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      SyiahMut'ahImamiyahAhlul Bait
Mu’tazila thought has been well studied in western academia and their history and views is one of the most well documented areas in Islamic studies. The current mainstream understanding of the relationship between Mu’tazila thought and... more
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      Kalam (Islamic Theology)Shi'ismHistory of Shia IslamHistory of Imami Shiism
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      TefsirKuran TefsiriImamiyahİmamiyye, Şia
Zaidiyah maupun syiah Itsna 'Asyariyah pastinya menghasilkan produk fikih (fatwa) yang berbeda. Contohnya : bila Syiah Zaidiyah mengharamkan kawin mut'ah, maka Isna 'Asyariyah membolehkan.
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      Shiite jurisprudence and its principlesIjtihadTaqlidMarja al-Taqlid
The Arrival of the Fatimid conquerors to Egypt was a turning point which created a radical impact on both political and religious life. Coming from a quite different doctrinal background, they had a predominating aim to spread it between... more
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      SymbolismFunerary ArchaeologyIslamic ArtShi'ism
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      Histori of Imami ShiismShiism, Shiite Islam, Shii IslamShiismShiite Studies
İslam coğrafyasının farklı bölgelerinde kurulan hanedanlıklar, siyasî merkezlerini ilim ve kültür havzasına dönüştürme gayretinde olmuşlardır. Yöneticilerin ilim ehlini desteklemelerin ve onları hanedanlık merkezine davet etmelerinin... more
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      History of Islamic SectsHistory of Imami ShiismImamiyah
مدرسه كلامي بغداد در قرن چهارم مدرسه‌اي عقل‌گرا قلمداد شده است و آثار آن بر اين ادعا گواهي مي‌دهد. بسياري از پژوهشگران مدعي‌اند كه شيخ مفيد و شاگردانش در اين مدرسه با نزديك شدن به معتزله، روش‌ عقلگراي اعتزالي را پذيرفتند. اين مقاله در پي... more
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      Shiite StudiesImamiyah
Khurramism, which was a product of ancient Zoroastrian heresies, adhered to concepts such as hulool, dawr and azilla which consequently integrated within the ghulaat doctrine of latter Shi'a Imami movements.
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      HistoryZoroastrianism (History)GhulatShia studies
Abstract Since the Islamic conquest of Iran persistent elements of Zoroastrian Iran have proved controversial for Islamic dogmas imposed by different dynasties until the eighteenth century. Under both Qajar and Pahlevi regimes, a policy... more
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      ZoroastrianismIranian StudiesHistory of IranNationalism and religion
Esoteric knowledge in the Islamic tradition is most often associated with Sufism (tasawwuf); however, Sufism developed as a culture only around the ninth century CE during the period of the latter Imamates. A large proportion of the... more
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      Comparative EsotericismIslamic StudiesSufismIslamic Spirituality
اتان کلبرگ، خاورشناس معاصر، شیعه‌پژوه و نویسنده بنام اسرائیلی است. وی مقاله‌ای درباره کاربرد اصطلاح «رافضه» در میان شیعیان امامیه دارد که در سال 1979 منتشر شد. همچنین، مدخل «رافضه» در دائرة‌المعارف اسلام را نیز نگاشته است. در مقاله نخست،... more
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      History of Imami ShiismShiite StudiesImamiyahrafida
The book, The Divine Guide in Early Shi'ism, by Dr. Mohammad Ali Amir Mo'ezzi is one important work in the study of Shiism in the West. Employing the method of phenomenology, Amir Mo'ezzi is concerned with the essence of Imamiah Shiism by... more
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      Shi'ismHistori of Imami ShiismImamiyah
The word "Rafiḍa" has been widely used in the writings of scholars in the early centuries about ShiꜤites. This term was originally referred to as various ShiꜤite groups and possibly non-ShiꜤites. Over time, in the second and third... more
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      Islamic StudiesZaydiyyaShiite StudiesHISTORICAL EVOLUTION
This study is an attempt to examine the critiques of Mu‘tazilites in general and Rukn al-Dīn Abū Ṭāhir al- Ṭuraythīthī in particular, of “ta’yēen by naṣṣ” (appointment by text or direct proclamation) which has long been... more
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      Imamate and LeadershipImamiyahMu'tazilahal-Turaythithi
Recognizing the historical periods of Imami Hadith studies and researches carried out by Orientalists is an introduction to the discovery of theories, thoughts, approaches, and turning points included in each period. In conclusion and... more
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      Hadith StudiesOriental StudiesSHIA AND HADITHImamiyah
مونتگمری وات عنوان «رافضه» را در چهار بخش مطرح می‌کند: 1. سنّت فرقه‌نگاری؛ 2. معرفی متکلمان رافضه؛ 3. معنای اصطلاح «رافضه»؛ 4. رابطه رافضه و امامیه. وی پژوهش خود را بر دو اثر، یکی از اهل‌ سنت، اشعری، و دیگری از شیعه امامیه، نوبختی، مبتنی... more
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      Histori of Imami ShiismShiismShiite StudiesImamiyah
Encounters with the Hidden Imam in Early and Pre-Modern Twelver Shīʿī Islam is a published PhD by Omid Ghaemmaghami, obtained at the University of Toronto in 2020. As stated in the title, it specifically addresses the issue of how texts... more
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      History of Shia IslamEarly Imamate Shi'ismHistory of Imami ShiismShiism
One of the specialized Ḥadīth domains in the recent orientalist studies is the investigation of the reasons and factors of the appearance and advent of the Shī'a Ḥadīths and the reason behind the Shī'a followers and scholars in the... more
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      Hadith StudiesOriental StudiesHistory of Shia IslamShia studies
Propp's Morphological Theory is an efficient model in the analysis of stories. It seeks to discover the system that governs the structure of the language of anecdotes. This model aims to prove that the stories follow a single structure,... more
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      Hadith StudiesOrientalismShia studiesImamiyah
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      Intellectual HistoryMedieval IslamIslamic TheologyMutazila
آنچه به عنوان عقايد اماميه شناخته ميشود عمدتاً برآمده از آثار كلامي متكلمان قرن چهارم و پنجم- مثل شيخ مفيد و سيدمرتضي - است گواينكه در سده هاي بعدي امثال خواجه نصيرالدين طوسي بيانهاي متفاوتي از بعضي امور ارائه كردند. عمده چالشها در اين... more
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      Mathematical ModellingOccultTheologianImamiyah
Workshop “The Study and Analysis of Wearing in Early Islam, based on The Qur’an and Imāmī Hadīth Texts”, in the 6th Fair International Fashion & Clothing Festival, on Wednesday, January 11, 2017, 15-17 PM, Saray-e Ahl-e Qalam: lectured by... more
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      Islamic StudiesClothingShia studiesImamiyah
Discovering the orientalists' research methods in Imāmī Hadith Literature and the approaches applied by them for each method, is an introduction to other issues such as thoughts and subjects, as well as, evaluating, analyzing, and... more
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      Hadith StudiesOriental StudiesImamiyah
Kabir hayati, yeniden dirilis ve sonrasi ahiret asamalarini tasdik eden Imâmiyye, bunlarin icerigini ise nubuvvetin devami olarak gordugu imâmete uygun motiflerle islemistir. Benimsedigi bu imâmet anlayisi etkisiyle, naslarin genelde tum... more
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      History of Shia IslamShia studiesImamiyah
شیعه‌پژوهی غربیان که در ابتدا نگاهی سنتی و حاشیه‌ای به شیعه داشت، کم‌کم و با ظهور انقلاب اسلامی ایران در 1979 م. رنگ و بوی بیشتری گرفت و با رویکردهای نوین و تازه در این عرصه، آن نگاه حاشیه‌ای به نگاهی متمرکز و هدفمند تغییر یافت. مطالعاتی... more
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      Hadith StudiesOriental StudiesShia studiesImamiyah
The 4th International Summer School of Imāmī Theology (Kalām) Association. Wednesday, September 5 to Friday September 7, 2018, Isfahan, Iran. Lectures by M.T. Sobhani, S.A.Talegani, A.Rad, E.Turan, A.Hasannia, M.H.Gerami, etc. Sponsored... more
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      Hadith StudiesOriental StudiesShia studiesImamiyah