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After having lost swathes of territory in the key regions of Aleppo and Damascus during the first half of the civil war, the Syrian Regime has been able to regain these areas in 2018 only after highly-destructive military incursions... more
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      Iran-Syria relationsSyrian ConflictRussian influence in SyriaSyrian Armed Forces
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      Syrian Economic Historymiddle eastern political economy and Iranian economy, comparative economic historyPolitical Economy of the Middle East and North AfricaIran-Syria relations
تبرز أهمية هذا الإصدار في أنه يركز على الأدوات التي تحقق الانتشار الأفقي لهذا المشروع عبر بثه لدى مختلف شرائح المجتمع، أبرزها: الشباب والأطفال وبعض أصحاب التأثير. فإذا كان منبع خطورة الأدوات الدينية من أنها تستهدف الجانب العقدي... more
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      Iranian StudiesSyrian StudiesSyriaIranian Foreign Policy
“Carnivalesque” is perhaps the best, if not the only way to describe what was going on at the Bab al-Saghir Cemetery that hot summer afternoon in 2008. In front of the graves of the Prophet’s wives, Shi‘i pilgrims could buy Viagra,... more
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      ReligionCultural StudiesSociology of CultureSociology of Religion
Arap baharı ile başlayan toplumsal ve siyasal değişim süreci Ortadoğu’da egemen olan siyasal rejimlerin kimi yerlerde devrilmesine, kimi yerlerde de sarsılmasına neden olmuştur. Bu sürecin tetiklediği halk isyanları kısa süre içerisinde... more
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      Iranian StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesIran Foreign Policyİran Dış Politikası
This paper is an effort to understand the sources of societal rage and the circumstances that make the disenfranchised resort to the use of extreme force. The Lebanese civil war is one of the most vicious in modern history and its onset... more
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      HistoryHistory of IranIsrael/PalestineLebanon
The alliance between Iran, Syria and Hezbollah is central to Middle East security yet we know surprisingly little about what makes it possible. Existing accounts concentrate on material or ideational incentives to explain this alliance,... more
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      HezbollahSelf DeterminationSyria, Iran, Syrian - Iranian relationsIran-Syria relations
Russia and Iran, the two main military allies and enablers of the Syrian regime, are engaged in competition over access to the Syrian economy, with a particular focus on opportunities to obtain reconstruction contracts. In addition to... more
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      Iran-Syria relationsRussian Intervention in Syriairan and russia in syria
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      Iranian Foreign PolicyIran-Syria relationsSyria Assad Hezbollah Shia Iraniran secterian policies
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      İran Dış PolitikasıSyrian Foreign PolicyIran-Syria relationsİran-Suriye İlişkileri
بعض أسلحة #ايران التي يُعتقد أنّ #الميليشيات_الكرديّة (#YPG) في #سوريا إستخدمتها ضد قوات #تركيا في عملية #غصن_الزتيون:
- عربات سفير (رباعيّة الدفع)
- قذائف عيار (107 ملم)
- "طوفان"، صاروخ موجّه مضاد للدروع
- أسلحة خفيفة
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      Kurds of IranTurkey - Iran relationsIran-Syria relationsiran-kurdish militia
When it comes to Russia’s agenda in Syria, both Ankara and Tehran have their own fears as they are concerned that Moscow might exploit them at some point to achieve its own goals.... more
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      Iran Foreign PolicyTurkey's Foreign PolicyIran and Russia relationsIran-Syria relations
As Iran seeks “constructive engagement” with neighbors and the world at large under the Rouhani administration, Iran-GCC relations once again prove to be a critical test case for the success of Iran’s prudent diplomatic endeavor. Indeed,... more
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      Iranian StudiesSaudi Arabia, Iran, Persian GulfLevantIran's foreign policy
Για πρώτη φορά από την έναρξη του εμφυλίου, στις 17.3.2017 το καθεστώς Άσαντ ανταπάντησε στρατιωτικά στους επανειλημμένους ισραηλινούς βομβαρδισμούς κατά στόχων ιρανικού ενδιαφέροντος εντός του συριακού εδάφους. Παρά το ότι η κίνηση αυτή... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyIsrael's Foreign PolicyForeign relations of IsraelRussian Policy in the Middle East and Caucasia
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      CapitalismSyriaImperialismIran-Syria relations