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De kralen uit Dorestad zijn belangrijk, omdat deze grotendeels dateren uit de Karolingische periode. In Nederland en ook in de buurlanden zijn uit de vroege middeleeuwen vooral grote hoeveelheden Merovingische kralen teruggevonden, uit de... more
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      ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyBeadsViking Glass Beads
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval HistoryVikingsDorestad
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyDorestad
In 2014, a group of detectorists searching a terp near Wirdum in Friesland (Netherlands) discovered a hoard of nearly 100 Carolingian coins, most of Lothar I. The hoard sheds light onto the monetary economy of the 850s in the far north... more
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      Early Medieval HistoryViking Age ArchaeologyCarolingian StudiesEarly medieval numismatics
Over the almost two centuries of excavations at the site of Dorestad, over 20 broadswords were found, in various contexts. But among the 2500 skeletons dug up here, just a few have sword wounds. Among the larger assemblage of weaponry and... more
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      ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyViking Age ArchaeologyCarolingian Studies
During most campaigns at Dorestad, a significant number of beads were excavated. In contrast to beads from Scandinavian emporia such as Ribe, the beads from Dorestad have never been studied as a complete set. Several small bead... more
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      ArchaeologyGift ExchangeEarly Medieval ArchaeologyCarolingian Studies
See the introduction at the beginning of this bibliography for some more information. When I have time, I will make a translation to English.
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval HistoryViking StudiesMedieval Low Countries
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      Germanic linguisticsCeltic LinguisticsOld Germanic LanguagesEarly Middle Ages (History)
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      Ports and HarboursFrisianLanding sitesHedeby
The emporium of Dorestad rose to prominence as the principal export centre for goods coming down from the Rhenish heartlands during the eighth and early ninth centuries. Enticed by its growing wealth and prestige, Viking raiders sacked... more
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      DorestadViking Age Low Countries
Het doel van dit hoofdstuk is in eerste instantie het presenteren van het aardewerkspectrum van het Veilingterrein. Daarom is de keuze gemaakt voor een grote hoeveelheid afbeeldingen die de variatie tonen of juist de uniformiteit binnen... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval PotteryEarly medieval potteryDorestad
introduction The inhabitants of Dorestad must have had an ambivalent attitude towards water. To them, the river was two-faced: on the one hand, it was the very source of their wealth, but on the other hand it was a problem and even a... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyDorestadDorestad (Wijk Bij Duurstede)
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      Bone and AntlerBone ToolsDorestad
Between 1969 and 1994 a large settlement area north of the town of Wijk bij Duurstede in the Netherlands was excavated by the former ROB (now Cultural Herigate Agence of the Netherlands (RCE)) The site called De Geer was occupied over c... more
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      Material Culture StudiesEarly Medieval ArchaeologyNumismaticsMedieval ceramics (Archaeology)
The famous Early Medieval trading town of Dorestad was ruled by Danes for a number of decades. The Frankish king granted them this town after a series of viking raids. Thereafter they rather managed to secure Dorestad from attacks, but... more
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      VikingsCarolingian HistoryDorestad
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      PhilologyHistorical ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
The early-medieval emporium Dorestad was located near the rivers Rhine and Lek, roughly in the centre of the modern day Netherlands. The vicinity of the settlement near these two rivers was not coincidental and greatly influenced the... more
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      HistoryPalaeogeographyArchaeologyLandscape Archaeology
"The location of Dorestad on a high natural levee along a not so active branch of the Rhine in the central Rhine delta was perfect for trade. It was far enough from the coast to be safe from storm floods. The high levee also gave... more
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      PalaeogeographyArchaeologyMedieval HistoryLandscape Archaeology
Zwaarden met versierde klingen, gevaarlijke vleugellansen, schijffibula’s met bloemen en kruisen... Het zijn bekende wapens en accessoires uit de Karolingische tijd, die zowel zijn opgegraven uit de bloeitijd van Karolingisch Dorestad,... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyCarolingian StudiesMedieval illuminated manuscriptsCarolingian manuscripts
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyDorestadDorestad (Wijk Bij Duurstede)
Dorestad was the largest town of the Low Countries in the Carolingian era. As a riverine emporium on the northern edge of the Frankish Empire, it functioned as a European junction, connecting the Viking world with the Continent. In 2019,... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyViking StudiesViking Age ArchaeologyCarolingian Studies
A very rare intact silver ring from the Viking Age recently had been found in the borough of Buren. Cees-Jan van de Pol detected the ring with his metal detector. On the same location also a piece of melted silver in the form of a drop... more
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      ArchaeologyThe Low CountriesEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval History
In de zesde eeuw lag het fort Duristate nog op, laten we zeggen, neutraal terrein. Zowel de Frankische als de Friese machthebbers toonden er weinig belangstelling voor. Handelaren konden hier, op eigen initiatief en hooguit door de lokale... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval HistoryFrisian HistoryDorestad
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyViking Age ScandinaviaMerovingian and CarolingianCarolingian coinage
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      Maritime HistoryEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval HistoryViking Age Archaeology
In de collectie van Museum Dorestad bevinden zich ongeveer vijftig sleutels waarvan er 22 in de vroege middeleeuwen te dateren zijn. Wanneer we deze vroegmiddeleeuwse exemplaren onder de loep nemen, dan blijkt dat er iets merkwaardigs mee... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval HistoryDorestad
"This BSc thesis presents a dendrochronological study on four barrels of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) that were re-used as water wells in the Early Medieval trade centre Dorestad (currently known as Wijk bij Duurstede), in the... more
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      ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyDendrochronology
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyHistory of ArchaeologyDorestad
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyViking StudiesEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)Carolingian period
Die nicht-permanenten Handelsplätze, die im 8. Jahrhundert entstehen und die in ein dichtes Netz von Handelsplätzen eingebunden sind, basierten auf der Grundlage eines Handels mit Luxuswaren und Prestigeobjekten. Dieser... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyPorts and HarboursHarbour ArchaeologyBergen, Norway
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      Maritime HistoryEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval HistoryViking Age Archaeology
Onderzoek van de bijna 400 kralen uit Dorestad in het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden geeft een eerste beeld van het kralengebruik in de 8ste en 9de eeuw in Nederland. Veel kralen die in Dorestad zijn opgegraven, zijn ook bekend in... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyViking Age ArchaeologyCarolingian StudiesBeads
Het doel van dit onderzoek is het reconstrueren van 8e- tot 13e-eeuwse uitwisselingsnetwerken en het testen van het model Dorestad centered op basis van keramiek.
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      HandelDorestadVroege MiddeleeuwenDeventer
Если честно, я сперва просто хотел повесить свой очерк об "аргументе Пиренна" с сайта "". Но в процессе расстановки запятых я стал его дописывать в двух аспектах - 1. влияние "византийского призыва" на начало Крестовых походов,... more
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      Medieval HistoryCrusadesByzantine HistoryFernand Braudel
"The location of Dorestad on a high natural levee along a not so active branch of the Rhine in the central Rhine delta was perfect for trade. It was far enough from the coast to be safe from storm floods. The high levee also gave... more
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryLandscape ArchaeologyUrban History
Over de verhouding tussen Utrecht en Dorestad.
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      KerkgeschiedenisDorestadUtrechtMiddeleeuwse Geschiedenis
In het najaar van 2012 vond een detectorzoeker in de uiterwaarden van de Lek in de buurt van Wijk bij Duurstede een bijzondere gouden vingerring die meteen als ‘Vikingring’ aangemeld werd. Meerdere keren is op dezelfde plaats gezocht,... more
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      Viking Age ArchaeologyVikingsMaterial Culture of the Viking ageDorestad
We developed landscape reconstruction maps of Dorestads surroundings. These palaeogeomorphological maps are based both on the research of Prof. Berendsen (Utrecht University) and the geo-physical survey of the sand deposits in the central... more
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyCultural LandscapesEarly Medieval Archaeology
Samenvattend artikel over de ontdekking van Dorestad door L.J.F. Janssen in de jaren 1840 en de Dorestad-collectie in het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyDorestadVroege Middeleeuwen
"The location of Dorestad on a high natural levee along a not so active branch of the Rhine in the central Rhine delta was perfect for trade. It was far enough from the coast to be safe from storm floods. The high levee also gave... more
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      PalaeogeographyArchaeologyMedieval HistoryLandscape Archaeology
In opdracht van de gemeente Wijk bij Duurstede en onder directievoering van Transect heeft ADC ArcheoProjecten tussen 10 september en 22 december 2014 een Archeologische Begeleiding (conform protocol IVO-P) uitgevoerd op de locatie De... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyEarly medieval potteryDorestad
Poster presented at the 2015 Ten Duinen Colloquium 'Dead Men Talking'
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      Medieval ArchaeologyDress and identityDorestad
De vroeg Middeleeuwse handelsnederzetting Dorestad lag op de grens van het gebied van de Franken, Friezen, Saksen en Noormannen. Door deze grensfunctie en het feit dat het lag op de kruising van de grote handelssnelwegen van die tijd, de... more
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval History
For over a century and a half, the assorted activities of viking hosts in and around the site of Dorestad have been subject to careful deliberation and debate, increasingly illuminating the early Scandinavian influence on this regional... more
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      Conceptual ModellingViking StudiesMedieval Low CountriesViking Age Archaeology
Kanttekeningen bij een aantal opvattingen van de amateurhistoricus Luit van der Tuuk in een bundel over Bonifatius 'in Dorestad' uit 2016.
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Bereits im Jahr 1980 wurden die Befunde der ersten Grabungsfläche aus der Hoogstraat-Grabung, die im heutigen Wijk bij Duurstede in der Provinz Utrecht am linken Ufer des ehemaligen Flussbettes des Kromme Rijn durchgeführt wurde, unter... more
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      Viking StudiesPorts and HarboursMerovingian and CarolingianHarbour Archaeology
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      VikingsCarolingian HistoryDorestad
The use of virtual 3D techniques as a research tool in the interpretation of analogue archaeological data has gained little attention. The current paper will explore whether the use of 3D techniques can help to understand data from old... more
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      Digital ArchaeologyDorestadGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
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      Roman LimesDorestad
On the international conference “Haithabu und die frühe Stadtentwicklung im nördlichen Europa” of the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Archaeological State Museum Schleswig in September 1998 a paper called “Aufstieg, Blüte und... more
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      Viking StudiesPorts and HarboursMerovingian and CarolingianHarbour Archaeology