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All latitudinal measures can only be determined on the face of the Earth and thus any given measurement can be assessed as to its place of origin, because the earth is an oblate spheroid, a fact not known in antiquity, and thus has... more
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      History of CartographyClaudius PtolemaeusHistory of surveyingHistory of Metrology
uses the ratio 1 : 2.545 in all of his built work in Australia. Where did Francis Howard Greenway get this ratio? Few architects seem to have used the ratio and none has used it so centrally to their work as he. Why is it significant for... more
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    • Ancient Metrology
In this paper, about my patenting of the Wheel or Solar Cross held by Christianity and Royalty in icons and Royal regalia and its functionality to find latitude and longitude for long distance trade by sea and desert during the Bronze... more
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      EgyptologyHistory of MathematicsPhilosophy Of MathematicsHistory of Astronomy
L’origine des unités de mesures antiques est peu documentée et leur méthode d’étalonnage n’est pas parvenue jusqu’à nous. Depuis plusieurs siècles les chercheurs et archéologues se sont intéressés à la question. Leurs valeurs exactes a... more
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      ArchaeologyPhilosophy of ScienceGreco-Roman SciencePhilosophie
a towering figure in the history of science, indeed had an interest in biblical studies and ancient measurements, particularly his investigations into the cubit, and its significance in determining the circumference of the earth.... more
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      Quantity SurveyingMetrology, Weights and MeasuresAncient MetrologyIsaac Newton
In the 13th century two artefacts appeared in Pisa and Pistoia. Their unique Islamic design – based on the one found in the mihrab of Sayyida Nafisa, housed in Cairo – applies the basic rules of a graphic theme. The design of one of the... more
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      Islamic ArtHistory of MetrologyGeometric PatternMedieval Design
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When the construction of a political space demands shared systems of measurement ensuring that everything is made comparable, coding categories and procedures are brought into place. Attributing singular cases to measurable categories was... more
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      Computer SciencePolitical EcologyPoliticsSpace
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Notes sur l'article de M. Quentin Leplat "Le yard mégalithique et la Grande pyramide". (Fecha del documento: Jueves 22 de febrero de 2024).
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    • Historical Metrology
Resenha do livro: VIANA, Mário. Estudos de história metrológica. Medidas de capacidade portuguesas. Lisboa: Universidade de Lisboa, Centro de História, 2015, 170p.
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in Regulamentação dos mesteres em Portugal nos finais da Idade Média, ed. Arnaldo Sousa Melo e Joana Sequeira, Braga, Universidade do Minho - Lab2PT, 2022, vol. 2, pp. 13-25.
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryHistory of Metrology
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    • Philosophy
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to investigate accounting as first visible-sign statement form, and also as the first writing, and analyse its systematic differences, syntactic and semantic, from subsequent speech-following... more
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    • Sociology
in Regulamentação dos mesteres em Portugal nos finais da Idade Média, ed.
Arnaldo Sousa Melo e Joana Sequeira, Braga, Universidade do Minho - Lab2PT, 2022, vol. 2, pp. 155-174.
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryHistory of Metrology
Diapositivas en pdf de la vida de san Ambrosio de Optina.
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      Rusian cultureEspiritualidadHistory of Oriental studiesBiografías
in Regulamentação dos mesteres em Portugal nos finais da Idade Média, ed.
Arnaldo Sousa Melo e Joana Sequeira, Braga, Universidade do Minho - Lab2PT, 2022, vol. 1, pp. 13-23.
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      Economic HistoryHistory of ScienceHistory of Metrology
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El "I Congreso Internacional de Metrología Histórica Aplicada. Nuevas perspectivas de investigación" se celebrará el próximo 16 y 17 de noviembre de 2023 en el Centro Español de Metrología (CEM), Madrid (España), bajo la dirección de... more
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      Metrology, Weights and MeasuresMetrologyAncient MetrologyAncient Weights
This work addresses the end-effector trajectory-tracking force and motion control of a three-dimensional three-link robot considering measurement noises. The last two links of the manipulator are considered as structurally flexible. An... more
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      LinearizationMachinesEquations of MotionTorque
les actes du congrès n'ont publié qu'une partie du texte. Ici est le texte intégralInternational audiencetraduction et commentaire du texte d'Isaac Porphyrogénète (1093-11..
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    • Homère
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CALL FOR PAPERS (DEADLINE: 01/07/2023). FINAL SCHEDULE: 15/07/2023 EVENT: 16-17/11/2023 LOCATION: Spanish Metrology Center (Madrid) Submission: title, 300 words abstract, 5 keywords to Free registration. At... more
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      Digital HumanitiesMetrology, Weights and MeasuresMetrologyAncient Metrology
APPEL À COMMUNICATIONS: date limite 01/07/2023 Programmation définitive: 15/07/2023 Congrès: 16 et 17 novembre 2023 Endroit: Centre Espagnol de Métrologie (Madrid) Envoi des communications: titre, résumé 300 mots, 5 mots-clé, session... more
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      Metrology, Weights and MeasuresMetrologyAncient MetrologyAncient Weights
LLAMADA A CONTRIBUCIONES: hasta 01/07/2023 Programación final: 15/07/2023 Celebración del congreso: 16-17/11/2023 Lugar: Centro Español de Metrología (Madrid) Envío de propuestas: título, resumen 300 palabras, 5 palabras clave, sesión de... more
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      Metrology, Weights and MeasuresMetrologyAncient MetrologyAncient Weights
CALL FOR PAPERS (DEADLINE: 01/07/2023). FINAL SCHEDULE: 15/07/2023 EVENT: 16-17/11/2023 LOCATION: Spanish Metrology Center (Madrid) Submission: title, 300 words abstract, 5 keywords to Free registration. At... more
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      HistoryInstrumentation and Measurement ScienceMetrology, Weights and MeasuresMetrology
Scholars studying Locke's contribution to the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina generally report that he had discussed the content of this document with one of his French acquaintances, Nicolas Toinard (or Thoynard). However, no... more
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      History of SlaveryColonialismJohn Locke's Political PhilosophyJohn Locke's Moral Philosophy
Dieser Artikel versucht den Ursprung unseres Pfunds zu ergründen und zeigt die Mannigfaltigkeiten in Gewicht aber auch in seiner Bedeutung im Laufe der Geschichte.
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      MetrologyAncient MetrologyAncient WeightsHistory of Metrology
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      AssyriologyHistory of MathematicsHistory of ScienceHistory of Metrology
Note: This paper by Marjorie Mazel Hecht was published in Executive Intelligence Review in 1998. I am not the author. I posted it here to preserve it and enable it to be found by other researchers. I will probably post a future paper... more
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The metre was designed by French revolutionaries to provide the basis for a new universal measure and initially represented a fraction of the earth’s polar circumference. It was never adopted in the UK or the USA, where the imperial... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMythologyPhilosophyHistory of Art
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Доклад на Ежегодной Международной научно-практической конференции LXXV Герценовские чтения «География: развитие науки и образования» (Санкт-Петербург, 20 апреля 2022 года) В докладе рассказывается о развитии транспортной системы Древней... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryMedieval HistoryIstorie
... (Egypt would come out no better): — Irrigation systems only became a bureaucratic concern (and then only ... role of accounting [ibid., 14]. This brings us back to the problem of Mesopotamia. III. ... The centre of early Mesopotamian... more
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    • Mathematics
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Рассказывается о ранних математических инструментах в коллекции Музея МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, применение которых относится к XVII-XVIII вв., с целью проследить взаимосвязь между естествознанием и инженерными, сугубо техническими... more
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      History of MathematicsNatural ScienceMetrologyHistory of Metrology
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Most general standard histories of mathematics speak indiscriminately of “Babylonian” mathematics, presenting together the mathematics of the Old Babylonian and the Seleucid period (respectively 2000−1600 and 300−100 bce) and neglecting... more
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    • Mathematics
A one-page summary version of my “The foot, cubit, metre, and φ, π and e” paper, suitable for wall mounting or as a handy reference.
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      History of MathematicsAncient MetrologyHistory of Metrologyroyal cubit
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      Medieval Mediterranean Art and ArchitectureArchaeology of churchesAncient MetrologyDimensional Metrology
В преддверии выхода 2-й редакции моей первой книги, "Традиционные русские меры длины", я публикую один из существенно скорректированных мною её разделов. Тут речь идет о реконструкции измерительного устройства русских зодчих середины XVII... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian HistoryMetrology, Weights and MeasuresMetrology
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Книга представляет собой полное издание на русском языке первого в истории Крыма путеводителя по полуострову, опубликованного в 1834 г. на французском языке в Одессе и содержащего бесценные фактические сведения об исторических памятниках,... more
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      археологияистория РоссииИстория КрымаИстория русской литературы
Bartolomeo Cescenzio publishes a text in 1595, "Proteo Militare" written in 1587. He produces a Portolan Chart in 1596 which he declares corrects previous chart errors. He writes a second text, "Nautica Mediterranea", published in 1602 in... more
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      CartographyHistory of CartographyMedieval CartographyPortolan charts