Early Childhood Literacy
Recent papers in Early Childhood Literacy
With adoption of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) virtually the whole of the United States is involved in aligning curricula, lesson planning, implementing, and professional development. However, only a small fraction of CCSS... more
This conference presentation makes a case for why a letter-of-the-week approach to teaching alphabet knowledge is a poor choice and is not supported by research on alphabet learning. It also offers alternative instructional approaches.
This study investigates the use of the appropriate language teaching methodology in African classrooms by using Ghana as a case study since the challenges in African classrooms are quite homogeneous in African countries. The study... more
Children's spellings provide a window on their representations of spoken words. These representations may not always match those assumed by the conventional orthography. We examined one specific case in which this may be true, that of... more
This short article describes and demonstrates the 3 cueing systems the brain used to identify words during the act of reading. Also described are the 2-way flow of information during the reading process, the relative unimportance of... more
Move, Act, Play, Sing (MAPS) explored early childhood teaching and learning in the performing arts through community artist interventions and relational practices and pedagogies. The research developed three early childhood centre case... more
""Children under 3½ years of age or so are often thought to produce the same types of scribbles for writing and drawing. We tested this idea by asking Chinese 2- to 6-year-olds to write and draw four targets. In Study 1, Chinese adults... more
This presentation focuses on a study carried out in a French immersion charter school on the scores first-graders obtained on two reading benchmark tests, the DIBELS and its equivalent in French, the IDAPEL. A statistical analysis of the... more
Phonological awareness encompasses three main subsets of skills: awareness of words, syllables, and sounds. These three skills work in concert to support students’ reading development. By purposefully utilizing time in the classroom,... more
This article discusses issues of technology, interactive media and preschool education related to the areas of early language and literacy. From discussions with other researchers and practitioners, we suspect that the status, situations,... more
In this conceptual essay, we offer rationales and evidence for critical components of a working model of text complexity for the early grades. In the first three sections of the article, we examine word-level, syntax-level, and... more
A number of children struggle with literacy, social/emotional skills and motivation to attend school. While there are a number of initiatives to support these children, an imaginative method of support is through our canine companions.... more
Lesen- und Schreibenlernen ist endlich wieder Thema geworden. Aufgrund seiner Bedeutung für die individuelle psychische Entwicklung, den Bildungserfolg und die Lebensplanung von Menschen sowie seiner gesellschaftlichen Relevanz wird es... more
For adults, written spelling is generally superior to oral spelling. To determine whether the same holds true for children in kindergarten through second grade, we compared children's ability to spell real words (Experiment 1) and... more
Courtney Cazden en Sarah Michaels hebben beiden een belangrijke rol gespeeld in het onderzoek naar de waarde van gesprekken in het onderwijs voor het leren van kinderen. Dit interview met Cazden en Michaels vormt de opmaat naar de special... more
Introduction Interactive Writing is a teaching strategy which provides opportunities for the explicit teaching of both authorial skills (text structure, grammar, vocabulary) and secretarial skills (spelling, punctuation and handwriting)... more
Authors: Joel Brown, Koomi Kim, K. O'Brien Ramirez. This article examines how a second-grader demonstrates that reading is not about decoding letters and words in linear order but is a complex activity involving the reader's decisions... more
The intent of this chapter is to suspend the belief in the goodness of literacy -- our chirographic bias -- in order to gain a deeper understanding of how the engagement with texts structures human consciousness, and particularly the... more
This 3-minute mini-lecture describes developmentally appropriate literacy practice in a preschool or kindergarten classroom.
In this article, the authors provide an update on what has happened over recent months with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s proposal for an International Early Learning Study, and review responses to the... more
This study uses data from INAF Brazil (Functional Literacy Index) from 2001 to 2011 in order to examine the impact of education and income on the level of functional literacy of individuals, using a pseudo panel data model. The results... more
Współczesność to czas wymagający głębokiej refleksji nad dzieciństwem. Wymaga ona przede wszystkim podmiotowego spojrzenia na dziecko jako na Osobę wpisaną w historię, kulturę i społeczeństwo. Współczesność obliguje zatem w pewnym sensie... more
When children enter public kindergartens in the current atmosphere of high-stakes testing, they often encounter an emphasis on correctness that casts doubt on the integrity of their personally invented messages, prompting them to ask not... more
Convergence of two complementary agendas motivated collaboration between two universities (in Zambia and Finland) to establish a Centre for Promotion of Literacy in Sub-Saharan Africa (CAPOLSA), focused on initial literacy learning in... more