principales, y altamente controversiales, visiones anticapitalistas contemporáneas: el Marxismo Abierto, de origen anglosajón, y el Autonomismo, de origen italiano. Por cuestiones de... more
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      Antonio NegriJohn Holloway
"DANIEL CUNHA, na sequência, resenha o novo livro de John Holloway, Fissurar o capitalismo. O autor procura mostrar os eixos de sua teoria, seus pontos fortes e limitações. Como diz o título, Em busca do sujeito perdido, o livro é... more
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      MarxismoJohn HollowayTrabalho AlienadoAutonomismo
""This article offers a comprehensive review of John Holloway’s Crack Capitalism by situating it within the wider body of his work spanning the last two decades. The article reflects on the significance of Holloway's argument that... more
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      Social AnthropologyHuman RightsPolitical EcologyTheodor Adorno
Début : Loin de tirer des plans sur la comète, nullement futurologue, André Gorz a fondé son « utopie concrète » sur les possibilités de réalisation qu’offrait, sous ses yeux, notre monde en crise. Cette première biographie intellectuelle... more
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      Political PhilosophyUtopian StudiesBiographyEmancipation
Dinerstein re-evaluates the place of the theoretical and of critical theory in today's praxis. By pointing to the sphere of social reproduction as the 'site' of both new forms of class struggle and the renewal of critical theory,... more
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      Critical TheoryTheodor AdornoFearHope
En este breve capítulo pretendo rastrear las mutaciones en los procesos de subjetivación política en Grecia en la última década a través del análisis de tres momentos importantes en los que el tiempo político se vio condensado: la... more
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      Social MovementsAntonio NegriErnesto Laclau and Chantal MouffeGreece
The article revisits the Conference of Socialist Economists (CSE) debate on the national state and the global economy, and concludes with an appeal to internationalism. Its purpose is to introduce this debate to a new readership.... more
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      Cultural StudiesPolitical EconomyPhilosophyMarxism
“Bütün dünyada bir öfke kol geziyor. (…) Haklı, çok haklı bir öfke bu! Gelgelelim yanlış bir yere yöneliyor. Dahası, eğer bu öfkeyi doğru hedeflere yöneltemezsek hepimizi yok edecek. (…) Bu öfkenin özünde umut var: Her şeyin daha iyi... more
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      SociologyPoliticsJohn Holloway