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The global financial crisis moved the International Monetary Fund (IMF) back to the center stage, after some years of disengagement by major emerging markets and developing countries (EMDCs). Neo-liberal institutionalism predicts that... more
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This article is about the global power shifts and their relation to multilateralism as an institutionalized form rule-based cooperation. The particular focus of this article is on BRICS, an international grouping by rising powers founded... more
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      WTO lawUniversityMultilateralismBRICS
The IMF remains fundamentally an instrument of advanced and creditor countries, to force contractionary adjustments on poor, indebted countries.
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      Development EconomicsMacroeconomicsFiscal policyCapital Controls Argentina, as the world's deflationary canary. Since the mid-1970s, Argentina has gone through several bouts of... more
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      International Political EconomyFinancializationPolitical Economy and HistoryIMF Reform
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      Public FinanceInternational Political EconomyEuropean UnionNeoliberalism
Dışişleri Bakanlığı SAM Sunumu
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      World BankIMFDÜNYA BANKIDünya Bankası
The purpose of this paper is two-fold. First, is to provide an empirical analysis of the implementation of economic reforms in the areas of privatization, trade liberalization, and public expenditure priorities, using the Washington... more
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Kitap bölümü analizi: Uluslararası İlişkilerin Ekonomi Politiği adlı kitabı ise Türkiye dahil olmak üzere, dünyanın birçok üniversitesinde ders kitabı olarak okutulmaktadır. Kitap, özellikle uluslararası iktisat, politik iktisat,... more
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      Uluslararası İlişkilerSiyasal İdeolojilerMarksizmBretton Woods
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      Economic HistoryDevelopment EconomicsInternational EconomicsPolitical Economy
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      FinanceEconomicsBankingFinancial Derivatives
Acest volum se axeaza pe analiza capitalului bancar în România, ca aflandu-se între factor de dezvoltare și sursă de dezechilibru. Se urmareste evolutia intermedierii financiare in Romania, precum si caracteristicile procesului de... more
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      Public FinanceLabor EconomicsMacroeconomicsInternational Political Economy
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      International RelationsHistory of International RelationsPolitical CorruptionInternational Financial Institutions
There are only two families in the world as my grandmother used to say: the haves and the have nots. – Sancho Panza, Don Quixote de la Mancha, Miguel de Cervantes (as quoted in Human Development Report, UNDP, 2005) The rising tide of... more
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      GlobalizationWorld BankIMFInternational Financial Institutions
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    • IMF Reform
Presented to A Meeting of the African Caucus of Finance Ministers, Central Bank Governors, And Executive Directors of the IMF and World Bank.
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      Development EconomicsInternational DevelopmentWorld BankIMF
ABSTRACT: Greece has the longest coastline in the EU and possesses a large number of islands, therefore it has an extensive number of ports. The Greek ports sector has been undergoing structural changes during the last three years... more
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      ManagementEconomicsClusters & NetworksLeadership
This paper explores how philosophical inquiry and Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) can mutually benefit from each other to produce new methodological and reflexive directions in neo-liberal policy research to examine the phenomenon of... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessBusiness EthicsDiscourse Analysis
he article explores the interconnections between the rise of modern monetary theory, deglobalisation and the international monetary system. It discusses the evolution of the international monetary system from Bretton Woods One to Bretton... more
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      Monetary EconomicsGlobalizationMonetary theoryGlobalisation and Development
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      FinanceEconomicsBankingFinancial Derivatives
Abstract (English) This paper analyzes the multilateral Brazilian foreign policy, making the country a regional pivot in Latin America, a leading nation among developing countries, and an emerging world power. Without the status of... more
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      Nuclear EngineeringLatin American StudiesRussian StudiesInternational Relations
This document was written for Oxfam America. Portions of it may be found in other publications by Nancy C. Alexander, including: "Accountability to Whom: The World Bank and Its Strategic Allies," published in Derde Wereld in May 1998;... more
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      World BankIMFEducation in Developing Countriesrole of World Bank and IMF in international politics
This paper offers a new perception for democratic governance social policy making. Democratic governance theory can put into practice effective public policy solutions for educational development. A synthesis of the theories of Madison... more
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The IMF has a track record of enforcing aggressive liberalisation in trade and investment alongside contractionary policies, such as austerity measures and regressive taxation, with negative impacts on growth, employment and inequality.... more
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      critiques on role of IMF and world Bank in AfricaIMF ReformPolitical Economy of MENA
The international Monetary Fund aims at rejuvenating the growth rate of the low income countries by giving loan packages. However, these loan packages come with conditions. Several political analysts and economists have criticized IMF for... more
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      PoliticsPakistanInflation and UnemploymentIMF Reform
This paper examines the way the metaphor of diversity provides a moral basis for inequality in Singapore’s meritocratic education system. Based upon a collection of policy texts from 2002 to 2012, our analysis illustrates that the... more
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      Business EthicsDiscourse AnalysisEconomic HistoryPolitical Sociology
El trabajo analiza las condiciones legales y de procedimiento en base a las cuales, en junio de 2018, la República Argentina contrajo con el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) un crédito stand-by por la suma de $, ampliado... more
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      Access to JusticeAccess To InformationSovereign DebtAdministrative Procedure
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipBusiness EthicsFinance
This paper explores efforts by international institutions to establish and implement global anti-money laundering standards.
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      Critical TheoryBusinessOrganizational BehaviorMarketing
After a long term of experiencing imbalances in the economy mainly due to the deterioration in debt, Turkey managed to solve its structural macroeconomic problems with the support of strong reforms, political stability and regulatory... more
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      Political InstitutionsWorld BankIMFFiscal policy
In the aftermath of the 2008 crisis, emerging powers engaged in political and legal strategies to challenge the actual framework for global moneta- ry governance. This article examines two categories of monetary strategies designed as... more
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      Monetary EconomicsMoney and BankingMonetary historyInternational Monetary Reform
In the early days of nationalization, it seemed axiomatic that price and quality standards could be better managed by State Owned Enterprises (SOE). Subsequent experience, however demonstrates that public ownership and control are... more
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      FinanceEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsMacroeconomics
RESUMO: Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar as inovações introduzidas nas funções do Fundo Monetário Internacional no contexto da crise econômica e financeira de 2008. Isso promoveu uma ação que teve como objetivo fortalecer a função... more
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      IMFrole of World Bank and IMF in international politicsIMF Reform
This paper provides a discussion on Egypt’s political economy since the Free Officers Revolution in 1952. It highlights the key phases of its transformation and provides an analysis on how the military regimes in Egypt monopolised power... more
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      NeoliberalismEgyptMilitary RegimesAuthoritarianism
China's economic rise has been much talked about, but Beijing's reach extends beyond its own borders. Since 2000, there has been a nearly 100 factor increase in the amount of Chinese outward foreign direct investment. A great deal of this... more
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      Latin American StudiesDevelopment EconomicsPolitical EconomyAfrica
This article contributes to the literature on the dynamics of change and continuity in the International Monetary Fund's (IMF's) policy paradigm. The IMF embarked on a process of “streamlining conditionality” during the 2000s, but many... more
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      International RelationsConstructivismGlobal GovernanceInternational Political Economy
The Global Financial Architecture can be seen as a triptych of three faces, namely International Financial Markets, Bilateral and Multilateral assistance for Developing Countries, and the self-insurance mechanisms of EMDEs. The G 20... more
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      IMFRegulation of financial marketsFinancial RegulationInternational Financial Architecture
Virtuos stellte die AKP in den 2000er-Jahren ihr autoritär-populistisches Projekt als einen anti-etatistischen popularen Kampf um Demokratie gegen das kemalistische Establishment dar. Erst die Gezi-Revolte brachte die Wende in der... more
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      Political EconomyIdeologyPopulismCapitalism
The origin, dynamics and conditions of the Colombian debt allow its declaration of illegitimacy under the consideration, among others, of influential factors such as the systemic violation of human, economical, ecological and social... more
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      World BankColombian PoliticsPublic DebtStructural adjustment policies
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For decades, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was silent about gender inequality. In 2013, the IMF finally adopted a discourse linking macroeconomic stability and gender inequality. Engendering means the integration of gender... more
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      Sociology of LawGenderGender and DevelopmentInternational Monetary Fund
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      ArgentinaLabour rightsthe International Labour Organization (ILO)Derechos Humanos Laborales
Governance, 2020 | preprint version At the turn of the century, the consensus among scholars was that the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) policy preferences, which... more
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      GlobalizationQualitative methodologyNeoliberalismQuantitative and qualitative reaserch methods
Monetary cooperation at the multilateral level has been challenged by a shift of global economic power. Increasing multipolarity combined with the inertia of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and harder problems, related to global... more
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      International RelationsIMFMonetary PolicyCentral Banking and Macro-financial linkages
In this essay, predominantly studying the results in Africa, I will demonstrate the ineffectiveness of the World Bank and the IMF in contributing to eradicating poverty from 1980 to present day. The legal framework of the institutions... more
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      LawInternational LawPovertyNeoliberalism
The impression the IMF creates with its reports is akin to that of the pro- fession as a whole, which was unable to revise its own principles and admit the significant problems with the dominant paradigm, even in the face of the Global... more
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      Development EconomicsMacroeconomicsIMF Reform
I DECLARATION A Abdisalam Mohamed Mahdi, here by affirm that this Bachelor's Thesis represents my own written work and that I have used no sources and aids other than those indicated. All passages quoted from publications or paraphrased... more
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      World BankMiddle East PoliticsSomaliaResearch From Somalia
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      FinanceEconomic HistoryEconomicsLatin America (Comparative Politics)
This article is a case study of the political economy of bank restructuring, privatization and market liberalization in the South Korean banking sector since the 1997/1998 financial crisis. We show that the most crucial factor in that... more
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      FinanceEconomicsBankingFinancial Derivatives
This Article enquires into the case of one of the most comprehensive, far-reaching, most deeply penetrating, and most punitive of TLOs: antimoney laundering. Drawing on an intensive study at a moment when its governing norms and... more
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      International Criminal LawAnti-money launderingAnti money laundering and Terrorist FinancingTransnational Legal Studies