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(En): The Spanish braggart soldiers of the first half of the 16 th century seemingly represent very varied group. We intend to show that basically two variants of the braggart archetype can be distinguished in Spanish dramatic literature... more
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      ArchetypesSpanish Siglo de Oro DramaSpanish Golden AgeCelestina
The present paper seeks to study the different ways that Diego Sánchez de Badajoz chose to give life to his demonic characters. Some of the characteristics that later became commonplaces are examined here and compared to contemporary... more
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      DevilSpanish Literature of the Golden AgeSpanish Golden Age TheaterDevil In Literature
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      OnomásticaDiego Sánchez De BadajozFiguras tradicionalesFiguras tradicionalizadas
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      Literatura españolaTeatro Siglo de Oro EspañolDiego Sánchez De BadajozFarsas Españolas
El trabajo se propone examinar la figura del morisco en el teatro español de los siglos XVI y XVII. El objetivo es demostrar que el personaje hispano-musulmán aparece, en los casos literarios analizados, como reflejo de una imagen... more
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      Stereotypes and PrejudiceMoriscosLope de VegaComedia barroca