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This paper contributes to the science of crowd dynamics and psychology by examining the social psychological processes related to the relative absence of "hooliganism" at the Finals of the 2004 Union Européenne de Football Association... more
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      PsychologyLawSocial IdentityFootball
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      Sociology of SportSport PsychologyLatin American StudiesLatin American and Caribbean History
The policing of football supporters in the UK is resource-intensive and expensive, with football crowds seen by many forces as inherently prone to misbehaviour, disorder and violence. As a result they are regularly subjected to... more
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      Football (soccer)Human Rights LawSports LawFootball
OBJECTIVES: To examine the usefulness of selected physiological and perceptual measures to monitor fitness, fatigue and running performance during a pre-season, 2-week training camp in eighteen professional Australian Rules Football... more
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      Sociology of SportFootballAuthority
This book uses sports as a metaphor for research methods. It focuses on how to use and build frameworks for empirical research. The frameworks are analogous to a "play", which is connected to a unique purpose and directs the movement of... more
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      Public AdministrationSocial Research Methods and MethodologyResearch Methods and MethodologyResearch Methodology
As the digital revolution continues apace, emergent technologies and means of communication have presented new challenges and opportunities for football studies. In turn, researchers active across the social sciences and beyond have... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSociology of SportMedia Studies
Most female football players are healthy. However, recent findings from our studies on Norwegian female elite athletes also show that football players are dieting and experiencing eating disorders, menstrual dysfunction and stress... more
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Suarez-Arrones, LJ, Nuñ ez, FJ, Portillo, J, and Mendez-Villanueva, A. Running demands and heart rate responses in men rugby sevens. J Strength Cond Res 26(11): 3155-3159, 2012-The purpose of this study was to examine match running... more
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      Strength & ConditioningRunningFootballWalking
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      New MediaFootballNew MexicoHistorical Studies
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      Sociology of SportLatin American StudiesSports ManagementFootball
Objective: Examine the effect of different cleat plate configurations on plantar pressure during two tasks. Design: Thirty-six athletes ran an agility course 5 times while wearing 4 different types of Nike Vitoria Cleats: 1) Bladed, 2)... more
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The aim of this research is to understand the experience of the football sector on the use of artificial turf (satisfaction, safety, sporting feature, or the advantages and disadvantages). The study was conducted on a random selection of... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringPerceptionConsumer BehaviorSoccer
Low back pain (LBP) in children and adolescents was considered for many years to be rare and an indication of serious disease [1]. In the last two decades, epidemi-ological studies have shown that the prevalence of ... Ismail Bejia Nabiha... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringAdolescentFamily historyLow back pain
This article explores the relationship between communities and short cycles in complex networks, based on the fact that nodes more densely connected amongst one another are more likely to be linked through short cycles. By identifying... more
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      Neural NetworkFootballComplex networkCommunity Structure
THE SCIENCE OF fluid replacement in athletic training, particularly with regard to American football players, has advanced during the past 3 decades. This advance has resulted in substantial decreases in heatstroke-related deaths during... more
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      NeurosurgeryHealth EducationCreatineMedicine
Purpose: Body structure and physical development must be addressed when preparing junior athletes for their first season in a senior competition. The aim of this preliminary study was to measure the extent of the assumption that final... more
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      AustraliaAdolescentFootballBody Composition
Background: Neck circumference (NC) is associated with metabolic syndrome (MetS) in the general population. It is not known if NC is associated with MetS and subclinical atherosclerosis in retired National Football League (NFL) players.... more
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      Linear modelsFootballRetirementUnited States
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      Sociology of SportLabor EconomicsFootball (soccer)Middle East Studies
Context Concussion underreporting leads to delays in diagnosis and treatment, prolonging recovery time. Athletes' self-reporting of concussion symptoms, therefore, reduces risk. Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of 3... more
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      MedicineFootballAthletic TrainingConcussion
The movement and physiological demands of international and regional men's touch rugby matches.
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      MathematicsRunningMedicineBiomechanics of strength and conditioning
This paper analyzes the procedure used by FIFA up until 2018 to rank national football teams and define by random draw the groups for the initial phase of the World Cup finals. A predictive model is calibrated to form a reference ranking... more
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      Computer ScienceAnalyticsFootballMathematical Sciences
Concussive events frequently occur in high impact sports such as North American football. The long term effects of concussive events on physical and psychological wellbeing are the focus of ongoing research. The purpose of this study was... more
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      FootballLifestyle Medicine
Eight-hundred seventy-three Indiana high school football players were surveyed to investigate the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). Subjects were varsity football players that were randomly selected from 27 high schools... more
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      Nonparametric StatisticsCommunity HealthAdolescentMotivation
Sporting terms have been used as metaphor and analogy to describe and prescribe life experiences. It has been suggested that the use of sport terminology can assist in the general understanding of complex terms and situations, however,... more
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      Management EducationFootball
Nutrition is an undeniable part of promoting health and performance among football (soccer) players. Nevertheless, nutritional strategies adopted in elite football can vary significantly depending on culture, habit and practical... more
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After the 1990's, the changes in the football world had helped to develop and to grow the economy of football rapidly. The development of digital broadcasting led to build a bigger commercial structure. With the effect of those... more
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      Sports ManagementSport MarketingFootballSport
In this study of the last three UEFA European Football Championship (2000, 2004, 2008), we identify institutional entrepreneurs and examine the strategies they use to influence the institution they are part of (UEFA) through the... more
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      GeographyInformation TechnologyInstitutional TheoryInstitutional Change
OBJECTIVE In the present study we aimed at investigating leptin levels in professional male athletes who have been exercising regularly for a long time and leptin levels in healthy sedentary males. METHODS The study included 10 male... more
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      AnthropometryNeuroendocrinologyLife StyleAdolescent
We test for a relation between football match results and the specific national stock index returns during the period 1990–2006 by means of an event study approach. We employ two different econometric frameworks to cross-check our results... more
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      FootballEvent StudyRegression AnalysisMarket efficiency
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of predicting actual one repetition maximum (1RM) bench press strength from the National Football League (NFL) 225-test in college football players. Forty-one Division II college... more
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      FootballHuman Kinetics
The present study investigated whether football has favorable effects in the treatment of mild-to-moderate arterial hypertension in untrained middle-aged men. Twenty-five untrained males aged 31-54 year with mild-to-moderate hypertension... more
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      SoccerExercise therapyMedicineFootball
The aim of the present study was to examine the influence of first half activity, overall match intensity and seasonal variation on the physical match performances of English Premier League football referees. Match analysis data was... more
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of 30 days of β-alanine supplementation in collegiate football players on anaerobic performance measures. Subjects were randomly divided into a supplement (β-alanine group [BA], 4.5 g·d... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsNutritionFatigueMuscle strength
The objective of this article is to create a typology of football rivalries stemming from historical and/or present conflicts between various ethnic groups. Such football rivalries of an ethnic nature centre on various aspects, including... more
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      Football (soccer)FootballFootball HooliganismFootball Studies
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specifi c statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and... more
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      EngineeringFootballAnklesports traumatology
The aim of this study was to determine effects of field sizes on technical parameters of small-sided games in football players. Eight amateur football players (27.23 ± 3.08 years, heigth: 171.01 ± 5.36 cm, body weigth: 66.86± 4.54 kg,... more
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Concussion (defined as a traumatically induced alteration in mental status, not necessarily with loss of consciousness) is a common form of sports-related injury too often dismissed as trivial by physicians, athletic trainers, coaches,... more
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Background: The relationship between athletic peak performance and psychological training is well studied in various literatures on sports psychology. Insufficient awareness of the practical application of psychological skills training to... more
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      PsychologyPhysical EducationFootballSports
Prior studies have suggested that the prevalence of sleep disordered breathing (SDB) among players in the National Football League (NFL) is disproportionately high. SDB can increase cardiovascular disease risk and is correlated with... more
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      AnthropometryFootballBiological SciencesBlood Glucose
The robust effects of knowledge on memory for domain-relevant information reported in previous research have largely been attributed to improved organizational processing. The present research proposes the distinctiveness theory of... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCognitionTheory
This study explored the social experience of wheelchair rugby from the perspective of the players. Eleven national level rugby players (10 males, 1 female with a mean age of 33 years) shared their experiences through the phenomenological... more
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      Focus GroupsFootballSelf EfficacyPARALYSIS
The physiological characteristics of football referees have received an increasing amount of focus in the scientific literature over the past decade. Studies have examined referee profiles, both physiological and anthropometric, 19 as... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringSoccerRunning
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and has recently completed a Master of Commercial Law (University of Melbourne). He is the Director of Major Sport Projects for Sport and Recreation, Victoria and is responsible for overseeing the development of major sports... more
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      Sports LawPolitical ScienceInternational Sports LawEuropean Union
The goal of this thesis is to investigate the potential of predictive modelling for football injuries. This work was conducted in close collaboration with Tottenham Hotspurs FC (THFC), the PGA European tour and the participation of... more
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      PsychologyMathematicsComputer ScienceFootball
Two common single nucleotide polymorphisms within the COL5A1 gene (SNPs; rs12722 C/T and rs3196378 C/A) have previously been associated with tendon and ligament pathologies. Given the high incidence of tendon and ligament injuries in... more
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      FootballBiological SciencesHaplotypesAthletes
Abstract: Community detection is an important research topic in complex networks. We present the employment of a genetic algorithm to detect communities in complex networks which is based on optimizing network modularity. It does not need... more
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      EngineeringMathematicsComputer ScienceScience Communication
Background: The relationship between athletic peak performance and psychological training is well studied in various literatures on sports psychology. Insufficient awareness of the practical application of psychological skills training to... more
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      Physical EducationFootballSportsSports Psychology