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In eighteenth-and nineteenth-century Britain, a bacterial infection which we now know to be caused primarily by a streptococcus, was killing women in childbirth at an alarming rate. The disease, called puerperal, or childbed, fever, was... more
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      Human BodyBacterial Infection
Odilon Redon's noirs were produced during a time when European society was first grappling with Darwinian theories of evolution and human origins. In this article I argue that Redon's imagery, especially his 1883 album of lithographs, Les... more
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      Origins of LifeOdilon RedonHuman Body
Objectification theory provides an important framework for understanding, researching, and intervening to improve women's lives in a sociocultural context that sexually objectifies the female body and equates a woman's worth with her... more
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      PsychologySexualitySubstance AbuseBusiness and Management
Values for body surface area (BSA) are commonly used in medicine, particularly to calculate doses of chemotherapeutic agents and index cardiac output. Various BSA formulas have been developed over the years. The DuBois and DuBois (Arch... more
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      MetabolismObesityBiometryExposure Assessment
Objective: Human body finite element models (FE-HBMs) are available in standard occupant or pedestrian postures. There is a need to have FE-HBMs in the same posture as a crash victim or to be configured in varying postures. Developing FE... more
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      PsychologyComputer GraphicsMesh qualityAutomotive Engineering
Current studies on pole-vaulting focus mostly on energy transfer data [Ekevad, M., Lundberg, B., 1995. Simulation of ''smart'' pole .] and often fail to take into account the actions exerted on the pole [Arampatzis, . Effect of the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringBiomechanicsEnergy Conversion
To design a medical decision support system (MDSS) that would accurately predict the rehabilitation protocols prescribed by the physicians for patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA) using only their demographic and clinical... more
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      Expert SystemsRehabilitationPredictionDecision Support Systems
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      Motion estimationHuman BodyThree DimensionalImage Sequence
Patients with severe aphasia are rarely treated using speech therapy. We used music therapy to continue to treat a 79-year-old patient with chronic severe aphasia. Interventions 1, 2, and 3 were to practice singing a song that the patient... more
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      PsychologyRehabilitationMagnetic Resonance ImagingMusic Therapy
Recognizing human action from image sequences is an active area of research in computer vision. In this paper, we present a novel method for human action recognition from image sequences in different viewing angles that uses the Cartesian... more
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      Computer VisionPrincipal Component AnalysisGesture RecognitionProceedings
This paper presents the results of the research project BurnCase in the field of realistic and anatomically correct deformations of 3D models of the human body. The project goal is to develop a software system named BurnCase 3D, which... more
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      Human BodyStandard ModelDimensionalSurface Area
An abundant amino acid in the human body, glutamine (Gln) has many important metabolic roles that may protect or promote tissue integrity and enhance the immune system. Low plasma and tissue levels of Gin in the critically ill suggest... more
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      NutritionTreatment OutcomeProspective studiesOutcome
The corrosion resistance of a two-layer polymer (silane + parylene) coating, on implant stainless steel was investigated by microscopic observations and electrochemical measurements. Long term exposure tests in Hanks solution revealed... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringCorrosion Science
The increasing use of Carbon nuclei in cancer therapy centres is motivated by their potential advantages as a very precise high LET radiation. The knowledge of the fragmentation of Carbon nuclei when they interact with the human body is... more
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      Monte Carlo SimulationMonte CarloCancer TherapyHuman Body
This paper presents a tutorial introduction to the handling of uncertainty and decision-making in medical reasoning systems. It focuses on the central role of uncertainty in all of medicine and identifies the major themes that arise in... more
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      Medical InformaticsDecision MakingData MiningDecision Analysis
The number line estimation task captures central aspects of children's developing number sense, that is, their intuitions for numbers and their interrelations. Previous research used children's answer patterns and verbal reports as... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceEye trackingCognitive development
Less than 20 of the hundreds of carotenoids found in nature are found in the human body. These carotenoids are present in the body from the foods or dietary supplements that humans consume. The body does not synthesize them. Among the... more
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      Animal StudiesDermatologyFree RadicalReactive Oxygen Species
We describe a learning based method for recovering 3D human body pose from single images and monocular image sequences. Our approach requires neither an explicit body model nor prior labelling of body parts in the image. Instead, it... more
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      Information SystemsAlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceComputer Vision
j I n 1999, the National Science Foundation (NSF) unveiled a new 7.5 million dollar program, NSF Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12), to partner graduate students in the sciences with high school science teachers "...... more
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Individuals with visual impairments have to develop a series of spatial skills so that they can move and be oriented in a spatial environment. Body knowledge, laterality, directionality, mental rotation, perspective-taking and spatial... more
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      PsychologyBlindnessBody ImageImagination
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      Virtual RealityHuman BodyColor Image Segmentation3-D Reconstruction
We synthesize new human body motions from existing motion data. We divide the body of an animated character into several parts, such as to upper and lower body, and partition the motion of the character into corresponding partial motions.... more
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      Cognitive ScienceCharacter AnimationHuman BodyHuman Motion
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      Biomedical EngineeringElectrophysiologyElectromagnetic InterferenceLow Frequency
Medicine is being benefited from the advances in Virtual Reality (VR) by uses of systems that permit greater level of detail in exams, simulation of procedures and in the teaching and training of professionals. In this paper is presented... more
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      Public DomainLevel Of Detail (LOD)Virtual RealityRealidade Virtual
Previous evidence has shown that active tool-use can reshape one's own body schema, extend peripersonal space and modulate the representation of related body parts. Here we investigate the effect of tool-use training on length... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceBody ImageSpace perception
The inXuence of extremely low temperatures on the human body and physiological reactions are not fully recognized. It has been postulated that cryostimulation could modify immunological reactions, leukocytes mobilization and levels of... more
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      Oxidative StressAntioxidantsCryotherapyHuman Body
Humanistic computing is proposed as a new signal processing framework in which the processing apparatus is inextricably intertwined with the natural capabilities of our human body and mind. Rather than trying to emulate human... more
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      Computer VisionHumanitiesBiomedical EngineeringImage Processing
Given the high relevance of visual input to human behavior, it is often important to precisely monitor the spatial orientation of the visual axis. One popular and accurate technique for measuring gaze orientation is based on the dual... more
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      Cognitive ScienceAlgorithmsLinear AlgebraHuman behavior
Objective: To determine factors contributing to successful diabetes self-management in Appalachia, as evidenced by daily blood glucose monitoring. Methods: A telephone survey (N=3841) was conducted to assess health status and health care... more
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      Health EducationForecastingAdolescentModels
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      Tissue EngineeringHuman Embryonic Stem CellsStem CellRegenerative Medicine
The aim of the paper is to examine the possible relationships between the different dimensions of aesthetics on the one hand, and medical practice and medical ethics on the other hand. Firstly, I consider whether the aesthetic perception... more
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      PhilosophyPerceptionMedical EthicsEsthetics
Contemporary vehicles must satisfy high ride comfort criteria. This paper attempts to develop criteria for ride comfort improvement. The highest loading levels have been found to be in the vertical direction and the lowest in lateral... more
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      EngineeringMathematicsData AnalysisRandom Vibration
This paper presents an analysis of techniques that have been studied in the recent years for human body detection via visual information. The focus of this work is on developing image processing routines for autonomous robots operating... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceImage ProcessingHuman Body
Identifying the necessary and sufficient conditions for individuating and classifying diseases is a matter of great importance in the fields of law, ethics, epidemiology, and of course, medicine. In this paper, I first propose a means of... more
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      MetaphysicsApplied EthicsEpidemiologyPhilosophy of Medicine
The aim of this paper is to discuss the problem of the human body as to whether it is wholly and directly influenced by the rational forces of the soul, or it contains something instinctive or unconscious that can exert a determinative... more
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      AristotleThomas AquinasDesireThomistic Philosophical Anthropology
Human body size and body proportions are interpreted as markers of ethnicity, 'race,' adaptation to temperature, nutritional history and socioeconomic status. Some studies emphasize only one of these indicators and other studies consider... more
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      PhysiologyZoologyDevelopmental PlasticityMaya
This paper presents an evaluation of thermal comfort in an extended road trial study. Automobile seats play an important role in improving the thermal comfort. In the assessment of thermal comfort in autos, in general subjective and... more
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      ErgonomicsTextilesApplied ErgonomicsHuman Body
There are not many studies pertaining to the spinal or limb abnormalities in people with intellectual disabilities, without a clear profile of these deformities of them, efforts to understand its characters and improve their quality of... more
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      PsychologyObesitySpineQuality of life
Abstraet--A mathematical description of six-degree of freedom (6-DOF) forces and moments with respect to a commonly utilized knee joint coordinate system was performed using a I6 x 61 Jacobian matrix developed in this study. The presented... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRoboticsAlgorithmsBiomedical Engineering
Our entire history is only the history of waking men. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg DURING THE FIRST DAYS OF AUTUMN IN 1878, Robert Louis Stevenson, at age twenty-seven, spent twelve days trudging through the Cévennes, France's southern... more
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      HistoryLife StyleDreamsMedicine
Physical rehabilitation following spinal cord injury-related paralysis has traditionally focused on teaching compensatory techniques, thus enabling the individual to achieve day-to-day function despite significant neurological deficits.... more
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      PhysiologyNeurologyTreatmentMuscle strength
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      PhilosophyEthicsMedical LawDecision Making
The present study focuses on the intricate relationship between human body movement and music, in particular on how music may influence the way humans walk. In an experiment, participants were asked to synchronize their walking tempo with... more
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      EngineeringMusicAuditory PerceptionSynchronization
This paper focuses on the production of electricity using a thermoelectric generator placed on the human body connected to a dc-dc converter. The small difference in temperature between the hot heat source (e.g. the human body, T b = 37 •... more
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      Energy ConversionMathematical SciencesHuman BodyPhysical sciences
The kidney plays an important role in ion homeostasis in the human body. Several hereditary disorders characterized by perturbations of renal calcium and magnesium reabsorption were described over the past fifty years. Only recently,... more
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      Molecular GeneticsMolecular MechanicsHuman Body
Human bones and biological remains conserved in anthropological, medical, and archaeological collections are foci of ethical debate, as recently illustrated by the affair of Charles Byrne's bones. In the near future, curators will have to... more
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      ReligionPhysical AnthropologyClinical AnatomyBiomedical Research
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The paper presents, firstly, a brief review of the long history of information ethics beginning with the Greek concept of parrhesia or freedom of speech as analyzed by Michel Foucault. The recent concept of information ethics is related... more
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      Human GeographyPhilosophyMetaphysicsOntology
As a result of normal metabolic processes, the human body produces reactive oxygen species capable of oxidizing biomolecules that can damage DNA, cells, and contribute to chronic disease. This process can be attenuated or perhaps reversed... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsNutritionFree RadicalsPepper