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In his work ʿUmdat al-ʿārifīn, Šayḫ al-Ašrafānī, a Druze scholar living in Syria in the 11th/17th century, composed a Druze history of origins for the entire community. This universal history portrays Druzism as an inherent part of human... more
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      Cultural HistoryIslamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)Islamic Studies
This article investigates the role of magic in the confessional identity of the Ikhwān al-Ṣafā as it is articulated in the 52nd epistle on magic, and informed by the rest of their Rasāʾil (Epistles). To achieve this, the author revisits... more
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      Medieval StudiesIslamic PhilosophyIslamic StudiesShi'ism
“Bir Bilim Dalı Olarak İslam Mezhepleri Tarihi ile İlgili Metodolojik Problemler”, İSAV: “İslami İlimlerde Metodoloji Problemi” Sempozyumu, 27-28 Eylül 2003, İslam Araştırmaları Merkezi, Bağlarbaşı, İstanbul. Yayımlanmış olarak: [İslamî... more
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      Research MethodologyHistory of Islamic SectsIslamic Intellectual History and Sects
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      Islamic StudiesContemporary Movements and Trends in IslamHistory of the Islamic WorldAlevism and Sunnism in Turkey
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      DoxographyIslamic HeresiographyFiraqIbadism
Yüksek Lisans Tezi: İslam Akaidinde Karşıt Fikir Kavramı Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Kelam ve Felsefe Bölümü, Ankara. 1989 Özet İslam tarihinin ilk dönemlerinclen itibaren görülen ve her dönemde taraftar bulabilen... more
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      Ottoman HistoryIslamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)Pantheism
ÖZET İslam tarihi boyunca ortaya çıkan siyasî-itikâdî oluşumları/fırkaları ve onların görüşlerini ele alan fırak edebiyatının şüphesiz en başarılı ve en çok bilinen örneği Ebû’l-Feth eş-Şehristânî’nin (ö. 548/1153) el-Milel ve’n-nihal... more
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      OmanIslamic sectsHistory of Islamic SectsIslamic Heresiography
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      Islamic Intellectual HistoryIbn Taymiyyaintellectual history, medival Islamic political thoughtUlama
Sufi orders played important role to propagate Islam among nomads in Central Asia, especially among Kyrgyz. At the same time the sufi orders were effective in constructing the understanding of Islam among Kyrgyz. The Ishqiya order was... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic sectsHistory of Islamic SectsReligious Sects
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      Qur'anic StudiesIslamic Intellectual HistoryIntellectual History - Islamic Education, Muslim Scholars and the Challenges of GlobalizationShi'a Islam
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      Islamic StudiesHistory of IslamIslam in TurkeyAlevism and Sunnism in Turkey
Reviewed by Azim A. Nanji, published in "Journal of the American Oriental Society", Vol. 107, No. 4 (Oct. - Dec., 1987), pp. 741-743.
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      ZoroastrianismMedieval Shi'ismIslamic StudiesShi'ism
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic Political ThoughtIslamic sectsSalafism
Retracing the development of different groups/sects arising in Umma throughout Islamic history from the perspective of social science narrative. May email me if interested to participate in this research.
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      Islamic StudiesHistory of Islamic SectsReligous StudiesIslamic Intellectual History and Sects
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic HistoryIslamic Political ThoughtIslamic sects