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As with corporate branding and widespread advertising, social media such as Twitter have helped companies and the culture industry influence what young people buy, how they identify with one another, and even how they speak. Through MTV... more
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      AnthropologyDigital MediaYouth CultureSocial Media
In Nathan Rambukkana (ed.) Hashtag Publics: the Power and Politics of Discursive Networks. Peter Lang.
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      Social MediaTwitterPublics and CounterpublicsHashtags
This paper analyzes the modifications that socio-digital networks have generated within the field of political communication, particularly the construction of interaction-communication networks through the creation of hashtags, such as... more
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      Social NetworksInternet StudiesPolitical communicationSocial Media
Artigo científico apresentado ao eixo temático “Redes Sociais, Comunidades Virtuais e Sociabilidade”, do IV Simpósio Nacional da ABCiber, em novembro de 2010.
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      Discourse AnalysisPolitical ScienceCritical Discourse Analysis of Online Discussion ForumsDiscursive Strategies
On New Year’s Day 2016, a photograph of a breastfeeding woman taken by a Finnish celebrity sparked a social media debate over mothers nursing in public. By analyzing Instagram posts and a discussion forum thread, this article explores the... more
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      SexualitySocial MediaAffect (Cultural Theory)Motherhood
This collection investigates the publics of the hashtag. Taking cues from critical public sphere theory, contributors are interested in publics that break beyond the mainstream – in other publics. They are interested in the kinds of... more
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      Cultural StudiesAlgorithmsCommunicationFeminist Theory
An important dimension of social media discourse is its searchability. A key semiotic resource supporting this function is the hashtag, a form of social tagging that allows microbloggers to embed metadata in posts. While popularly thought... more
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      MetadataSocial MediaSystemic Functional LinguisticsSocial metadata (tagging, folksonomy)
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      Media StudiesSocial MediaFeminismTwitter
#NiUnaMenos ha sido un movimiento ciudadano singular en diversos aspectos, que se caracterizó por haberse constituido a partir de un nuevo tipo de actividad ciudadana, en Twitter. A partir del análisis de los tweets que le dieron origen,... more
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      Social MovementsSocial NetworksPoliticsFeminism
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      Feminist TheoryWomenSocial MediaFeminism
Cita. Olmedo Neri, Raul Anthony (2020). Pensando y actuando en red. Análisis del hashtag #QuédateEnCasa en México. Sintaxis, (Número especial), pp. 203-225. DOI: El... more
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      TwitterMéxicoGobierno ElectrónicoRedes sociales
Many social media users include #-signs before particular terms on social media-which is termed hashtagging. Recent research indicates that people tend to use the pound key for uncommon words, including 'artistic' words that are unlikely... more
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      Social NetworkingCultureSocial MediaHashtags
Observing the latest practices on social media applications, role of hashtags have become a major concern to talk about. The emergence of social media has put huge impact on people of different age groups; thus, it is bringing a change in... more
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      PakistanFacebookTwitterSocial Networking & Social Media
To understand how bullying is represented within social media, the characteristics of hashtags associated with public mentions of bullying on Twitter between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012 are explored in this study. The most... more
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      Social MediaBullyingTwitterHashtags
In forme et matière, Gilbert Simondon discusses how matter—all matter—takes form. It is neither the essential qualities of the underlying matter, nor the shaping qualities of an applied form that dictate the final shape and nature of any... more
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      CommunicationInternet StudiesOnline CommunitiesMedia Ecology
Die hier vorgelegte Studie ist zunächst eine Momentaufnahme und von ihrer Anlage her eine sprachvergleichende Begriffsanalyse zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt: Verglichen wird der #MeToo-Begriff im englischen, spanischen und deutschen... more
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      Discourse AnalysisTranslation StudiesMedia FramingTwitter
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      Digital CultureFeminismHashtags
The Handmaid’s Tale uniquely offers more than just a possibility for critiquing patriarchal society. The show’s neo-realistic form also offers its viewers an engagement with new concepts of subjectivity, morality, and political resistance... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesPhilosophy of PsychoanalysisCritical Media StudiesIntersubjectivity
Hashtags (i.e., the # symbol) are gaining increased popularity among social media users. However, despite their intense use, little is known about their meanings. Only a few published studies have investigated fragmented aspects of... more
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      MarketingSocial MediaSocial Media MarketingScale Development
Previous research on emotion recognition of Twitter users centered on the use of lexicons and basic classifiers on pack of words models, despite the recent accomplishments of deep learning in many disciplines of natural language... more
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      Facial RecognitionSentiment AnalysisHashtags
Over 130 million images with the hashtag ‘selfie’ have been uploaded to the social media platform Instagram. In The Allure of the Selfie: Instagram and the New Self-Portrait, Brooke Wendt examines the significant hold that the ‘selfie’,... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesPhilosophyTechnology
In April 2020, a Twitter war erupted under the hashtag #MilkTeaAlliance. It united users from Thailand, Taiwan, and Hong Kong in a fight against Chinese techno-nationalists’ attempts to shame public figures into supporting the Chinese... more
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      Social MovementsSoutheast Asian StudiesTaiwan StudiesThailand
This chapter aims to examine the relationship between image (photo) and text (hashtag), on the photo sharing social network Instagram, through the examples #time, #truth, #tradition.
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      Visual StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsInternet StudiesSocial Networking
In this chapter we consider how social media platforms have produced new spaces for debates over feminism. The undeniable mass uptake of feminism via social media shows us that self-identified feminists are fighting against antifeminism... more
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      Feminist TheorySocial MediaFeminismTwitter
Twitter is repeatedly positioned as a space of hostility for women with research identifying women being disproportionate targets of misogynist ‘e-bile’ and trolling. Social media in general is presented largely as a space of... more
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      Sociology of EducationComputer-Mediated CommunicationFeminismTwitter
In this chapter we look at three different manifestations of social media feminist humour that challenge rejections of feminism or anti-feminism. First we look at the hugely popular twitter account @NoToFeminism, which posts witty... more
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      Social MediaFeminismTwitterPostfeminism
The purpose of this paper is to expand the understanding of the research potential on the hashtag. The author departs from traditional understanding of the hashtag as a mechanism for structuring information flows in social networks and... more
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      Media (Languages and Linguistics)HashtagsSocial Media Monitoring Tools
Cos’è e come funziona un hashtag? La cultura popolare del web lo identifica come una targhetta da assegnare a post, foto, twits, ecc... L’OED lo definisce “a word or phrase preceded by a hash sign (#), used on social media sites such as... more
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      Social NetworksPragmaticsCorpus LinguisticsHashtags
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      FolksonomiesSocial MediaSystemic Functional LinguisticsSocial metadata (tagging, folksonomy)
[Contexte] Cette proposition s’inscrit, dans la recherche de tradition allemande, à l’intersection entre les travaux en linguistique de discours (au sens donc de Diskurslinguistik, Spitzmüller/Warnke, 2011 ; Felder/Gardt 2015), en... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPragmaticsSemanticsGerman Language
Özet Kadınlara yönelik insan hakları ihlali ve kadınlara karşı ayrımcılık biçimlerinden biri olan şiddet, ülke genelinde mücadele edilmesi gereken öncelikli toplumsal sorunlar arasında yer almaktadır. Yeni medya ortamları, toplum... more
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      Sexual ViolenceTwitterAgenda SettingHashtags
This paper explores the rough, emergent and partial public culture of race-activist hashtags through the discourses of #RaceFail, a critical race quarrel that started in the sci-fi and fantasy blogosphere, and expanded from there into a... more
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      Cultural StudiesAlgorithmsCommunicationCorporate Social Responsibility
Versión en español del artículo "La comunicación política en Internet: el caso de #RedAMLO. Resumen El presente trabajo analiza las modificaciones que las redes sociodigitales han generado dentro del campo de la comunicación política,... more
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      Internet StudiesTwitterRedes socialesParticipación ciudadana
TikTok es una de las redes sociales emergentes con mayor crecimiento en el mundo, gracias a su popularidad y divulgación ha coadyuvado transmitir contenido en tiempos confinamiento, pues su fácil uso y entretenimiento han sido factores... more
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      FolksonomiesSocial MediaHashtagsTIK-TOK
El hashtag es definido frecuentemente como una etiqueta cliqueable que identifica el tema de un tuit o posteo y propicia la generación de conversaciones en torno al mismo. En la última década, no obstante, lo hemos visto convertirse en... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSocial MovementsSocial NetworksHuman Rights
In recent years hashtag studies have increased their numbers. The role of hashtags becomes increasingly predominant in social media studies. Many researchers wonder how to study them, ending up treating them in an aggregate way and... more
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      Cultural StudiesSensemakingHashtags
L'analyse du discours natif en ligne est encore un domaine peu exploré par les linguistes francophones et cela nous a paru si stimulant que nous en avons fait le sujet de ce mémoire. La problématique que nous posons ici concerne l'étude... more
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Digital literacy and social benefits met in the form of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge in August 2014. This study assessed the experience of participants in the challenge to understand the relationships between altruism, motivation to... more
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      Social MediaAltruismSocial Media MarketingHashtags
Целью настоящей работы является исследование механизма хэштегирования в формировании политической повестки. Хэштеги рассматриваются как особая разновидность Big Data. Научная проблема видится в недостаточной изученности вопроса... more
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      Social NetworksUsabilityPolitical communicationSaudi Arabia
This paper considers the pragmatic contribution of hashtags on the social networking site Twitter. Taking a relevance-theoretic perspective, I argue that hashtags contribute to relevance by adding a layer of activation to certain... more
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      Relevance TheoryTwitterHashtags
In this work we introduce a simple mathematical model, based on master equations, to describe the time evolution of the popularity of hashtags on the Twitter social network. Specifically, we model the total number of times a certain... more
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      Social Network Analysis (SNA)Hashtags
Introduction to the special issue on Networked Publics based on the papers presented at the Association of Internet Researchers conference 2017 (AoIR2017)
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      Audience and Reception StudiesSocial MediaAffect/EmotionAffect (Cultural Theory)
A hashtag is a type of label or metadata tag primarily used on social networking websites and mi-croblogging services. It makes it easier for users to find content of the same topic. Hashtags are created by inserting the hash character... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsDigital MediaHungarianEnglish
CURSO A DESARROLLAR EN FEBRERO 2021 EN FORMIGAS. INSCRIPCIONES ABIERTAS Introducción Hablar de los movimientos sociales en los albores del siglo XXI implica reconocer una serie de cambios que se desarrollan tanto en la estructura como en... more
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      CiberculturaAcción ColectivaMovimientos socialesTICS
This paper considers the extent to which the hashtag may be defined as a new textual construct. Though there are various ways of using hashtags as keywords to a Tweet or for other meta-communicative functions, I assume that all hashtags... more
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      New MediaDigital MediaRelevance TheorySocial Media
I wrote this conference-style paper during my junior year in a literature class called "Slave Revolt and Rebellion" for Dr. Sarah Juliet Lauro.
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      TwitterHashtagsBlack Lives MatterBlack Twitter
The 2012 London Summer Games earned the nickname “the Twitter Olympics” for the social media coverage of the mega-event (Whiteside, 2014), and the 2014 Sochi Winter Games witnessed a marked increase in this activity. This study examined... more
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      Social Network Analysis (SNA)TwitterWord of MouthOlympic Games
Cette étude s’inscrit dans un programme de recherche qui vise, entre autres objectifs, à montrer que les journalistes québécois, sur le web et notamment sur Twitter, élaborent des stratégies qui leur permettent de recouvrer une « autorité... more
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      TwitterHashtagspratiques journalistiquesContrat de communication