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Exploring Ancient Magic 1I. MAGIC Texts - II. MIRACLES - III. DAEMONOLOGY IV. DIVINATION - V. ASTROLOGY - VI. ALCHEMY - The Survival of Pagan Magic 457 Psychoactive Substances in Religion and Magic 479 - Vocabula Magica 493 According... more
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      MagicMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)History and Archaeology of the Ancient Near EastMagic and Divination in the Ancient World
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      Eurasian NomadsMedieval tradeHistory of the Volga-Kama RegionEarly medieval Eurasia
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      Inner Asian StudiesAfghanistanCentral Asian StudiesCentral Asia (History)
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      Turkish and Middle East StudiesCentral Eurasian StudiesNomadic PeoplesEurasian nomads, Eastern Europe and Asia in the Early Middle Ages (Archaeology), Byzantine archeology
The main cultural and historical processes in the Ancient World were determined by Eurasian communication of the Early Nomads, which combined remote regions and civilizations, forming a branched of the trans-continental channels of... more
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      ArchaeologyCentral Asian StudiesEurasian NomadsCentral Asian Archaeology
Until relatively recently, the centuries between Xiongnu and Türk domination in the Mongolian steppelands (both north and south of the Gobi Desert) appeared as an archaeological »dark age«. At the same time, the steppe empire of the... more
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      Eurasian NomadsLate AntiquityCentral Eurasian StudiesBactria (Archaeology)
The Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf, as we read it, is already the literary place of a cultural encounter over centuries between an old Germanic heroic story and the Christian culture of the writer, a novel of our days which re-uses the story is... more
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      Reception StudiesAnglo-Saxon StudiesLiterature and cinemaOld English Literature
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      Central Asian StudiesEurasian NomadsTurkish HistoryArchaeology of Central Asia
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      Eurasian NomadsSilk RoadSilk Road StudiesCentral Asian History (Area Studies)
„They asked to Be Settled in Pannonia…” A Study on Integration and Acculturation – The Case of the Avars. In: Ádám Bollók, Gergely Csiky, Tivadar Vida (szerk.) Zwischen Byzanz und der Steppe: archäologische und historische Studien.... more
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyByzantine ArchaeologyMerovingian periodArchaeology of the Avars
There have not been comparative studies of jewellery that encompass the whole of Eurasia until today. Prestige goods like crowns and jewellery are mainly found in graves of the ruling elite. By comparing objects from Kofun period Japan... more
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      Metalwork (Archaeology)Kofun Period (Archaeology)Japanese archaeologyTrade and Exchange
Turkic speaking nomads were one of the main sources of military manpower for the Khwarazmshahs - but at the same time, the nomads followed their own agenda and tried to use their Khwarazmian allies for their purposes. The article analyses... more
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      Military HistoryMedieval HistoryIranian StudiesCentral Asian Studies
The Avars in Medieval Geography and Cartography Samuel Szádeczky-Kardoss and his co-authors spent many years on the written sources on the Avars. Translations and commentaries were published in Hungarian in two volumes. In the published... more
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      Gepids, AvarsEurasian nomads, Eastern Europe and Asia in the Early Middle Ages (Archaeology), Byzantine archeologyAvarsAvar Khaganate
The article evaluates the results of systematic metal detector surveys from the borderland between east Bohemia and northwest Moravia over the past fifteen years, supplemented with a geophysical survey of early medieval hillfort near... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyMerovingian and CarolingianGreat MoraviaLong-distance relationship
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      ChristianityEuropean HistoryEastern European StudiesEuropean Studies
"Barely 120 graves and stray finds can be linked to the nomads inhabiting Eastern Europe between the mid-5th and the second third of the 7th century AD. Russian and Ukrainian scholarship assigns these find assemblages to three... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyArchaeology of the AvarsArchaeology and history of Early medieval Nomads, Old Rus an Slavic archaeologyEurasian nomads, Eastern Europe and Asia in the Early Middle Ages (Archaeology), Byzantine archeology
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      Archaeology of the AvarsArchaeology Of The Migration Period And The Early Middle AgesAncient Goldsmith TechniquesEurasian nomads, Eastern Europe and Asia in the Early Middle Ages (Archaeology), Byzantine archeology
The Funeral Rites of the Bulgarians of the late 6th – early 7th centuries (burials of the Sukhanovo type) This article analyzes the funeral rites of a small group of nomad burials of the Sukhanovo type from the East European steppes.... more
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      Eurasian NomadsKhazar archaeology and historyBulgarian archaeologyEarly medieval Bulgaria
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryCultural History
the archaeological site known in specialized literature as Zápolya Street (sometimes Dostoievski Street, the present-day General Traian Moşoiu Street) is located ca. 1430 m SE of the present-day city center, on the northern edge of the... more
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      Eurasian NomadsHungarian StudiesWeaponsArchaeology of the Hungarian Conquerors
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      Eurasian NomadsEarly Medieval ArchaeologyArchaeology of the AvarsMedieval Warfare
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      Eurasian NomadsArchitectural HistoryEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)Old Turkic
In the 6th–7th century, elites of Eastern Europe and the Carpathian Basin used similar objects to represent their power – mainly the swords with P-shaped suspension loops and horse harnesses. Of the latter, this paper concerns saddles, to... more
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      Archaeology of the AvarsMortuary archaeologyArchaeology and history of Early medieval Nomads, Old Rus an Slavic archaeologyEurasian nomads, Eastern Europe and Asia in the Early Middle Ages (Archaeology), Byzantine archeology
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      Eurasian NomadsArchaeology of the AvarsMedieval Warfareearly Middle Ages
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      British Policy in Middle East and AsiaAsian and Middle Eastern StudiesEurasian nomads, Eastern Europe and Asia in the Early Middle Ages (Archaeology), Byzantine archeologyIslam In Modern Southeast Asia and the Middle East
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      HistoryEastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesRussian Studies
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      ArchaeologyEurasian NomadsIron Age (Archaeology) (Archaeology)Archaeometry
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      Eurasian NomadsEurasian nomads, Eastern Europe and Asia in the Early Middle Ages (Archaeology), Byzantine archeologyHistory of Eurasian Steppe
Резные роговые изделия являются одной из характерных черт кочевых культур (сарматской, тасмолин- ской, пазырыкской) эпохи раннего железного века в горно-степной части Евразии. В Южном Приуралье [Смирнов, 1976], Казахстане [Кадырбаев,... more
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      Eurasian NomadsCentral Eurasian StudiesHistory of KazakhstanScythians
Couverture du IIe volume - catalogue
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryByzantine ArchaeologyEarly medieval numismatics
ISBN 978-84-941099-7-3 Desde tiempos inmemoriales Asia ha sido la cuna de numerosos imperios pero, de entre todos ellos, llegando a abarcar desde el Pacífico hasta el Mediterráneo y desde Siberia hasta el Índico, los mongoles crearon el... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
A retrospective interview with Peter B. Golden.
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      Medieval HistoryInner Asian StudiesEurasian NomadsByzantine Studies
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      ManzikertMedieval Anatolia (Seljuk, Mongol)Roman and Byzantine Asia MinorEurasian nomads, Eastern Europe and Asia in the Early Middle Ages (Archaeology), Byzantine archeology
"Una constante, cuando nos referimos a la mitología griega, consiste en que, a menudo, parece que traspasa la realidad, de manera que ambos mundos, el real y el imaginado, se mezclan. En lo que respecta a las amazonas, existían diversos... more
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      ReligionMythology And FolkloreHistoryAncient History
The Wall: People and Ecology in Medieval Mongolia and China

Gideon Shelach-Lavi (HUJI)

Friday, April 23, 2021 1430 Israeli time (summer!)
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      History of the Mongol EmpireChinese archaeologyHistory of ChinaEurasian nomads, Eastern Europe and Asia in the Early Middle Ages (Archaeology), Byzantine archeology
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      Central Eurasian StudiesEarly medieval BulgariaEurasian nomads, Eastern Europe and Asia in the Early Middle Ages (Archaeology), Byzantine archeologyMediaval History
This is an English-language Summary of the paper in Bulgarian, entitled "Съображения относно езика на Кубратовите българи".
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      Languages and LinguisticsContact LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsIndo-european language reconstruction
Professor Aleksandr Leskov is known in Ukrainian and Russian archaeology as " Sasha the Golden Hand. " Indeed, gold jewelry and toreutic from his excavations in the Crimea and south Ukrainian steppes constitute a significant part of the... more
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      Eurasian NomadsPrehistory of Ukraine (Prehistoric Archaeology)Caucasian Culture (Adyghe, Abkhaz, Ubyh)Scythian archaeology
С 2010 года филиал Института археологии им. А.Х. Маргулана в г. Астана (Самашев и др., 2011) проводит планомерные исследования археологических памятников от эпохи бронзы до тюркского времени южных регионов Казахстана. Одним из объектов,... more
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      PetrophysicsBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Central Eurasian StudiesHistory of Kazakhstan
Eastern Europe and the International Trade (c. 750 - c. 1000) (On the Basis of Written Sources). Magyar Őstörténeti Könyvtár 32. Balassi Kiadó, Budapest 2019. (352 p.) (in Hungarian, with English summary) Contents Preface (Attila Türk)... more
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      Eurasian NomadsEurasian nomads, Eastern Europe and Asia in the Early Middle Ages (Archaeology), Byzantine archeologyHistory of Ancient RussiaThe Scandinavian archeology and history of ancient Russia
Ce huitième titre de la série MONNAIES BYZANTINES DÉCOUVERTES EN DOBROUDJA, initiée par l'auteur en 2010, présente, en deux volumes (vol. I – texte, bibliographie, tables) ; vol. II. – catalogue et planches en couleurs) la documentation... more
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      Byzantine ArchaeologyMedieval BalkansByzantine NumismaticsDobrogea
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    • Eurasian nomads, Eastern Europe and Asia in the Early Middle Ages (Archaeology), Byzantine archeology
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      Military HistoryEastern European StudiesArchaeologyMedieval History
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryEconomic History
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      Eurasian nomads, Eastern Europe and Asia in the Early Middle Ages (Archaeology), Byzantine archeologyHistory and archeology of the Golden HordeCrimean Archaeology
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      Ancient Metal TechnologyCrimeaFibulaeEurasian nomads, Eastern Europe and Asia in the Early Middle Ages (Archaeology), Byzantine archeology
Кулешов Вяч. С. Репетек и Досанг. Караванные клады IX–X вв. // Восемнадцатая Всероссийская нумизматическая конференция (Москва, Коломна, 20–25 апреля 2015 года) : Тезисы докладов и сообщений / Ответственный редактор И. В. Ширяков. М.:... more
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      NumismaticsIslamic NumismaticsMedieval tradeMedieval Islamic Numismatics