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Yahya Kemal’e atfedilen şöyle bir söz var, “Nesrimiz ve resmimiz olsaydı, muasır medeniyetlerden geriye düşmezdik.” diye. Osmanlı’da edebiyatı divan şiiri işgal etmişti, şu ya da bu şekilde bir halk şiiri de vardı ama esas olan büyük... more
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      FeminismDostoevskyOrhan PamukLewis Carroll
In this course, we will examine the works of prominent American writers from the Civil War to the present. Students will be expected to understand the works of individual writers, literary movements, intellectual developments, and... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican Literary History
Studying world literature forces readers to exit their own spatial bubble and experience life from a wide range of unfamiliar perspectives. Dislocating and disorienting you—those sound like negative experiences. But in this class,... more
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      World LiteraturesWorld LiteratureWorld Languages and Literatures
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      PsychologyExistential PsychologyClinical SupervisionGrief (Psychology)
Existentialism considers the individual human existence as the subject of research and the starting point of philosophical analysis. For representatives of this trend, personal and subjective states become the basis for philosophizing. A... more
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      PhilosophyKierkegaardAlbert CamusExistentialism
Conférence donnée pour des professeur.e.s et chercheur.e.s des universités suivantes : Université Paris VIII Vincennes-Saint-Denis, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, University of Alberta, Université de Montréal, mars 2024. Sur "A... more
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В статье предлагается структурно-динамическая модель толерантности в межличностном общении, раскрываются ее основные уровни и этапы. Авторские представления о толерантности в межличностном общении, ее формировании, развитии и проявлении... more
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      PsychologyInterpersonal CommunicationReflexivityTolerance
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Kimilerine göre tuhaf zevklerim var benim, bana göreyse elit zevklerim… Yoğunluktan, kaostan sıkıldığım zamanlarda insansız hava sahası ararım kendime. Yine böyle bir günde sahaflara attım kendimi, bilinmeyen dünyalara geziye başlamak,... more
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      DenemeKişisel Gelişim
Kimilerine göre tuhaf zevklerim var benim, bana göreyse elit zevklerim… Yoğunluktan, kaostan sıkıldığım zamanlarda insansız hava sahası ararım kendime. Yine böyle bir günde sahaflara attım kendimi, bilinmeyen dünyalara geziye başlamak,... more
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      DenemeKitap Degerlendirme
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      ArtMood DisordersPsikiyatriDisorders
Existential analyses of Murakami's fiction have dealt mostly with identity issues during adolescence and adulthood. This article presents a different existential conceptualization by examining how Yalom's four ultimate life... more
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      PsychotherapyLiteraturePhenomenologyHaruki Murakami
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      PsychologyExistentialismIrvin Yalom
A different approach to transference and countertransference in the work of Sigmund Freud. I argue that Freud never sufficiently understands his own countertransferential dynamic with his clients, which a close reading of his case studies... more
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      Existential PsychotherapyTransference Theory PsychoanalysisCounter-transferenceTransference
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Irvin Yalom is a most notable psychiatrist and existential psychotherapist whose prolific career of seven decades expands into the field of literature as well. Three of his novels, namely When Nietzsche Wept, The Schopenhauer Cure and The... more
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      PhilosophyPsychotherapyLiteratureExistential Psychology
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      Self and IdentityExistential Phenomenological PsychotherapyPsychotherapy and CounselingSpirituality
À l’heure de cette curieuse "syndémie" caractérisée par l’émergence concomitante d’épidémies et virales et complotistes, comment appréhender la militance des "cabinets de conseils" en faveur d'une "gouvernance" managériale par des... more
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      Jacques LacanVladimir JankélévitchSigmund FreudDuns Scotus
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      ölümlülükölüm Ve PsikanalizIrvin Yalom
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      PsikolojiPsikoterapiIrvin Yalom
در این مقاله نماشنامه‌ی کالیگولا اثر آلبر کامو از دیدگاه روان‌پویه‌شناسی اگزیستانسیال روانشناس آمریکایی اروین د.یالوم واکاوی خواهد شد. در این رویکرد تعارضات اساسی انسان را دلواپسی‌های غایی اگزیستانسیال بشریت شامل چهار بخش مرگ، آزادی،... more
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      Albert CamusExistentialismIrvin Yalom
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Yeniden delirmekte olduğumu hissediyorum. Böyle korkunç, berbat zamanları atlatamayacağımızı hissediyorum. Ve biliyorum, bu kez iyileşemeyeceğim. Sesler duymaya başladım ve dikkatimi toplayıp konsantre olamıyorum. Bundan dolayı bana doğru... more
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      English LiteratureOld English LiteratureMedieval English LiteratureHistory of English Literature
Exploration des paradoxes inhérents à la question du désir et de ses liens avec la sympathie, depuis les travaux de Spinoza, Hume et Smith, jusqu'à des considérations plus contemporaines sur la notion de complotisme et ce qu'elle nous... more
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      Jacques LacanSigmund FreudSchopenhauerPeter Sloterdijk
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    • Sociology
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    • Sociology
This research paper is a narrative literature review, carried out from a humanistic perspective of Psychology, presenting the historical and current context of group psychotherapy. Several authors have contributed to its development since... more
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      PsychologyPerson-centred TherapyHumanistic-ExistentialHumanistic psychology
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Korkmak; insanî bir duygudur. Ancak birçoğumuz ilkel bir şekilde bunu inkâr etmeye eğilimliyizdir. Korkunun inkârı şeklindeki temel dogma; öyle sanıyorum ki; insanlık tarihinin ilk dogması olmuştur. Ancak bu dogmanın hatalı olup olmadığı... more
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    • Psychology
Narrow or restricted case formulation considerations can limit therapeutic effectiveness, limit the lived base of evidence guiding psychotherapy, and contribute to psychotherapist microaggressions. Notably, Person Centered Therapy (PCT)... more
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      Existential Phenomenological PsychotherapyPhenomenological PsychologyHumanistic-ExistentialHumanistic psychology
A study of selected popular literature on Spinoza for the Blackwell Companion to Spinoza, ed. Y. Y. Melamed.
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      Philosophy17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyPhilosophy of LiteratureBaruch Spinoza
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      ParentingChildren's books
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Dersimizin son haftasını çift ve aile terapilerindeki etik meseleleri konuşarak kapattık. Çift ve aile terapisti Nesteren Gazioğlu, bireysel terapi kadar aile terapisinin de ne kadar mühim olduğunu bir metaforla açıkladı: "Hasta bir elin... more
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      EthicsCouple TherapyCouple and Family Therapy
Paulo Coelho'nun Hippi kitabı gerçek hayattan bulgular taşıyor. Hollanda'dan yaptığı yolculuğu eğlenceli ve aşk dolu bir serüvene çeviriyor.
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      LiteratureTravel & TourismLoveAdventure Tourism
Jorge Etcheverry Arcaya
Kamalika Mitra
              Zahira Rahman

Mark Young

Bob Ezergailis

George F. MacDonald
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      LiteratureLiterary magazinesPoetry
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      PsicologiaPsicologia Clinica Humanista ExistencialIrvin Yalom
در کتاب به روشنی هفت زخمِ روانی ی غیر قابل اجتناب در روابط انسانی و کمک های اولیه برای مداوای سرپایی هر یک از آن ها ارائه شده است. Emotional First Aid : Healing Rejection, Guilt, Failure, and Other Everyday Hurts Guy Winch Jul 29,... more
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      PsychoanalysisEmotional/Behavioral DisordersEmotional DevelopmentMarriage and Family Therapy
Każdy nurt psychoterapeutyczny zawiera w sobie określoną filozoficzną koncepcję człowieka. Prezentowana praca podejmuje analizy dotyczące zbieżności współczesnych nurtów psychoterapii humanistycznej, egzystencjalnej i Gestalt z... more
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      Social WorkHumanistic-ExistentialGestalt TherapyHumanistic psychology
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Erken boşalma sorununu ortadan kaldıran geciktirici hap Priligy yorumlarını sitemizden okuyarak bilgilenebilirsiniz.
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      UrologyPsicologíaSağlık Yönetimi
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Korte beschouwing n.a.v. Irving D. Yaloms roman Het raadsel Spinoza, waarin wordt verhaald hoe de ideoloog van het naziregime Alfred Rosenberg (1893-1946) zijn leven lang gefascineerd was door de problematische genialiteit van Spinoza. De... more
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      Baruch SpinozaIrvin YalomAlfred Rosenberg
Describes the manifestation of Kierkegaard's "concept of dread" in Macbeth.
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      Cognitive PsychologyShakespearean DramaMacbeth's Identity Crisis
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