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Kratka istorija helikoptera Aluet III u narožanju JRV.
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      Military HistoryHsitoryAviation Historyистория
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India has been the land of seers and sages, the Rishis. This paper narrates the greatness of the Rishi tradition of India and highlights the contributions of the ancient Indian seers and sages in shaping India's culture and civilization.
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      SpiritualitySanskritCultureIndian Culture
Discusses the writings of this notable Argentine feminist during her most active period as a writer and activist.
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      HistoryWomen's StudiesGenderFeminism(s)
The paper is in Croatian language. It has been written as the final  history research paper for the title of univ. bacc. hist. and it deals with the history of Windsors between the two world wars.
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      English HistoryHistory Of LondonWorld War IWorld War II
It is a well known fact that communities and societies all over the world have a golden time of glory and of sorrow and pain. For the Muslims Ummah of Southern Kaduna State, the 2011 Post-election violence represents the darkest days of... more
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      Political EconomyPeace and Conflict StudiesSustainable DevelopmentSecurity Studies
ABSTRAK Kedatangan fenomena globalisasi telah menjadi suatu perkara yang tidak boleh dibantah lagi sejajar dengan negara Malaysia yang sedang membangun. Globalisasi merujuk kepada satu cara hidup dunia tanpa sempadan dan saling berkaitan... more
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Akademi Pengaian Islam Universiti Malaya (APIUM) adalah salah sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi Islam yang awal diperkenalkan di Malaysia. Penubuhannya di Universiti Malaya sejak 1981 bermatlamat untuk melahirkan modal insan yang berdaya... more
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Analisis e investigación de una obra del pintor mexicano Rafael Flores (1832-1886)
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      Art HistoryArchitecturePhotographyModernism
Книга, написанная в сооавторстве с О. Загорулько, посвящена описанию части "Одесской операции", в результате которой в Северо-Западном Причерноморье советские войска вышли на рубеж левого берега Днестра. Особое внимание уделено боям,... more
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      Military History20th Century German HistoryUkraine (History)Hsitory
Sabemos todo do megalitismo atlántico? Coñecemos as diferentes tipoloxías de megálitos e os seus posibles usos? Definitivamente non. En vista destes datos, non é herexía pensar que poden existir en Galicia —e no resto de Europa—... more
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      ArchaeologyGalician StudiesMegalithic MonumentsHsitory Upon his controversial and successful publication of Words of a Believer (1834), Lamennais became one of the most infl uential thinkers in Eu-rope and America. Lamennais's other works, such as... more
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      Cultural StudiesLatin American StudiesPolitical TheoryChile
Frente a la costa oriental de Asia, se encuentra un archipiélago de islas de naturaleza volcánica, hoy llamado Japón. Mitológicamente, estas islas emergieron (õyashima) de la pasión de los dioses primordiales del sintoísmo, Izanami... more
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      GeologyHsitoryGestión De RiesgosSismology
The present research proposes to outline the particularities of the urbanistic elements and the characteristics of the symbolic spaces, revealing the main stages scored by Karlovy Vary in its evolution from the foundation up to our times:... more
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      Architecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtHistory of ConstructionHsitoryMichelangelo Buonarroti
Garp Ocakları, Osmanlı Devleti’nin XVI. ve XX. Yüzyıl boyunca Cezayir, Tunus ve Trablusgarp eyaletleri için kullandığı bir terimdir. Osmanlılar ilk defa Türk denizcisi Oruç Reis sayesinde 1516 yılında Cezayir’e girerken daha sonra 1551... more
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      Social ChangeElites (Political Science)History of ElitesSocial History
Kajian ini akan melihat pengaruh ilmu colonial dalam isntitusi muzium di Malaysia. Ilmu colonial ini telah meninggalkan impak jangka panjang yang berkekalan di Malaysia, samada dari segi institusi muzium ataupun keilmuan dan perjalanan... more
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To cite: Wilkins, A. 2017. Creating expert publics: A governmentality approach to school governance under neo-liberalism. In S. Courtney, R. McGinity and H. Gunter (eds) Educational leadership: professional practice in neoliberal times.... more
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      Critical TheoryManagementMarketingBusiness Administration
Как преподавание традиционной истории в школе зомбирует детей, или о наиболее желаемом стратегическом векторе усилий альтернативистов, или представителей российской междисциплинарной школы Аббревиатуры: РМШ ◌̶ российская междисциплинарная... more
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Makalah ini berusaha menonjolkan proses dinamika tradisi intelektual Melayu-Islam dalam menangani persoalan kehidupan. Sumber analisis adalah terdiri daripada pepatah petitih dan pengamatan terhadap realiti kehidupan Melayu-Islam zaman... more
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      Eastern European StudiesCentral European historyEastern European historyPolitical History
Christianity is a religion of signs. Early Christians indeed believed that God could puncture the barriers between heaven and earth to reveal his will through visual messaging. Little wonder then that sacred books for these believers were... more
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      Art HistoryMedieval HistoryBooksHsitory
Лидеры партии большевиков в своих публичных речах и выступлениях неоднократно заявляли, что революция 1917 года была совершена с целью построения нового справедливого общества. Для достижения этой цели революционеры, руководствуясь... more
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      Soviet HistoryLabor History and StudiesHsitory
Cities are built over the remnants of their past buried beneath their present. We build on what has been built before, whether over foundations formalising previous permanency or over the temporal occupations of ground. But what happens... more
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RapGenius, Projeto Língua Franca, e a Lusofonia Como eu cheguei ao projeto? Já há alguns anos, participo de uma comunidade chamada Genius Brasil, a qual é um braço latino-americano da rede social Genius e eu acho que preciso falar sobre... more
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      Portuguese and Brazilian LiteratureMusicArt HistoryArt Theory
Статья посвящена пребыванию А.Ж. де Лафитта-Клаве в Северо-Западном Причерноморье.
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      Ottoman HistoryUkrainian StudiesHsitory
This paper explores the extent to which Antonio Gramsci's compiled writings on hegemony, known as the Prison Notebooks, depict the recent uprisings and revolutions transpiring in the Middle East. These events are notably referred to as... more
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      International RelationsInternational Political EconomyBusiness EconomicsHsitory
Vivemos em redes e a todo momento recebemos e trocamos informações. Transferências, assimilações e dispersões de traços culturais estão atrelados ao espaço-tempo em que vivemos. Embasados nesses preceitos o presente artigo explana sobre a... more
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      GeographyTourism StudiesMuseum StudiesAgrarian Studies
The mid-fifteenth century innovation of making books in multiple copies with movable type, the Gutenberg revolution, introduced a radically new technology. Though the mechanical aspect of book production experienced a revolution, it did... more
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      HistoryComparative LiteraturePrint CultureTechnology
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