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Зборник Савремена српска фолклористика чине радови који су саопштени на научном скупу, одржаном 4. и 5. октобра 2013. у Новом Саду. Скуп је организовао Центар за истраживање српског фолклора на Одсеку за српску књижевност Филозофског... more
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      HistoryFolkloreChildren's LiteratureNarrative
Зборник Савремена српска фолклористика II настао је као резултат међународног научног скупа који је, у организацији Удружења фолклориста Србије, Института за књижевност и уметност, Универзитетске библиотеке „Светозар Марковић” и Вукове... more
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      EthnolinguisticsEthnomusicologyEthnographyJapanese Literature
ABSTRACT. This paper offers a review of the main collections and studies on these genres of the so-called «oral literature» in Zaragoza and Teruel, from the earliest works to the present. RESUMEN. Este artículo ofrece una aproximación... more
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      PhilologySpanish LiteratureFolkloreLiterature
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      Folklore (Literature)Turkish Folk PoetryAşık EdebiyatıFolk Poetry
In the 20th and 21st century, the tradition of singer-poets gained popularity in Eastern Turkey and its neighboring countries. Many of these artists were bi- or multilingual and thus representative of the ethnically diverse region of... more
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      MusicologyAnatolian StudiesEthnomusicologyKurdish Studies
Díaz-Mas, Paloma y María Sánchez Pérez Los sefardíes y la poesía tradicional hispánica del siglo XVIII. El Cancionero de Abraham Israel (Gibraltar, 1761-1770), Madrid, CSIC, 2013. Indice e introducción de un libro que contiene la edición... more
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      GibraltarMoroccoBalladsSephardic Studies
Este artículo ofrece una aproximación crítica a las principales colecciones y estudios sobre materiales de los géneros de la llamada «literatura oral» en las provincias de Zaragoza y Teruel, desde los primeros trabajos de campo hasta la... more
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      PhilologyFolkloreLiteratureFolk Theatre
This paper offers a review of the main collections and studies on these genres of the so-called «oral literature» in Zaragoza and Teruel, from the earliest works to the present.
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      FolkloreFolk TheatreOral TraditionsBallads
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      Chinese poetryChinese Modern LiteratureFolk PoetryChinese translation
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      FolkloreManuscript StudiesFolktalesBallads
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      Cyprus StudiesMinstrelsy StudiesTurkish Folk PoetryFolk Poetry
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesLais narratifsChivalric literature
1300-luvulla laadittu Eerikinkronikka on Suomen ja Ruotsin historian ensimmäinen kertova lähde, keskiaikainen runoteos, joka kuvaa historiaa noin sadan vuoden ajalta. Totta ja sepitettä yhdistelevä riimikronikka on maailmankirjallisuutta... more
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      Medieval ScandinaviaScandinavian historyLiterary HistoryNarrative poetry
The subject of this study shall consider the outlooks of Prof.Eqrem Çabej regarding the Albanian oral art creativity. This is carried out with a view to properly analyse the views and opinions articulated by Prof.Çabej in his work... more
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      Oral literatureFolk PoetryArt of WritingEqrem Çabej
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      Modern PoetryTurkish LiteratureModern Turkish LiteratureFolk Poetry
In the 20th and 21st century, the tradition of singer-poets gained popularity in Eastern Turkey and its neighboring countries. Many of these artists were bi- or multilingual and thus representative of the ethnically diverse region of... more
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      MusicologyAnatolian StudiesEthnomusicologyKurdish Studies
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      FolkloreFolk literatureMaineFolk Poetry